Exemple #1
    /// Called when the command is given (by the player, via the UI/Gridcursor) to cast an ability; Called from the Ability's script.
    /// It handles: either calling ActivateCastingAbility(), or adding the ability to the TurnOrder; as well as moving on with the turn.
    public void BeginCastingAbility(Unit unit, LandTile tile, Ability ability)
        unit.unitStats.currentMana -= ability.manaCost;


        if (ability.castTime == 0)
            ActivateCastingAbility(unit, tile, ability);
            Debug.Log("Ability: " + ability.abilityName + " added to the turn list (" + ability.castTime + ").");
            turnManager.AddCombatAction(unit, tile, ability, ability.castTime);
        // Set unit's state to 'casting'; so it's animations etc can be set

        unitHasActed = true;