Exemple #1
        public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad)      //Add mannableComp, ticksUntilAutoReload, register to GenClosestAmmo
            base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad);
            dormantComp  = GetComp <CompCanBeDormant>();
            powerComp    = GetComp <CompPowerTrader>();
            mannableComp = GetComp <CompMannable>();
            if (!respawningAfterLoad)
                CELogger.Message($"top is {top?.ToString() ?? "null"}");
                burstCooldownTicksLeft = def.building.turretInitialCooldownTime.SecondsToTicks();

                //Delay auto-reload for a few seconds after spawn, so player can operate the turret right after placing it, before other colonists start reserving it for reload jobs
                if (mannableComp != null)
                    ticksUntilAutoReload = minTicksBeforeAutoReload;

            // if (CompAmmo == null || CompAmmo.Props == null || CompAmmo.Props.ammoSet == null || CompAmmo.Props.ammoSet.ammoTypes.NullOrEmpty())
            //     return;

            // //"Subscribe" turret to GenClosestAmmo
            // foreach (var ammo in CompAmmo.Props.ammoSet.ammoTypes.Select(x => x.ammo))
            // {
            //     if (!GenClosestAmmo.listeners.ContainsKey(ammo))
            //         GenClosestAmmo.listeners.Add(ammo, new List<Building_TurretGunCE>() { this });
            //     else
            //         GenClosestAmmo.listeners[ammo].Add(this);

            //     if (!GenClosestAmmo.latestAmmoUpdate.ContainsKey(ammo))
            //         GenClosestAmmo.latestAmmoUpdate.Add(ammo, 0);
            // }