Exemple #1
        private void Draw_TopLeftUI(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            //Draw the win progress bar
            Vector2 barPos = characterDrawPos + new Vector2(uiScale * turnPlayer.CharacterSprite.Width / 2, 0f);

            PercentageBar.Draw(spriteBatch, emptyRect, barPos, winBarDimensions, turnPlayer.Colour, Color.Gray, turnPlayer.WinThreshold, turnPlayer.WinProgress);
            string text = $"{turnPlayer.WinProgress}/{turnPlayer.WinThreshold} Wins";

            spriteBatch.DrawString(bebasSmall, text, barPos + (winBarDimensions - 0.6f * bebasSmall.MeasureString(text)) / 2, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 0.6f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);

            //Draw the unit cap bar.
            Vector2 unitBarPos = barPos + new Vector2(0, winBarDimensions.Y);
            int     unitCount  = grid.CountPlayerUnitsOnGrid(turnPlayer.Id);

            PercentageBar.Draw(spriteBatch, emptyRect, unitBarPos, unitBarDimensions, Color.DarkRed, Color.YellowGreen, turnPlayer.UnitCap, unitCount);
            text = $"{unitCount}/{turnPlayer.UnitCap} Units";
            spriteBatch.DrawString(bebasSmall, text, unitBarPos + (unitBarDimensions - 0.5f * bebasSmall.MeasureString(text)) / 2, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 0.5f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);

            //Draw the players money amount.
            string  moneyText = $"{turnPlayer.Money}";
            Vector2 textSize  = bebasSmall.MeasureString(moneyText);
            Vector2 basePos   = moneyBox.GetPos() + moneyBoxDimensions / 2;

            spriteBatch.DrawString(bebasSmall, moneyText, basePos - new Vector2(0, textSize.Y / 2), Color.White);
                             position: basePos + new Vector2(textSize.X + moneyBoxDimensions.X / 35, 0) - uiScale / 2 * new Vector2(0, moneyIcon.Height),
                             scale: uiScaleVector

            //Draw the player's character.
            spriteBatch.Draw(texture: characterBoundary, position: characterDrawPos - new Vector2(3 * uiScale, 0), scale: uiScaleVector, color: turnPlayer.Colour);
            spriteBatch.Draw(texture: turnPlayer.CharacterSprite, position: characterDrawPos, scale: uiScaleVector);

            //draw end turn button
            if (endTurnButton.IsHovered)
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: endTurnButton.HoverTexture, position: endTurnButton.Position, scale: uiScaleVector);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: endTurnButton.ButtonTexture, position: endTurnButton.Position, scale: uiScaleVector);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(bebasSmall, "End Turn", endTurnButton.MidPoint - 0.6f * bebasSmall.MeasureString("End Turn") / 2 + new Vector2(0, 1), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 0.6f, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            //draw the level up unit cap button.
            levelUnitCapButton.Draw(spriteBatch, turnPlayer, moneyIcon, WindowTools.GetUpscaledValue(2f), bebasSmall, 0.6f);

            //and the ability button
            useAbilityButton.Draw(spriteBatch, turnPlayer, bebasSmall, 0.6f);


            stageInfo.Draw(spriteBatch, vsAiIcon, vsPlayerIcon);

            //help button
            helpButton.Draw(spriteBatch, bebasSmall, 1f);
Exemple #2
        private void Draw_UI(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            helpButton.Draw(spriteBatch, bebasSmall, 1f);

            //draw the players character and money if vs an AI.
            if (useAiOpponent)
                string  moneyText = $"{playerToCheckWinCondition.Money}";
                Vector2 textSize  = bebasSmall.MeasureString(moneyText);
                Vector2 basePos   = moneyUiBox.GetPos() + new Vector2(moneyBoxDimensions.X / 2f, moneyBoxDimensions.Y / 2);
                spriteBatch.DrawString(bebasSmall, moneyText, basePos - new Vector2(0, textSize.Y / 2), Color.White);
                                 position: basePos + new Vector2(textSize.X + moneyBoxDimensions.X / 35, 0) - uiScale / 2 * new Vector2(0, moneyIcon.Height),
                                 scale: uiScaleVector

                //Draw the player's character.
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: characterBoundary, position: characterPos[0] - new Vector2(3 * uiScale, 0), scale: uiScaleVector, color: playerToCheckWinCondition.Colour);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: playerToCheckWinCondition.CharacterSprite, position: characterPos[0], scale: uiScaleVector);
            //otherwise, draw each players character and their win progress.
                //Draw each players win % bars.
                Vector2 barPos = characterPos[0] + new Vector2(uiScale * otherPlayer.CharacterSprite.Width / 2, 0f);
                PercentageBar.Draw(spriteBatch, emptyRect, barPos, winBarDimensions, otherPlayer.Colour, Color.Gray, otherPlayer.WinThreshold, otherPlayer.WinProgress);
                string text = $"{otherPlayer.WinProgress}/{otherPlayer.WinThreshold} Wins";
                spriteBatch.DrawString(bebasSmall, text, barPos + (winBarDimensions - 0.6f * bebasSmall.MeasureString(text)) / 2, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 0.6f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);

                Vector2 lowerBarPos = characterPos[1] + new Vector2(uiScale * playerToCheckWinCondition.CharacterSprite.Width / 2, -winBarDimensions.Y);
                PercentageBar.Draw(spriteBatch, emptyRect, lowerBarPos, winBarDimensions, playerToCheckWinCondition.Colour, Color.Gray, playerToCheckWinCondition.WinThreshold, playerToCheckWinCondition.WinProgress);
                text = $"{playerToCheckWinCondition.WinProgress}/{playerToCheckWinCondition.WinThreshold} Wins";
                spriteBatch.DrawString(bebasSmall, text, lowerBarPos + (winBarDimensions - 0.6f * bebasSmall.MeasureString(text)) / 2, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 0.6f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);

                //Draw each players character with their boundary (their respective colour)
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: characterBoundary, position: characterPos[0] - new Vector2(3 * uiScale, 0), scale: uiScaleVector, color: otherPlayer.Colour);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: otherPlayer.CharacterSprite, position: characterPos[0], scale: uiScaleVector);

                Vector2 lowerDrawPos = characterPos[1] - new Vector2(0, playerToCheckWinCondition.CharacterSprite.Height * uiScale);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: characterBoundary, position: lowerDrawPos - new Vector2(3 * uiScale, 0), scale: uiScaleVector, color: playerToCheckWinCondition.Colour);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture: playerToCheckWinCondition.CharacterSprite, position: lowerDrawPos, scale: uiScaleVector);

            logDisplay.Draw(spriteBatch, actionLog.GetActionsInOrder(), players, actionLogTextures);
Exemple #3
        private void Draw_Buttons(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            //due to nature of layering and draw orders, it is more simple
            // to handle all calls within the game states draw call
            // instead of through methods in each object.

            spriteBatch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp);

            Vector2 titleSize = 0.66f * largeFont.MeasureString(titleString);

                                   WindowTools.PaddingToPixelCoordinate(0.5f, 0f, 0, 0) - new Vector2(titleSize.X / 2, 0),
                                   0f, Vector2.Zero, 0.66f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f

            //draw help button
            helpButton.Draw(spriteBatch, font, 1f);

            //display roster of characters (this will be 3 or so)
            //draw character buttons
            for (int i = 0; i < uiButtons.Length; i++)
                if (uiButtons[i] == p2SelectedButton && uiButtons[i] == p1SelectedButton)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(uiButtons[i].ButtonTexture, position: uiButtons[i].Position, scale: buttonScaleVector, color: Color.Purple);
                else if (uiButtons[i] == p1SelectedButton)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(uiButtons[i].ButtonTexture, position: uiButtons[i].Position, scale: buttonScaleVector, color: pColors[0]);
                else if (uiButtons[i] == p2SelectedButton)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(uiButtons[i].ButtonTexture, position: uiButtons[i].Position, scale: buttonScaleVector, color: pColors[1]);
                    spriteBatch.Draw(uiButtons[i].ButtonTexture, position: uiButtons[i].Position, scale: buttonScaleVector);

            //draw confirmation button + corresponding text
            string  text     = "start";
            Vector2 textSize = font.MeasureString(text);

            if (p1SelectedButton != null && p2SelectedButton != null)
                if (confirmButton.IsHovered)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(confirmButton.HoverTexture, position: confirmButton.Position, scale: buttonScaleVector * 2);
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, text, confirmButton.MidPoint - textSize / 2, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
                    spriteBatch.Draw(confirmButton.ButtonTexture, position: confirmButton.Position, scale: buttonScaleVector * 2);
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, text, confirmButton.MidPoint - textSize / 2, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
                spriteBatch.Draw(confirmButton.ButtonTexture, position: confirmButton.Position, scale: buttonScaleVector * 2, color: Color.Gray);
                spriteBatch.DrawString(font, text, confirmButton.MidPoint - textSize / 2, Color.Gray, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < uiButtons.Length; i++)
                if (uiButtons[i].IsHovered)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(uiButtons[i].HoverTexture, position: uiButtons[i].Position - buttonScaleVector, scale: buttonScaleVector);
            //display character info on left or right of screen depending on which player has it selected.