Exemple #1
        private float StabilityScore(
            IEnumerable <State> state, Character host,
            InfluencedInteraction interaction,
            ICollection <IEntity> targets,
            BrainRepository repo
            float ownScore = 0f;
            int   count    = 0;

            foreach (State s in state)
                State.TransformedInstance currState
                          = host[s] as State.TransformedInstance;
                ownScore += currState.TransformedState;

            ownScore /= count;

            float ease = .3f;

            if (ownScore < LOW_STABILITY)
                ease = .5f;
                if (ownScore > HI_STABILITY)
                    ease = .1f;

            var func = Transformations.EaseSquaredAtValue(ease);

            var effects = ChooseStronglyInfluencedEffects(repo, interaction, host);
            //List<FloatModifier> modifiers = new List<FloatModifier>();
            float modifyVal = 0f;

            foreach (Effect e in effects)
                float currMod = 0f;
                foreach (IModifier m in e.Modifiers)
                    FloatModifier floatMod = m as FloatModifier;
                    currMod = Math.Abs(floatMod.offset);
                    if (floatMod.Attribute.Equals(repo.GetState("anger")))
                if (e.Modifiers.Count != 0)
                    currMod /= e.Modifiers.Count;
                modifyVal += currMod;
            if (effects.Count != 0)
                modifyVal /= effects.Count;

            ownScore = func(modifyVal);

            if (targets == null)
                //BehaviorEngine.Debug.Logger.Log("Score: " + ownScore);

            float otherScore = 0f;

            foreach (IEntity target in targets)
                var   attrs          = target.GetAttributeInstances();
                float stabilityValue = 0f;
                float weight         = 1f;

                foreach (IAttributeInstance a in attrs)
                    NormalizedAttribute.Instance attr = a as NormalizedAttribute.Instance;
                    stabilityValue += attr.State;

                stabilityValue /= attrs.Count;

                weight = .3f;
                if (stabilityValue <= LOW_STABILITY)
                    weight = .5f;
                    weight = .1f;

                var f = Transformations.EaseSquaredAtValue(weight);
                otherScore += f(modifyVal);

                // Attempt to bias interaction towards people that crew will vote for
                var crewmember = target as Character;
                var hostCrew   = host as Crewmember;
                if (crewmember != null && hostCrew != null)
                    var chooseVote = hostCrew.ChooseVote();
                    //Will be null if relationship does not exist
                    if (chooseVote != null)
                        if (hostCrew.ChooseVote().Equals(crewmember))
                            otherScore *= 2;
                            //Debug.Logger.Log("Doubled, found vote");
            if (targets.Count != 0)
                otherScore /= targets.Count;
            float score = (ownScore + otherScore) / 2;

            //BehaviorEngine.Debug.Logger.Log("Score: " + score);