public void ProcessHashTag(string hashtag, PatternCard patternCard, Goal goal) { // Get all tweets from hashtag var tweets = _twitter.GetTweets(hashtag, TwitterSearchResultType.Recent, 200); foreach (var tweet in tweets) { // Create Contact + Identifier + Personal Info var contact = CreateOrGetContact(hashtag, tweet); if (contact == null) { continue; } // Create Interaction var isNewInteraction = false; var interaction = CreateOrGetInteraction(hashtag, contact, tweet, goal, out isNewInteraction); if (interaction == null) { continue; } // Apply Pattern Card to the Contact if the Interaction is new if (isNewInteraction && patternCard != null) { ApplyPatternCard(contact, tweet, patternCard); } } }
public ActionResult UserTimeLine() { //TODO: Fix input form so user can search for user and amount, instead of hardcoded. var twitter = new Twitter.Twitter("4rNfhgUrI6yklSBVhmU3U1F8q", "kYsjQzU7QVof9USCQHucFi3p2ox61q2GxNVYcDSzTiBzu0C0vT", "1001781311051390978-Tj0aXHjC3GSuqGFde9AFp6z9Wjp4i2", "BxYSpsScwSW9oxMIozpYpNv7efJhXIihvXduGgUU32S3K"); string user = "******"; int count = 5; var response = twitter.GetTweets(user, count); List <string> timeLine = new List <string>(); dynamic timeline = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Decode(response); var homeModel = new Home() { TimeLine = timeLine }; foreach (dynamic tweet in timeline) { string text = tweet.text; timeLine.Add(text); } ViewBag.Header = "@" + user; return(View(homeModel)); }