public static void treeItemListControl_HtmlRowCreated(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
     if (e.RowKind == TreeListRowKind.Data)
         e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "'lightgray';'pointer'");
         e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'';");
 protected void tree_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
     if (e.RowKind == TreeListRowKind.Data)
         e.Row.CssClass += " customRow";
         e.Row.Attributes.Add("rowKey", e.NodeKey);
Exemple #3
    protected void tlData_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
        ASPxTreeList treeList = sender as ASPxTreeList;

        if (e.RowKind == TreeListRowKind.Data)
            TreeListNode parent = treeList.FindNodeByKeyValue(e.NodeKey).ParentNode;
            e.Row.Attributes.Add("nodeParent", (parent == null) ? String.Empty : parent.Key);
Exemple #4
 protected void ASPxTreeList1_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
     if (e.NodeKey == StartNodeKey)
         e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen;
     if (HiddenNodeList.Contains(e.NodeKey))
         e.Row.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver;
    /// <summary>
    /// 分析依赖
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void treeList_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
        if (grid.IsEditing)
            Int32  i   = grid.EditingRowVisibleIndex;
            String oid = grid.GetRowValues(i, "OID").ToString();

            if (Object.Equals(e.GetValue("OID"), oid))
                e.Row.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(211, 235, 183);
 void tree_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
     if (e.RowKind == TreeListRowKind.Data)
         DevExpress.Web.ASPxTreeList.TreeListNode node = tree.FindNodeByKeyValue(e.NodeKey);
         if (!node.HasChildren)
             e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "'lightgray';'pointer'");
             e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'';");
             e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
             e.Row.Font.Bold = true;
Exemple #7
    /// <summary>
    /// 分析依赖
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void treeList_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
        if (grid.IsEditing)
            Int32 i = grid.EditingRowVisibleIndex;
            String oid = grid.GetRowValues(i, "OID").ToString();

            if (Object.Equals(e.GetValue("OID"), oid))
                e.Row.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(211, 235, 183);
Exemple #8
    protected void TreeList_PSN_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
        ASPxTreeList tr = (ASPxTreeList)sender;
        //Image img_Per = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns[" บุคลากร"] as TreeListDataColumn, "img_Per") as Image;
        //if (e.GetValue("PIC_PATH").ToString() != "")
        //    img_Per.ImageUrl = e.GetValue("PIC_PATH").ToString();

        //tr.Columns[0].Visible = false;
Exemple #9
 protected void treelstProductUnits_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
     //if (e.RowKind == TreeListRowKind.Data && e.Level == 1) {
     //    treelstProductUnits.FindNodeByKeyValue(e.NodeKey).Focus();
 protected void tree_ORG_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
     HyperLink anchor = new HyperLink();
     anchor.Attributes["name"] = e.NodeKey;
 protected void ASPxTreeList1_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
     e.Row.Attributes.Add("nodelevel", e.Level.ToString());
Exemple #12
    protected void ASPxTree_ORG_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
        ASPxTreeList tr = (ASPxTreeList)sender;
        ASPxComboBox cmbApproveBy = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns["ผู้อนุญาต"] as TreeListDataColumn, "cmbApproveBy") as ASPxComboBox;
        UserControl_txtDatePicker txt_APP_DATE = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns["วันที่อนุญาต"] as TreeListDataColumn, "txt_APP_DATE") as UserControl_txtDatePicker;
        Label lblRow_Index = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns["ลำดับ"] as TreeListDataColumn, "lblRow_Index") as Label;
        Panel Pnl_collumn_Date = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns["วันที่อนุญาต"] as TreeListDataColumn, "Pnl_collumn_Date") as Panel;

        lblRow_Index.Text = e.GetValue("Row_Index").ToString();
        DataTable DT = DT_SetDDLApprover();     // list รายชื่อผู้อนุญาตที่สามารถเลือกได้
        if (DT.Rows.Count > 0)
        cmbApproveBy.TextField = "staff_name";
        cmbApproveBy.ValueField = "id";
        cmbApproveBy.DataSource = DT;
        if (e.GetValue("Approver_ID").ToString() != "")
        if (e.GetValue("Approver_ID").ToString() == "0")
            cmbApproveBy.SelectedIndex = -1;
        else {
         cmbApproveBy.Value = e.GetValue("Approver_ID").ToString();

        //string Approve_By = GetApprove_By();
        //if (Approve_By == "ByBoss")
            cmbApproveBy.SelectedIndex = -1;


        if (e.GetValue("approve_date").ToString() != "")
        txt_APP_DATE.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(e.GetValue("approve_date")).ToString("dd MMM yyyy", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("th-TH"));
        txt_APP_DATE.Value = null;

        // IsEnable
        if (!ISApprove_Enable)
        cmbApproveBy.Enabled = false;
        cmbApproveBy.ForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000");
        cmbApproveBy.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#DDDDDD");

        if (!ISDate_Enable)
        txt_APP_DATE.Enabled = false;
        Pnl_collumn_Date.Enabled = false;

Exemple #13
    protected void tree_PSN_Period_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
        ASPxTreeList tr = (ASPxTreeList)sender;
        rptPeriod = "";

        Image img_Per = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns[" บุคลากร"] as TreeListDataColumn, "img_Per") as Image;

        if (e.GetValue("PIC_PATH").ToString() != "")

            img_Per.ImageUrl = e.GetValue("PIC_PATH").ToString();

        if (e.GetValue("ID").ToString() != "0")

            string SQL = "";
            SQL += " Declare @person_id nvarchar(200) = '" + e.GetValue("ID").ToString() + "' \n";
            SQL += " Declare @_DATEFROM nvarchar(200) = '" + DateFrom + "' \n";
            SQL += " Declare @_DATETO nvarchar(200) = '" + DateTo + "' \n";
            SQL += " Declare @ORG_SERIAL nvarchar(50) = '" + e.GetValue("ORG_SERIAL").ToString() + "'  \n";
            SQL += " SELECT vw_Calendar.* ,T_PROCESS.remarks  \n";
            SQL += " ,SUBSTRING ( time_come ,1 , 2 ) _Htime_come    \n";
            SQL += " ,SUBSTRING ( time_come ,4 , 2 )  _Mtime_come   \n";
            SQL += " ,SUBSTRING ( time_back ,1 , 2 ) _Htime_back    \n";
            SQL += " ,SUBSTRING ( time_back ,4 , 2 )  _Mtime_back   \n";
            SQL += "  ,CASE WHEN T_PROCESS.time_come IS NOT NULL AND T_PROCESS.time_come <>'00:00:00' AND T_PROCESS.time_come <> ''  THEN   T_PROCESS.time_come  ELSE '' END time_come \n";
            SQL += "  ,CASE WHEN T_PROCESS.time_back IS NOT NULL AND T_PROCESS.time_back <>'00:00:00' AND T_PROCESS.time_come <> ''  THEN   T_PROCESS.time_back ELSE '' END time_back    \n";
            SQL += " FROM  vw_Calendar  \n";
            SQL += " LEFT JOIN HRM_TIME_PROCESS T_PROCESS ON convert(varchar(8),T_PROCESS.downtime_date,112) = convert(varchar(8),vw_Calendar.CA_HO_DATE,112)  \n";
            SQL += " 										 AND (convert(varchar(8),T_PROCESS.downtime_date,112) >= @_DATEFROM  AND convert(varchar(8),T_PROCESS.downtime_date,112) <= @_DATETO  \n";
            SQL += " 										 AND T_PROCESS.person_id = @person_id) \n";
            SQL += "  \n";
            SQL += "  WHERE convert(varchar(8),vw_Calendar.CA_HO_DATE,112) >= @_DATEFROM  AND convert(varchar(8),vw_Calendar.CA_HO_DATE,112) <= @_DATETO    \n";
            SQL += "  order by CA_HO_DATE asc  \n";
            DataTable DT = OPM_BL.GetDatatable(SQL, null);

            if (DT.Rows.Count > 0)

                rptPeriod += "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' border='1' style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border:1px #c0c0c0; width:100%; color:#333333;'>" + Environment.NewLine;

                rptPeriod += "                                      <tr style='height:30px; background-color:#9CC525;color: white;'>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            <td width='120px'  style='text-align:center; '>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                                <b>วันที่</b>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            <td width='100px'  style='text-align:center; '>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                                <b>เวลามา</b>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            <td width='100px'  style='text-align:center; '>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                               <b> เวลากลับ</b>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            <td style='text-align:center; width: 130px;'>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                                <b>จำนวนเวลาในการ<br>ปฏิบัติราชการ</b></td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            <td style='text-align:center; width: 200px;'>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                                <b>สถานะการมาปฎิบัติราชการ</b>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                rptPeriod += "                                        </tr>" + Environment.NewLine;

                for (int i = 0; i < DT.Rows.Count; i++)
                    String lblTime = "";
                    if ((DT.Rows[i]["_Htime_come"].ToString() != "" && DT.Rows[i]["_Htime_come"].ToString() != "00") && (DT.Rows[i]["_Htime_back"].ToString() != "" && DT.Rows[i]["_Htime_back"].ToString() != "00"))
                        double Result_H = 0;
                        double Result_M = 0;
                        double ResultM_Come = (GL.CDBL("60") - GL.CDBL(DT.Rows[i]["_Mtime_come"].ToString())) + GL.CDBL(DT.Rows[i]["_Mtime_back"].ToString());
                        Result_M = ResultM_Come;
                        if (ResultM_Come >= GL.CDBL(60))
                            Result_M = ResultM_Come % 60;     //--ได้จำนวนนาทีของการทำงาน
                            Result_H = ResultM_Come / 60;   //--ได้จำนวนชั่วโมงที่คิดจาก นาที
                        double ResultH = GL.CDBL(DT.Rows[i]["_Htime_back"]) - GL.CDBL(DT.Rows[i]["_Htime_come"]);
                        if (ResultH < 0)
                            ResultH = ResultH * (-1);
                        ResultH = ResultH + Result_H;

                        string H = GL.CINT(ResultH).ToString();
                        string M = GL.CINT(Result_M).ToString();
                        if ((ResultH.ToString().Length) == 1)
                            H = "0" + H;
                        if ((Result_M.ToString().Length) == 1)
                            M = "0" + M;

                        lblTime = H + ":" + M + " ชม.";


                    rptPeriod += "                                    <tr style='height:30px;background-color: " + DT.Rows[i]["HO_COLOR"].ToString() + ";' >" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            <td style='text-align:center; '>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                               " + DT.Rows[i]["DNAME"].ToString() + "  " + DT.Rows[i]["FULLDATE"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            <td style='text-align:center;'>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                                " + DT.Rows[i]["time_come"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            <td style='text-align:center;'>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                                " + DT.Rows[i]["time_back"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            <td style='text-align:center;'>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            " + lblTime.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            <td style='padding-left:10px;'>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                                " + DT.Rows[i]["remarks"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                            </td>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    rptPeriod += "                                        </tr>" + Environment.NewLine;

                rptPeriod += "</table>" + Environment.NewLine;
Exemple #14
    protected void tree_PSN_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender, TreeListHtmlRowEventArgs e)
        ASPxTreeList tr = (ASPxTreeList)sender;

        Label lblTime = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns[" จำนวนเวลาในการ&lt;br&gt;ปฏิบัติราชการ"] as TreeListDataColumn, "lblTime") as Label;
        Image img_Per = tr.FindDataCellTemplateControl(e.NodeKey, tr.Columns[" บุคลากร"] as TreeListDataColumn, "img_Per") as Image;

        if (e.GetValue("PIC_PATH").ToString() != "")

            img_Per.ImageUrl = e.GetValue("PIC_PATH").ToString();


        if ((e.GetValue("_Htime_come").ToString() != "" && e.GetValue("_Htime_come").ToString() != "00") && (e.GetValue("_Htime_back").ToString() != "" && e.GetValue("_Htime_back").ToString() != "00"))
            //double Result_H = 0;
            //double Result_M = 0;
            //double ResultM_Come = (GL.CDBL("60") - GL.CDBL(e.GetValue("_Mtime_come").ToString())) + GL.CDBL(e.GetValue("_Mtime_back").ToString());
            //Result_M = ResultM_Come;
            //if (ResultM_Come >= GL.CDBL(60))
            //    Result_M = ResultM_Come % 60;     //--ได้จำนวนนาทีของการทำงาน
            //    Result_H = ResultM_Come / 60;   //--ได้จำนวนชั่วโมงที่คิดจาก นาที
            //double ResultH = GL.CDBL(e.GetValue("_Htime_back")) - GL.CDBL(e.GetValue("_Htime_come"));
            //if (ResultH < 0)
            //    ResultH = ResultH * (-1);
            //ResultH = ResultH + Result_H;

            //string H = GL.CINT(ResultH).ToString();
            //string M = GL.CINT(Result_M).ToString();
            //if ((ResultH.ToString().Length) == 1)
            //    H = "0" + H;
            //if ((Result_M.ToString().Length) == 1)
            //    M = "0" + M;

            //lblTime.Text = H + ":" + M + " ชม.";

            time_come = OPM_BL.ConvertTime(e.GetValue("time_come").ToString());
            time_back = OPM_BL.ConvertTime(e.GetValue("time_back").ToString());
            time_code = e.GetValue("psst_time_rule_time_code").ToString();
            //can_back = "";

            if (time_come == "") {
                time_come = "0000";
            if (time_back == "")
                time_back = "0000";
            if (time_code == "")
                time_code = "00";

            //can_back = DoTimeCal(e.GetValue("time_come").ToString(), e.GetValue("time_back").ToString(), e.GetValue("psst_time_rule_time_code").ToString());

            //can_back = DoTimeCal(time_come, time_back, time_code);
