Exemple #1
    public static void Initialize(EventHandler <TweetEventArgs> onEventReceived = null, EventHandler <TweetEventArgs> onSourceDown = null, EventHandler <TweetEventArgs> onSourceUp = null)
        if (initialized)
            Debug.LogWarning("Trying to initialize when source is already initialized.");

        source = TweetEventSource.CreateFilterStream();
        if (onEventReceived != null)
            source.EventReceived += onEventReceived;
        if (onEventReceived != null)
            source.SourceDown += onSourceDown;
        if (onEventReceived != null)
            source.SourceUp += onSourceUp;

        var config = source.AuthConfig;

        config.ConsumerKey    = CONSUMER_PUBLIC;
        config.ConsumerSecret = CONSUMER_PRIVATE;
        config.Token          = API_PUBLIC;
        config.TokenSecret    = API_PRIVATE;

        Debug.Log("Stream initialized");
        initialized = true;
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Console.WriteLine("===== Application Started =====");

                // Step 1: Create TweetEventSource and wire some event handlers.
                var source = TweetEventSource.CreateFilterStream();
                source.EventReceived += new EventHandler <TweetEventArgs>(source_EventReceived);
                source.SourceUp      += new EventHandler <TweetEventArgs>(source_SourceUp);
                source.SourceDown    += new EventHandler <TweetEventArgs>(source_SourceDown);

                // Step 2: Load the configuration into event source

                // Step 3: Main loop, e.g. retries 5 times at most
                int retryCount = 0;
                while (retryCount++ < 5)
                    // Step 4: Starts the event source. This starts another thread that pulls data from Twitter to our queue.
                    source.Start(new StreamingAPIParameters()
                        Track = new string[] { "Thailand" }

                    // Step 5: While our event source is Active, dispatches events
                    while (source.Active)
                        source.Dispatch(1000); // This fires EventReceived callback on this thread

                    // Step 6: Source is inactive. Ensure stop and cleanup things

                    // Step 7: Wait for some time before attempt reconnect
                    Console.WriteLine("=== Disconnected, wait for {0} ms before reconnect ===", Program.waitReconectTime);

                Console.WriteLine("===== Application Ended =====");
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException cex)
                Console.Error.WriteLine(@"Error reading config: If you're running this for the first time, " +
                                        "please make sure you have your version of Twitter.config at application's " +
                                        "working directory - " + cex.Message);

                Trace.TraceError("Read config failed: " + cex.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown error: " + ex.Message);
                Trace.TraceError("Unknown error: " + ex.ToString());
Exemple #3
        private static void LoadTwitterKeysFromConfig(TweetEventSource source)
            var settings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
            var config   = source.AuthConfig;

            config.ConsumerKey    = settings["ConsumerKey"];
            config.ConsumerSecret = settings["ConsumerSecret"];
            config.Token          = settings["Token"];
            config.TokenSecret    = settings["TokenSecret"];

            // These are default values:
            // config.OAuthVersion = "1.0";
            // config.SignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1";

Exemple #4
        private static void LoadTwitterKeysFromConfig(TweetEventSource source)
            var settings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
            var config = source.AuthConfig;

            config.ConsumerKey = settings["ConsumerKey"];
            config.ConsumerSecret = settings["ConsumerSecret"];
            config.Token = settings["Token"];
            config.TokenSecret = settings["TokenSecret"];

            // These are default values:
            // config.OAuthVersion = "1.0";
            // config.SignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1";

 private void InitialiseAndConfigureTweetEventSource(TweetEventSource tweetEventSource)
     _tweetEventSource = tweetEventSource;
     _tweetEventSource.EventReceived += OnTweetReceived;
     _tweetEventSource.SourceDown += OnSourceDown;
 public HomeController(TweetEventSource tweetEventSource, IPusher pusher)
     _pusher = pusher;