protected override void OnResult(string data) { List<TweetTemplate> loadedTweets = new List<TweetTemplate>(); List<object> tweets = ANMiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(data) as List<object>; foreach(object tweet in tweets) { Dictionary<string, object> tweetJSON = (tweet as Dictionary<string, object>); TweetTemplate tpl = new TweetTemplate(); = tweetJSON["id_str"] as string; tpl.created_at = tweetJSON["created_at"] as string; tpl.text = tweetJSON["text"] as string; tpl.source = tweetJSON["source"] as string; tpl.in_reply_to_status_id = tweetJSON["in_reply_to_status_id"] as string; tpl.in_reply_to_user_id = tweetJSON["in_reply_to_user_id"] as string; tpl.in_reply_to_screen_name = tweetJSON["in_reply_to_screen_name"] as string; tpl.geo = tweetJSON["geo"] as string; = tweetJSON["place"] as string; tpl.lang = tweetJSON["lang"] as string; tpl.retweet_count = System.Convert.ToInt32(tweetJSON["retweet_count"] as string); tpl.favorite_count = System.Convert.ToInt32(tweetJSON["favorite_count"] as string); TwitterUserInfo user = new TwitterUserInfo(tweetJSON["user"] as IDictionary); tpl.user_id =; TwitterDataCash.AddTweet(tpl); TwitterDataCash.AddUser(user); loadedTweets.Add(tpl); } TW_APIRequstResult result = new TW_APIRequstResult(true, data); result.tweets = loadedTweets; dispatch(BaseEvent.COMPLETE, result); }
public static void AddUser(TwitterUserInfo u) { if (!users.ContainsKey( { users.Add(, u); } }
private void OnUserDataLoaded(string data) { _userInfo = new TwitterUserInfo(data); TWResult res = new TWResult(true, data); OnUserDataRequestCompleteAction(res); }
private void OnUserDataLoaded(string data) { _userInfo = new TwitterUserInfo(data); TWResult res = new TWResult(true, data); dispatch(TwitterEvents.USER_DATA_LOADED, res); OnUserDataRequestCompleteAction(res); }
private string GetTwitterUserInfoPage(TwitterUserInfo user) { Page page = new Page(); HtmlForm form = new HtmlForm(); form.EnableViewState = false; TwitterUserInfoView ctrl = (TwitterUserInfoView)page.LoadControl(PathProvider.GetFileStaticRelativePath("SocialMedia/TwitterUserInfoView.ascx")); ctrl.UserInfo = user; form.Controls.Add(ctrl); page.Controls.Add(form); return(RenderPage(page)); }
protected override void OnResult(string data) { List <TweetTemplate> loadedTweets = new List <TweetTemplate>(); Dictionary <string, object> statuses = ANMiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(data) as Dictionary <string, object>; List <object> tweets = statuses["statuses"] as List <object>; foreach (object tweet in tweets) { Dictionary <string, object> tweetJSON = (tweet as Dictionary <string, object>); TweetTemplate tpl = new TweetTemplate(); = tweetJSON["id_str"] as string; tpl.created_at = tweetJSON["created_at"] as string; tpl.text = tweetJSON["text"] as string; tpl.source = tweetJSON["source"] as string; tpl.in_reply_to_status_id = tweetJSON["in_reply_to_status_id"] as string; tpl.in_reply_to_user_id = tweetJSON["in_reply_to_user_id"] as string; tpl.in_reply_to_screen_name = tweetJSON["in_reply_to_screen_name"] as string; tpl.geo = tweetJSON["geo"] as string; = tweetJSON["place"] as string; tpl.lang = tweetJSON["lang"] as string; tpl.retweet_count = System.Convert.ToInt32(tweetJSON["retweet_count"] as string); tpl.favorite_count = System.Convert.ToInt32(tweetJSON["favorite_count"] as string); TwitterUserInfo user = new TwitterUserInfo(tweetJSON["user"] as IDictionary); tpl.user_id =; TwitterDataCash.AddTweet(tpl); TwitterDataCash.AddUser(user); loadedTweets.Add(tpl); } TW_APIRequstResult result = new TW_APIRequstResult(true, data); result.tweets = loadedTweets; dispatch(BaseEvent.COMPLETE, result); }
protected void AssignUsernameAndEmail() { Page.Validate(); if (!IsValid) { return; } if (Session["TwitterUser"] == null) { return; } TwitterUserInfo twitterUser = (TwitterUserInfo)Session["TwitterUser"]; Session.Remove("TwitterUser"); if (Request.Form[tbPickUserName.UniqueID] != null && Utils.User.GetUserIdByUserName(tbPickUserName.Text) != 0) { Response.Write(string.Format("Username {0} already exists, please select another. <a href='twitterlogin.aspx'>Try again</a>.", tbPickUserName.Text)); Response.End(); return; } if (Utils.User.GetUserIdByEmail(tbEmail.Text) != 0) { Response.Write(string.Format("Email {0} already exists, please select another or use the password recovery form. <a href='twitterlogin.aspx'>Try again</a>.", tbEmail.Text)); Response.End(); return; } string username = (Request.Form[tbPickUserName.UniqueID] != null) ? tbPickUserName.Text : twitterUser.twitterUsername; Utils.User.CreateUser(username, tbEmail.Text, CryptoUtils.GenerateRandomNumericCode(), twitterUser.twitterHomepage, twitterUser.twitterBio, false, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "", twitterUser.twitterUsername, ""); int userId = 0; string userName; Utils.User.GetUserByTwitterNameId(twitterUser.twitterUsername, out userId, out userName); SaveAvatarFromTwitter(userId, twitterUser.twitterImageURL); Utils.User.Login(userId, userName); Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); }
protected override void OnResult(string data) { List<TwitterUserInfo> loadedUsers = new List<TwitterUserInfo>(); foreach(object user in ANMiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(data) as List<object>) { TwitterUserInfo userInfo = new TwitterUserInfo(user as IDictionary); TwitterDataCash.AddUser(userInfo); loadedUsers.Add(userInfo); } TW_APIRequstResult result = new TW_APIRequstResult(true, data); result.users = loadedUsers; SendCompleteResult(result); }
public string ShowTwitterUserRelationWindow(string userID) { try { //Process authorization if (!ProcessAuthorization(HttpContext.Current)) { AccessDenied(HttpContext.Current); return(null); } TwitterDataProvider provider = new TwitterDataProvider(TwitterApiHelper.GetTwitterApiInfoForCurrentUser()); TwitterUserInfo user = provider.LoadUserInfo(Convert.ToDecimal(userID)); return(GetTwitterUserInfoPage(user)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ProcessError(ex, "ShowTwitterUserRelationWindow"); } }
protected override void OnResult(string data) { List <TwitterUserInfo> loadedUsers = new List <TwitterUserInfo>(); foreach (object user in ANMiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(data) as List <object> ) { TwitterUserInfo userInfo = new TwitterUserInfo(user as IDictionary); TwitterDataCash.AddUser(userInfo); loadedUsers.Add(userInfo); } TW_APIRequstResult result = new TW_APIRequstResult(true, data); result.users = loadedUsers; SendCompleteResult(result); }
public static void AddUser(TwitterUserInfo u) { if(!users.ContainsKey( { users.Add(, u); } }
private void OnUserDataLoaded(string data) { _userInfo = new TwitterUserInfo(data); dispatch(TwitterEvents.USER_DATA_LOADED); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { oAuthTwitter oAuth = new Utils.oAuthTwitter(); oAuth.ConsumerKey = Utils.Settings.TwitterConsumerKey; oAuth.ConsumerSecret = Utils.Settings.TwitterConsumerSecret; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request["oauth_token"] == null) { //Redirect the user to Twitter for authorization. //Using oauth_callback for local testing. oAuth.CallBackUrl = Request.Url.ToString(); try { Response.Redirect(oAuth.AuthorizationLinkGet()); } catch { lblError.Visible = true; return; } } else { //Get the access token and secret. try { oAuth.AccessTokenGet(Request["oauth_token"], Request["oauth_verifier"]); } catch { lblError.Visible = true; return; } if (oAuth.TokenSecret.Length > 0) { //We now have the credentials, so make a call to the Twitter API. string url = ""; string json = oAuth.oAuthWebRequest(oAuthTwitter.Method.GET, url, String.Empty); var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var data = jss.Deserialize <dynamic>(json); TwitterUserInfo twitterUser = new TwitterUserInfo(); twitterUser.twitterUsername = data["screen_name"]; twitterUser.twitterHomepage = data["url"]; twitterUser.twitterBio = data["description"]; twitterUser.twitterImageURL = data["profile_image_url"]; int userId; string userName; Utils.User.GetUserByTwitterNameId(twitterUser.twitterUsername, out userId, out userName); //existing twitter user if (userId != 0) { Utils.User.Login(userId, userName); Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); } else //we have to add a new user { lblTwitterName.Text = twitterUser.twitterUsername; Session["TwitterUser"] = twitterUser; if (Utils.User.GetUserIdByUserName(twitterUser.twitterUsername) != 0) //user already exists, lets show "pick username" { trPickUserName.Visible = pPickUserName.Visible = true; } } } } } else if (Request.Form["pickusernamebtn"] != null) //user picked the username and clicked the btn { AssignUsernameAndEmail(); } }