/// <summary>
        /// Draw an expand/collapse box for the given node using provided centre point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tc">Reference to owning TreeControl.</param>
        /// <param name="n">Reference to Node instance.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Reference to Graphics instance to draw into.</param>
        /// <param name="x">X centre of box.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y centre of box.</param>
        public virtual void DrawExpandCollapseBox(TreeControl tc, Node n, Graphics g, int x, int y)
            bool hasChildren = (n.Nodes.VisibleCount > 0);

            // Do we need to draw a box for this child node?
            if (tc.BoxShownAlways || hasChildren)
                // Create rectangle at centre of box position
                Rectangle box = new Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0);

                // If we theme information and the boxes need drawing themed
                if (tc.IsControlThemed && (tc.BoxDrawStyle == DrawStyle.Themed))
                    // Themes cannot support the drawing of an empty expand/collapse box
                    if (hasChildren)
                        // Find how far to expand left and up
                        int halfV = tc.GlyphThemeSize.Height / 2;
                        int halfH = tc.GlyphThemeSize.Width / 2;

                        // Move box so that centre of box is centred
                        box.Y -= halfV;
                        box.X -= halfH;

                        // Expand it to required size
                        box.Size = tc.GlyphThemeSize;

                        // Ask the tree to draw the themed box in required state
                        tc.DrawThemedBox(g, box, n.IsExpanded);
                    // Should we draw in the gradient style?
                    bool gradient = (tc.BoxDrawStyle == DrawStyle.Gradient);

                    // Find how far to expand left and up
                    int half = tc.BoxLength / 2;

                    // Expand it to required size
                    box.X     -= half;
                    box.Y     -= half;
                    box.Width  = tc.BoxLength - 1;
                    box.Height = tc.BoxLength - 1;

                    if (gradient)
                        // Modify box very slightly to make gradient look better
                        Rectangle boxCopy = box;
                        boxCopy.Inflate(1, 1);

                        // Create graduated brush using inside color and box size
                        using (Brush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(boxCopy,
                            // Fill inside with required brush first
                            g.FillRectangle(brush, box);

                        // Draw the border as all except the four corner pixels
                        using (Pen pen = new Pen(tc.BoxBorderColor, 1),
                               lightPen = new Pen(ControlPaint.Light(tc.BoxBorderColor, 1)))
                            g.DrawLine(pen, box.Left + 1, box.Bottom, box.Right - 1, box.Bottom);
                            g.DrawLine(pen, box.Right, box.Top + 1, box.Right, box.Bottom - 1);
                            g.DrawLine(lightPen, box.Left + 1, box.Top, box.Right - 1, box.Top);
                            g.DrawLine(lightPen, box.Left, box.Top + 1, box.Left, box.Bottom - 1);
                        // Fill inside with required brush first
                        g.FillRectangle(tc.GetCacheBoxInsideBrush(), box);

                        // Draw border in required color around box
                        g.DrawRectangle(tc.GetCacheBoxBorderPen(), box);

                    // Only draw a plus/minus sign if node has children
                    if (hasChildren)
                        // Cannot draw a sign if the box is too small to show it
                        if (tc.BoxLength >= 7)
                            Pen boxSignPen = tc.GetCacheBoxSignPen();

                            // Find length of the line for drawing sign
                            int sign = (tc.BoxLength / 3) - 1;

                            // Always draw the minus part of sign
                            g.DrawLine(boxSignPen, box.X + half, box.Y + half, box.X + half - sign, box.Y + half);
                            g.DrawLine(boxSignPen, box.X + half, box.Y + half, box.X + half + sign, box.Y + half);

                            // Only draw the line to make it a plus sign, if not expanded
                            if (!n.IsExpanded)
                                g.DrawLine(boxSignPen, box.X + half, box.Y + half, box.X + half, box.Y + half - sign);
                                g.DrawLine(boxSignPen, box.X + half, box.Y + half, box.X + half, box.Y + half + sign);
                        // Otherwise we just draw a dot at the center
                        g.DrawLine(tc.GetCacheBoxSignPen(), new PointF(box.X + half, box.Y + half),
                                   new PointF(box.X + half + 0.1f, box.Y + half));