public void ChangeGroup(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk)
            index = (index + 1) % 3;

            ///Turn Off all Masks (we cant turn the GSYSTEM MASK, even if we try ....)
            TurnOffInputMaskCommand tof = new TurnOffInputMaskCommand(InputMask.GALL);


            ///Turn only the right mask
            ///Masks are Bit Field, You can turn more than one using InputMask.GALL | InputMask.G1 for example
            ///The TurnOnInputMaskCommand Just combine its actual mask with the mask provided, It does not TURN OFFthe active masks (this is the reason why i sent a turn off mask before)
            TurnOnInputMaskCommand tom = new TurnOnInputMaskCommand(Im[index] | InputMask.GNONE);


            isAllActive    = false;
            isGroup1       = false;
            isGroup2       = false;
            isComboPressed = false;
            isChangeGroup  = true;
        protected override void  LoadContent(PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, PloobsEngine.Engine.GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            #region Models

                SimpleModel          sm     = new SimpleModel(factory, "..\\Content\\Model\\cenario");
                IPhysicObject        pi     = new TriangleMeshObject(sm, Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
                DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader();
                shader.SpecularIntensity = 0;
                shader.SpecularPower     = 0;
                IMaterial mat  = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
                IObject   obj3 = new IObject(mat, sm, pi);


            cam          = new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo);
            cam.FarPlane = 3000;

            lt = new LightThrowBepu(this.World, factory);

            #region NormalLight
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.4f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;


            ///Bind a Key event (combination of Key + state(pressed, Released ...) + inputMask ) to a function
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik1 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.T, g1, InputMask.G1);
            ///When you use the method Bind of a IScreen, The key event will be sent by the engine while this screen remains added in the ScreenManager.
            ///TO create a Gloal Input (Keep working even if the screen goes away), see the DemosHomeScreen.cs

            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik2 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Y, g2, InputMask.G2);

            ///The SYSTEM Mask is Always On (cant be turned off)
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik3 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.PRESS, Keys.Space, ChangeGroup, InputMask.GSYSTEM);

            ///StateKey.DOWN mean when the key is down the event will be fired --looooots of times(samae as UP)
            ///StateKey.PRESS is fired ONCE when the key is pressed (same as RELEASE)
            ///WHEN USING COMBOS, use DOWN AND UP (better for precision)
            ///The parameter EntityType is not used internaly
            SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable ik4 = new SimpleConcreteKeyboardInputPlayable(StateKey.DOWN, new Keys[] { Keys.LeftControl, Keys.U }, Multiple);

            ///Send a command (design pattern) to the InputSystem to change the InputMask
            TurnOnInputMaskCommand tom = new TurnOnInputMaskCommand(InputMask.GALL);

            isAllActive = true;

            this.RenderTechnic.AddPostEffect(new AntiAliasingPostEffect());