public static void Main(string[] args)
            CloudRail.AppKey = "[Your CloudRail Key]";

            List <ISMS> services = new List <ISMS>();

            Nexmo nexmo = new Nexmo(null, "[Nexmo API Key]", "[Nexmo API Secret]");


            Twilio twilio = new Twilio(null, "[Twilio Account SID]", "[Twilio Auth Token]");


            Twizo twizo = new Twizo(null, "[Twizo Key]");


            foreach (ISMS service in services)
                    service.SendSMS("[Sending Number]", "[Receiving Number]", "Hello from " + service);
                catch (Exception e)
        public async Task GetTextMessageBodyAsync_Sentence_NullOrEmpty_Ignored(string nullOrEmpty)
            var firstSentenceProvider = new Mock <IResponseSentenceProvider>();

            firstSentenceProvider.Setup(p => p.GetResponseSentence(
                                            It.IsAny <GameOption>(), It.IsAny <GameOption>(),
                                            It.IsAny <TurnWinner>(), It.IsAny <PlayerTurnResult>()))

            var secondSentenceProvider = new Mock <IResponseSentenceProvider>();

            secondSentenceProvider.Setup(p => p.GetResponseSentence(
                                             It.IsAny <GameOption>(), It.IsAny <GameOption>(),
                                             It.IsAny <TurnWinner>(), It.IsAny <PlayerTurnResult>()))

            var target = new Twilio(MockStatelessServiceContextFactory.Default,
                                    new[] { firstSentenceProvider.Object, secondSentenceProvider.Object });

            var result = await target.GetTextMessageBodyAsync(
                GameOption.Paper, GameOption.Scissor,
                TurnWinner.Tie, null);

            Assert.AreEqual("A", result);
        public async Task GetTextMessageBodyAsync_Exception_BubblesUp()
            var firstSentenceProvider = new Mock <IResponseSentenceProvider>();

            firstSentenceProvider.Setup(p => p.GetResponseSentence(
                                            It.IsAny <GameOption>(), It.IsAny <GameOption>(),
                                            It.IsAny <TurnWinner>(), It.IsAny <PlayerTurnResult>()))

            var secondSentenceProvider = new Mock <IResponseSentenceProvider>();

            secondSentenceProvider.Setup(p => p.GetResponseSentence(
                                             It.IsAny <GameOption>(), It.IsAny <GameOption>(),
                                             It.IsAny <TurnWinner>(), It.IsAny <PlayerTurnResult>()))
            .Throws(new ValidationException("Some exception."));

            var target = new Twilio(MockStatelessServiceContextFactory.Default,
                                    new[] { firstSentenceProvider.Object, secondSentenceProvider.Object });

            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ValidationException>(
                async() => await target.GetTextMessageBodyAsync(
                    GameOption.Paper, GameOption.Scissor,
                    TurnWinner.Tie, null));

            Assert.AreEqual("Some exception.", exception.Message);
        public async Task<IActionResult> RedirectTextReply(Twilio.Message message)
            string sendTo = message.From;
                Logger.LogInformation("MessageController_RedirectTextReply", $"Starting to process DivineBot::from:{message?.From}::message:{message?.Body}",
                  username: CurrentUser,
                  clientIp: DisplayUrl,
                  serverIp: Environment.MachineName).Forget();

                string msgTwiML = "";

                string body = "";

                //todo: make 10 a constant
                if (sendTo.Length > 10)
                    sendTo = sendTo.Substring(sendTo.Length - 10);

                var isAuthorized = await (PhoneIsAuthorized(sendTo));

                if (isAuthorized)

                    var result = await Conversation.SendAsync(new Message
                        ConversationId = message.From,
                        From = new ChannelAccount(message.From),
                        Created = message.DateCreated,
                        Text = message.Body
                    }, ()=> Chain.From(() => new DivineBotDialog() ));

                   var botResult =  JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DivineBotRequest>(result.Text);
                    body = await botResult.ProcessBotAsync(repositories);
                    body = "Sorry, not authorized";
                    NotifyAdmin($"{sendTo} was NOT authorized. Message: {message.Body}");

                msgTwiML = $@"<Response><Message to=""{sendTo}"">{body}</Message></Response>";

                Logger.LogInformation("MessageController_RedirectTextReply", msgTwiML,
                    username: CurrentUser,
                    clientIp: DisplayUrl,
                    serverIp: Environment.MachineName).Forget();

                return Content(msgTwiML, "text/xml");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await Logger.LogError("MessageController_RedirectTextReply", ex.Message, CurrentUser, Environment.MachineName, exception: ex);
                return Content($@"<Response><Message to=""{sendTo}"">An error occurred while processing</Message></Response>", "text/xml");

        public async Task GetUserInputAsync_Scissor(string input)
            var target = new Twilio(MockStatelessServiceContextFactory.Default, null);

            var result = await target.GetUserInputAsync(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(GameOption.Scissor, result);
Exemple #6
        public TwilioResponse EntryPoint(Twilio.Mvc.VoiceRequest request)
            TwilioResponse response = new TwilioResponse();

              response.Say("Welcome to the IVR");

              return response;
Exemple #7
        public static async Task <TwilioMessage> GetMessageInfo()
            var smsInfo = new RestCredentialInfo();

            var twilioMessage = await Twilio.GetMessage(smsInfo, "SM1e8208f4b4e44720bafc9ea0334eb72d");

        public async Task GetUserInputAsync_InvalidInput()
            var target = new Twilio(MockStatelessServiceContextFactory.Default, null);

            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ValidationException>(
                async() => await target.GetUserInputAsync("Garbage"));

            Assert.AreEqual("Input Garbage not recognized.", exception.Message);
Exemple #9
        public static async Task SendMessage()
            var twilioMessage = new TwilioMessage();

            twilioMessage.Message = "All in the game";
            var smsInfo = new RestCredentialInfo();

            message = await Twilio.SendMessage(smsInfo, twilioMessage);
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
        const string accountSid = "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
        const string authToken  = "your_auth_token";

        Twilio.Init(accountSid, authToken);
        var call = CallResource.Create(new PhoneNumber("+14155551212"),
                                       new PhoneNumber("+15017250604"),
                                       url: new Uri(""),
                                       record: true);

        public async void OnInitialized()
            try {
                var client = new HttpClient();
                var token  = await client.GetStringAsync(httpServer + "/Client/Token?clientName=" + clientName);

                _device = Twilio.CreateDevice(token, null);

                var intent        = new Intent(this.ApplicationContext, typeof(MainActivity));
                var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this.ApplicationContext, 0, intent, PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent);

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Log.Info(TAG, "Error: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #12
        public async void OnInitialized()
            Console.WriteLine("Twilio SDK is ready.");

            try {
                var client = new HttpClient();
                var token  = await client.GetStringAsync($"*** YOUR AUTH TOKEN URL ***");

                Device = Twilio.CreateDevice(token, null);

                var intent        = new Intent(context, typeof(MainActivity));
                var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(context, 0, intent, PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent);


            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
        private const string clientName = "xamarin";                   //alice

        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            Twilio.Initialize(this.ApplicationContext, this);

            // Get our button from the layout resource,
            // and attach an event to it
            Button   call          = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.callButton);
            EditText phoneEditText = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.phoneNumberEditText);

            call.Click += delegate {
                var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> ()
                    { "from", myPhoneNum },
                    { "to", phoneEditText.Text }

                _connection = _device.Connect(parameters, null);

            Button anyKey = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.anyKeyButton);

            anyKey.Click += delegate {
                if (_connection != null && _connection.State == ConnectionState.Connected)

            Button hangup = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.hangupButton);

            hangup.Click += delegate {
Exemple #14
 public MonkeyPhone(Context context)
     this.context = context;
     Twilio.Initialize(context, this);
Exemple #15
 public void NextInstruction(Twilio.Mvc.VoiceRequest request)
     throw new NotImplementedException();