/// <summary>
        /// Retrieve DB data to place to the page
        /// </summary>
        protected void GetData()
            if (nTournamentID > 0)
                DataRow oDR = GetFirstRow(Config.DbGetTournamentDetails, new object[] { "@ID", nTournamentID });
                if (oDR != null)
                    nEngineID  = Utils.GetInt(oDR["GameEngineID"]);
                    nActDispID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["ActionDispatcherID"]);
                    enType     = (TrnType)Utils.GetInt(oDR["CategoryTypeID"]);
                    string xmlString = oDR["SettingsXML"].ToString();
                    oCom.FillTable(xmlString, false, ref table);

                    //disable controls on the page
                    comboEngine.Enabled = false;
                    btnSave.Visible     = false;

                    //show Tornament Prizes button
                    btnPrize1.Visible   = true;
                    btnPrize2.Visible   = true;
                    btnInvitedU.Visible = true;
                btnPrize1.Visible   = false;                //hide Tornament Prizes button
                btnPrize2.Visible   = false;
                btnInvitedU.Visible = false;
        private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblInfo.EnableViewState = false;
            nTournamentID           = GetMainParamInt(hdnTournamentID);
            if (Request["type"] != null && Request["type"] == "2")
                enType = TrnType.SitAndGo;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                if ((comboEngine.SelectedIndex >= 0) && (nTournamentID <= 0))
                if (enType == TrnType.SitAndGo)
                    TextBox ttc = (TextBox )table.FindControl("Maximum Number of Registered Gamers");
                    if (Utils.GetInt(ttc.Text) <= 1)
                        ttc.Text = "2";
                DropDownList ct = (DropDownList)table.FindControl("Category");
                ct.Enabled       = false;
                ct.SelectedValue = ((int)enType).ToString();
                ct         = (DropDownList)table.FindControl("Tournament Type");
                ct.Enabled = false;
                if (nTournamentID <= 0)
                    ct.SelectedIndex = ct.Items.Count - 1;
                    TextBox tb = (TextBox)table.FindControl("Tournament Name");
                    tb.Text = String.Format("Tournament #{0}", GetTournamentNextId());
                Session["Tournament Type Maintenance"] = ct.SelectedIndex.ToString();
            BackPageUrl = (string)Session["TournamentMaintenanceUrl"];