Exemple #1
        public static Body Tree(this World world, Vector2 origin, int depth, float branchLength, float segmentCoef, float theta)
            var treeBase = new Vertex(origin);
            var root     = new Vertex(origin + new Vector2(0, 50));

            var vertices    = new List <Vertex>();
            var constraints = new List <Constraint>();
            var desc        = new TreeFoliageDesc();


            var firstBranch = Branch(vertices, constraints, desc, treeBase, 0, depth, segmentCoef, new Vector2(0, -1), branchLength, theta);

            constraints.Add(new AngleConstraint(root, treeBase, firstBranch, 1));

            // animates the tree at the beginning
            var noise = 3;

            for (var i = 2; i < vertices.Count; ++i)
                vertices[i].position += new Vector2(Mathf.Floor(Random.value * noise), 0);

            var body = new Body(vertices.ToArray(), constraints.ToArray());

            body.tag  = Tags.Tree;
            body.data = desc;
            world.Pins(body, 0, 1);
Exemple #2
        private static Vertex Branch(List <Vertex> vertices, List <Constraint> constraints, TreeFoliageDesc desc, Vertex parent, int i, int nMax, float coef, Vector2 normal, float branchLength, float theta)
            const float lineCoef = 0.7f;

            var particle = new Vertex(parent.position + (normal * (branchLength * coef)));


            if (!(i < nMax))
                desc.leaves.Add(vertices.Count - 1);

            var dc = new SpringConstraint(parent, particle, lineCoef);
            var distanceFromRootRatio = (float)i / nMax;

            if (desc.branches.Count < constraints.Count)
                for (var cIndex = desc.branches.Count; cIndex < constraints.Count; ++cIndex)
            desc.branches[constraints.Count - 1] = distanceFromRootRatio;

            if (i < nMax)
                var a = Branch(vertices, constraints, desc, particle, i + 1, nMax, coef * coef, MathUtils.Rotate(normal, new Vector2(0, 0), -theta), branchLength, theta);
                var b = Branch(vertices, constraints, desc, particle, i + 1, nMax, coef * coef, MathUtils.Rotate(normal, new Vector2(0, 0), theta), branchLength, theta);

                var jointStrength = Mathf.Lerp(0.7f, 0, distanceFromRootRatio);
                constraints.Add(new AngleConstraint(parent, particle, a, jointStrength));
                constraints.Add(new AngleConstraint(parent, particle, b, jointStrength));
