/// <summary>
    /// Cross Fade.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='tweenData'>
    /// Tween data.
    /// </param>
    public override void CROSS_FADE( TweenOperandData tweenData )
        ContainsKey_sendDelayAndStartCoroutine( ref tweenData.paramTable );
        float duration = ContainsKey_duration( ref tweenData.paramTable );
        if( tweenData.tweenTarget != null ){
            if( tweenData.paramTable.ContainsKey( "objectA" )
             tweenData.paramTable.ContainsKey( "objectB" ) ){

                string objAName = tweenData.paramTable[ "objectA" ] as string;
                string objBName = tweenData.paramTable[ "objectB" ] as string;

                Transform A  = tweenData.tweenTarget.transform.FindChild( objAName );
                Transform B = tweenData.tweenTarget.transform.FindChild( objBName );

                ColorPanel panelA =  A.GetComponent<ColorPanel>();
                ColorPanel panelB =  B.GetComponent<ColorPanel>();
                panelA.duration = duration;
                panelB.duration = duration;

                if( panelA.alpha > panelB.alpha ){
                    panelA.StartFade( 0f , 1f );
                    panelB.StartFade( 1f , 0f );
                    panelA.StartFade( 1f , 0f );
                    panelB.StartFade( 0f , 1f );
    /// <summary>
    /// Fade ColorPanel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='tweenData'>
    /// Tween data.
    /// </param>
    public override void FADE_PANEL( TweenOperandData tweenData )
        Hashtable paramHash = tweenData.paramTable;
        GameObject panelAttachedObject = tweenData.tweenTarget;
        ContainsKey_sendDelayAndStartCoroutine( ref paramHash );
        float duration = ContainsKey_duration( ref paramHash );
        string fadeStr = (string)paramHash[ "fadeTo" ].ToString();
        float fadeTo =  float.Parse(fadeStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );

        ColorPanel uipanel = panelAttachedObject.GetComponent<ColorPanel>();
        float fadeFrom = uipanel.alpha;
        if( paramHash.ContainsKey( "fadeFrom" ) ){
            fadeFrom = GetValueFromKey( ref paramHash , "fadeFrom" );
        if( paramHash.ContainsKey( "fadeTo" ) ){
            if( uipanel != null ){
                uipanel.enabled = true;
                uipanel.duration = duration;
                uipanel.StartFade( fadeTo , fadeFrom );
        #if false
        // If root node has Panels in children , Start Fading Each Panels of Children .
        ColorPanel[] childPanels = panelAttachedObject.GetComponentsInChildren<ColorPanel>();
        if( childPanels != null ){
            for( int i=0;i<childPanels.Length;i++){
                childPanels[ i ].enabled = true;
                uipanel.duration = duration;
                childPanels[ i ].StartFade( fadeTo , fadeFrom );
    /// <summary>
    /// Cross Fade.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='tweenData'>
    /// Tween data.
    /// </param>
    public override void CROSS_FADE(TweenOperandData tweenData)
        ContainsKey_sendDelayAndStartCoroutine(ref tweenData.paramTable);
        float duration = ContainsKey_duration(ref tweenData.paramTable);

        if (tweenData.tweenTarget != null)
            if (tweenData.paramTable.ContainsKey("objectA")
                string objAName = tweenData.paramTable["objectA"] as string;
                string objBName = tweenData.paramTable["objectB"] as string;

                Transform A = tweenData.tweenTarget.transform.FindChild(objAName);
                Transform B = tweenData.tweenTarget.transform.FindChild(objBName);

                ColorPanel panelA = A.GetComponent <ColorPanel>();
                ColorPanel panelB = B.GetComponent <ColorPanel>();
                panelA.duration = duration;
                panelB.duration = duration;

                if (panelA.alpha > panelB.alpha)
                    panelA.StartFade(0f, 1f);
                    panelB.StartFade(1f, 0f);
                    panelA.StartFade(1f, 0f);
                    panelB.StartFade(0f, 1f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Change Texture2D of renderer.sharedMaterial.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='tweenData'>
    /// Tween data.
    /// </param>
    public override void LOAD_IMAGE(TweenOperandData tweenData)

        string     texpath = VM.loadedTextLiteralString;
        Texture2D  tex     = Resources.Load(texpath) as Texture2D;
        GameObject obj     = tweenData.tweenTarget;

        if (obj.renderer != null)
            if (obj.renderer.sharedMaterial != null)
                obj.renderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = tex;

                ViNoDebugger.Log("loaded texture and the GameObject Name will change to :" + texpath);
                obj.name = texpath;
//				obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3( tex.width , tex.height , 1f );
                ViNoDebugger.LogError("Material not attached !");
            ViNoDebugger.LogError("renderer not attached !");
    /// <summary>
    /// Fade ColorPanel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='tweenData'>
    /// Tween data.
    /// </param>
    public override void FADE_PANEL(TweenOperandData tweenData)
        Hashtable  paramHash           = tweenData.paramTable;
        GameObject panelAttachedObject = tweenData.tweenTarget;

        ContainsKey_sendDelayAndStartCoroutine(ref paramHash);
        float  duration = ContainsKey_duration(ref paramHash);
        string fadeStr  = (string)paramHash["fadeTo"].ToString();
        float  fadeTo   = float.Parse(fadeStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        ColorPanel uipanel  = panelAttachedObject.GetComponent <ColorPanel>();
        float      fadeFrom = uipanel.alpha;

        if (paramHash.ContainsKey("fadeFrom"))
            fadeFrom = GetValueFromKey(ref paramHash, "fadeFrom");
        if (paramHash.ContainsKey("fadeTo"))
            if (uipanel != null)
                uipanel.enabled  = true;
                uipanel.duration = duration;
                uipanel.StartFade(fadeTo, fadeFrom);
#if false
        // If root node has Panels in children , Start Fading Each Panels of Children .
        ColorPanel[] childPanels = panelAttachedObject.GetComponentsInChildren <ColorPanel>();
        if (childPanels != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < childPanels.Length; i++)
                childPanels[i].enabled = true;
                uipanel.duration       = duration;
                childPanels[i].StartFade(fadeTo, fadeFrom);
Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Animate the specified target and paramTbl.
    /// </summary>
    public void Animate(GameObject target, Hashtable paramTbl)
        string              _FOR_PREVIEW  = "_FOR_PREVIEW";
        GameObject          forPreviewObj = GameObject.Find(_FOR_PREVIEW);
        DefaultScriptBinder sb            = null;

        if (forPreviewObj == null)
            forPreviewObj           = new GameObject(_FOR_PREVIEW);
            forPreviewObj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
            sb = forPreviewObj.AddComponent <DefaultScriptBinder>();
            sb = forPreviewObj.GetComponent <DefaultScriptBinder>();
        TweenOperandData data = new TweenOperandData();

        data.tweenTarget = target;
        data.paramTable  = paramTbl;

        switch (animationType)
        case AnimationType.FADE_PANEL:

        case AnimationType.CROSS_FADE:

 /// <summary>
 /// Do the Same Thing with LOAD_IMAGE.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='tweenData'>
 /// Tween data.
 /// </param>
 public override void CHANGE_IMAGE( TweenOperandData tweenData )
     LOAD_IMAGE( tweenData );
 /// <summary>
 /// Using AnimationClip.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='tweenData'>
 /// Tween data.
 /// </param>
 public override void TWEEN( TweenOperandData tweenData )
     AnimationMove( tweenData );
    /// <summary>
    /// Change Texture2D of renderer.sharedMaterial.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='tweenData'>
    /// Tween data.
    /// </param>
    public override void LOAD_IMAGE( TweenOperandData tweenData )

        string texpath = VM.loadedTextLiteralString;
        Texture2D tex = Resources.Load( texpath ) as Texture2D;
        GameObject obj = tweenData.tweenTarget;
        if( obj.renderer != null ){
            if( obj.renderer.sharedMaterial != null ){
                obj.renderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = tex;

                ViNoDebugger.Log ( "loaded texture and the GameObject Name will change to :" + texpath );
                obj.name = texpath;
        //				obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3( tex.width , tex.height , 1f );
                ViNoDebugger.LogError( "Material not attached !" );
            ViNoDebugger.LogError( "renderer not attached !" );
    protected void AnimationMove(TweenOperandData tweenData)
        Hashtable paramHash = tweenData.paramTable;
        string    name      = ContainsKey_name(ref paramHash);

        GameObject root = tweenData.tweenTarget;

        if (root == null)
            ViNoDebugger.LogError("tween target not found !");

        Transform rootra = root.transform;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            name = "__animation";            // default animation name.

        Animation animation = root.GetComponent <Animation>();

        if (animation == null)
            animation = root.AddComponent <Animation>();
        AnimationClip clip        = new AnimationClip();
        float         duration    = ContainsKey_duration(ref paramHash);
        bool          isMove      = false;
        bool          isRotate    = false;
        bool          isScale     = false;
        bool          isFromPos   = false;
        bool          isFromRot   = false;
        bool          isFromScale = false;
        WrapMode      wrapmode    = ContainsKey_mode(ref paramHash);
        int           method      = 0;

        if (paramHash.ContainsKey("method"))
            string methodStr = paramHash["method"] as string;
            method = int.Parse(methodStr);
        Vector3 move      = ContainsKey_moveXorYorZ(out isMove, ref paramHash, rootra.localPosition);
        Vector3 euler     = ContainsKey_rotateXorYorZ(out isRotate, ref paramHash, rootra.localEulerAngles);        //localRotation.eulerAngles );
        Vector3 scale     = ContainsKey_scaleXorYorZ(out isScale, ref paramHash, rootra.localScale);
        Vector3 fromPos   = ContainsKey_StrAndXorYorZ(out isFromPos, "fromPos", ref paramHash, rootra.localPosition);
        Vector3 fromRot   = ContainsKey_StrAndXorYorZ(out isFromRot, "fromRot", ref paramHash, rootra.localEulerAngles);
        Vector3 fromScale = ContainsKey_StrAndXorYorZ(out isFromScale, "fromScale", ref paramHash, rootra.localScale);

        clip.wrapMode = wrapmode;

        if (isMove)
            switch (method)
            case 0:                      // Linear.
                AnimationCurve animCurveX = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, fromPos.x, duration, move.x);
                AnimationCurve animCurveY = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, fromPos.y, duration, move.y);
                AnimationCurve animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, fromPos.z, duration, move.z);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", animCurveX);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", animCurveY);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", animCurveZ);

            case 1:                     // Easeinout.
                animCurveX = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, fromPos.x, duration, move.x);
                animCurveY = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, fromPos.y, duration, move.y);
                animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, fromPos.z, duration, move.z);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", animCurveX);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", animCurveY);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", animCurveZ);

        if (isRotate)
            Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.Euler(fromRot);
            Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.Euler(euler);

            switch (method)
            case 0:                      // Linear.
                AnimationCurve animCurveX = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, q1.x, duration, q2.x);
                AnimationCurve animCurveY = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, q1.y, duration, q2.y);
                AnimationCurve animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, q1.z, duration, q2.z);
                AnimationCurve animCurveW = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, q1.w, duration, q2.w);

                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", animCurveX);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", animCurveY);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", animCurveZ);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", animCurveW);

            case 1:                     // Easeinout.
                animCurveX = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, q1.x, duration, q2.x);
                animCurveY = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, q1.y, duration, q2.y);
                animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, q1.z, duration, q2.z);
                animCurveW = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, q1.w, duration, q2.w);

                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", animCurveX);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", animCurveY);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", animCurveZ);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", animCurveW);

        if (isScale)
            switch (method)
            case 0:                      // Linear.
                AnimationCurve animCurveX = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, fromScale.x, duration, scale.x);
                AnimationCurve animCurveY = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, fromScale.y, duration, scale.y);
                AnimationCurve animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, fromScale.z, duration, scale.z);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", animCurveX);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", animCurveY);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", animCurveZ);

            case 1:                     // Easeinout.
                animCurveX = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, fromScale.x, duration, scale.x);
                animCurveY = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, fromScale.y, duration, scale.y);
                animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, fromScale.z, duration, scale.z);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", animCurveX);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", animCurveY);
                clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", animCurveZ);

        ViNoAnimationListener animcb = root.GetComponent <ViNoAnimationListener>();

        if (animcb == null)
            root.AddComponent <ViNoAnimationListener>();

        AnimationEvent tweenFinished = new AnimationEvent();

        tweenFinished.time            = duration;
        tweenFinished.intParameter    = 123;
        tweenFinished.stringParameter = "end";
        tweenFinished.functionName    = "AnimationFinishedCallback";


        animation.AddClip(clip, name);

        // Now, Start the Animation.

        // Is  paramHash Contains Key "sendDelay" ? .
        ContainsKey_sendDelayAndStartCoroutine(ref paramHash);
 /// <summary>
 /// Do the Same Thing with LOAD_IMAGE.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='tweenData'>
 /// Tween data.
 /// </param>
 public override void CHANGE_IMAGE(TweenOperandData tweenData)
 /// <summary>
 /// Using AnimationClip.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='tweenData'>
 /// Tween data.
 /// </param>
 public override void TWEEN(TweenOperandData tweenData)
Exemple #13
    protected void AnimationMove( TweenOperandData tweenData )
        Hashtable paramHash = tweenData.paramTable;
        string name = ContainsKey_name( ref paramHash );

        GameObject root = tweenData.tweenTarget;
        if( root == null ){
            ViNoDebugger.LogError( "tween target not found !" );

        Transform rootra = root.transform;

        if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) ){
            name= "__animation"; // default animation name.

        Animation animation = root.GetComponent<Animation>();
        if( animation == null ){
            animation = root.AddComponent<Animation>();
        AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
        float duration = ContainsKey_duration( ref paramHash );
        bool isMove = false;
        bool isRotate = false;
        bool isScale = false;
        bool isFromPos = false;
        bool isFromRot = false;
        bool isFromScale = false;
        WrapMode  wrapmode = ContainsKey_mode( ref paramHash );
        int method  = 0;
        if( paramHash.ContainsKey( "method" ) ){
            string methodStr = paramHash[ "method" ] as string;
            method = int.Parse( methodStr );
        Vector3 move = ContainsKey_moveXorYorZ( out isMove , ref paramHash , rootra.localPosition );
        Vector3 euler = ContainsKey_rotateXorYorZ( out isRotate , ref paramHash , rootra.localEulerAngles );//localRotation.eulerAngles );
        Vector3 scale = ContainsKey_scaleXorYorZ( 	out isScale , ref paramHash , rootra.localScale );
        Vector3 fromPos = ContainsKey_StrAndXorYorZ( out isFromPos , "fromPos" , ref paramHash , rootra.localPosition );
        Vector3 fromRot = ContainsKey_StrAndXorYorZ( out isFromRot , "fromRot" , ref paramHash , rootra.localEulerAngles );
        Vector3 fromScale = ContainsKey_StrAndXorYorZ( out isFromScale , "fromScale" , ref paramHash , rootra.localScale );
        clip.wrapMode = wrapmode;

        if( isMove ){
            switch( method ){
                case 0 : // Linear.
                    AnimationCurve animCurveX = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , fromPos.x , duration , move.x );
                    AnimationCurve animCurveY = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , fromPos.y , duration , move.y );
                    AnimationCurve animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , fromPos.z , duration , move.z );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", animCurveX );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", animCurveY );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", animCurveZ );

                case 1: // Easeinout.
                  animCurveX = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , fromPos.x , duration , move.x );
                  animCurveY = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , fromPos.y , duration , move.y );
                  animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , fromPos.z , duration , move.z );
                  clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", animCurveX );
                  clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", animCurveY );
                  clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", animCurveZ );

        if( isRotate ){
            Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.Euler( fromRot );
            Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.Euler( euler );

            switch( method ){
                case 0 : // Linear.
                    AnimationCurve animCurveX = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , q1.x , duration , q2.x );
                    AnimationCurve animCurveY = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , q1.y , duration , q2.y );
                    AnimationCurve animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , q1.z , duration , q2.z );
                    AnimationCurve animCurveW = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , q1.w , duration , q2.w );

                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", animCurveX );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", animCurveY );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", animCurveZ );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", animCurveW );

                case 1: // Easeinout.
                    animCurveX = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , q1.x , duration , q2.x );
                    animCurveY = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , q1.y , duration , q2.y );
                    animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , q1.z , duration , q2.z );
                    animCurveW = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , q1.w , duration , q2.w );

                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", animCurveX );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", animCurveY );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", animCurveZ );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", animCurveW );

        if( isScale ){
            switch( method ){
                case 0 : // Linear.
                    AnimationCurve animCurveX = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , fromScale.x , duration , scale.x );
                    AnimationCurve animCurveY = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , fromScale.y , duration , scale.y );
                    AnimationCurve animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.Linear( 0f , fromScale.z , duration , scale.z );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", animCurveX );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", animCurveY );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", animCurveZ );
                case 1: // Easeinout.
                    animCurveX = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , fromScale.x , duration , scale.x );
                    animCurveY = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , fromScale.y , duration , scale.y );
                    animCurveZ = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut( 0f , fromScale.z , duration , scale.z );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", animCurveX );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", animCurveY );
                    clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", animCurveZ );

        ViNoAnimationListener animcb = root.GetComponent<ViNoAnimationListener>();
        if( animcb == null ){

        AnimationEvent tweenFinished = new AnimationEvent();
        tweenFinished.time = duration;
        tweenFinished.intParameter = 123;
        tweenFinished.stringParameter = "end";
        tweenFinished.functionName = "AnimationFinishedCallback";

        clip.AddEvent( tweenFinished );

        animation.AddClip(clip, name );

        // Now, Start the Animation.
        animation.Play( name );

        // Is  paramHash Contains Key "sendDelay" ? .
        ContainsKey_sendDelayAndStartCoroutine( ref paramHash );
Exemple #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Animate the specified target and paramTbl.
    /// </summary>
    public void Animate( GameObject target , Hashtable paramTbl )
        string _FOR_PREVIEW = "_FOR_PREVIEW";
        GameObject forPreviewObj = GameObject.Find( _FOR_PREVIEW );
        DefaultScriptBinder sb = null ;
        if( forPreviewObj == null ){
            forPreviewObj = new GameObject( _FOR_PREVIEW );
            forPreviewObj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
            sb = forPreviewObj.AddComponent<DefaultScriptBinder>();
            sb = forPreviewObj.GetComponent<DefaultScriptBinder>();
        TweenOperandData data = new TweenOperandData();
        data.tweenTarget = target;
        data.paramTable = paramTbl;

        switch( animationType ){
        case AnimationType.FADE_PANEL:
            sb.FADE_PANEL( data );

        case AnimationType.CROSS_FADE:
            sb.CROSS_FADE( data );

            sb.TWEEN( data );