private bool SolidContains(PointF location)
            //Get boundary
            RectangleF bounds = TransformRectangle;

            //If inside inflate boundary
            if (bounds.Contains(location))
                //Check the outline offset to the path (0,0)
                location.X -= TransformRectangle.X;
                location.Y -= TransformRectangle.Y;

                //Can return in use error
                    if (TransformPath.IsVisible(location))

        private PointF GetIntercept(PointF location)
            //Cache the location properties
            float  x      = X;
            float  y      = Y;
            PointF center = Center;

            //Create transform location moved to the path origin and check if inside path
            PointF transform = new PointF(location.X - x, location.Y - y);

            if (TransformPath.IsVisible(transform))

            //Get the bounding rectangle intercept and move it to the origin
            //because all path measurements are from the origin
            location = Geometry.RectangleIntersection(location, center, TransformRectangle);
            location = new PointF(location.X - x, location.Y - y);

            //Get the center of the shape offset to the path origin
            center = new PointF(center.X - x, center.Y - y);

            location = Geometry.GetPathIntercept(location, center, TransformPath, Component.Instance.DefaultPen, mTransformInternalRectangle);
            location = Units.RoundPoint(location, 1);

            return(new PointF(location.X + x, location.Y + y));
        //Performs hit testing for an element from a location
        //if a valid diagram provided, hit testing is performed using current transform
        private bool ShapeContains(PointF location)
            //Inflate rectangle to include selection handles
            RectangleF bound = TransformRectangle;

            //Inflate rectangle to include grab handles
            IRender render = RenderFromContainer();
            float   handle = 6 * render.ZoomFactor;

            bound.Inflate(handle, handle);

            //If inside inflate boundary
            if (bound.Contains(location))
                //Return true if clicked in selection rectangle but not path rectangle
                if (Selected && !TransformRectangle.Contains(location))

                //Check the outline offset to the path (0,0)
                location.X -= Rectangle.X;
                location.Y -= Rectangle.Y;

                if (DrawBackground)
                    if (TransformPath.IsVisible(location))
                    //Get bounding rect
                    float width = BorderWidth + 2;

                    if (TransformPath.IsOutlineVisible(location, new Pen(Color.Black, width)))
