Exemple #1
        public static void InitiateHandoff(string botresponseJson)
            BotResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BotResponse>(botresponseJson);

            // Look for Handoff Initiate Activity. This indicates that conversation needs to be handed off to agent
            Activity handoffInitiateActivity = response.Activities.ToList().FirstOrDefault(
                item => string.Equals(item.Type, ActivityTypes.Event, System.StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                string.Equals(item.Name, HandoffInitiateActivityName, System.StringComparison.Ordinal));

            if (handoffInitiateActivity != null)
                // Read transcript from attachment
                if (handoffInitiateActivity.Attachments?.Any() == true)
                    Attachment transcriptAttachment = handoffInitiateActivity.Attachments.FirstOrDefault(
                        a => string.Equals(a.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), TranscriptAttachmentName, System.StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    if (transcriptAttachment != null)
                        Transcript transcript = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Transcript>(

                // Read handoff context
                HandoffContext context = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HandoffContext>(handoffInitiateActivity.Value.ToString());

                // Connect to Agent Hub
Exemple #2
        public void FinalizeAndAddAnnotationObject(Transcript transcript, TranscriptAnnotation ta, string[] consequences)
            if (ta.AlternateAllele.IsStructuralVariant)

            if (ta.HasValidCdnaCodingStart)
                _currTranscript.ProteinID = transcript.Translation.ProteinId.ToString();
            _currTranscript.Consequence = consequences;

            if (ta.HasValidCdsStart || ta.HasValidCdsEnd)
                _currTranscript.ProteinPosition  = GetProtRangeString(ta);
                _currTranscript.UpStreamPeptides = GetFlankingPeptides(ta, transcript, 15, true);

                _currTranscript.AminoAcids = GetAlleleString(ta.ReferenceAminoAcids, ta.AlternateAminoAcids);
                if (!ta.HasFrameShift)
                    _currTranscript.DownStreamPeptides = GetFlankingPeptides(ta, transcript, 15, false);

Exemple #3
        internal AppState(App application)
            Application = application;

            Transcript = new Transcript();
            _view = ControlViews.Transcript;
Exemple #4
    public void InitializeInterface(Transcript transcriptRecto, Transcript transcriptVerso, int side)
        transcripts = new Transcript[2];

        if (transcriptRecto != null)
            transcripts[0] = transcriptRecto;

        if (transcriptVerso != null)
            transcripts[1] = transcriptVerso;


        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            axisActive[i] = true;

        if (transcriptZone.activeSelf)
Exemple #5
        // GET: Transcripts/Details/5
        public ActionResult Play(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Transcript transcript = db.Transcripts.Find(id);

            if (transcript == null)

            if (!transcript.Active)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(transcript.PlayFile);

            ViewBag.srtFile = fn + ".txt";
            string inFile = Server.MapPath("~/temp") + "\\" + ViewBag.srtFile;

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(inFile, transcript.Text_Sort);

            EventLoad.LogEvent(User.Identity.Name, transcript.Id, "Load_Play", null, null, null, null);

Exemple #6
        // GET: Transcripts/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Transcript transcript = db.Transcripts.Find(id);

            if (transcript == null)
            var projects = db.Projects.Where(s => s.CreateBy.Equals(User.Identity.Name))
                           .Select(s => new { s.ID, s.ProjectName })
                           .OrderBy(s => s.ProjectName)

            //           var formdata = new FileUpload();
            ViewBag.projectList = new SelectList(projects, "ID", "ProjectName");
//            ViewBag.projectList.SelectedValue = transcript.ProjectId;

        public void TestCreateHandoffInitiation()
            var    adapter  = new TestAdapter(TestAdapter.CreateConversation(TestContext.TestName));
            string fromID   = "test";
            var    activity = new Activity
                Type         = ActivityTypes.Message,
                Text         = string.Empty,
                Conversation = new ConversationAccount(),
                Recipient    = new ChannelAccount(),
                From         = new ChannelAccount(fromID),
                ChannelId    = "testchannel",
                ServiceUrl   = "http://myservice"
            var context = new TurnContext(adapter, activity);

            var transcript = new Transcript(new Activity[] { MessageFactory.Text("hello") });


            var handoffEvent = EventFactory.CreateHandoffInitiation(context, new { Skill = "any" }, transcript);

            Assert.AreEqual(handoffEvent.Name, HandoffEventNames.InitiateHandoff);
            var skill = (handoffEvent.Value as JObject)?.Value <string>("Skill");

            Assert.AreEqual(skill, "any");
            Assert.AreEqual(handoffEvent.From.Id, fromID);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor
        /// </summary>
        public HgvsCodingNomenclature(TranscriptAnnotation ta, Transcript transcript, VariantFeature variant,
                                      ICompressedSequence compressedSequence, bool isGenomicDuplicate)
            _ta                 = ta;
            _transcript         = transcript;
            _variant            = variant;
            _compressedSequence = compressedSequence;
            _isGenomicDuplicate = isGenomicDuplicate;

            _sb = new StringBuilder();

            // get reference sequence strand
            var transcriptOnReverseStrand = transcript.Gene.OnReverseStrand;

            // this may be different to the input one for insertions/deletions
            var    altAllele = ta.AlternateAllele;
            string variationFeatureSequence = altAllele.AlternateAllele;

            // get the reverse complement of the vfs if needed
            if (transcriptOnReverseStrand)
                variationFeatureSequence = SequenceUtilities.GetReverseComplement(variationFeatureSequence);

            // calculate the reference start and end
            GetReferenceCoordinates(transcript, altAllele, out _hgvsStart, out _hgvsEnd);

            // decide event type from HGVS nomenclature
            _hgvsNotation = new HgvsNotation(ta.TranscriptReferenceAllele, variationFeatureSequence,
                                             FormatUtilities.CombineIdAndVersion(transcript.Id, transcript.Version), _hgvsStart, _hgvsEnd,
                                             _transcript.Translation != null);
Exemple #9
        private RespondToChallenge CommitToNonces(Transcript transcript, WasabiRandom random)
            // With all the statements committed, generate a vector of random secret
            // nonces for every equation in underlying proof system. In order to
            // ensure that nonces are never reused (e.g. due to an insecure RNG) with
            // different challenges which would leak the witness, these are generated
            // as synthetic nonces that also depend on the witness data.
            var secretNonceProvider = transcript.CreateSyntheticSecretNonceProvider(Knowledge.Witness, random);

            // Actually generate all of the required nonces and save them in an array
            // because if the enumerable is evaluated several times the results will
            // be different.
            // Note, ToArray() is needed to make sure that secretNonces is captured
            // once and shared between the phases.
            var equations    = Knowledge.Statement.Equations;
            var secretNonces = secretNonceProvider.Sequence.Take(equations.Count()).ToArray();

            // The prover then commits to these, adding the corresponding public
            // points to the transcript.
            var publicNonces = new GroupElementVector(equations.Zip(secretNonces, (equation, pointSecretNonces) => pointSecretNonces * equation.Generators));


            return(() => Respond(transcript, publicNonces, secretNonces));
Exemple #10
        private static void WriteGeneralAttributes(TextWriter writer, Transcript transcript)
            var geneId = transcript.TranscriptSource == TranscriptDataSource.Ensembl
                ? transcript.Gene.EnsemblId.ToString()
                : transcript.Gene.EntrezGeneId.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(geneId))
                writer.Write($"gene_id \"{geneId}\"; ");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transcript.Gene.Symbol))
                writer.Write($"gene_name \"{transcript.Gene.Symbol}\"; ");

            if (!transcript.Id.IsEmpty)
                writer.Write($"transcript_id \"{FormatUtilities.CombineIdAndVersion(transcript.Id, transcript.Version)}\"; ");
            writer.Write($"transcript_type \"{BioTypeUtilities.GetBiotypeDescription(transcript.BioType)}\"; ");

            if (transcript.IsCanonical)
                writer.Write("tag \"canonical\"; ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transcript.Translation?.ProteinId.ToString()))
                writer.Write($"protein_id \"{FormatUtilities.CombineIdAndVersion(transcript.Translation.ProteinId, transcript.Translation.ProteinVersion)}\"; ");
        public byte[] ChallengeBytes(Transcript ts, byte[] label)
            var buf = new byte[64];

            ts.ChallengeBytes(label, ref buf);
Exemple #12
        public void Update(Transcript entity)
            var transcript = _context.Transcripts.Attach(entity);

            transcript.State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemple #13
        public void FinalizeAndAddAnnotationObject(Transcript transcript, TranscriptAnnotation ta, string[] consequences)
            if (!ta.AlternateAllele.IsStructuralVariant)
                _currTranscript.ComplementaryDnaPosition = GetCdnaRangeString(ta);
                _currTranscript.HgvsCodingSequenceName   = ta.HgvsCodingSequenceName;

                if (ta.HasValidCdnaCodingStart)
                    _currTranscript.ProteinID = TranscriptUtilities.GetProteinId(transcript);
                _currTranscript.ProteinID = ta.HasValidCdnaCodingStart ? TranscriptUtilities.GetProteinId(transcript) : null;
                if (ta.GeneFusionAnnotations != null && ta.GeneFusionAnnotations.Count == 1)
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    _currTranscript.GeneFusion = sb.ToString();
                else if (ta.GeneFusionAnnotations != null && ta.GeneFusionAnnotations.Count > 1)
                    throw new Exception("has mutiple gene fusions");

            _currTranscript.Consequence = consequences;
            _currJsonVariant.AddTranscript(_currTranscript, transcript.TranscriptSource);
Exemple #14
        private static void CalculateCdsPositions(Transcript transcript, TranscriptAnnotation ta)
            // sanity check: make sure we have a valid start position
            ta.HasValidCdsStart = true;
            ta.HasValidCdsEnd   = true;

            if (ta.BackupCdnaEnd < transcript.Translation.CodingRegion.CdnaStart ||
                ta.BackupCdnaBegin > transcript.Translation.CodingRegion.CdnaEnd)
                // if the variant is completely non overlapping with the transcript's coding start
                ta.HasValidCdsStart = false;
                ta.HasValidCdsEnd   = false;

            // calculate the CDS position
            int beginOffset = transcript.StartExonPhase - transcript.Translation.CodingRegion.CdnaStart + 1;

            ta.CodingDnaSequenceBegin = ta.BackupCdnaBegin + beginOffset;
            ta.CodingDnaSequenceEnd   = ta.BackupCdnaEnd + beginOffset;

            if (ta.CodingDnaSequenceBegin < 1 || ta.HasValidCdnaStart == false)
                ta.HasValidCdsStart = false;

            if (ta.CodingDnaSequenceEnd > transcript.Translation.CodingRegion.CdnaEnd + beginOffset ||
                ta.HasValidCdnaEnd == false)
                ta.HasValidCdsEnd = false;
        public static List <Transcript> GetTranscript(String classCode, String courseCode, int timesStep)
            String        query  = "Exec sp_GetTranscript '" + classCode + "', '" + courseCode + "', " + timesStep;
            SqlDataReader reader = ExecSqlDataReader(query);

            List <Transcript> listTranscript = new List <Transcript>();

            while (reader.Read())
                String sc = reader.GetString(0);
                String fn = reader.GetString(1);
                double m  = 0.0;
                    m = reader.GetDouble(2);
                catch (Exception)

                Transcript transcript = new Transcript
                    StudentCode = sc,
                    FullName    = fn,
                    Marks       = (float)m


            reader.Close();   // <- too easy to forget
            reader.Dispose(); // <- too easy to forget

Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Every conversation turn will call this method. The method either echoes the message activity or uploads the history to the channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="turnContext">A <see cref="ITurnContext"/> containing all the data needed
        /// for processing this conversation turn. </param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">(Optional) A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> that can be used by other objects
        /// or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="BotStateSet"/>
        /// <seealso cref="ConversationState"/>
        /// <seealso cref="IMiddleware"/>
        public async Task OnTurnAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (turnContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(turnContext));

            var activity = turnContext.Activity;

            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                if (activity.Text == "!history")
                    // Download the activities from the Transcript (blob store) and send them over to the channel when a request to upload history arrives.
                    // This could be an event or a special message acctivity as above.
                    var connectorClient = turnContext.TurnState.Get <ConnectorClient>(typeof(IConnectorClient).FullName);

                    // Get all the message type activities from the Transcript.
                    string continuationToken = null;
                    var    count             = 0;
                        var pagedTranscript = await _transcriptStore.GetTranscriptActivitiesAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.Conversation.Id, continuationToken);

                        var activities = pagedTranscript.Items
                                         .Where(a => a.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                                         .Select(ia => (Activity)ia)

                        // DirectLine only allows the upload of at most 500 activities at a time. The limit of 1500 below is
                        // arbitrary and up to the Bot author to decide.
                        count += activities.Count();
                        if (activities.Count() > 500 || count > 1500)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to upload too many activities");

                        var transcript = new Transcript(activities);

                        await connectorClient.Conversations.SendConversationHistoryAsync(activity.Conversation.Id, transcript, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                        continuationToken = pagedTranscript.ContinuationToken;
                    }while (continuationToken != null);

                    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("Transcript sent", cancellationToken : cancellationToken);
                    // Echo back to the user whatever they typed.
                    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync($"You sent '{activity.Text}'\n", cancellationToken : cancellationToken);
            else if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate)
                if (activity.MembersAdded != null)
                    await SendWelcomeMessageAsync(turnContext, cancellationToken);
Exemple #17
 private void CheckSmallIntron(int intronIdx, Transcript transcript, HashSet <LofteeFilter.Filter> filters)
     if (transcript.Introns[intronIdx].End - transcript.Introns[intronIdx].Start + 1 < 15)
Exemple #18
 private void CheckSingleExon(Transcript transcript, HashSet <LofteeFilter.Flag> flags)
     if (transcript.CdnaMaps.Length == 1)
Exemple #19
        public BuildTranscriptHMM(string context, Transcript transcript, AcousticModel acousticModel, UnitManager unitManager)
            this.acousticModel = acousticModel;
            this.unitManager   = unitManager;
            this.wordGraph     = this.buildWordGraph(transcript);
            if (!BuildTranscriptHMM.assertionsDisabled && !this.wordGraph.validate())
                object obj = "Word graph not validated";

                throw new AssertionError(obj);
            this.phonemeGraph = this.buildPhonemeGraph(this.wordGraph);
            if (!BuildTranscriptHMM.assertionsDisabled && !this.phonemeGraph.validate())
                object obj2 = "Phone graph not validated";

                throw new AssertionError(obj2);
            this.contextDependentPhoneGraph = this.buildContextDependentPhonemeGraph(this.phonemeGraph);
            if (!BuildTranscriptHMM.assertionsDisabled && !this.contextDependentPhoneGraph.validate())
                object obj3 = "Context dependent graph not validated";

                throw new AssertionError(obj3);
            this.hmmGraph = this.buildHMMGraph(this.contextDependentPhoneGraph);
            if (!BuildTranscriptHMM.assertionsDisabled && !this.hmmGraph.validate())
                object obj4 = "HMM graph not validated";

                throw new AssertionError(obj4);
        /// <summary>
        /// One or more exons fully included (no partial overlap)
        /// </summary>
        private void exons()
            Interval cdsMarker = null;

            if (Transcript.IsProteinCoding())
                cdsMarker = Transcript.CdsMarker();

            foreach (Exon ex in Transcript.Exons)
                if (Variant.Intersects(ex))
                    EffectImpact impact = EffectImpact.LOW;

                    // Is the variant affecting a coding part of the exon?
                    // If so, then this is a HIGH impact effect.
                    if (cdsMarker != null && Variant.Intersect(ex).Intersects(cdsMarker))
                        impact = EffectImpact.HIGH;

                    // Is the whole exon inverted or just part of it?
                    EffectType effType = Variant.Includes(ex) ? EffectType.EXON_INVERSION : EffectType.EXON_INVERSION_PARTIAL;

                    EffectNoCodon(ex, effType, impact);
Exemple #21
        private string GetFlankingPeptides(TranscriptAnnotation ta, Transcript transcript, int nBase, bool upStrem)
            var begin = ta.ProteinBegin;
            var end   = ta.ProteinEnd;

            if (!ta.HasValidCdsStart && !ta.HasValidCdsEnd)
            if (!ta.HasValidCdsStart && ta.HasValidCdsEnd)
                begin = end;
            if (!ta.HasValidCdsEnd && ta.HasValidCdsStart)
                end = begin;

            if (upStrem)
                var peptideStart = Math.Max(1, begin - nBase);
                return(transcript.Translation.PeptideSeq.Substring(peptideStart - 1, (begin - peptideStart)));

            var peptideEnd = Math.Min(transcript.Translation.PeptideSeq.Length, end + nBase);

            return(peptideEnd > end + 1 ? transcript.Translation.PeptideSeq.Substring(end, (peptideEnd - end)) : "");
        public RegistrationResults CanRegisterForCourseSection(CourseSection section)
            if (section.EnrolledStudents.Where(s => s.Id == this.Id).Any())

            if (Transcript.Where(t => (int)t.GradeEarned <= (int)GradeTypes.C && t.CourseSection.CatalogCourse.Id == section.CatalogCourse.Id).Any())

            foreach (var pre in section.CatalogCourse.Prerequisites)
                if (!Transcript.Where(t => (int)t.GradeEarned <= (int)GradeTypes.C &&
                                      t.CourseSection.CatalogCourse.Id == pre.Id).Any())

            foreach (var en in EnrolledCourses)
                if ((en.MeetingDays & section.MeetingDays) != DaysOfWeek.None)
                    if ((en.StartTime <= section.EndTime && section.StartTime <= en.EndTime) ||
                        (section.StartTime <= en.EndTime && en.StartTime <= section.EndTime))

Exemple #23
 private object[] GetData(int index, Transcript trans)
     return(new object[]
         index, trans.StudentCode, trans.FullName, trans.Marks, trans.MarksStr
        /// <summary>
        /// List conversations in the channelId.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelId">Channel Id.</param>
        /// <param name="continuationToken">Continuatuation token to page through results.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> A task that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
        public async Task <PagedResult <Transcript> > ListTranscriptsAsync(string channelId, string continuationToken = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"missing {nameof(channelId)}");

            var dirName  = GetDirName(channelId);
            var dir      = this.Container.Value.GetDirectoryReference(dirName);
            int pageSize = 20;
            BlobContinuationToken token         = null;
            List <Transcript>     conversations = new List <Transcript>();

                var segment = await dir.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(false, BlobListingDetails.Metadata, null, token, null, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

                foreach (var blob in segment.Results.Where(c => c is CloudBlobDirectory).Cast <CloudBlobDirectory>())
                    var conversation = new Transcript()
                        Id = blob.Prefix.Split('/').Where(s => s.Length > 0).Last(), ChannelId = channelId
                    if (continuationToken != null)
                        if (conversation.Id == continuationToken)
                            // we found continuation token
                            continuationToken = null;

                        // skip record
                        if (conversations.Count == pageSize)

                if (segment.ContinuationToken != null)
                    token = segment.ContinuationToken;
            }while (token != null && conversations.Count < pageSize);

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <Transcript>();

            pagedResult.Items = conversations.ToArray();

            if (pagedResult.Items.Length == 20)
                pagedResult.ContinuationToken = pagedResult.Items.Last().Id;

Exemple #25
    public void Populate()
        List <string> NeedToTake = new List <string> ();

        genReq = new List <bool> ();

        //start new lists

        NeedToTake.Add("Select a requirement");          //default option

        PlayerScript  myPlayer     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PlayerScript> ();
        Transcript    MyScript     = myPlayer.myTrans;
        List <Course> coursesTaken = MyScript.coursesTaken;         //retrieve and save values from Transcript
        List <Course> myCourses    = MyScript.coursesRequired;

        //Add courses/GenReqs if they are take-able
        myCourses.ForEach(x => {
            if (x.CanTake(coursesTaken))
                CourseLocations.Add("Course/" + x.name);
        MyScript.genRequired.ForEach(x => {
            bool aCourse = false;
            int i        = 0;
            while (!aCourse && i < x.availCourse.Count)
                aCourse = x.availCourse[i].CanTake(coursesTaken);
            if (aCourse)
                CourseLocations.Add("GenReq/" + x.name);

        MyScript.GenEdReqs.ForEach(x => {
            bool aCourse = false;
            int i        = 0;
            while (!aCourse && i < x.availCourse.Count)
                aCourse = x.availCourse[i].CanTake(coursesTaken);
            if (aCourse)
                CourseLocations.Add("GenReq/" + x.name);
        RequirementSelector.AddOptions(NeedToTake);          //add options to dropdown
        RequirementSelector.interactable = true;
        public static bool Verify(Transcript transcript, IEnumerable <Statement> statements, IEnumerable <Proof> proofs)
            Guard.Same(nameof(proofs), proofs.Count(), statements.Count());

            // Before anything else all components in a compound proof commit to the
            // individual sub-statement that will be proven, ensuring that the
            // challenges and therefore the responses depend on the statement as a
            // whole.
            foreach (var statement in statements)

            // After all the statements have been committed, the public nonces are
            // added to the transcript. This is done separately from the statement
            // commitments because the prover derives these based on the compound
            // statements, and the verifier must add data to the transcript in the
            // same order as the prover.
            foreach (var proof in proofs)

            // After all the public nonces have been committed, a challenge can be
            // generated based on transcript state. Since challenges are deterministic
            // outputs of a hash function which depends on the prover commitments, the
            // verifier obtains the same challenge and then accepts if the responses
            // satisfy the verification equation.
            var challenge = transcript.GenerateChallenge();

            return(Enumerable.Zip(statements, proofs, (s, p) => s.CheckVerificationEquation(p.PublicNonces, challenge, p.Responses)).All(x => x));
Exemple #27
 private void AddTranscriptToVariant(VariantFeature variant, Transcript transcript)
     foreach (var altAllele in variant.AlternateAlleles)
         AnnotateAltAllele(variant, altAllele, transcript);
        public async Task <ResourceResponse> SendTranscriptAsync(
            string conversationId, IList <Activity> activities)
            ResourceResponse resourceResponse = null;

            if (activities.Count == 0)

                Transcript transcript = new Transcript(activities);
                resourceResponse = await _botClient.Conversations.SendConversationHistoryAsync(conversationId, transcript);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                _logger.LogError($"Failed to send message: {e.Message}");
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError($"Failed to send message: {e.Message}");

        public async Task Delete(int studentId, int courseId)
            Transcript transcript = await GetOne(studentId, courseId);

            _context.Entry(transcript).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task <Transcript> Update(int id, Transcript transcript)
            _context.Entry(transcript).State = EntityState.Modified;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <Transcript> Create(Transcript transcript)
            _context.Entry(transcript).State = EntityState.Added;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #32
    private List<Section> attends; // of Sections

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    // Constructor(s).
    // Reuse the code of the parent's constructor using the base.
    // keyword.
    public Student(string name, string id, 
        string major, string degree)
        : base(name, id)
        Major = major;
        Degree = degree;
        Transcript = new Transcript(this);

        // We create an empty List.

        attends = new List<Section>();
Exemple #33
    private List<Section> attends; // of Sections

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    // Constructor(s).
    public Student(string studentFile, string name, string id, string major, 
                 string degree)
        : base(name, id)
        //  Assign auto-implemented property values
        Major = major;
        Degree = degree;
        StudentFile = studentFile;
        Transcript = new Transcript(this);

        // Create an empty List.

        attends = new List<Section>();

        // Initialize the password to be the first three digits
        // of the name of the student's data file.
        this.Password = this.StudentFile.Substring(0,3);  // added for GUI purposes
 public TranscriptProvider()
     Transcript = new Transcript();