public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // Fetch the info for a particular recording String result; if (arguments != null) { try { int index = Int32.Parse(arguments[0]); bool withRTSPurl = false; if (arguments.Length >= 2) { withRTSPurl = bool.Parse(arguments[1]); } result = TVServerConnection.getRecordingInfo(index, withRTSPurl); Console.WriteLine(getCommandToHandle() + ":" + index + " " + result); writer.write(result); } catch { Console.WriteLine(getCommandToHandle() + ": failed"); writer.write(""); } } else { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":RecordingID[|withRTSPurl=False]"); } }
/* * No arguments needed */ public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { bool result = TVServerConnection.IsRecording(); Console.WriteLine("IsRecording result: " + result.ToString()); writer.write(result.ToString()); }
public WebTvResult(int result, string rtspURL, string timeshiftFile, TvControl.User u) { this.result = result; this.rtspURL = rtspURL; user = new WebTvServerUser(u); this.timeshiftFile = timeshiftFile; }
/* * No arguments needed */ public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { bool result = TVServerConnection.StopTimeshift(ref me); Console.WriteLine("StopTimeshift result: " + result.ToString()); writer.write(result.ToString()); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { int cardID = -1; List <string> results = new List <string>(); try { if (arguments != null) { cardID = Int32.Parse(arguments[0]); } else { cardID = me.CardId; } TVServerController server = TVServerConnection.GetServerInterface(); int level = server.GetSignalLevel(cardID); int quality = server.GetSignalQuality(cardID); writer.write(level.ToString() + "|" + quality.ToString()); } catch { Console.WriteLine(getCommandToHandle() + ": failed"); writer.write(""); } //getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + "[:cardID]"); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all recorded TV shows List <string> results = new List <string>(); List <RecordedInfo> recorded = TVServerConnection.getRecordedTV(); foreach (RecordedInfo r in recorded) { Int32 runningTime = Convert.ToInt32((r.endTime.Ticks - r.startTime.Ticks) / 10000000); string streamURL = TVServerConnection.getRecordingURL(Convert.ToInt32(r.ID)); string recitem = writer.makeItem( r.ID.ToString(), r.title.Replace(";", ""), r.description.Replace(";", ""), r.genre, r.played.ToString(), r.startTime.ToString(), r.endTime.ToString(), r.filename, r.channelName.Replace(";", ""), runningTime.ToString(), streamURL); results.Add(recitem); Console.WriteLine("Recorded: " + recitem); } writer.writeList(results); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all recordings String result; if (arguments != null) { try { int index = Int32.Parse(arguments[0]); result = TVServerConnection.GetScheduleInfo(index); Console.WriteLine("GetScheduleInfo:" + index + " " + result); writer.write(result); } catch { Console.WriteLine("GetScheduleInfo: failed"); writer.write(""); } } else { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":ScheduleID"); } }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all recordings List <string> results = new List <string>(); results = TVServerConnection.GetSchedules(); writer.writeList(results); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { string VersionNr = "1.0.0"; // Fetch the MediaPortal TVServer version VersionNr = TVServerConnection.GetVersion(); writer.write(VersionNr); }
/* * Expect arguments: ChannelID */ public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { if (arguments == null || arguments.Length < 1) { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Usage: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":ChannelId[|ResolveIPs=False][|StopTimeshift=True]"); return; } try { int chanId = int.Parse(arguments[0]); bool resolveToIP = true; bool stoptimeshift = true; string originalURL = ""; string result; string timeShiftFileName = ""; if (arguments.Length >= 2) { resolveToIP = Boolean.Parse(arguments[1]); if (arguments.Length >= 3) { stoptimeshift = Boolean.Parse(arguments[2]); } if (stoptimeshift) { TVServerConnection.StopTimeshift(ref me); } result = TVServerConnection.playChannel(chanId, resolveToIP, ref originalURL, ref me, ref timeShiftFileName); if (!result.StartsWith("[ERROR]")) { if (resolveToIP == true) { result += "|" + originalURL; } else { result += "|"; } result += "|" + timeShiftFileName + "|" + me.CardId.ToString(); } writer.write(result); } else { //backward compatibility TVServerConnection.StopTimeshift(ref me); result = TVServerConnection.playChannel(chanId, resolveToIP, ref originalURL, ref me, ref timeShiftFileName); writer.write(result); } } catch { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Usage: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":ChannelId[|ResolveIPs][|StopTimeshift]"); } }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { DateTime localtime = DateTime.Now; DateTime utctime = DateTime.UtcNow; TimeSpan utcdiff = (localtime - utctime); Console.WriteLine("Local time: " + localtime + " UTC time: " + utctime + " Offset: " + utcdiff.Hours); //Format: dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss;offset hours;offset seconds writer.write(writer.makeItem(localtime.ToString("u"), utcdiff.Hours.ToString(), utcdiff.Minutes.ToString())); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all channels in group arg[0] // String group = arguments[0]; int count = 0; count = TVServerConnection.getRecordingCount(); Console.WriteLine("GetRecordingCount: " + count); writer.write(count.ToString()); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // this needs no arguments, and will just list all the tvgroups List <String> groups = TVServerConnection.GetRadioGroups(); foreach (String group in groups) { Console.WriteLine("RADIOGROUP : " + group); } writer.writeList(groups); }
/* * 1 optional argument: id */ public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { int schedId = -1; if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length == 1)) { schedId = int.Parse(arguments[0]); } bool result = TVServerConnection.StopRecording(schedId); Console.WriteLine("StopRecording result : " + result.ToString()); writer.write(result.ToString()); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { if (arguments == null) { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":RecordingId"); return; } int recId = int.Parse(arguments[0]); bool result = TVServerConnection.DeleteRecordedTV(recId); Console.WriteLine("DeleteRecordedTV result : " + result.ToString()); writer.write(result.ToString()); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all recordings List <string> results = new List <string>(); bool resolveToIP = true; string originalURL = ""; if (arguments != null && arguments.Length == 1) { resolveToIP = Boolean.Parse(arguments[0]); } results = TVServerConnection.GetRecordings(resolveToIP, ref originalURL); writer.writeList(results); }
/* * No arguments needed, will list all commands available */ public override void handleCommand(string myCommand, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // get a list of all commands Dictionary <String, CommandHandler> allCommands = this.getConnection().getAllHandlers(); List <string> results = new List <string>(); foreach (CommandHandler command in allCommands.Values) { results.Add(command.getCommandToHandle()); } writer.writeList(results); Console.WriteLine("Returned " + results.Count + " commands"); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all channels in group arg[0] if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length == 2)) { int recindex = int.Parse(arguments[0]); String name = arguments[1]; bool result = TVServerConnection.UpdateRecording(recindex, name); Console.WriteLine("UpdateRecording result : " + result.ToString()); writer.write(result.ToString()); } else { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":RecordingIndex|NewName"); } }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { String group; int count = 0; if (arguments != null) { //we want to list all channels in group arg[0] group = arguments[0]; } else { group = ""; } count = TVServerConnection.getChannelCount(group); Console.WriteLine("GetChannelCount: " + count); writer.write(count.ToString()); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all channels in group arg[0] if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length == 1)) { try { String name = arguments[0]; me = TVServerConnection.RequestUser(name); writer.write("True"); } catch { writer.write("[ERROR]"); } } else { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":Name"); } }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { //TvEngine.PowerScheduler.WaitableTimer tveps; TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer(); int schedtype = (int)TvDatabase.ScheduleRecordingType.Once; Schedule newSchedule; DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2009, 11, 23, 10, 00, 00); DateTime endTime = new DateTime(2009, 11, 23, 11, 15, 00); try { newSchedule = layer.AddSchedule(32, "Marcel test", startTime, endTime, schedtype); newSchedule.Persist(); Console.WriteLine("Schedule added: " + newSchedule.IdChannel.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/* * No arguments needed */ public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { string rtspUrl = TVServerConnection.getTimeshiftUrl(ref me); bool result = true; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rtspUrl)) { result = false; rtspUrl = ""; } // results = isShifting;url;chanInfo as in ListChannels // chanInfo must be the same as the listchannel.. ChannelInfo c = new ChannelInfo(); if (result) { c = TVServerConnection.getTimeshiftInfo(ref me); } writer.write(writer.makeItemSmart(result.ToString(), rtspUrl, c)); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { int cardID = -1; List <string> results = new List <string>(); try { if (arguments != null) { cardID = Int32.Parse(arguments[0]); } TVServerController server = TVServerConnection.GetServerInterface(); results = server.GetCardSettings(cardID); writer.writeList(results); } catch { Console.WriteLine(getCommandToHandle() + ": failed"); writer.write(""); } //getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + "[:cardID]"); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { String group; List <string> results = new List <string>(); if (arguments != null) { //we want to list all channels in group arg[0] group = arguments[0]; } else { group = ""; } List <ChannelInfo> channels = TVServerConnection.getChannels(group); foreach (ChannelInfo c in channels) { results.Add(writer.makeItemSmart(c)); Console.WriteLine("CHANNEL : " + c.channelID + ";" + + ";" + c.isScrambled.ToString()); } writer.writeList(results); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { String group; if (arguments != null) { //we want to list all channels in group arg[0] group = arguments[0]; } else { group = ""; } Console.WriteLine("Radio channels from group:" + group); List <string> radiochannels = TVServerConnection.GetRadioChannels(group); foreach (string channel in radiochannels) { Console.WriteLine(channel); } writer.writeList(radiochannels); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to get the EPG info for that channel List <string> results = new List <string>(); if (arguments == null || arguments.Length < 1) { writer.write("[ERROR]: Usage: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":chanNr"); } else { DateTime starttime; DateTime endtime; string channel = arguments[0]; if (arguments.Length >= 3) { starttime = DateTime.Parse(arguments[1]); endtime = DateTime.Parse(arguments[2]); } else { starttime = DateTime.Now; endtime = starttime; } if (channel != "") { List <TvDatabase.Program> epgs = TVServerConnection.getEpg(int.Parse(arguments[0]), starttime, endtime); foreach (TvDatabase.Program e in epgs) { string epg = e.StartTime.ToString("u") + "|" + e.EndTime.ToString("u") + "|" + e.Title.Replace("|", "") + "|" + e.Description.Replace("|", "") + "|" + e.Genre.Replace("|", ""); if (arguments.Length >= 3) { epg += "|" + e.IdProgram.ToString() + "|" + e.IdChannel.ToString() + "|" + e.SeriesNum + "|" + e.EpisodeNumber + "|" + e.EpisodeName + "|" + e.EpisodePart + "|" + e.OriginalAirDate.ToString("u") + "|" + e.Classification + "|" + e.StarRating.ToString() + "|" + e.ParentalRating.ToString(); } results.Add(epg); } writer.writeList(results); } else { writer.write("[ERROR]: Usage: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":chanNr[|startDateTime|endDateTime]"); } } }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // we want to list all channels in group arg[0] if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length >= 14)) { Int32 preRecordInterval = -1; Int32 postRecordInterval = -1; int scheduleType = (int)TvDatabase.ScheduleRecordingType.Once; int priority = -1; // Use MediaPortal default int keepmethod = -1; // Use MediaPortal default DateTime keepdate; int channelid = int.Parse(arguments[0]); String title = arguments[1]; int year = int.Parse(arguments[2]); int month = int.Parse(arguments[3]); int day = int.Parse(arguments[4]); int hour = int.Parse(arguments[5]); int min = int.Parse(arguments[6]); int sec = int.Parse(arguments[7]); DateTime starttime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); year = int.Parse(arguments[8]); month = int.Parse(arguments[9]); day = int.Parse(arguments[10]); hour = int.Parse(arguments[11]); min = int.Parse(arguments[12]); sec = int.Parse(arguments[13]); DateTime endtime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); if (arguments.Length >= 25) { scheduleType = int.Parse(arguments[14]); priority = int.Parse(arguments[15]); keepmethod = int.Parse(arguments[16]); year = int.Parse(arguments[17]); month = int.Parse(arguments[18]); day = int.Parse(arguments[19]); hour = int.Parse(arguments[20]); min = int.Parse(arguments[21]); sec = int.Parse(arguments[22]); keepdate = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); preRecordInterval = Int32.Parse(arguments[23]); postRecordInterval = Int32.Parse(arguments[24]); } else { keepdate = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0); //MediaPortal default value 2000-01-01 00:00:00 } bool result = TVServerConnection.AddSchedule(channelid, title, starttime, endtime, scheduleType, priority, keepmethod, keepdate, preRecordInterval, postRecordInterval); Console.WriteLine("AddSchedule result : " + result.ToString()); writer.write(result.ToString()); } else { getConnection().WriteLine("[ERROR]: Expected format: " + getCommandToHandle() + ":ChannelId|Title|Y|M|D|H|m|s|Y|M|D|H|m|s|preMin|postMin|schedType"); } }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { writer.write(me.Name); }
public override void handleCommand(string command, string[] arguments, ref TvControl.User me) { // does not matter what arguments it has. getConnection().Disconnect(); }
public void HandleConnection() { NetworkStream cStream = this.client.GetStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(cStream); writer = new DataWriter(cStream); // first we get what version of the protocol // we expect "TVServerXBMC:0-2" String versionInfo = reader.ReadLine(); if (versionInfo == null) return; // version 2 is not backards compatible versionInfo = Uri.UnescapeDataString(versionInfo); if (versionInfo.ToLower().Contains("telnet")) { // human connection writer.setArgumentSeparator("|"); writer.setListSeparator(Environment.NewLine); writer.setHumanEncoders(); //reader side: cmd_sep = ":"; arg_sep = "|"; WriteLine("Protocol Accepted; TVServerXBMC version: " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Correct protocol, telnet connection accepted!"); Log.Debug("TVServerXBMC: telnet connection accepted!"); username = "******"; clientType = ClientType.telnet; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(versionInfo,"^TVServerXBMC:0-[0-3]$",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { WriteLine("Protocol-Accept;0-3"); Console.WriteLine("Correct protocol, connection accepted!"); Log.Debug("TVServerXBMC: connection accepted!"); username = "******"; clientType = ClientType.python; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(versionInfo, "^PVRclientXBMC:0-[1]$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { writer.setArgumentSeparator("|"); //reader side: cmd_sep = ":"; arg_sep = "|"; WriteLine("Protocol-Accept:0|" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Correct protocol, connection accepted!"); Log.Debug("TVServerXBMC: connection accepted from XBMC PVR addon"); username = "******" + clientnr; clientType = ClientType.pvrclient; } else { WriteLine("Unexpected Protocol"); client.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Unexpected protocol:" + versionInfo); Log.Debug("TVServerXBMC: Unexpected protocol:" + versionInfo); clientType = ClientType.unknown; return; } me = TVServerConnection.RequestUser(username); ProcessConnection(reader); reader.Dispose(); cStream.Dispose(); }
public WebTvServerUser(TvControl.User user) { this.idCard = user.CardId; this.idChannel = user.IdChannel; = user.Name; }