Exemple #1
        private void AddSecurityCodeExpectation(MockHttpMessageHandler mockHttp, TrustedDevice trustedDevice, string code)
            var method      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) ? HttpMethod.Put : HttpMethod.Post;
            var mockRequest = mockHttp
                              .Expect(method, new RestUri(this.UrlProvider.TwoStepVerifyUrl, new {
                deviceId = trustedDevice.Id
                              .WithHeaders(new[] {
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Accept", "application/json"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Accept", "text/javascript"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("X-Apple-Widget-Key", Expected_AuthToken_AuthServiceKey),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("x-apple-id-session-id", Expected_TwoStep_SessionId),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("scnt", Expected_TwoStep_Scnt)

            if (method == HttpMethod.Post)
                mockRequest.WithContent(this.JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { code }));

                .Expect(HttpMethod.Get, this.UrlProvider.SessionUrl)
                .Respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, "application/json", this.JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Session
                    User = new User
                        EmailAddress = Expected_Session_User_EmailAddress,
                        FullName     = Expected_Session_User_FullName,
                        Id           = Expected_Session_User_Id
Exemple #2
        private async Task <ClientContext> LoginWithTwoStepCodeAsync(TrustedDevice trustedDevice, string code)
            var context = new ClientContext
                AuthToken = new AuthToken
                    AuthServiceKey = Expected_AuthToken_AuthServiceKey,
                    AuthServiceUrl = Expected_AuthToken_AuthServiceUrl
                TwoStepToken = new TwoStepToken
                    Scnt      = Expected_TwoStep_Scnt,
                    SessionId = Expected_TwoStep_SessionId


            var mockHttp = new MockHttpMessageHandler();

            this.AddSecurityCodeExpectation(mockHttp, trustedDevice, code);

            var client = this.CreateClient(new RestClient(mockHttp), this.UrlProvider);

            context = await client.LogonWithTwoStepCodeAsync(context, code);


Exemple #3
        public override DataContract.Common.IMovilwayApiResponse PerformKinacuOperation(DataContract.Common.IMovilwayApiRequest requestObject, KinacuWebService.SaleInterface kinacuWS, string sessionID)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            AddTrustedDeviceRequestBody  request  = (AddTrustedDeviceRequestBody)requestObject;
            AddTrustedDeviceResponseBody response = new AddTrustedDeviceResponseBody();

                if (request.DeviceType != (int)cons.ACCESS_POSWEB)
                    response.ResponseCode    = 90;
                    response.ResponseMessage = "NO ESTA AUTORIZADO PARA ACCEDER A ESTE SERVICIO";//"ERROR INESPERADO";
                    response.TransactionID   = 0;

                //String jsonString = request.InfoTokken;

                //int idUser = Utils.GetUserId(request.AuthenticationData.Username, cons.ACCESS_POSWEB);

                String jsonDecrypt = Cryptography.decrypt(request.InfoTokken);

                Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(jsonDecrypt);

                bool status = Convert.ToBoolean(dictionary["status"]);
                int  type   = Convert.ToInt32(dictionary["type"]);

                TrustedDevice device = new TrustedDevice()
                    UserId       = request.AuthenticationData.Username,
                    Token        = dictionary["cookieMonster"],
                    Hash         = dictionary["hash"],
                    IdType       = type,
                    FriendlyName = dictionary["friendlyName"],
                    Description  = dictionary["description"],
                    Status       = status? cons.DEVICE_ACTIVE: cons.DEVICE_TEMPORAL,//cons.DEVICE_ACTIVE, //status? cons.DEVICE_ACTIVE: cons.DEVICE_TEMPORAL,
                    Secure       = status,
                    //IsActive = true,
                    DateActivated = DateTime.MinValue,
                    Model         = dictionary["model"],
                    OS            = dictionary["os"],
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Now,
                    Ticks         = Convert.ToInt64(dictionary["ticks"])

                if (!device.IsValid())
                    response.ResponseCode    = 90;
                    response.ResponseMessage = "LOS DATOS DEL DISPOSITIVO ESTAN INCOMPLETOS";//"ERROR INESPERADO";
                    response.TransactionID   = 0;

                GenericApiResult <bool> result = Utils.AddTrustedDeviceNuevo(device);

                response.ResponseCode    = result.ResponseCode;
                response.ResponseMessage = result.ResponseMessage;
                response.Result          = result.ObjectResult;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.ResponseCode    = 500;
                response.ResponseMessage = ex.Message;//"ERROR INESPERADO";
                response.TransactionID   = 0;

                string mensaje = String.Concat("[API] ", base.LOG_PREFIX, " [AddTrustedDeviceProvider]  [", ex.GetType().FullName, "] . Exception: ", ex.Message, ". ", ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #4
        protected virtual async Task <LogonAuth> LogonWithTwoStepCodeAsync(ClientContext context, TrustedDevice trustedDevice, string code)
            await Configure.AwaitFalse();

            RestRequest request;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                request = RestRequest.Put(
                    new RestUri(this.UrlProvider.TwoStepVerifyUrl, new { deviceId = trustedDevice.Id }),
                request = RestRequest.Post(
                    new RestUri(this.UrlProvider.TwoStepVerifyUrl, new { deviceId = trustedDevice.Id }),
                    new { code });
            var response = await this.SendAsync <LogonAuth>(context, request);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Acquires a the two-step authentication code to be send to the given trusted device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="T:ClientContext"/> to be used with all following client calls.</returns>
        /// <param name="context">The current context.</param>
        /// <param name="trustedDevice">Trusted device.</param>
        public async Task <ClientContext> AcquireTwoStepCodeAsync(ClientContext context, TrustedDevice trustedDevice)
            await Configure.AwaitFalse();

            var logonAuth = await this.LogonWithTwoStepCodeAsync(context, trustedDevice, null);

            context.Authentication = Authentication.TwoStepCode;
            context.LogonAuth      = logonAuth;
        /// <summary>
        /// Valida que el acceso este activo y se ha valido
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void IsValidAccess(IMovilwayApiRequest request)//GenericApiResult<bool>
            logger.InfoHigh(String.Concat(LOG_PREFIX, " IsValidAccess "));
            bool acceso = true;
            //  GenericApiResult<bool> result = new GenericApiResult<bool>(true);
            TrustedDevice device = null;

            //TODO quitar
            device = new TrustedDevice()
                Status = cons.DEVICE_ACTIVE
            string message = "";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.AuthenticationData.Tokken))
                    message = "NO SE ENVIO EL TOKKEN DE AUTENTICACION";
                    logger.ErrorHigh(String.Concat(LOG_PREFIX, message));

                    throw new Exception(message);

                String jsonDecrypt = Cryptography.decrypt(request.AuthenticationData.Tokken);

                logger.InfoHigh(() => TagValue.New().Message(String.Concat(LOG_PREFIX, " ACCESS TOKKEN  ")).Tag("DATA").Value(jsonDecrypt));

                Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(jsonDecrypt);

                DateTime NowUtc      = DateTime.UtcNow;
                DateTime AccessDtUtc = DateTime.ParseExact(dictionary["Fecha"], "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", null);

                logger.InfoHigh(String.Concat("FECHAS UTC ", NowUtc.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"), " - ", AccessDtUtc.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss")));

                if ((NowUtc - AccessDtUtc) > t)
                    throw  new SecurityException("EL TIEMPO DEL TOKKEN SE HA EXPIRADO");

//                // buscar en los accessos de la base de datos
//                string strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SECURE_DB"].ConnectionString;
//                using (SqlConnection mySqlConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnString))
//                {

//                    mySqlConnection.Open();
//                    SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand();
//                    //select by serial
//                    mySqlCommand.CommandText = @"
//                        SELECT        Device.DeviceId, Device.UserId, Device.Token, Device.Hash, Device.DeviceTypeId, Device.FriendlyName, Device.Description, Device.DateActivated, Device.Status, Device.LastAccess, Device.DateBlocked,
//                         Device.Model, Device.OS, DeviceType.Name AS Type
//FROM            Device INNER JOIN
//                         DeviceType ON Device.DeviceTypeId = DeviceType.DeviceTypeId WHERE   Device.Token = @SerialTokken AND Device.UserId = @userId ";

//                    //mySqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SerialTokken", token);
//                    //mySqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", userid);

//                    using (var reader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader())
//                    {
//                        if (reader.HasRows && reader.Read())
//                        {
//                            device = new TrustedDevice()
//                              {
//                                  ID = (long)((int)reader["DeviceId"]),
//                                  UserId = (int)reader["UserId"],
//                                  Token = (string)reader["Token"],
//                                  Hash = (string)reader["Hash"],
//                                  //--
//                                  IdType = (int)reader["DeviceTypeId"],
//                                  Type = (string)reader["Type"],
//                                  //--
//                                  FriendlyName = (string)reader["FriendlyName"],
//                                  DateActivated = (DateTime)reader["DateActivated"],
//                                  Status = (Int16)reader["Status"],
//                              };

//                        }
//                        else
//                            throw new Exception("NO SE ECONTRARON DATOS DEL ACCESO SEGUN LA AUTENTICACION");

//                    }
//                }

                if (device.Status != cons.DEVICE_ACTIVE)
                    message = "ACCESSO NO VALIDO";
                    logger.ErrorHigh(String.Concat(LOG_PREFIX, message));
                    //RECONSIDERAR RETORNULL
                    throw new SecurityException(message);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!(ex is SecurityException))
                    logger.InfoHigh(String.Concat(LOG_PREFIX, " ERROR INESPERADO VALIDANDO ACCESO ", ex.Message, " - ", ex.StackTrace));
