Exemple #1
        private static ValueEval GetValueFromArea(TwoDEval ae, int pRowIx, int pColumnIx)
            Debug.Assert(pRowIx >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(pColumnIx >= 0);

            TwoDEval result = ae;

            if (pRowIx != 0)
                // Slightly irregular logic for bounds checking errors
                if (pRowIx > ae.Height)
                    // high bounds check fail gives #REF! if arg was explicitly passed
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
                result = result.GetRow(pRowIx - 1);

            if (pColumnIx != 0)
                // Slightly irregular logic for bounds checking errors
                if (pColumnIx > ae.Width)
                    // high bounds check fail gives #REF! if arg was explicitly passed
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
                result = result.GetColumn(pColumnIx - 1);
  * Collects values from a single argument
 private void CollectValues(ValueEval operand, DoubleList temp)
     if (operand is TwoDEval)
         TwoDEval ae     = (TwoDEval)operand;
         int      width  = ae.Width;
         int      height = ae.Height;
         for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
             for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                 ValueEval ve = ae.GetValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                 if (!IsSubtotalCounted && ae.IsSubTotal(rrIx, rcIx))
                 CollectValue(ve, true, temp);
     if (operand is RefEval)
         RefEval re = (RefEval)operand;
         CollectValue(re.InnerValueEval, true, temp);
     CollectValue((ValueEval)operand, false, temp);
Exemple #3
	 * @return the number of evaluated cells in the range that match the specified criteria
        public static int CountMatchingCellsInArea(TwoDEval areaEval, I_MatchPredicate criteriaPredicate)
            int result = 0;

            int height = areaEval.Height;
            int width = areaEval.Width;
            for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                    ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetValue(rrIx, rcIx);

                    if (criteriaPredicate is I_MatchAreaPredicate)
                        I_MatchAreaPredicate areaPredicate = (I_MatchAreaPredicate)criteriaPredicate;
                        if (!areaPredicate.Matches(areaEval, rrIx, rcIx)) continue;

                    if (criteriaPredicate.Matches(ve))
            return result;
Exemple #4
        public ValueEval Evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval arg0, ValueEval arg1,
                                  ValueEval arg2)
            //AreaEval reference = ConvertFirstArg(arg0);

            //bool colArgWasPassed = true;
            //    int columnIx = ResolveIndexArg(arg2, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
            //    int rowIx = ResolveIndexArg(arg1, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
            //    return GetValueFromArea(reference, rowIx, columnIx, colArgWasPassed, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
            //catch (EvaluationException e)
            //    return e.GetErrorEval();
            TwoDEval reference = ConvertFirstArg(arg0);

                int columnIx = ResolveIndexArg(arg2, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
                int rowIx    = ResolveIndexArg(arg1, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
                return(GetValueFromArea(reference, rowIx, columnIx));
            catch (EvaluationException e)
Exemple #5
         * @return the number of evaluated cells in the range that match the specified criteria
        public static int CountMatchingCellsInArea(TwoDEval areaEval, IMatchPredicate criteriaPredicate)
            int result = 0;

            int height = areaEval.Height;
            int width  = areaEval.Width;

            for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                    ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetValue(rrIx, rcIx);

                    if (criteriaPredicate is I_MatchAreaPredicate)
                        I_MatchAreaPredicate areaPredicate = (I_MatchAreaPredicate)criteriaPredicate;
                        if (!areaPredicate.Matches(areaEval, rrIx, rcIx))

                    if (criteriaPredicate.Matches(ve))
Exemple #6
 private ValueEval evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval lookupEval, ValueEval indexEval,
                            ValueEval returnEval, String notFound, LookupUtils.MatchMode matchMode,
                            LookupUtils.SearchMode searchMode, bool isSingleValue)
         ValueEval lookupValue = OperandResolver.GetSingleValue(lookupEval, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
         TwoDEval  tableArray  = LookupUtils.ResolveTableArrayArg(indexEval);
         int       matchedRow;
             matchedRow = LookupUtils.XlookupIndexOfValue(lookupValue, LookupUtils.CreateColumnVector(tableArray, 0), matchMode, searchMode);
         catch (EvaluationException e)
             if (ErrorEval.NA.Equals(e.GetErrorEval()))
                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notFound))
                     if (returnEval is AreaEval)
                         AreaEval area  = (AreaEval)returnEval;
                         int      width = area.Width;
                         if (isSingleValue || width <= 1)
                             return(new StringEval(notFound));
                         return(new NotFoundAreaEval(notFound, width));
                         return(new StringEval(notFound));
         if (returnEval is AreaEval)
             AreaEval area = (AreaEval)returnEval;
             if (isSingleValue)
                 return(area.GetRelativeValue(matchedRow, 0));
             return(area.Offset(matchedRow, matchedRow, 0, area.Width - 1));
     catch (EvaluationException e)
Exemple #7
  * @return <c>null</c> if the supplied area is neither a single row nor a single colum
 public static ValueVector CreateVector(TwoDEval ae)
     if (ae.IsColumn)
         return(CreateColumnVector(ae, 0));
     if (ae.IsRow)
         return(CreateRowVector(ae, 0));
Exemple #8
         * For a given database returns the column number for a column heading.
         * @param db Database.
         * @param name Column heading.
         * @return Corresponding column number.
         * @If it's not possible to turn all headings into strings.
        private static int GetColumnForString(TwoDEval db, String name)
            int resultColumn = -1;

            for (int column = 0; column < db.Width; ++column)
                ValueEval columnNameValueEval = db.GetValue(0, column);
                String    columnName          = GetStringFromValueEval(columnNameValueEval);
                if (name.Equals(columnName))
                    resultColumn = column;
Exemple #9
        private static void ThrowFirstError(TwoDEval areaEval)
            int height = areaEval.Height;
            int width  = areaEval.Width;

            for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                    ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                    if (ve is ErrorEval)
                        throw new EvaluationException((ErrorEval)ve);
Exemple #10
 private static bool AreasAllSameSize(TwoDEval[] args, int height, int width)
     for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
         TwoDEval areaEval = args[i];
         // check that height and width match
         if (areaEval.Height != height)
         if (areaEval.Width != width)
Exemple #11
        public ValueEval Evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval arg0, ValueEval arg1)
            //AreaEval reference = ConvertFirstArg(arg0);

            //bool colArgWasPassed = false;
            //int columnIx = 0;
            //    int rowIx = ResolveIndexArg(arg1, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
            //    return GetValueFromArea(reference, rowIx, columnIx, colArgWasPassed, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
            //catch (EvaluationException e)
            //    return e.GetErrorEval();
            TwoDEval reference = ConvertFirstArg(arg0);

            int columnIx = 0;

                int rowIx = ResolveIndexArg(arg1, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);

                if (!reference.IsColumn)
                    if (!reference.IsRow)
                        // always an error with 2-D area refs
                        // Note - the type of error changes if the pRowArg is negative
                    // When the two-arg version of INDEX() has been invoked and the reference
                    // is a single column ref, the row arg seems to get used as the column index
                    columnIx = rowIx;
                    rowIx    = 0;

                return(GetValueFromArea(reference, rowIx, columnIx));
            catch (EvaluationException e)
Exemple #12
         * Returns the first column index that matches the given name. The name can either be
         * a string or an integer, when it's an integer, then the respective column
         * (1 based index) is returned.
         * @param nameValueEval
         * @param db
         * @return the first column index that matches the given name (or int)
         * @
        private static int GetColumnForTag(ValueEval nameValueEval, TwoDEval db)
            int resultColumn = -1;

            // Numbers as column indicator are allowed, check that.
            if (nameValueEval is NumericValueEval)
                double doubleResultColumn = ((NumericValueEval)nameValueEval).NumberValue;
                resultColumn = (int)doubleResultColumn;
                // Floating comparisions are usually not possible, but should work for 0.0.
                if (doubleResultColumn - resultColumn != 0.0)
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
                resultColumn -= 1; // Numbers are 1-based not 0-based.
                resultColumn = GetColumnForName(nameValueEval, db);
Exemple #13
 private ValueEval evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval lookupEval, ValueEval indexEval,
                            LookupUtils.MatchMode matchMode, LookupUtils.SearchMode searchMode)
         ValueEval   lookupValue = OperandResolver.GetSingleValue(lookupEval, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
         TwoDEval    tableArray  = LookupUtils.ResolveTableArrayArg(indexEval);
         ValueVector vector;
         if (tableArray.IsColumn)
             vector = LookupUtils.CreateColumnVector(tableArray, 0);
             vector = LookupUtils.CreateRowVector(tableArray, 0);
         int matchedIdx = LookupUtils.XlookupIndexOfValue(lookupValue, vector, matchMode, searchMode);
         return(new NumberEval((double)matchedIdx + 1));
     catch (EvaluationException e)
Exemple #14
 private static int GetColumnForName(ValueEval nameValueEval, TwoDEval db)
     String name = GetStringFromValueEval(nameValueEval);
     return GetColumnForString(db, name);
Exemple #15
 public static ValueVector CreateRowVector(TwoDEval tableArray, int relativeRowIndex)
     return new RowVector((AreaEval)tableArray, relativeRowIndex);
Exemple #16
        private bool Calculate(ValueEval[] args)
            bool result             = InitialResultValue;
            bool atleastOneNonBlank = false;

             * Note: no short-circuit bool loop exit because any ErrorEvals will override the result
            for (int i = 0, iSize = args.Length; i < iSize; i++)
                ValueEval arg = args[i];
                if (arg is TwoDEval)
                    TwoDEval ae     = (TwoDEval)arg;
                    int      height = ae.Height;
                    int      width  = ae.Width;
                    for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                        for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                            ValueEval ve = ae.GetValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                            tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, true);
                            if (tempVe != null)
                                result             = PartialEvaluate(result, Convert.ToBoolean(tempVe, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                atleastOneNonBlank = true;

                if (arg is RefEval)
                    ValueEval ve = ((RefEval)arg).InnerValueEval;
                    tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, true);
                else if (arg is ValueEval)
                    ValueEval ve = (ValueEval)arg;
                    tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, false);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected eval (" + arg.GetType().Name + ")");

                if (tempVe != null)
                    result             = PartialEvaluate(result, Convert.ToBoolean(tempVe, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    atleastOneNonBlank = true;

            if (!atleastOneNonBlank)
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
Exemple #17
  * For a given database returns the column number for a column heading.
  * @param db Database.
  * @param name Column heading.
  * @return Corresponding column number.
  * @If it's not possible to turn all headings into strings.
 private static int GetColumnForString(TwoDEval db, String name)
     int resultColumn = -1;
     for (int column = 0; column < db.Width; ++column)
         ValueEval columnNameValueEval = db.GetValue(0, column);
         String columnName = GetStringFromValueEval(columnNameValueEval);
         if (name.Equals(columnName))
             resultColumn = column;
     return resultColumn;
 public AreaValueArray(TwoDEval ae)
     : base(ae.Width * ae.Height)
     _ae = ae;
     _width = ae.Width;
Exemple #19
 public static ValueVector CreateColumnVector(TwoDEval tableArray, int relativeColumnIndex)
     return(new ColumnVector((AreaEval)tableArray, relativeColumnIndex));
Exemple #20
        private bool Calculate(ValueEval[] args)
            bool result             = InitialResultValue;
            bool atleastOneNonBlank = false;

             * Note: no short-circuit bool loop exit because any ErrorEvals will override the result
            foreach (ValueEval arg in args)
                if (arg is TwoDEval)
                    TwoDEval ae     = (TwoDEval)arg;
                    int      height = ae.Height;
                    int      width  = ae.Width;
                    for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                        for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                            ValueEval ve = ae.GetValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                            tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, true);
                            if (tempVe != null)
                                result             = PartialEvaluate(result, Convert.ToBoolean(tempVe, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                atleastOneNonBlank = true;

                if (arg is RefEval)
                    RefEval re = (RefEval)arg;
                    int     firstSheetIndex = re.FirstSheetIndex;
                    int     lastSheetIndex  = re.LastSheetIndex;
                    for (int sIx = firstSheetIndex; sIx <= lastSheetIndex; sIx++)
                        ValueEval ve = re.GetInnerValueEval(sIx);
                        tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, true);
                        if (tempVe != null)
                            result             = PartialEvaluate(result, tempVe.Value);
                            atleastOneNonBlank = true;
                //else if (arg is ValueEval)
                //    ValueEval ve = (ValueEval)arg;
                //    tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, false);
                if (arg == MissingArgEval.instance)
                    tempVe = null; // you can leave out parameters, they are simply ignored
                    tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(arg, false);

                if (tempVe != null)
                    result             = PartialEvaluate(result, Convert.ToBoolean(tempVe, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    atleastOneNonBlank = true;

            if (!atleastOneNonBlank)
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
Exemple #21
         * Returns the first column index that matches the given name. The name can either be
         * a string or an integer, when it's an integer, then the respective column
         * (1 based index) is returned.
         * @param nameValueEval
         * @param db
         * @return the first column index that matches the given name (or int)
         * @
        private static int GetColumnForTag(ValueEval nameValueEval, TwoDEval db)
            int resultColumn = -1;

            // Numbers as column indicator are allowed, check that.
            if (nameValueEval is NumericValueEval)
                double doubleResultColumn = ((NumericValueEval)nameValueEval).NumberValue;
                resultColumn = (int)doubleResultColumn;
                // Floating comparisions are usually not possible, but should work for 0.0.
                if (doubleResultColumn - resultColumn != 0.0)
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
                resultColumn -= 1; // Numbers are 1-based not 0-based.
                resultColumn = GetColumnForName(nameValueEval, db);
            return resultColumn;
Exemple #22
        private static int GetColumnForName(ValueEval nameValueEval, TwoDEval db)
            String name = GetStringFromValueEval(nameValueEval);

            return(GetColumnForString(db, name));
Exemple #23
         * Checks a row in a database against a condition database.
         * @param db Database.
         * @param row The row in the database to Check.
         * @param cdb The condition database to use for Checking.
         * @return Whether the row matches the conditions.
         * @If references could not be Resolved or comparison
         * operators and operands didn't match.
        private static bool FullFillsConditions(TwoDEval db, int row, TwoDEval cdb)
            // Only one row must match to accept the input, so rows are ORed.
            // Each row is made up of cells where each cell is a condition,
            // all have to match, so they are ANDed.
            for (int conditionRow = 1; conditionRow < cdb.Height; ++conditionRow)
                bool matches = true;
                for (int column = 0; column < cdb.Width; ++column)
                { // columns are ANDed
                    // Whether the condition column matches a database column, if not it's a
                    // special column that accepts formulas.
                    bool columnCondition = true;
                    ValueEval condition = null;
                        // The condition to Apply.
                        condition = solveReference(cdb.GetValue(conditionRow, column));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // It might be a special formula, then it is ok if it fails.
                        columnCondition = false;
                    // If the condition is empty it matches.
                    if (condition is BlankEval)
                    // The column in the DB to apply the condition to.
                    ValueEval targetHeader = solveReference(cdb.GetValue(0, column));
                    targetHeader = solveReference(targetHeader);

                    if (!(targetHeader is StringValueEval))
                        columnCondition = false;
                    else if (GetColumnForName(targetHeader, db) == -1)
                        // No column found, it's again a special column that accepts formulas.
                        columnCondition = false;

                    if (columnCondition == true)
                    { // normal column condition
                        // Should not throw, Checked above.
                        ValueEval target = db.GetValue(
                                row, GetColumnForName(targetHeader, db));
                        // Must be a string.
                        String conditionString = GetStringFromValueEval(condition);
                        if (!testNormalCondition(target, conditionString))
                            matches = false;
                    { // It's a special formula condition.
                        throw new NotImplementedException(
                                "D* function with formula conditions");
                if (matches == true)
                    return true;
            return false;
Exemple #24
         * Checks a row in a database against a condition database.
         * @param db Database.
         * @param row The row in the database to Check.
         * @param cdb The condition database to use for Checking.
         * @return Whether the row matches the conditions.
         * @If references could not be Resolved or comparison
         * operators and operands didn't match.
        private static bool FullFillsConditions(TwoDEval db, int row, TwoDEval cdb)
            // Only one row must match to accept the input, so rows are ORed.
            // Each row is made up of cells where each cell is a condition,
            // all have to match, so they are ANDed.
            for (int conditionRow = 1; conditionRow < cdb.Height; ++conditionRow)
                bool matches = true;
                for (int column = 0; column < cdb.Width; ++column)
                { // columns are ANDed
                    // Whether the condition column matches a database column, if not it's a
                    // special column that accepts formulas.
                    bool      columnCondition = true;
                    ValueEval condition       = null;
                        // The condition to Apply.
                        condition = solveReference(cdb.GetValue(conditionRow, column));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // It might be a special formula, then it is ok if it fails.
                        columnCondition = false;
                    // If the condition is empty it matches.
                    if (condition is BlankEval)
                    // The column in the DB to apply the condition to.
                    ValueEval targetHeader = solveReference(cdb.GetValue(0, column));
                    targetHeader = solveReference(targetHeader);

                    if (!(targetHeader is StringValueEval))
                        columnCondition = false;
                    else if (GetColumnForName(targetHeader, db) == -1)
                        // No column found, it's again a special column that accepts formulas.
                        columnCondition = false;

                    if (columnCondition == true)
                    { // normal column condition
                        // Should not throw, Checked above.
                        ValueEval target = db.GetValue(
                            row, GetColumnForName(targetHeader, db));
                        // Must be a string.
                        String conditionString = GetStringFromValueEval(condition);
                        if (!testNormalCondition(target, conditionString))
                            matches = false;
                    { // It's a special formula condition.
                        throw new NotImplementedException(
                                  "D* function with formula conditions");
                if (matches == true)
Exemple #25
        public ValueEval Evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex,
                                  ValueEval database, ValueEval filterColumn, ValueEval conditionDatabase)
            // Input Processing and error Checks.
            if (!(database is TwoDEval) || !(conditionDatabase is TwoDEval))
            TwoDEval db  = (TwoDEval)database;
            TwoDEval cdb = (TwoDEval)conditionDatabase;

            int fc;

                fc = GetColumnForName(filterColumn, db);
            catch (EvaluationException e)
            if (fc == -1)
            { // column not found

            // Reset algorithm.

            // Iterate over all db entries.
            for (int row = 1; row < db.Height; ++row)
                bool matches = true;
                    matches = FullFillsConditions(db, row, cdb);
                catch (EvaluationException e)
                // Filter each entry.
                if (matches)
                        ValueEval currentValueEval = solveReference(db.GetValue(row, fc));
                        // Pass the match to the algorithm and conditionally abort the search.
                        bool shouldContinue = algorithm.ProcessMatch(currentValueEval);
                        if (!shouldContinue)
                    catch (EvaluationException e)

            // Return the result of the algorithm.
Exemple #26
  * don't count cells that are subtotals
 public bool Matches(TwoDEval areEval, int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
     return !areEval.IsSubTotal(rowIndex, columnIndex);
Exemple #27
 public static ValueVector CreateColumnVector(TwoDEval tableArray, int relativeColumnIndex)
     return new ColumnVector((AreaEval)tableArray, relativeColumnIndex);
Exemple #28
  * don't count cells that are subtotals
 public bool Matches(TwoDEval areEval, int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
     return(!areEval.IsSubTotal(rowIndex, columnIndex));
Exemple #29
 * @return <c>null</c> if the supplied area is neither a single row nor a single colum
        public static ValueVector CreateVector(TwoDEval ae)
            if (ae.IsColumn)
                return CreateColumnVector(ae, 0);
            if (ae.IsRow)
                return CreateRowVector(ae, 0);
            return null;
Exemple #30
 private static void ThrowFirstError(TwoDEval areaEval)
     int height = areaEval.Height;
     int width = areaEval.Width;
     for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
         for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
             ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetValue(rrIx, rcIx);
             if (ve is ErrorEval)
                 throw new EvaluationException((ErrorEval)ve);
Exemple #31
        private static ValueEval GetValueFromArea(TwoDEval ae, int pRowIx, int pColumnIx)
            Debug.Assert(pRowIx >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(pColumnIx >= 0);

            TwoDEval result = ae;

            if (pRowIx != 0)
                // Slightly irregular logic for bounds checking errors
                if (pRowIx > ae.Height)
                    // high bounds check fail gives #REF! if arg was explicitly passed
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
                result = result.GetRow(pRowIx - 1);

            if (pColumnIx != 0)
                // Slightly irregular logic for bounds checking errors
                if (pColumnIx > ae.Width)
                    // high bounds check fail gives #REF! if arg was explicitly passed
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
                result = result.GetColumn(pColumnIx - 1);
            return result;
Exemple #32
 private static bool AreasAllSameSize(TwoDEval[] args, int height, int width)
     for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
         TwoDEval areaEval = args[i];
         // check that height and width match
         if (areaEval.Height != height)
             return false;
         if (areaEval.Width != width)
             return false;
     return true;
Exemple #33
  * Returns one column from an <c>AreaEval</c>
  * @(#VALUE!) if colIndex Is negative, (#REF!) if colIndex Is too high
 private ValueVector CreateResultColumnVector(TwoDEval tableArray, int colIndex)
     if (colIndex >= tableArray.Width)
         throw EvaluationException.InvalidRef();
     return LookupUtils.CreateColumnVector(tableArray, colIndex);
Exemple #34
 public static ValueVector CreateRowVector(TwoDEval tableArray, int relativeRowIndex)
     return(new RowVector((AreaEval)tableArray, relativeRowIndex));