/* This function counts states and
         * precomputes the post/pre sets
         * for each state
         * Therefore it simply traverses the tree
         * and expands the new found nodes
         * The counter "count" counts the outgoing transitions
         * of the current state to determine
         * if it is a terminal state
         * If it was we set terminal_encountered to true
        private void compute_pre_post_list()
            Queue <T> to_be_expanded = new Queue <T>();

            T initialState;

            transition_system.GetInitialState(out initialState);


            int size = to_be_expanded.Count;

            while (size > 0)
                int count = 0;

                var state = to_be_expanded.Dequeue();

                T successor;

                foreach (var transition in transition_system.GetTransitions(ref state))
                    transition_system.GetTargetState(ref state, transition, out successor);

                    if (array.addToStates(successor))

                    int suc_ind   = array.getIndex(successor);
                    int state_ind = array.getIndex(state);

                    array.addToPost(state, successor);

                    array.addToPre(successor, state);

                if (count == 0)
                    terminal_encountered = true;

                int ind = array.getIndex(state);

                size = to_be_expanded.Count;