/// <summary> /// Get or sets the group of controls for which the editor forces validation when it posts back to the server. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { IList <Organization> banks = null; if (IsPostBack == false) { // Bank Combo Box banks = Organization.Find(iSabayaContext, TreeListNode.FindRootByCode(iSabayaContext, "Bank")); comboBank.ValueField = "OrganizationID"; comboBank.TextField = "Code"; comboBank.DataSource = banks; comboBank.DataBind(); // txtAccountNo.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + txtAccountNo.ClientID; comboBank.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + comboBank.ClientID; cb1.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + cb1.ClientID; lblAccountName.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + lblAccountName.ClientID; txtAccountNo.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = @"function(s,e ){ var bankID = " + comboBank.ClientInstanceName + @".GetValue(); var accountID = " + txtAccountNo.ClientInstanceName + @".GetValue(); " + cb1.ClientInstanceName + @".SendCallback(bankID + ',' + accountID ); }"; cb1.ClientSideEvents.CallbackComplete = @"function(s,e ){ " + lblAccountName.ClientInstanceName + @".SetValue(e.result); }"; } }
private IList <OrgBase> OrganizationList() { IList <OrgBase> tempOrgList = new List <OrgBase>(); IList <OrgBase> OrgList = new List <OrgBase>(); if (this.selectAll) { foreach (Organization org in Organization.List(iSabayaContext)) { if (org.EffectivePeriod.IsEffectiveOn(DateTime.Today)) { tempOrgList.Add(org); if (!this.filterOrgUnitOut) { foreach (OrgUnit orgunit in org.OrgUnits) { if (orgunit.EffectivePeriod.IsEffectiveOn(DateTime.Today)) { tempOrgList.Add(orgunit); } } } else { continue; } } } OrgList = OrgList.Union <OrgBase>(tempOrgList).ToList <OrgBase>(); } if (this.isBank) { IList <Organization> banks = Organization.Find(iSabayaContext, TreeListNode.FindRootByCode(iSabayaContext, "Bank")); IList <OrgBase> bankLists = new List <OrgBase>(); foreach (Organization bank in banks) { bankLists.Add(bank); foreach (OrgUnit branch in bank.OrgUnits) { bankLists.Add(branch); } } OrgList = OrgList.Union <OrgBase>(bankLists).ToList <OrgBase>(); } Session[this.ClientID + "OrganizationLists"] = OrgList; return(OrgList); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack == false) { txtChequeNo.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + txtChequeNo.ClientID; comboBank.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + comboBank.ClientID; cb1.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + cb1.ClientID; lblChequeName.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + lblChequeName.ClientID; cbpTxtBtnBankAccount.ClientInstanceName = "cbpTxtBtnBankAccount_" + defaultPanelName; txtChequeAmount.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + txtChequeAmount.ClientID; txtUseAmount.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + txtUseAmount.ClientID; txtChequeNo.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = @"function(s,e ){ " + cb1.ClientInstanceName + @".SendCallback(); }"; cb1.ClientSideEvents.CallbackComplete = @"function(s,e ){ var obj1 = eval('('+e.result+')'); if(obj1.result == true){" + lblChequeName.ClientInstanceName + @".SetValue(obj1.Label); " + txtChequeAmount.ClientInstanceName + @".SetValue(obj1.ChequeAmount);} else{ alert(obj1.massage); } }"; cbpTxtBtnBankAccount.ClientSideEvents.CallbackComplete = @"function(s,e ){ var obj1 = eval('('+e.result+')'); " + txtChequeNo.ClientInstanceName + @".SetValue(obj1.ChequeNo); " + comboBank.ClientInstanceName + @".SetValue(obj1.bankId); }"; } IList <Organization> banks = null; if (Session[this.GetType().ToString() + "Banks"] == null) { banks = Organization.Find(iSabayaContext, TreeListNode.FindRootByCode(iSabayaContext, "Bank")); Session[this.GetType().ToString() + "Banks"] = banks; } else { banks = (IList <Organization>)Session[this.GetType().ToString() + "Banks"]; } comboBank.ValueField = "OrganizationID"; comboBank.TextField = "Code"; comboBank.DataSource = banks; comboBank.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack == false) { comboBank.ClientInstanceName = CbxClientName; } IList <Organization> banks = null; if (Session[this.GetType().ToString() + "Banks"] == null) { banks = Organization.Find(iSabayaContext, TreeListNode.FindRootByCode(iSabayaContext, "Bank")); Session[this.GetType().ToString() + "Banks"] = banks; } else { banks = (IList <Organization>)Session[this.GetType().ToString() + "Banks"]; } comboBank.ValueField = "OrganizationID"; comboBank.TextField = "Code"; comboBank.DataSource = banks; comboBank.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsCallback) { if (IsRequiredField) { textPartyEdit.SetValidation(ValidationGroup, true); } /*init script*/ treeList.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + treeList.ClientID; textPartyEdit.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + textPartyEdit.ClientID; popupParty.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + popupParty.ClientID; //btnSelect.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + btnSelect.ClientID; cbpTextPartyEdit.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + cbpTextPartyEdit.ClientID; labelParty.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + labelParty.ClientID; hddOrganization.ClientInstanceName = this.ClientID + hddOrganization.ClientID; string jsScriptTxtPartyEdit = @"var tree = " + treeList.ClientInstanceName + @"; var labelFullName = " + labelParty.ClientInstanceName + @"; var textInput = " + textPartyEdit.ClientInstanceName + @"; if(s.GetText()!= '') { var fullname = ''; var isParent = false; for(var i=0; i < tree.cpKeys.length; i++ ) { var id = tree.cpKeys[i]; var parentCode = tree.cpParentCodes[i]; var code = tree.cpCodes[i]; " + (CanSelectUnitOnly ? @"if(parentCode != '' && (s.GetText() == (parentCode+'-'+code))) { tree.SelectNode(id.toString(), true); fullname = tree.cpFullNames[i]; break; } else { tree.SelectNode(id.toString(), false); if(parentCode == '' && (s.GetText() == code)) isParent = true; } " : @"if((s.GetText() == code) || ((parentCode != null)&&(s.GetText() == (parentCode+'-'+code))) ) { tree.SelectNode(id.toString(), true); fullname = tree.cpFullNames[i]; break; } else tree.SelectNode(id.toString(), false);" ) + @" } labelFullName.SetText(fullname); if(fullname == '') { if(isParent) alert('กรุณาเลือกเฉพาะสาขา'); else alert('รหัส '+ s.GetText() +' ไม่มีในระบบ'); //textInput.Focus(); textInput.SelectAll(); } }"; textPartyEdit.ClientSideEvents.ButtonClick = @"function(s, e) { var win = " + popupParty.ClientInstanceName + @".GetWindow(0); " + popupParty.ClientInstanceName + @".ShowWindow(win);" //+ jsScriptTxtPartyEdit + "}"; textPartyEdit.ClientSideEvents.ValueChanged = @"function(s, e) {" + jsScriptTxtPartyEdit + @" }"; String CanSelectUnitOnlyScript = @"function(s, e) { " + popupParty.ClientInstanceName + @".Hide(); var list = new Array(); list[0] = 'ID'; list[1] = 'FullName'; list[2] = 'TypeInString'; list[3] = 'Code'; list[4] = 'ParentCode'; var code; s.GetNodeValues(e.nodeKey, list, function(values) { if(values.length > 0) {" + labelParty.ClientInstanceName + @".SetText(values[1]); if(values[4] != '' && values[4] != 'null') code = values[4] + '-' + values[3]; else code = values[3];" + textPartyEdit.ClientInstanceName + @".SetText(code); if(typeof(oncompleteLoadOrganization) != 'undefined') { oncompleteLoadOrganization(); } } }); }"; String OtherScript = @"function(s, e) { " + popupParty.ClientInstanceName + @".Hide(); var list = new Array(); list[0] = 'ID'; list[1] = 'FullName'; list[2] = 'TypeInString'; list[3] = 'Code'; list[4] = 'ParentCode'; s.GetNodeValues(e.nodeKey, list, function OnGridSelectionComplete(values) { if(values.length > 0) { if(values[2]=='iSabaya.OrgUnit') {" + labelParty.ClientInstanceName + @".SetText(values[1]);" + textPartyEdit.ClientInstanceName + @".SetText(values[4] + '-' + values[3]) ; if(typeof(oncompleteLoadOrganization) != 'undefined') { oncompleteLoadOrganization(); } } else { alert('กรุณาเลือกเฉพาะสาขา'); } } }); }"; if (CanSelectUnitOnly == false) { treeList.ClientSideEvents.NodeDblClick = CanSelectUnitOnlyScript; } else { treeList.ClientSideEvents.NodeDblClick = OtherScript; } /*init script*/ if (IsBank == false) { IList <VOOrgTree> list = new List <VOOrgTree>(); IList <Organization> organizations = iSabaya.Organization.List(iSabayaContext); List <int> ids = new List <int>(); foreach (Organization org in organizations) { list.Add(new VOOrgTree(org)); } if (OrganizationOnly == false) { #region new codes //add org units to the list foreach (Organization org in organizations) { foreach (OrgUnit orgUnit in org.OrgUnits) { list.Add(new VOOrgTree(orgUnit)); } } #endregion new codes #region original codes //ArrayList orgList = ArrayList.Adapter(organizations); //orgList.Sort(new Organization()); //IList<OrgUnit> orgUnits = OrgUnit.List(iSabayaContext); //VOOrgTree vo; //if (IsSellingAgent == false) //{ // foreach (OrgUnit org in orgUnits) // { // vo = new VOOrgTree(org); // list.Add(vo); // } //} //else //{ // foreach (OrgUnit org in orgUnits) // { // bool hit = ArrayList.Adapter((IList)organizations).BinarySearch(org.OrganizationParent, new Organization()) > -1; // if (hit) // { // vo = new VOOrgTree(org); // list.Add(vo); // } // } //} #endregion original codes } treeList.DataSource = list; treeList.DataBind(); treeList.ExpandAll(); Session[this.ID.ToString() + "ctrls_OrganizationOrgUnitControl_VOOrgTree"] = list; } else { //bank IList <VOOrgTree> list = new List <VOOrgTree>(); IList <Organization> banks = Organization.Find(iSabayaContext, TreeListNode.FindRootByCode(iSabayaContext, "Bank")); foreach (Organization org in banks) { VOOrgTree vo = new VOOrgTree(org); list.Add(vo); } if (OrganizationOnly == false) { #region new codes //add org units to the list foreach (Organization org in banks) { foreach (OrgUnit orgUnit in org.OrgUnits) { VOOrgTree vo = new VOOrgTree(orgUnit); list.Add(vo); } } #endregion new codes #region original codes //IList<OrgUnit> orgUnits = OrgUnit.List(iSabayaContext); //foreach (OrgUnit org in orgUnits) //{ // VOOrgTree vo = new VOOrgTree(org); // int parentId = org.OrganizationParent.ID; // bool hit = false; // for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) // { // if (parentId == list[i].ID) // { // hit = true; // break; // } // } // if (hit) // { // list.Add(vo); // } //} #endregion original codes } treeList.DataSource = list; treeList.DataBind(); treeList.ExpandAll(); Session[this.ID.ToString() + "ctrls_OrganizationOrgUnitControl_VOOrgTree"] = list; } } else { if (Session[this.ID.ToString() + "ctrls_OrganizationOrgUnitControl_VOOrgTree"] != null) { treeList.DataSource = (IList <VOOrgTree>)Session[this.ID.ToString() + "ctrls_OrganizationOrgUnitControl_VOOrgTree"]; treeList.DataBind(); } } }