public void SaveMarginAccounts(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, bool is_margin_loan_agreement, bool is_borrow_funds_account, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } int update = 0; tb_margin_account margin; var tb_margin_account = dataContext.tb_margin_accounts.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_margin_account != null) { update = 1; margin = tb_margin_account; } else { margin = new tb_margin_account(); } margin.account_id = accountId; margin.is_margin_loan_agreement = is_margin_loan_agreement; margin.is_borrow_funds_account = is_borrow_funds_account; margin.date_created = DateTime.Now; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_margin_accounts.InsertOnSubmit(margin); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public bool SaveCustomerId(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info, string StoreURI) { bool bCustomerIdGenerated = false; try { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } info.CustomerId = GenerateAccountNumber(info.firstName, info.lastName); int customer_id_generated_count = 0; var account = (from s in dataContext.tb_accounts //where s.email_address == info.EmailAddress where s.account_id == info.AccountId && == true && s.deleted == false && s.storeURI == StoreURI select s).FirstOrDefault(); while (true) { var a = (from s in dataContext.tb_accounts where s.customer_id == info.CustomerId select s).FirstOrDefault(); if (a == null) { bCustomerIdGenerated = true; break; } else { regModel.CustomerId = GenerateAccountNumber(info.firstName, info.lastName); } customer_id_generated_count++; if (customer_id_generated_count > 1000) { break; } } if (account != null) { account.customer_id = info.CustomerId; if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(bCustomerIdGenerated); }
public void SaveFunding(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string funding_option, string funding_option_other, string funding_sourcefunds, string bankName, string more_info, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } tb_funding funding; int update = 0; var tb_funding = dataContext.tb_fundings.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_funding != null) { funding = tb_funding; update = 1; } else { funding = new tb_funding(); } funding.funding_sourcefunds_option = funding_sourcefunds; funding.account_id = accountId; funding.funding_option = funding_option; funding.funding_option_other = funding_option_other; funding.date_created = DateTime.Now; funding.more_info = more_info; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_fundings.InsertOnSubmit(funding); } int refUpdate = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bankName)) { tb_account_bankreference bankref; var tb_account_bankreference = dataContext.tb_account_bankreferences.Where(t => t.Account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_account_bankreference != null) { bankref = tb_account_bankreference; refUpdate = 1; } else { bankref = new tb_account_bankreference(); } bankref.Account_id = accountId; bankref.BankName = bankName; bankref.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; if (refUpdate == 0) { dataContext.tb_account_bankreferences.InsertOnSubmit(bankref); } } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void SaveRiskTolerance(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string riskTolerance, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } int update = 0; tb_risk_tolerance risk; var tb_risk_tolerance = dataContext.tb_risk_tolerances.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_risk_tolerance != null) { update = 1; risk = tb_risk_tolerance; } else { risk = new tb_risk_tolerance(); } risk.account_id = accountId; risk.account_risk_tolerance = riskTolerance; risk.date_created = DateTime.Now; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_risk_tolerances.InsertOnSubmit(risk); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void SaveGoals(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string investment_account_option, string account_future, string account_future_other, string earliest_funding_time_frame, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } int update = 0; tb_goal goal; var tb_goal = dataContext.tb_goals.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_goal != null) { goal = tb_goal; update = 1; } else { goal = new tb_goal(); } goal.account_id = accountId; goal.investment_account_option = investment_account_option; goal.account_future = account_future; goal.account_future_other = account_future_other; goal.earliest_funding_time_frame = earliest_funding_time_frame; goal.date_created = DateTime.Now; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_goals.InsertOnSubmit(goal); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public int GetAddressType(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, string type) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } var a = (from s in dataContext.tb_address_type_lus where s.address_type == type select s).FirstOrDefault(); if (a != null) { return(a.address_type_id); } else if (type == "Permanent") { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public void SaveMangaingYourCash(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string sales_proceed, string sales_other, string dividend_proceed, string dividend_other1, string other_brokerage_account, string other_brokerage_account_firms, string securities_proceed, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } tb_managing_cash cash = new tb_managing_cash(); cash.account_id = accountId; cash.sales_proceed = sales_other; cash.sales_other = sales_other; cash.dividend_proceed = dividend_proceed; cash.dividend_other1 = dividend_other1; cash.maintain_other_brokerage = other_brokerage_account; cash.maintain_other_brokeerage_firms = other_brokerage_account_firms; cash.securities_proceed = securities_proceed; cash.date_created = DateTime.Now; dataContext.tb_managing_cashes.InsertOnSubmit(cash); if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
/// <summary> /// This method will send reset password email /// </summary> /// <param name="dataContext"></param> /// <param name="acc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SendResetPasswordEmail(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info) //tb_account acc { var activeStore = dataContext.store_bases.FirstOrDefault(t => t.storeId == 1); int msgId = 1; if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } try { emailTemplate em = dataContext.emailTemplates.Where(e => e.storeId == activeStore.storeId && e.templateName == "NEWACCOUNT").FirstOrDefault(); //var accountLst = dataContext.tb_accounts.Where(a => a.storeURI == regModel.activeStore.uri && a.email_address == acc.email_address && (a.Completed.HasValue && a.Completed.Value)).ToList(); var accountLst = dataContext.tb_accounts.Where(a => a.storeURI == activeStore.uri && a.account_id == info.AccountId && (a.Completed.HasValue && a.Completed.Value)).ToList(); foreach (var account in accountLst) { var addresses = dataContext.tb_addresses.Where(add => add.account_id == account.account_id); var primaryAddress = addresses.Where(add => add.address_type_id == 1).FirstOrDefault(); if (em != null && account != null && addresses != null && primaryAddress != null) { string emailSubject = "Tradezero password reset (Customer Id=" + account.customer_id + ")"; string emailBody = em.emailBody; string firmAddress = string.Empty; var url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebURL"].ToString(); firmAddress = string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.address1) ? string.Empty : activeStore.address1 + "<br/>"; firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.address2) ? string.Empty : activeStore.address2 + "<br/>"); firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? string.Empty : + " "); firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.state) ? string.Empty : activeStore.state + " "); firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.zipcode) ? string.Empty : activeStore.zipcode + " "); emailBody = string.Format("Hi {0},", primaryAddress.first_name); emailBody = emailBody + "<br/>Your username: "******"<br/>"; emailBody = emailBody + "<br/><br/>Someone recently requested a password change for your tradezero account. If this was you, you can set a new password "; emailBody = emailBody + string.Format("<a href='{0}{1}' > here. </a>", url, "Home/ResetPassword?AccId=" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(primaryAddress.account_id.ToString()) + ""); emailBody = emailBody + "<br/><br/>If you don't want to change your password or didn't request this, just ignore and delete this message"; emailBody = emailBody + "<br/><br/>To keep your account secure, please don't forward this email to anyone."; emailBody = emailBody + "<br/><br/>Thanks!"; int EmailLogID = TurnKeyBrokerSignUp.WebUI.Services.EmailHelper.AddToEmailQueue(activeStore.uri, em.fromName, em.fromEmail, primaryAddress.first_name + " " + primaryAddress.last_name, account.email_address, em.ccEmail, em.bccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody); string message = TurnKeyBrokerSignUp.WebUI.Services.EmailHelper.SendEmail(em.fromName, em.fromEmail, primaryAddress.first_name + " " + primaryAddress.last_name, account.email_address, em.ccEmail, em.bccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody, em.isHtml); if (!message.ToLower().Contains("ok")) { msgId = 0; } if (EmailLogID > 0) { TurnKeyBrokerSignUp.WebUI.Services.EmailHelper.UpdateEmailQueueStatus(EmailLogID, message.Trim().ToUpper().Equals("OK"), message); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(System.Web.HttpContext.Current).Log(new Elmah.Error(ex, System.Web.HttpContext.Current)); } return(msgId); }
public void SendOFACFailedEmail1(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info) { var activeStore = dataContext.store_bases.FirstOrDefault(t => t.storeId == 1); if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } string email_id = ""; emailTemplate em; string fullName = string.Empty; // tb_account account = dataContext.tb_accounts.Where(a => a.storeURI == regModel.activeStore.uri && a.account_id == acc.account_id).FirstOrDefault(); tb_account account = dataContext.tb_accounts.Where(a => a.storeURI == regModel.activeStore.uri && a.account_id == info.AccountId).FirstOrDefault(); em = dataContext.emailTemplates.Where(e => e.storeId == activeStore.storeId && e.emailTemplateId == 48).FirstOrDefault(); var addresses = dataContext.tb_addresses.Where(add => add.account_id == account.account_id); tb_address primaryAddress; if (account.account_type_id == 3) { primaryAddress = addresses.Where(add => add.address_type_id == 1 && add.is_coapplicant == true).FirstOrDefault(); email_id = account.email_address; } else { primaryAddress = addresses.Where(add => add.address_type_id == 1).FirstOrDefault(); email_id = account.email_address; //primaryAddress } if (em != null && account != null && addresses != null && primaryAddress != null) { int templateID = em.emailTemplateId; string emailSubject = em.emailSubject; string emailBody = em.emailBody; string firmAddress = string.Empty; firmAddress = string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.address1) ? string.Empty : activeStore.address1 + "<br/>"; firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? string.Empty : + " "); firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.state) ? string.Empty : activeStore.state + " "); firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.zipcode) ? string.Empty : activeStore.zipcode + " "); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FNAME]", primaryAddress.first_name); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[LNAME]", primaryAddress.last_name); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FIRM]", activeStore.storeDisplayName); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FIRM ADDRESS]", firmAddress); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FIRM CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER]", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeStore.contactPhone) ? "" : activeStore.contactPhone)); int EmailLogID = EmailHelper.AddToEmailQueue(activeStore.uri, em.fromName, em.fromEmail, primaryAddress.first_name + " " + primaryAddress.last_name, email_id, em.ccEmail, em.bccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody); string message = EmailHelper.SendEmail(em.fromName, em.fromEmail, primaryAddress.first_name + " " + primaryAddress.last_name, email_id, em.ccEmail, em.bccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody, em.isHtml); if (EmailLogID > 0) { EmailHelper.UpdateEmailQueueStatus(EmailLogID, message.Trim().ToUpper().Equals("OK"), message); } } }
public List <AgreementDetail> GetActiveAgreementDetails(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return(dataContext.AgreementDetails.OrderBy(ad => ad.SortOrder).ToList()); }
public IQueryable <tb_account_type_lu> GetAllAcccountTypes(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return(dataContext.tb_account_type_lus.Distinct().OrderBy(a => a.account_type)); }
public IQueryable <tb_suffix_lu> GetAllSuffixs(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return((from i in dataContext.tb_suffix_lus select i).Distinct()); }
public IQueryable <tb_identification_type_lu> GetAllIdentificationTypes(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return((from i in dataContext.tb_identification_type_lus select i).Distinct()); }
public IQueryable <tb_employment_status_lu> GetAllEmploymentStatus(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return((from i in dataContext.tb_employment_status_lus select i).Distinct()); }
public IQueryable <tb_state> GetAllStates(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int country_id) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return((from i in dataContext.tb_states where i.country_id == country_id select i).Distinct()); }
public IQueryable <tb_martial_status_lu> GetAllMartialStatus(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return((from i in dataContext.tb_martial_status_lus where i.martial_status_id > 0 select i).Distinct()); }
public void SaveAffiliations(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, bool is_employed_security_industry, bool is_broker_dealer_security_dealer, bool is_investment_advisor, bool is_state_federal_regulator, bool is_FINRA, string entity_name, bool is_shareholder_public_company, string company_name, bool is_senior_govt_nonus, int senior_govt_nonus_country_id, bool isDebug ) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } int update = 0; tb_affiliation aff; var tb_affilication = dataContext.tb_affiliations.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_affilication != null) { update = 1; aff = tb_affilication; } else { aff = new tb_affiliation(); } aff.account_id = accountId; aff.is_employed_security_industry = is_employed_security_industry; aff.is_broker_dealer_security_dealer = is_broker_dealer_security_dealer; aff.is_investment_advisor = is_investment_advisor; aff.is_state_federal_regulator = is_state_federal_regulator; aff.is_FINRA = is_FINRA; aff.entity_name = entity_name; aff.is_shareholder_public_company = is_shareholder_public_company; aff.company_name = company_name; aff.is_senior_govt_nonus = is_senior_govt_nonus; aff.senior_govt_nonus_country_id = senior_govt_nonus_country_id; aff.date_created = DateTime.Now; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_affiliations.InsertOnSubmit(aff); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public tb_address GetAddress(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string type) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } return((from s in dataContext.tb_addresses join a in dataContext.tb_address_type_lus on s.address_type_id equals a.address_type_id where s.account_id == accountId && a.address_type == type select s).FirstOrDefault()); }
public string GenerateAccountNumber(string firstName, string lastName) { string returnValue = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName)) { var dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); var a = (from s in dataContext.tb_settings where s.key == "DefaultFirstName" && s.storeId == regModel.activeStore.storeId && == true select s.value).FirstOrDefault(); if (a == null) { firstName = "T"; } else { firstName = a; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName)) { var dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); var a = (from s in dataContext.tb_settings where s.key == "DefaultLastName" && == true && s.storeId == regModel.activeStore.storeId select s.value).FirstOrDefault(); if (a == null) { lastName = "TB"; } else { lastName = a; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) && lastName.Length < 2) { lastName += "TB"; } int seed = (int)DateTime.Now.Ticks; Random r = new Random(seed); int randomNumber = r.Next(10000, 99999); returnValue = firstName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + lastName.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper() + randomNumber.ToString(); return(returnValue); }
public void SavePatriot(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string dateofBirth, int identification_type_id, string identification_number, string identification_expiration, string identification_place_of_issue, string identification_issue_date, int residence_country_id, bool isCoApplicant, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } int update = 0; tb_patriot patriot; var tb_patriot = dataContext.tb_patriots.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_patriot != null) { if (isCoApplicant == true) { patriot = new tb_patriot(); patriot.is_coapplicant = false; } else { patriot = tb_patriot; update = 1; patriot.is_coapplicant = isCoApplicant; } } else { patriot = new tb_patriot(); patriot.is_coapplicant = isCoApplicant; } patriot.account_id = accountId; patriot.date_of_birth = dateofBirth; patriot.identification_type_id = identification_type_id; patriot.identitication_number = identification_number; patriot.identification_expiration = identification_expiration; patriot.identitifcation_place_of_issue = identification_place_of_issue; patriot.identification_issue_date = identification_issue_date; patriot.residence_country_id = residence_country_id; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_patriots.InsertOnSubmit(patriot); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void SaveEmploymentDetails(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info, int address_id, int employmentStatus, string employmentStatusOther, string jobTitle, string jobOccupation, string employerName, string yearsWithEmployer, bool isCoApplicant, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } int update = 0; tb_employementstatus employment_status; var tb_employeestatus = dataContext.tb_employementstatus.Where(t => t.account_id == info.AccountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_employeestatus != null) { if (isCoApplicant == true) { employment_status = new tb_employementstatus(); employment_status.is_coapplicant = false; } else { update = 1; employment_status = tb_employeestatus; employment_status.is_coapplicant = isCoApplicant; } } else { employment_status = new tb_employementstatus(); } employment_status.account_id = info.AccountId; employment_status.business_address_id = address_id; employment_status.employment_status_id = employmentStatus; employment_status.employement_status_other = employmentStatusOther; employment_status.job_title = jobTitle; employment_status.occupation = jobOccupation; employment_status.employer = employerName; employment_status.years_with_employment = yearsWithEmployer; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_employementstatus.InsertOnSubmit(employment_status); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void SaveFinancials(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string annual_income, string tax_rate, string net_worth, string liquid_net_worth, string annual_expense, string special_expense, string special_expense_time, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } tb_financial financial; int update = 0; var tb_financial = dataContext.tb_financials.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_financial != null) { financial = tb_financial; update = 1; } else { financial = new tb_financial(); } financial.account_id = accountId; financial.annual_income = annual_income; financial.tax_rate = tax_rate; financial.net_worth = net_worth; financial.liquid_net_worth = liquid_net_worth; financial.annual_expense = annual_expense; financial.special_expense = special_expense; financial.special_expense_time = special_expense_time; financial.date_created = DateTime.Now; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_financials.InsertOnSubmit(financial); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void SaveCommunicationChoices(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string communication_option, string communication_email, bool isDebug) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } tb_communication_choice communication = new tb_communication_choice(); communication.account_id = accountId; communication.communication_option = communication_option; communication.communication_email = communication_email; communication.date_created = DateTime.Now; dataContext.tb_communication_choices.InsertOnSubmit(communication); if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public IQueryable <tb_country> GetAllCountries(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, string trading_type) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } if (trading_type != "Bitcoin") { return((from i in dataContext.tb_countries where && !i.deleted && i.country_id != 1 select i).Distinct().OrderBy(c =>; } else { return((from i in dataContext.tb_countries where && !i.deleted select i).Distinct().OrderBy(c =>; } }
// <summary> /// This method will save agreement data /// <param name="dataContext"></param> /// <param name="customerId"></param> /// <param name="detailId"></param> /// <param name="agreementId"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void SaveAgreementFieldValue(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, string customerId, int detailId, int agreementId, string value) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } try { var ua = new UserAgrement(); ua.UserID = customerId; ua.AgreementID = agreementId; ua.AgreementDetailsID = detailId; ua.SignatureValue = value; ua.CreatedBy = "User"; ua.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; dataContext.UserAgrements.InsertOnSubmit(ua); dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(System.Web.HttpContext.Current).Log(new Elmah.Error(ex, System.Web.HttpContext.Current)); } }
public bool SaveAddress(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info, string type, string title, string first_name, string last_name, string middle_name, string suffix, string address_1, string address_2, string city, int stateId, string otherState, string zipCode, int countryId, bool is_address_last_one_year, int martial_status_id, string work_phone, string num_dependents, bool isCoApplicant, string business_tel, string fax, bool isDebug) { try { int update = 0; if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } var accTypeId = GetAddressType(dataContext, type); var tb_address = dataContext.tb_addresses.Where(t => t.account_id == info.AccountId && t.address_type_id == accTypeId).FirstOrDefault(); tb_address address; if (tb_address != null) { if (info.AccountType == 2) { if (isCoApplicant == true) { address = new tb_address(); } else { address = tb_address; update = 1; } } else { address = tb_address; update = 1; } } else { address = new tb_address(); } address.account_id = info.AccountId; address.address_type_id = accTypeId; address.title = title; address.first_name = first_name; address.last_name = last_name; address.middle_name = middle_name; address.suffix = suffix; address.address_1 = address_1; address.address_2 = address_2; = city; address.business_telephone = business_tel; address.fax = fax; if (countryId == 1) { address.state = stateId.ToString(); } else { address.state = otherState; } address.zipcode = zipCode; address.country_id = countryId; address.is_address_last_one_year = is_address_last_one_year; address.martial_status_id = martial_status_id; address.work_phone = work_phone; address.num_dependents = num_dependents; address.email_address = info.EmailAddress; address.date_created = DateTime.Now; address.is_coapplicant = isCoApplicant; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_addresses.InsertOnSubmit(address); dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } else { if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } //dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
/// This method will create user in trade reporting api /// <param name="affiliateType"></param> /// <param name="ipAddress"></param> /// </summary> /// <returns>bool</returns> public void SaveToExternalService(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info) { var activeStore = dataContext.store_bases.FirstOrDefault(t => t.storeId == 1); if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } var account = (from s in dataContext.tb_accounts where s.account_id == info.AccountId && == true select s).FirstOrDefault(); if (account != null) { var configTradingServiceURL = (from s in dataContext.tb_settings where s.key == "ServiceTradingServiceURL" && == true && s.storeId == 1 select s).FirstOrDefault(); var configTradingServiceUsername = (from s in dataContext.tb_settings where s.key == "ServiceTradingUsername" && == true && s.storeId == 1 select s).FirstOrDefault(); var configTradingServicePassword = (from s in dataContext.tb_settings where s.key == "ServiceTradingPassword" && s.storeId == 1 && == true select s).FirstOrDefault(); var configTradingServiceAccount = (from s in dataContext.tb_settings where s.key == "ServiceTradingAccount" && s.storeId == 1 && == true select s).FirstOrDefault(); if (configTradingServiceUsername != null && configTradingServicePassword != null && configTradingServiceAccount != null && configTradingServiceURL != null) { try { System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress ea = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(configTradingServiceURL.value); TradingService.TRServiceSoapClient service = new TradingService.TRServiceSoapClient("TRServiceSoap", ea); string _userCountry = string.Empty; string _firstname = string.Empty; string _lastname = string.Empty; string token = service.TRLogin(configTradingServiceUsername.value, configTradingServicePassword.value); int accountExists = service.TRAccountExist(token, account.customer_id); if (accountExists == 0) { // tb_address address = objSignupHelper.GetAddress(dataContext, info.AccountId, "Permanent"); var updateAcc = dataContext.tb_addresses.FirstOrDefault(t => t.account_id == info.AccountId); //if (info.AccountType == 3) //{ // var _add = (from a in dataContext.tb_addresses where a.account_id == info.AccountId select a).ToList(); // _firstname = _add[1].first_name; // _lastname = _add[1].last_name; // var country = (from s in dataContext.tb_countries // where s.country_id == _add[1].country_id // && == true // select s).FirstOrDefault(); // _userCountry =; //} //else //{ // var country = (from s in dataContext.tb_countries // where s.country_id == address.country_id // && == true // select s).FirstOrDefault(); // _firstname = address.first_name; // _lastname = address.last_name; // _userCountry =; //} //string state = string.Empty; //if (address.country_id == 1) //{ // var states = (from s in dataContext.tb_states // where s.state_id == int.Parse(address.state) // && == true // select s).FirstOrDefault(); // if (states != null) // state = states.state_initial; //} //else //{ // state = address.state; //} //if (_userCountry != null) //{ string accountOpen = ""; //If registration type is tradezero then no cookie creation if (account.Affiliate_Type == "TradeZero") { accountOpen = service.TROpenAccount(token, account.customer_id, updateAcc.first_name + " " + updateAcc.last_name, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password); //, updateAcc.state, updateAcc.zipcode, updateAcc.country_id.ToString(), updateAcc.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password); } ////If registration type is other then check cookie existance //else //{ // if (account.Affiliate_Type == "livestream") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "LiveStream"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "tradingschools") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "TradingSchool"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "stocktrad3rblog") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "StockTrad3r"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "munozinvestments") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "MunozInvestments"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "stockpro") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "StockPro"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "generaltrade") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "GeneralTrade"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "ascendtrading") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "Ascend"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "tkltrading") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "tkltrading"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "stockspy") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "stockspy"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "smartfinance") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "smartfinance"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // //curso trader // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "cursotrader") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "cursotrader"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "blueinvesting") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "blueinvest"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "traderssky") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "traderssky"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "bubbashow") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "bubbashow"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "warrior") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "warrior"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } // else if (account.Affiliate_Type == "mexicobolsas") // { // accountOpen = service.TROpenAccountAffiliate(token, account.customer_id, _firstname + " " + _lastname, address.address_1, address.address_2, string.Empty, //, state, address.zipcode, _userCountry, address.work_phone, string.Empty, account.email_address, account.password, "mexicobolsas"); // //Remove respective cookie immediatly // ReadandDeleteCookie(account.Affiliate_Type, objSignupHelper.getvisitorip()); // } //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountOpen)) { account.account_id_service = accountOpen; if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } } else { account.account_id_service = "ERROR"; if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } } } // } } catch (Exception ex) { using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogFilePath"].ToString(), true)) { outfile.Write(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine); outfile.Write(ex.InnerException + Environment.NewLine); outfile.Write(ex.Source + Environment.NewLine); } account.account_id_service = "ERROR CONNECTING"; if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } } } } }
public void SendThankYouEmail(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info) { string uri = "TradeZero"; if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } string email_id = ""; emailTemplate em; string fullName = string.Empty; tb_account account = dataContext.tb_accounts.Where(a => a.storeURI == uri && a.account_id == info.AccountId).FirstOrDefault();//regModel.activeStore.uri if (account.trading_type == "Bitcoin") { em = dataContext.emailTemplates.Where(e => e.storeId == 1 && e.templateName == "New Bitcoin Account").FirstOrDefault();//regModel.activeStore.storeId } else { em = dataContext.emailTemplates.Where(e => e.storeId == 1 && e.templateName == "NEWACCOUNT").FirstOrDefault();//regModel.activeStore.storeId } var addresses = dataContext.tb_addresses.Where(add => add.account_id == account.account_id); tb_address primaryAddress; if (account.account_type_id == 3) { primaryAddress = addresses.Where(add => add.address_type_id == 1 && add.is_coapplicant == true).FirstOrDefault(); email_id = account.email_address; } else { primaryAddress = addresses.Where(add => add.address_type_id == 1).FirstOrDefault(); email_id = primaryAddress.email_address; } if (em != null && account != null && addresses != null && primaryAddress != null) { int templateID = em.emailTemplateId; string emailSubject = em.emailSubject; string emailBody = em.emailBody; string firmAddress = string.Empty; firmAddress = string.IsNullOrEmpty(regModel.activeStore.address1) ? string.Empty : regModel.activeStore.address1 + "<br/>"; firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? string.Empty : + " "); firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regModel.activeStore.state) ? string.Empty : regModel.activeStore.state + " "); firmAddress = firmAddress + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regModel.activeStore.zipcode) ? string.Empty : regModel.activeStore.zipcode + " "); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FNAME]", primaryAddress.first_name); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[LNAME]", primaryAddress.last_name); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FIRM]", regModel.activeStore.storeDisplayName); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[ACCOUNT]", account.customer_id); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FIRM ADDRESS]", firmAddress); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("[FIRM CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER]", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regModel.activeStore.contactPhone) ? "" : regModel.activeStore.contactPhone)); int EmailLogID = TurnKeyBrokerSignUp.WebUI.Services.EmailHelper.AddToEmailQueue(regModel.activeStore.uri, em.fromName, em.fromEmail, primaryAddress.first_name + " " + primaryAddress.last_name, email_id, em.ccEmail, em.bccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody); string message = TurnKeyBrokerSignUp.WebUI.Services.EmailHelper.SendEmail(em.fromName, em.fromEmail, primaryAddress.first_name + " " + primaryAddress.last_name, email_id, em.ccEmail, em.bccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody, em.isHtml); if (EmailLogID > 0) { TurnKeyBrokerSignUp.WebUI.Services.EmailHelper.UpdateEmailQueueStatus(EmailLogID, message.Trim().ToUpper().Equals("OK"), message); } } }
//public void SaveUserToTurboTick(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info) //{ // if (dataContext == null) // dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); // var _account = (from s in dataContext.tb_accounts // // where s.email_address == info.EmailAddress // where s.account_id == info.AccountId // && == true // select s).FirstOrDefault(); // if (_account != null) // { // tb_address address = GetAddress(dataContext, info.AccountId, "Permanent"); // string state = string.Empty; // if (address.country_id == 1) // { // var states = (from s in dataContext.tb_states // where s.state_id == int.Parse(address.state) // && == true // select s).FirstOrDefault(); // if (states != null) // state = states.state_initial; // } // else // { // state = address.state; // } // string valid = ""; // string managerUsername = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TurboTickDemoManagerUsername"].ToString(); // string managerPassword = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TurboTickDemoManagerPassword"].ToString(); // valid = SingleSignOnLib.SingleSignOnOverHttp.RequestManagerLogin(managerUsername, managerPassword, SingleSignOnClien.Web.Common.TurboTickSingleSignOn); // if (valid.ToLower().Equals("yes")) // { // SingleSignOnLib.SingleSignOnUser newUser = new SingleSignOnLib.SingleSignOnUser(); // SingleSignOnLib.SingleSignOnAccount account = new SingleSignOnLib.SingleSignOnAccount(); // newUser.DisableUser = "******"; // newUser.Email = _account.email_address; // newUser.Firstname = address.first_name; // newUser.Lastname = address.last_name; // newUser.Password = _account.password;//SingleSignOnLib.SHA.EncryptSHA256(_account.password); // newUser.Phone = address.work_phone; // newUser.DisableUser = "******"; // newUser.WebEdition = "true"; // newUser.DesktopEdition = "true"; // newUser.IsUpdate = false; // newUser.Username = _account.customer_id; // account.Account = _account.customer_id; // account.City =; // account.FirstName = address.first_name; // account.LastName = address.last_name; // account.Address = address.address_1; // account.BPMultiplier = int.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["txtBPMultiplier"].ToString()); // account.MarginBuyingPower = decimal.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["txtBuyingPower"].ToString()); // account.MasterAccount = "XXXXXXXX"; // account.MaximumOrderSize = int.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["txtAccMaxOrderSize"].ToString()); // account.OptionsTrading = "true"; // account.RoutingCommisionType = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["txtAccRoutingComissionTypes"].ToString(); // account.State = state; // account.TradingSuspended = "false"; // account.Zip = address.zipcode; // newUser.Account = account; // newUser.MobileEdition = "true"; // newUser.WebEditionPro = "true"; // account.Equity = 0; // account.NightBuyingPower = 0; // if (SingleSignOnLib.SingleSignOnOverHttp.SendNewSingleSignOnUser(SingleSignOnClien.Web.Common.TurboTickSingleSignOn + "?usercreation=1&managerName=" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TurboTickDemoManagerUsername"].ToString(), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TurboTickDemoManagerUsername"].ToString(), newUser).Equals("success")) // { // _account.turbo_tick_log = string.Format("User '{0}' with account '{1}' was created. Operation succeeded!", newUser.Username, account.Account); // dataContext.SubmitChanges(); // } // else // { // _account.turbo_tick_log = "Operation failed! Please retry the operation"; // dataContext.SubmitChanges(); // } // } // } //} public void SaveUserToPortal(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, RegistrationInfo info, string StoreURI) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } var account = (from s in dataContext.tb_accounts // where s.email_address == info.EmailAddress where s.account_id == info.AccountId && == true select s).FirstOrDefault(); if (account != null) { tb_address address = GetAddress(dataContext, info.AccountId, "Permanent"); string tradeZeroApplicationId = dataContext.aspnet_Applications.Where(a => a.ApplicationName == "tradezero").FirstOrDefault().ApplicationId.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tradeZeroApplicationId)) { using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TradeZeroSQLProvider"].ConnectionString)) { string strUserCreateUser = "******" + tradeZeroApplicationId + "','" + account.customer_id + "',0,'" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + Guid.NewGuid() + "'"; conn.Open(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(); command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; command.Connection = conn; command.CommandText = strUserCreateUser; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Guid guidNewUserId = dataContext.aspnet_Users.Where(u => u.UserName == account.customer_id).FirstOrDefault().UserId; string newUserID = guidNewUserId.ToString(); store_base sb = dataContext.store_bases.Where(_sb => == StoreURI).FirstOrDefault(); int storeId = 1; if (sb != null) { storeId = sb.storeId; } var _aspNetUser = dataContext.aspnet_Users.Where(a => a.UserId == guidNewUserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (_aspNetUser != null) { _aspNetUser.storeId = storeId; dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } var emailAddress = account.email_address.Replace("@", "_" + account.customer_id + "@"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newUserID)) { string strMembershipCreateUser = "******" + account.customer_id + "','" + account.password + "','1234','" + emailAddress + "',NULL,NULL,1,'" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "',1,0,'" + newUserID + "'"; command.CommandText = strMembershipCreateUser; command.Connection = conn; command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } command.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } } } }
public void SaveFinancialInvestmentExperience(TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext dataContext, int accountId, string year_mutual_funds, string number_mutual_funds, string average_size_per_trade, string year_investment_stocks, string number_investment_stocks, string year_bonds, string number_bonds, string year_options, string number_options, string year_social_securities, string number_social_securities, string year_annuties, string number_annuties, string year_alternatives, string number_alternatives, string year_margins, string number_margins, string decision_making_experience, string other_investment_type_1, string other_investment_firm_1, string other_investment_amount_1, string other_investment_type_2, string other_investment_firm_2, string other_investment_amount_2, string other_investment_type_3, string other_investment_firm_3, string other_investment_amount_3, bool isDebug ) { if (dataContext == null) { dataContext = new TurnKeyBrokerSignUpDataContext(); } tb_financial_investment investment; int update = 0; var tb_financial_investment = dataContext.tb_financial_investments.Where(t => t.account_id == accountId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tb_financial_investment != null) { investment = tb_financial_investment; update = 1; } else { investment = new tb_financial_investment(); } investment.account_id = accountId; investment.year_mutual_funds = year_mutual_funds; investment.number_mutual_funds = number_mutual_funds; investment.average_size_per_trade = average_size_per_trade; investment.year_investment_stocks = year_investment_stocks; investment.number_investment_stocks = number_investment_stocks; investment.year_bonds = year_bonds; investment.number_bonds = number_bonds; investment.year_options = year_options; investment.number_options = number_options; investment.year_social_securities = year_social_securities; investment.number_social_securities = number_social_securities; investment.year_annuties = year_annuties; investment.number_annuties = number_annuties; investment.year_alternatives = year_alternatives; investment.number_alternatives = number_alternatives; investment.year_margins = year_margins; investment.number_margins = number_margins; investment.decision_making_experience = decision_making_experience; investment.other_investment_type_1 = other_investment_type_1; investment.other_investment_firm_1 = other_investment_firm_1; investment.other_investment_amount_1 = other_investment_amount_1; investment.other_investment_type_2 = other_investment_type_2; investment.other_investment_firm_2 = other_investment_firm_2; investment.other_investment_amount_2 = other_investment_amount_2; investment.other_investment_type_3 = other_investment_type_3; investment.other_investment_firm_3 = other_investment_firm_3; investment.other_investment_amount_3 = other_investment_amount_3; investment.date_created = DateTime.Now; if (update == 0) { dataContext.tb_financial_investments.InsertOnSubmit(investment); } if (!isDebug) { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }