public static ArrayList GetAllTrns_ByCustId(int CustId) { ArrayList TransList = new ArrayList(); Connection con = new Connection(); string strConnString = con.GetConnString(); using (SqlConnection SqlCon = new SqlConnection(strConnString)) { SqlCommand SqlComm = new SqlCommand("", SqlCon); SqlCon.Open(); string query = string.Format("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE t_cid='" + CustId + "' ORDER BY t_id DESC"); SqlComm.CommandText = query; SqlDataReader reader = SqlComm.ExecuteReader(); Transactions trns = null; while (reader.Read()) { int Tr_Id = reader.GetInt32(0); int Tr_CustId = reader.GetInt32(1); string Tr_Nartn = reader.GetString(2); string Tr_ChqRefNo = reader.GetString(3); string Tr_WithdAmt = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? null : reader.GetString(4); string Tr_DpoAmt = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? null : reader.GetString(5); decimal Tr_Blnc = reader.GetDecimal(6); DateTime Tr_Data = reader.GetDateTime(7); trns = new Transactions(Tr_Id, Tr_CustId, Tr_Nartn, Tr_ChqRefNo, Tr_WithdAmt, Tr_DpoAmt, Tr_Blnc, Tr_Data); TransList.Add(trns); } return TransList; } }
protected void AttachSubscriber(Transactions.Processes.Base process, Engine.AuthorizationDelegate onAuthorizationDenied) { process.OnAuthorizationDenied += delegate(Transactions.Processes.Base sender, Transactions.Tasks.Base task) { try { if (onAuthorizationDenied != null && !_isEventSubscriptionSuppressed) onAuthorizationDenied(_request); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Storage.Error("An exception occurred while calling the method specified in the onAuthorizationDenied argument.", e); throw; } }; }
// Protected Methods (6) protected void AttachSubscriber(Transactions.Processes.Base process, Engine.ActionDelegate onAction) { process.OnActionChanged += delegate(Transactions.Processes.Base sender, Transactions.Tasks.Base task, EngineActionType actionType, bool willSendProgress) { try { if (onAction != null && !_isEventSubscriptionSuppressed) onAction(_request, actionType, willSendProgress); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Storage.Error("An exception occurred while calling the method specified in the onAction argument.", e); throw; } }; }
protected void AttachSubscriber(Transactions.Processes.Base process, Engine.CompletionDelegate onComplete) { process.OnComplete += delegate(Transactions.Processes.Base sender, ICommandReply reply, object result) { try { if (onComplete != null && !_isEventSubscriptionSuppressed) onComplete(_request, reply, result); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Storage.Error("An exception occurred while calling the method specified in the onComplete argument.", e); throw; } }; }
private void MonthTotal(Transactions LT, bool IsIn) { if (IsIn) { if (LT.Deadline.Month == DateTime.Today.Month) { InMonthly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (LT.Deadline.Month < DateTime.Today.Month) { InMonthly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } else { if (LT.Deadline.Month == DateTime.Today.Month) { OutMonthly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); switch (LT.Category) { case "Food": Food += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); break; case "Accomodation": Accomodation += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); break; default: break; } } else if (LT.Deadline.Month < DateTime.Today.Month) { OutMonthly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } }
private void BtnAddIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Transactions temp = new Transactions( TBInName.Text, CBInCompany.Text, CBInCategory.Text, Type.In.ToString(), NuInAmountPre.Value, (DTInDeadline.Checked == true? NuInAmountReal.Value : 0), CBInCompleted.Checked, TBInComment.Lines, DTInDeadline.Value, DTInReal.Value, CBInRepeat.Checked, DTRepeatStartIn.Value, DTRepeatEndIn.Value, CBRepeatFreqIn.Text); Income.Add(temp); if (sender.ToString().Contains("Update")) { Income.RemoveAt(LBIn.SelectedIndex); BtnAddIn.Text = "BtnAddIn"; } ResetTabIn(sender, e); PopulateTransLists(); Total(); WriteToFile(sender, e); }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!data.Bars.ContainsKey(symbol)) { return; } // each month make an action if (Time.Month != LastMonth) { // we'll submit the next type of order from the queue var orderType = _orderTypesQueue.Dequeue(); //Log(""); Log($"\r\n--------------MONTH: {Time.ToStringInvariant("MMMM")}:: {orderType}\r\n"); //Log(""); LastMonth = Time.Month; Log("ORDER TYPE:: " + orderType); var isLong = Quantity > 0; var stopPrice = isLong ? (1 + StopPercentage) * data.Bars[symbol].High : (1 - StopPercentage) * data.Bars[symbol].Low; var limitPrice = isLong ? (1 - LimitPercentage) * stopPrice : (1 + LimitPercentage) * stopPrice; if (orderType == OrderType.Limit) { limitPrice = !isLong ? (1 + LimitPercentage) * data.Bars[symbol].High : (1 - LimitPercentage) * data.Bars[symbol].Low; } var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(orderType, SecType, symbol, Quantity, stopPrice, limitPrice, UtcTime, ((int)orderType).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); var ticket = Transactions.AddOrder(request); _tickets.Add(ticket); } else if (_tickets.Count > 0) { var ticket = _tickets.Last(); if (Time.Day > 8 && Time.Day < 14) { if (ticket.UpdateRequests.Count == 0 && ticket.Status.IsOpen()) { Log("TICKET:: " + ticket); ticket.Update(new UpdateOrderFields { Quantity = ticket.Quantity + Math.Sign(Quantity) * DeltaQuantity, Tag = "Change quantity: " + Time.Day }); Log("UPDATE1:: " + ticket.UpdateRequests.Last()); } } else if (Time.Day > 13 && Time.Day < 20) { if (ticket.UpdateRequests.Count == 1 && ticket.Status.IsOpen()) { Log("TICKET:: " + ticket); ticket.Update(new UpdateOrderFields { LimitPrice = Security.Price * (1 - Math.Sign(ticket.Quantity) * LimitPercentageDelta), StopPrice = Security.Price * (1 + Math.Sign(ticket.Quantity) * StopPercentageDelta), Tag = "Change prices: " + Time.Day }); Log("UPDATE2:: " + ticket.UpdateRequests.Last()); } } else { if (ticket.UpdateRequests.Count == 2 && ticket.Status.IsOpen()) { Log("TICKET:: " + ticket); ticket.Cancel(Time.Day + " and is still open!"); Log("CANCELLED:: " + ticket.CancelRequest); } } } }
public void transactionsMenu(UserContext userContext) { Transactions transactions = new Transactions(); transactions.doMenu(userContext); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="tran"></param> /// <param name="tableName"></param> public TextSearchTable(Transactions.Transaction tran, string tableName) { if (tran == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName)) throw new Exception("DBreeze.TextSearch.TextSearchTable constructor: transaction or tableName is not supplied"); this._tran = tran; this._tableName = tableName; }
// will public void LoadFromExisting(Transactions.TransactionSubmission Sub) { // Priority = Sub.Priority; // AddForm.SubEditPanel.Expenses, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.Earned, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.DateReplied, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.Note, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.Rights, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.Draft, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.ReplyType, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.ReplyFeedback, // AddForm.SubEditPanel.SubmissionTypeType // NewMessage.Show ("Load defaults"); dateSubmission.Value = Sub.SubmissionDate;//(DateTime)row[Data.SubmissionIndexFields.SUBMISSIONDATE]; SubmissionType.Text = Sub.SubmissionType;//row[Data.SubmissionIndexFields.SUBMISSIONTYPE].ToString(); postage.Value = Sub.Expenses; earned.Value = Sub.Earned; replytype.Text = Sub.ReplyType; if (!SubmissionMaster.IsValidReply(Sub.ReplyType)) { dateReply.Value = DateTime.Today; } else dateReply.Value =Sub.ReplyDate; feedback.Text = Sub.Replyfeedback; rights.Text = Sub.Rights; textBoxDraft.Text = Sub.Draft; ePriority.Text = Sub.Priority; //row[Data.SubmissionIndexFields.DESTINATION_PRIORITY].ToString(); try { notes.Rtf = Sub.Notes; } catch (Exception) { notes.Text = Sub.Notes; } }
public void AddTransaction(ITransaction transaction) { Transactions.Add(transaction); }
public void AddTransaction(Transaction item) => Transactions.Add(item);
internal async Task<TransactionResponse> SignAndSubmitWithRetryAsync(ISignatory signatory, GossipContextStack context) { var request = await SignAsync(signatory, context.SignaturePrefixTrimLimit); return await Transactions.ExecuteSignedRequestWithRetryImplementationAsync(context, request, InstantiateNetworkRequestMethod, getResponseCode);
/// <summary> /// POST: api/Messages /// Receive a message from a user and reply to it /// </summary> public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity) { ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl)); var userMessage = activity.Text; StateClient stateClient = activity.GetStateClient(); BotData userData = await stateClient.BotState.GetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id); string endOutput = "..."; bool isRequest = false; if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); // using luis string luis = await client.GetStringAsync(new Uri("" + userMessage + "&verbose=true")); Luis.RootObject luisRootObject; luisRootObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Luis.RootObject>(luis); string luisMessage = "..."; double luisScore = luisRootObject.topScoringIntent.score; // only use luis's reply if certainty is above 0.7 if (luisScore > 0.7) { luisMessage = luisRootObject.topScoringIntent.intent; } // responding to "Hello" if (userMessage.ToLower().Equals("hello")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("SentGreeting")) { endOutput = "Hello again"; if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn")) { endOutput += ", " + userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"); } } else { userData.SetProperty <bool>("SentGreeting", true); endOutput = "Hello"; if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn")) { endOutput += " " + userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"); } await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } // responding to "clear" if (userMessage.ToLower().Equals("clear")) { endOutput = "User data cleared"; await stateClient.BotState.DeleteStateForUserAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id); } // responding to "log out" if (userMessage.ToLower().Equals("log out")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn")) { endOutput = "You have logged out"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("SentGreeting", false); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } else { endOutput = "You are not logged in"; } } // replying to exchange rate messages if (userMessage.ToLower().Contains("to")) { if (userMessage.Length >= 10) { string source = activity.Text.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper(); string symbol = activity.Text.Substring(7, 3).ToUpper(); string latest = await client.GetStringAsync(new Uri("" + source)); LatestObject.RootObject rootObject; rootObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LatestObject.RootObject>(latest); string @base = rootObject.@base; string date =; double rates = 0.0; if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("AUD")) { rates = rootObject.rates.AUD; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("BGN")) { rates = rootObject.rates.BGN; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("BRL")) { rates = rootObject.rates.BRL; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("CAD")) { rates = rootObject.rates.CAD; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("CHF")) { rates = rootObject.rates.CHF; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("CNY")) { rates = rootObject.rates.CNY; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("CZK")) { rates = rootObject.rates.CZK; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("DKK")) { rates = rootObject.rates.DKK; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("GBP")) { rates = rootObject.rates.GBP; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("HKD")) { rates = rootObject.rates.HKD; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("HRK")) { rates = rootObject.rates.HRK; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("HUF")) { rates = rootObject.rates.HUF; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("IDR")) { rates = rootObject.rates.IDR; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("ILS")) { rates = rootObject.rates.ILS; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("INR")) { rates = rootObject.rates.INR; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("JPY")) { rates = rootObject.rates.JPY; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("KRW")) { rates = rootObject.rates.KRW; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("MXN")) { rates = rootObject.rates.MXN; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("MYR")) { rates = rootObject.rates.MYR; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("NOK")) { rates = rootObject.rates.NOK; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("NZD")) { rates = rootObject.rates.NZD; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("PHP")) { rates = rootObject.rates.PHP; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("PLN")) { rates = rootObject.rates.PLN; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("RON")) { rates = rootObject.rates.RON; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("RUB")) { rates = rootObject.rates.RUB; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("SEK")) { rates = rootObject.rates.SEK; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("SGD")) { rates = rootObject.rates.SGD; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("THB")) { rates = rootObject.rates.THB; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("TRY")) { rates = rootObject.rates.TRY; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("USD")) { rates = rootObject.rates.USD; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("ZAR")) { rates = rootObject.rates.ZAR; } if (symbol.ToUpper().Equals("EUR")) { rates = rootObject.rates.EUR; } if (rates == 0.0) { Activity ratesReply = activity.CreateReply($"Please enter a valid 3-letter country code."); await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(ratesReply); } else { Activity ratesReply = activity.CreateReply($"The exchange rate from {@base} to {symbol} is {rates}."); if (userMessage.Length > 10) { string amountStr = Regex.Match(userMessage, @"\d+").Value; double amount = Double.Parse(amountStr); double convertedAmount = amount * rates; ratesReply.Recipient = activity.From; ratesReply.Type = "message"; ratesReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>(); List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>(); cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: "")); List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>(); CardAction ratesButton = new CardAction() { Value = "", Type = "openUrl", Title = "Click here for more conversions" }; cardButtons.Add(ratesButton); ThumbnailCard ratesCard = new ThumbnailCard() { Title = @base + " to " + symbol, Subtitle = amount + " " + @base + " = " + convertedAmount + " " + symbol, Images = cardImages, Buttons = cardButtons }; Attachment plAttachment = ratesCard.ToAttachment(); ratesReply.Attachments.Add(plAttachment); await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(ratesReply); } else { await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(ratesReply); } } } isRequest = true; } // reply to "login" if (userMessage.ToLower().Equals("log in") || userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggingIn")) { // check if logged in if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn")) { endOutput = "You are already logged in as " + userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"); } else { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggingIn")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("Password")) { if (userMessage == userData.GetProperty <string>("CorrectPassword")) { userData.SetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn", true); userData.SetProperty <bool>("LoggingIn", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("Password", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("SentGreeting", false); userData.SetProperty <string>("CurrentPassword", userMessage); endOutput = "Logged in as " + userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } else { endOutput = "Invalid password, please try again"; } } else { List <Transactions> transactions = await AzureManager.AzureManagerInstance.GetTransactions(); // loop through all transactions for inputted username foreach (Transactions t in transactions) { string username = t.username; if (userMessage.Equals(username)) { // found username, ask for password endOutput = "Please enter your password"; // set property to false userData.SetProperty <bool>("Password", true); userData.SetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername", username); userData.SetProperty <string>("CorrectPassword", t.password); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); break; } else { endOutput = "Cannot find username: "******"\n\n Please try again"; } } } } else { endOutput = "Please enter your username"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("LoggingIn", true); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } } // reply to "show transactions" if (luisMessage.Equals("showTransaction")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn")) { List <Transactions> transactions = await AzureManager.AzureManagerInstance.GetTransactions(); endOutput = ""; foreach (Transactions t in transactions) { string transactionUsername = userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"); if (t.username == transactionUsername) { endOutput += + "\n\n [" + t.createdAt + "] \n\n Withdraw: " + t.withdraw + ", Deposit: " + t.deposit + "\n\n" + "-" + "\n\n"; } } if (endOutput == "") { endOutput = "No transactions"; } } else { endOutput = "You must be logged in to do this"; } } // reply to "new transaction" if (luisMessage.Equals("newTransaction") || userData.GetProperty <bool>("NewTransaction")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("NewTransaction")) { // reply to "withdraw" if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("Withdrawal")) { // reply to invalid withdraw input double withdraw; if (!double.TryParse(userMessage, out withdraw)) { endOutput = "Please enter a valid amount"; } else { // add new transaction to database Transactions transaction = new Transactions() { withdraw = Convert.ToDouble(userMessage), username = userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"), password = userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentPassword") }; await AzureManager.AzureManagerInstance.AddTransaction(transaction); endOutput = "New transaction added [" + transaction.createdAt + "]"; // set properties to false userData.SetProperty <bool>("Withdrawal", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("NewTransaction", false); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } else { if (luisMessage.Equals("withdraw")) { userData.SetProperty <bool>("Withdrawal", true); endOutput = "Please enter the amount you would like to withdraw"; await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } // reply to "deposit" if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("Deposit")) { // reply to invalid deposit input double deposit; if (!double.TryParse(userMessage, out deposit)) { endOutput = "Please enter a valid amount"; } else { // add new transaction to database Transactions transaction = new Transactions() { deposit = Convert.ToDouble(userMessage), username = userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"), password = userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentPassword") }; await AzureManager.AzureManagerInstance.AddTransaction(transaction); endOutput = "New transaction added [" + transaction.createdAt + "]"; // set properties to false userData.SetProperty <bool>("Deposit", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("NewTransaction", false); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } else { if (luisMessage.Equals("deposit")) { endOutput = "Please enter the amount you would like to deposit"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("Deposit", true); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } } else { endOutput = "Withdraw or Deposit?"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("NewTransaction", true); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } else { endOutput = "You must be logged in to do this"; } } // reply to "delete transaction" if (luisMessage.Equals("deleteTransaction") || userData.GetProperty <bool>("DeleteTransaction")) { // check if logged in if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("DeleteTransaction")) { // reply to transaction ID to be deleted if (userMessage.Length.Equals(36)) { List <Transactions> transactions = await AzureManager.AzureManagerInstance.GetTransactions(); // loop through all transactions for inputed transaction foreach (Transactions t in transactions) { string transactionId =; if (userMessage.Equals(transactionId)) { // delete transaction await AzureManager.AzureManagerInstance.DeleteTransaction(t); endOutput = "Transaction deleted \n\n [" + transactionId + "]"; // set property to false userData.SetProperty <bool>("DeleteTransaction", false); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); break; } else { endOutput = "Cannot find ID : " + userMessage; } } } else { endOutput = "Please enter a valid ID"; } } else { endOutput = "Please enter the ID of the transaction you would like to delete"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("DeleteTransaction", true); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } else { endOutput = "You must be logged in to do this"; } } if (userMessage.ToLower().Equals("sign up") || userData.GetProperty <bool>("SigningUp")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("SigningUp")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("NewPassword")) { if (userData.GetProperty <bool>("ConfirmPassword")) { if (userMessage == userData.GetProperty <string>("NewPasswords")) { string username = userData.GetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername"); userData.SetProperty <string>("CurrentPassword", userMessage); endOutput = "New account created. \n\n Now logged in as: " + username; userData.SetProperty <bool>("ConfirmPassword", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("NewPassword", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("SigningUp", false); userData.SetProperty <bool>("LoggedIn", true); userData.SetProperty <bool>("SentGreeting", false); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } else { endOutput = "Incorrect password, please confirm again"; } } else { if (userMessage.Length >= 5) { userData.SetProperty <string>("NewPasswords", userMessage); endOutput = "Please confirm the new password"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("ConfirmPassword", true); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } else { endOutput = "Please enter a new password with at least 5 characters"; } } } else { List <Transactions> transactions = await AzureManager.AzureManagerInstance.GetTransactions(); bool taken = false; foreach (Transactions t in transactions) { string newUsername = userMessage; if (t.username == newUsername) { taken = true; } } if (taken) { endOutput = "This username has already been taken. Please try another"; } else { userData.SetProperty <string>("CurrentUsername", userMessage); endOutput = "Please enter a new password with at least 5 characters"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("NewPassword", true); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } } else { endOutput = "Please enter a new username"; userData.SetProperty <bool>("SigningUp", true); await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData); } } if (!isRequest) { Activity infoReply = activity.CreateReply(endOutput); await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(infoReply); } } else { HandleSystemMessage(activity); } var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); return(response); }
// By keeping this in a separate method we avoid jitting system.enterpriseservices.dll in cases // where transactions are not used. void InvokeTransacted() { Transactions.InvokeTransacted(new TransactedCallback(this.Invoke), protocol.MethodAttribute.TransactionOption); }
public GameServer(Transactions transactions, ICouchbaseCollection gameSim, ILogger logger) { _transactions = transactions; _gameSim = gameSim; _logger = logger; }
private void TermTotal(Transactions LT, bool IsIn) { if (IsIn) { if (GetTerm() == GetTerm(LT.Deadline)) { InTermly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (GetTerm() > GetTerm(LT.Deadline)) { InTermly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } else { if (GetTerm() == GetTerm(LT.Deadline)) { OutTermly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (GetTerm() > GetTerm(LT.Deadline)) { OutTermly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } }
private void YearTotal(Transactions LT, bool IsIn) { if (IsIn) { if (GetYear() == GetYear(LT.Deadline)) { InAnualy.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (GetYear() > GetYear(LT.Deadline)) { InAnualy.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } else { if (GetYear() == GetYear(LT.Deadline)) { OutAnualy.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (GetYear() > GetYear(LT.Deadline)) { OutAnualy.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } }
public void TestTxAttributes() { ITransaction tx = Transactions.TxStart(TransactionConcurrency.Optimistic, TransactionIsolation.RepeatableRead, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2500), 100); Assert.IsFalse(tx.IsRollbackOnly); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConcurrency.Optimistic, tx.Concurrency); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionIsolation.RepeatableRead, tx.Isolation); Assert.AreEqual(2500, tx.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionState.Active, tx.State); Assert.IsTrue(tx.StartTime.Ticks > 0); Assert.AreEqual(tx.NodeId, GetIgnite(0).GetCluster().GetLocalNode().Id); DateTime startTime1 = tx.StartTime; tx.Commit(); Assert.IsFalse(tx.IsRollbackOnly); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionState.Committed, tx.State); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConcurrency.Optimistic, tx.Concurrency); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionIsolation.RepeatableRead, tx.Isolation); Assert.AreEqual(2500, tx.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds); Assert.AreEqual(startTime1, tx.StartTime); Thread.Sleep(100); tx = Transactions.TxStart(TransactionConcurrency.Pessimistic, TransactionIsolation.ReadCommitted, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3500), 200); Assert.IsFalse(tx.IsRollbackOnly); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConcurrency.Pessimistic, tx.Concurrency); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionIsolation.ReadCommitted, tx.Isolation); Assert.AreEqual(3500, tx.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionState.Active, tx.State); Assert.IsTrue(tx.StartTime.Ticks > 0); Assert.IsTrue(tx.StartTime > startTime1); DateTime startTime2 = tx.StartTime; tx.Rollback(); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionState.RolledBack, tx.State); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConcurrency.Pessimistic, tx.Concurrency); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionIsolation.ReadCommitted, tx.Isolation); Assert.AreEqual(3500, tx.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds); Assert.AreEqual(startTime2, tx.StartTime); Thread.Sleep(100); tx = Transactions.TxStart(TransactionConcurrency.Optimistic, TransactionIsolation.RepeatableRead, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2500), 100); Assert.IsFalse(tx.IsRollbackOnly); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConcurrency.Optimistic, tx.Concurrency); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionIsolation.RepeatableRead, tx.Isolation); Assert.AreEqual(2500, tx.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionState.Active, tx.State); Assert.IsTrue(tx.StartTime > startTime2); DateTime startTime3 = tx.StartTime; tx.Commit(); Assert.IsFalse(tx.IsRollbackOnly); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionState.Committed, tx.State); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConcurrency.Optimistic, tx.Concurrency); Assert.AreEqual(TransactionIsolation.RepeatableRead, tx.Isolation); Assert.AreEqual(2500, tx.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds); Assert.AreEqual(startTime3, tx.StartTime); // Check defaults. tx = Transactions.TxStart(); Assert.AreEqual(Transactions.DefaultTransactionConcurrency, tx.Concurrency); Assert.AreEqual(Transactions.DefaultTransactionIsolation, tx.Isolation); Assert.AreEqual(Transactions.DefaultTimeout, tx.Timeout); tx.Commit(); }
private void RemoveTransactionExecute(Transaction transaction) { Transactions.Remove(transaction); }
public virtual void AddTransaction(Transaction transaction) { Transactions.Add(transaction); }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (Portfolio.CashBook["EUR"].ConversionRate == 0 || Portfolio.CashBook["BTC"].ConversionRate == 0 || Portfolio.CashBook["ETH"].ConversionRate == 0 || Portfolio.CashBook["LTC"].ConversionRate == 0) { Log($"EUR conversion rate: {Portfolio.CashBook["EUR"].ConversionRate}"); Log($"BTC conversion rate: {Portfolio.CashBook["BTC"].ConversionRate}"); Log($"LTC conversion rate: {Portfolio.CashBook["LTC"].ConversionRate}"); Log($"ETH conversion rate: {Portfolio.CashBook["ETH"].ConversionRate}"); throw new Exception("Conversion rate is 0"); } if (Time.Hour == 1 && Time.Minute == 0) { // Sell all ETH holdings with a limit order at 1% above the current price var limitPrice = Math.Round(Securities["ETHUSD"].Price * 1.01m, 2); var quantity = Portfolio.CashBook["ETH"].Amount; LimitOrder("ETHUSD", -quantity, limitPrice); } else if (Time.Hour == 2 && Time.Minute == 0) { // Submit a buy limit order for BTC at 5% below the current price var usdTotal = Portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Amount; var limitPrice = Math.Round(Securities["BTCUSD"].Price * 0.95m, 2); // use only half of our total USD var quantity = usdTotal * 0.5m / limitPrice; LimitOrder("BTCUSD", quantity, limitPrice); } else if (Time.Hour == 2 && Time.Minute == 1) { // Get current USD available, subtracting amount reserved for buy open orders var usdTotal = Portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Amount; var usdReserved = Transactions.GetOpenOrders(x => x.Direction == OrderDirection.Buy && x.Type == OrderType.Limit) .Where(x => x.Symbol == "BTCUSD" || x.Symbol == "ETHUSD") .Sum(x => x.Quantity * ((LimitOrder)x).LimitPrice); var usdAvailable = usdTotal - usdReserved; // Submit a marketable buy limit order for ETH at 1% above the current price var limitPrice = Math.Round(Securities["ETHUSD"].Price * 1.01m, 2); // use all of our available USD var quantity = usdAvailable / limitPrice; // this order will be rejected for insufficient funds LimitOrder("ETHUSD", quantity, limitPrice); // use only half of our available USD quantity = usdAvailable * 0.5m / limitPrice; LimitOrder("ETHUSD", quantity, limitPrice); } else if (Time.Hour == 11 && Time.Minute == 0) { // Liquidate our BTC holdings (including the initial holding) SetHoldings("BTCUSD", 0m); } else if (Time.Hour == 12 && Time.Minute == 0) { // Submit a market buy order for 1 BTC using EUR Buy("BTCEUR", 1m); // Submit a sell limit order at 10% above market price var limitPrice = Math.Round(Securities["BTCEUR"].Price * 1.1m, 2); LimitOrder("BTCEUR", -1, limitPrice); } else if (Time.Hour == 13 && Time.Minute == 0) { // Cancel the limit order if not filled Transactions.CancelOpenOrders("BTCEUR"); } else if (Time.Hour > 13) { // To include any initial holdings, we read the LTC amount from the cashbook // instead of using Portfolio["LTCUSD"].Quantity if (_fast > _slow) { if (Portfolio.CashBook["LTC"].Amount == 0) { Buy("LTCUSD", 10); } } else { if (Portfolio.CashBook["LTC"].Amount > 0) { // The following two statements currently behave differently if we have initial holdings: // Liquidate("LTCUSD"); // SetHoldings("LTCUSD", 0); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a <see cref="Block{T}"/> instance by manually filling all field values. /// For a more automated way, see also <see cref="Mine"/> method. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The height of the block to create. Goes to the <see cref="Index"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="difficulty">The mining difficulty that <paramref name="nonce"/> has to /// satisfy. Goes to the <see cref="Difficulty"/>.</param> /// <param name="nonce">The nonce which satisfy the given <paramref name="difficulty"/> with /// any other field values. Goes to the <see cref="Nonce"/>.</param> /// <param name="miner">An optional address refers to who mines this block. /// Goes to the <see cref="Miner"/>.</param> /// <param name="previousHash">The previous block's <see cref="Hash"/>. If it's a genesis /// block (i.e., <paramref name="index"/> is 0) this should be <c>null</c>. /// Goes to the <see cref="PreviousHash"/>.</param> /// <param name="timestamp">The time this block is created. Goes to /// the <see cref="Timestamp"/>.</param> /// <param name="transactions">The transactions to be mined together with this block. /// Transactions become sorted in an unpredicted-before-mined order and then go to /// the <see cref="Transactions"/> property. /// </param> /// <seealso cref="Mine"/> public Block( long index, long difficulty, Nonce nonce, Address?miner, HashDigest <SHA256>?previousHash, DateTimeOffset timestamp, IEnumerable <Transaction <T> > transactions) { Index = index; Difficulty = difficulty; Nonce = nonce; Miner = miner; PreviousHash = previousHash; Timestamp = timestamp; Transactions = transactions.OrderBy(tx => tx.Id).ToArray(); Hash = Hashcash.Hash(Serialize(false, false)); // As the order of transactions should be unpredictable until a block is mined, // the sorter key should be derived from both a block hash and a txid. var hashInteger = new BigInteger(Hash.ToByteArray()); // If there are multiple transactions for the same signer these should be ordered by // their tx nonces. So transactions of the same signer should have the same sort key. // The following logic "flattens" multiple tx ids having the same signer into a single // txid by applying XOR between them. IImmutableDictionary <Address, IImmutableSet <Transaction <T> > > signerTxs = Transactions .GroupBy(tx => tx.Signer) .ToImmutableDictionary( g => g.Key, g => (IImmutableSet <Transaction <T> >)g.ToImmutableHashSet() ); IImmutableDictionary <Address, BigInteger> signerTxIds = signerTxs .ToImmutableDictionary( pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value .Select(tx => new BigInteger(tx.Id.ToByteArray())) .OrderBy(txid => txid) .Aggregate((a, b) => a ^ b) ); // Order signers by values derivied from both block hash and their "flatten" txid: IImmutableList <Address> signers = signerTxIds .OrderBy(pair => pair.Value ^ hashInteger) .Select(pair => pair.Key) .ToImmutableArray(); // Order transactions for each signer by their tx nonces: Transactions = signers .SelectMany(signer => signerTxs[signer].OrderBy(tx => tx.Nonce)) .ToImmutableArray(); }
public int SellCount(IEnumerable <Candle> candles) => Transactions.Count(t => t.Candles.Equals(candles) && t.Type == TransactionType.Sell);
public decimal YTDinterestEarned() { decimal dailyInterest = (decimal)InterestRate / (decimal)365; decimal principleAmount = 0; Dictionary <DateTime, decimal> DailyTransaction = new Dictionary <DateTime, decimal>(); if (Transactions == null || Transactions.Count() == 0) { return(0); } for (int i = 0; i < Transactions.Count(); i++) { if (Transactions[i].transactionDate < DateTime.Today) { if (DailyTransaction != null && DailyTransaction.Keys.Contains(Transactions[i].transactionDate)) { DailyTransaction[Transactions[i].transactionDate] = DailyTransaction[Transactions[i].transactionDate] + Transactions[i].transactionAmount; } else { DailyTransaction[Transactions[i].transactionDate] = Transactions[i].transactionAmount; } } } decimal interestAccrued = DailyTransaction.Values.Sum(); DailyTransaction.Add(DateTime.Today.Date, 0); var myList = DailyTransaction.ToList(); myList.Sort((pair1, pair2) => pair1.Key.CompareTo(pair2.Key)); // DailyTransaction.Values.ToList().Sort(); int numberofDays = 0; decimal accumulatedInterest = 0; int month = myList[0].Key.Month; for (int i = 0; i < myList.Count(); i++) { if (i > 0) { if (month == myList[i].Key.Month) { numberofDays = myList[i].Key.DayOfYear - myList[i - 1].Key.DayOfYear; } else { numberofDays = (DateTime.DaysInMonth(myList[i - 1].Key.Year, myList[i - 1].Key.Month) - myList[i - 1].Key.Date.Day) + 1; } } if (month != myList[i].Key.Month) { accumulatedInterest = accumulatedInterest + principleAmount * (dailyInterest / 100) * (numberofDays); } if (month != myList[i].Key.Month && i != myList.Count() - 1) { principleAmount = principleAmount + accumulatedInterest; accumulatedInterest = (principleAmount * ((dailyInterest) / 100) * (myList[i].Key.Day - 1)); } principleAmount = principleAmount + myList[i].Value; month = myList[i].Key.Month; } decimal total = principleAmount + accumulatedInterest; return(decimal.Round(total - interestAccrued, 2)); }
private static void ProcessTransaction(WebAPIQueries queries) { var id = queries["txn_id"]; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { return; } var status = queries["payment_status"]; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(status)) { return; } TransactionState state; status = status.Trim(); switch (status.ToUpper()) { case "PENDING": case "IN-PROGRESS": state = TransactionState.Pending; break; case "COMPLETED": state = TransactionState.Processed; break; default: state = TransactionState.Voided; break; } long credit; double value; ExtractCart(queries, out credit, out value); var custom = queries["custom"] ?? String.Empty; var trans = Transactions.GetValue(id); var create = trans == null; if (create) { var email = queries["payer_email"] ?? String.Empty; var notes = queries["payer_note"] ?? String.Empty; var extra = queries["extra_info"] ?? String.Empty; var a = Accounts.GetAccount(custom) ?? CMOptions.FallbackAccount; Transactions[id] = trans = new DonationTransaction(id, a, email, value, credit, notes, extra); var profile = EnsureProfile(a); if (profile == null) { state = TransactionState.Voided; trans.Extra += "{VOID: NO PROFILE}"; } else { profile.Add(trans); } } if (!VerifyValue(queries, "business", CMOptions.Business) && !VerifyValue(queries, "receiver_email", CMOptions.Business) && !VerifyValue(queries, "receiver_id", CMOptions.Business)) { state = TransactionState.Voided; trans.Extra += "{VOID: UNEXPECTED BUSINESS}"; } if (trans.Total != value) { state = TransactionState.Voided; trans.Extra += "{VOID: TOTAL CHANGED}"; } if (queries["test"] != null || queries["test_ipn"] != null) { state = TransactionState.Voided; trans.Extra += "{VOID: TESTING}"; } switch (state) { case TransactionState.Processed: trans.Process(); break; case TransactionState.Voided: trans.Void(); break; } if (create && trans.State == TransactionState.Pending) { DonationEvents.InvokeTransPending(trans); } SpotCheck(trans.Account); }
public DepositWithdrawalViewModel() { Account = new Accounts(); Transaction = new Transactions(); }
private bool DoesCommitmentAmountExceedMinimumCommitmentAmount(JointPayee jointPayee) { return(Transactions.All(tran => DoesCommitmentAmountExceedMinimumCommitmentAmount(jointPayee.JointPayeeInternalId, tran))); }
public async Task <PredictionEntity> GetPredictionsAsync(int monthsBack, DateTime predictDate) { PredictionEntity predictionEntity = null; await Task.Run(() => { predictionEntity = new PredictionEntity() { WarningMessage = IsAvailableEnoughtData(monthsBack) ? "" : _warningMessage, TodayBalanace = CurrentUser.CurrentBalance }; IList <DailyBreakDownPredictionEntity> dailyBreakDownPredictions = new List <DailyBreakDownPredictionEntity>(); predictDate = predictDate.Date; DateTime todayDate = DateTime.Now; todayDate = todayDate.Date;// Remove time DateTime monthsBackDate = todayDate.AddMonths(-1 * monthsBack); IEnumerable <TransactionEntity> orderedTransactions = Transactions.Where(t => t.TransactionDateTime >= monthsBackDate && t.IsActive).OrderBy(t => t.TransactionDateTime); if (orderedTransactions.Count() > 0) { predictionEntity.IsPredicted = true; int daysFromBackMonth = (int)todayDate.Subtract(monthsBackDate.Date).TotalDays; double totalInCome = orderedTransactions.Where(ot => ot.IsIncome).Select(ot => ot.Amount).Sum(); double totalInExpenses = orderedTransactions.Where(ot => !ot.IsIncome).Select(ot => ot.Amount).Sum(); predictionEntity.AverageIncome = totalInCome / daysFromBackMonth; predictionEntity.AverageExpense = totalInExpenses / daysFromBackMonth; int daysToPredictDate = (int)predictDate.Subtract(todayDate).TotalDays; predictionEntity.PredictBalanace = CurrentUser.CurrentBalance + ((totalInCome - totalInExpenses) / daysFromBackMonth) * daysToPredictDate; // Day by day predictions IEnumerable <DayOfWeek> daysOfWeek = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DayOfWeek)).Cast <DayOfWeek>(); foreach (DayOfWeek dayOfWeek in daysOfWeek) { DailyBreakDownPredictionEntity dailyBreakDown = new DailyBreakDownPredictionEntity() { DayOfWeek = dayOfWeek }; IEnumerable <DateTime> dates = TimeConverterMethods.DatesDayOfWeekForDuration(monthsBackDate, todayDate, dayOfWeek); if (dates.Count() > 0) { IEnumerable <TransactionEntity> dayOfWeekIncomeTransactions = orderedTransactions.Where(t => t.IsIncome && dates.Any(d => d.Date == t.TransactionDateTime.Date)); dailyBreakDown.AverageIncome = dayOfWeekIncomeTransactions.Select(x => x.Amount).Sum() / dates.Count(); IEnumerable <TransactionEntity> dayOfWeekExpensesTransactions = orderedTransactions.Where(t => !t.IsIncome && dates.Any(d => d.Date == t.TransactionDateTime.Date)); dailyBreakDown.AverageExpense = dayOfWeekExpensesTransactions.Select(x => x.Amount).Sum() / dates.Count(); } else { dailyBreakDown.AverageIncome = 0; dailyBreakDown.AverageExpense = 0; } dailyBreakDownPredictions.Add(dailyBreakDown); } predictionEntity.DailyBreakDownPredictions = dailyBreakDownPredictions; } else { predictionEntity.IsPredicted = false; predictionEntity.WarningMessage = "Error: No data found to do the predictions"; } }); return(predictionEntity); }
private void BtnAddOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Transactions temp = new Transactions(TBOutName.Text, CBOutCompany.Text, CBOutCategory.Text, Type.Out.ToString(), NuOutAmountPre.Value, (CBOutCompleted.Checked ? NuOutAmountReal.Value : 0), CBOutCompleted.Checked, TBOutComment.Lines, DTOutDeadline.Value, DTOutReal.Value, CBOutRepeat.Checked, DTRepeatStartOut.Value, DTRepeatEndOut.Value, CBRepeatFreqOut.Text); Outcome.Add(temp); if (sender.ToString().Contains("Update")) { Outcome.RemoveAt(LBOut.SelectedIndex); BtnAddOut.Text = "BtnAddOut"; } ResetTabOut(sender, e); PopulateTransLists(); Total(); WriteToFile(sender, e); }
public bool AddValidTransaction(Transactions transact) { bool result = userServices.AddTransaction(transact); return(result); }
private void QuarterTotal(Transactions LT, bool IsIn) { if (IsIn) { if (GetQuarter() == GetQuarter(LT.Deadline)) { InQuarterly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (GetQuarter() > GetQuarter(LT.Deadline)) { InQuarterly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } else { if (GetQuarter() == GetQuarter(LT.Deadline)) { OutQuarterly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (GetQuarter() > GetQuarter(LT.Deadline)) OutQuarterly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } }
public void AddTransaction(Transaction transaction) { Transactions.Add(transaction); TotalSize += transaction.Size; TotalFee += transaction.Fee; }
private void WeekTotal(Transactions LT, bool IsIn) { DateTime Start = GetStartOfWeek(); DateTime End = Start.AddDays(7); if (IsIn) { if (Start < LT.Deadline && LT.Deadline < End) { InWeekly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (LT.Deadline < Start) { InWeekly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } else { if (Start < LT.Deadline && LT.Deadline < End) { OutWeekly.Current += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } else if (LT.Deadline < Start) { OutWeekly.Previous += (LT.AmountReal == 0 ? LT.AmountPre : LT.AmountReal); } } }
public bool Insert(Transactions transactionName, List<SqlParameter> parameters) { SqlConnection dbConnection = CreateConnection(); try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(transactionName.ToString(), dbConnection); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; parameters.ForEach(x => command.Parameters.Add(x)); return command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0; } catch (SqlException exception) { throw (exception); } finally { dbConnection.Close(); } }
public Transaction AddTransaction(Transaction tx) { Transactions.Add(tx); return(tx); }
public DataTable RunQuery(Transactions transactionName, List<SqlParameter> parameters) { SqlConnection dbConnection = CreateConnection(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(transactionName.ToString(), dbConnection); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; parameters.ForEach(x => command.Parameters.Add(x)); DataTable result = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); sqlDataAdapter.Fill(result); dbConnection.Close(); return result; }
public Program(ICluster cluster, IBucket bucket, ICouchbaseCollection collection, Transactions transactions) { _cluster = cluster; _bucket = bucket; _collection = collection; _transactions = transactions; }
public async Task <String> MakePayment(PaymentDetails paymentDetails) { String response = String.Empty; try { //Using Custom Credit Card Validation Instead of CreditCardAttribute if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentDetails?.CreditCardNumber) && Validation.IsCardNumberValid(paymentDetails.CreditCardNumber)) { if (paymentDetails.Amount > 0 && Validation.IsExpirationDateValid(paymentDetails.ExpirationDate)) { //String encryptedCardNumber = _Encryption.EncryptAndSave(paymentDetails.CreditCardNumber); String encryptedCardNumber = paymentDetails.CreditCardNumber; //Checking for existing user. var existing_user = _PaymentContext.People.Include(x => x.CardInformation) .Where(x => x.FullName == paymentDetails.CardHolderName) .FirstOrDefault(); if (existing_user is null) { // if the user doesn't exist , insert into the database existing_user = AddNewUser(paymentDetails, encryptedCardNumber); } else { // checking whether the card exists or not var card = existing_user.CardInformation.Where(x => x.CreditCardNumber == encryptedCardNumber).FirstOrDefault(); if (card is null) { CardInformation cardInformation = new CardInformation() { CreditCardNumber = encryptedCardNumber, SecurityCode = paymentDetails.SecurityCode }; existing_user.CardInformation.Add(cardInformation); existing_user = _PeopleRepo.UpdateAndGet(existing_user); } } //Creating a new transaction Transactions NewTransaction = new Transactions(); _TransactionRepo.Insert(NewTransaction); _TransactionRepo.Save(); existing_user.CardInformation.Where(x => x.CreditCardNumber == encryptedCardNumber).FirstOrDefault().Transactions.Add(NewTransaction); existing_user = _PeopleRepo.UpdateAndGet(existing_user); //Payment Gateway Call _PaymentGateway = _PaymentGatewayFactory.GetPaymentGateway(paymentDetails.Amount); response = await _PaymentGateway.GetPaymentStatus(paymentDetails); //Updating the response NewTransaction.PaymentState = response; _TransactionRepo.Update(NewTransaction); _TransactionRepo.Save(); } } else { response = "Invalid Card Number"; } } catch (Exception ex) { response = ex.Message; } return(response); }
public DataTable RunQuery(Transactions transactionName, SqlParameter parameter) { return RunQuery(transactionName, new List<SqlParameter>() { parameter }); }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!Security.HasData) { Log("::::: NO DATA :::::"); return; } // each month make an action if (Time.Minute != LastMinute && Time.Second == 0) { Log(""); Log("--------------Minute: " + Time.Minute); Log(""); LastMinute = Time.Minute; // we'll submit the next type of order from the queue var orderType = _orderTypesQueue.Dequeue(); Log("ORDER TYPE:: " + orderType); var isLong = Quantity > 0; var stopPrice = isLong ? (1 + StopPercentage) * Security.High : (1 - StopPercentage) * Security.Low; var limitPrice = isLong ? (1 - LimitPercentage) * stopPrice : (1 + LimitPercentage) * stopPrice; if (orderType == OrderType.Limit) { limitPrice = !isLong ? (1 + LimitPercentage) * Security.High : (1 - LimitPercentage) * Security.Low; } var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(orderType, SecType, Symbol, Quantity, stopPrice, limitPrice, Time, orderType.ToString()); var ticket = Transactions.AddOrder(request); _tickets.Add(ticket); if ((decimal)Random.NextDouble() < ImmediateCancelPercentage) { Log("Immediate cancellation requested!"); _immediateCancellations.Add(ticket.OrderId); } } else if (_tickets.Count > 0) { var ticket = _tickets.Last(); if (Time.Second > 15 && Time.Second < 30) { if (ticket.UpdateRequests.Count == 0 && ticket.Status.IsOpen()) { Log(ticket.ToString()); ticket.Update(new UpdateOrderFields { Quantity = ticket.Quantity + Math.Sign(Quantity) * DeltaQuantity, Tag = "Change quantity: " + Time }); Log("UPDATE1:: " + ticket.UpdateRequests.Last()); } } else if (Time.Second > 29 && Time.Second < 45) { if (ticket.UpdateRequests.Count == 1 && ticket.Status.IsOpen()) { Log(ticket.ToString()); ticket.Update(new UpdateOrderFields { LimitPrice = Security.Price * (1 - Math.Sign(ticket.Quantity) * LimitPercentageDelta), StopPrice = Security.Price * (1 + Math.Sign(ticket.Quantity) * StopPercentageDelta), Tag = "Change prices: " + Time }); Log("UPDATE2:: " + ticket.UpdateRequests.Last()); } } else { if (ticket.UpdateRequests.Count == 2 && ticket.Status.IsOpen()) { Log(ticket.ToString()); ticket.Cancel(Time + " and is still open!"); Log("CANCELLED:: " + ticket.CancelRequest); } } } }
public override Transactions GetTransactions(long userId) { Transactions transactions = new Transactions(); using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(GetConnectionString())) { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(QRY_GET_TRANSACTIONS_BY_USERID, conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("@user_id", MySqlDbType.Int64).Value = userId; try { conn.Open(); using (MySqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { transactions.Add(new Transaction { TransactionId = rdr.GetInt64(0), UserId = userId, Amount = rdr.GetDecimal(2), Date = rdr.GetDateTime(3), Description = rdr.GetString(4), ProductId = rdr.GetInt64(5), Status = rdr.GetString(6), StatusCode = rdr.GetString(7), Merchant = rdr.GetString(8), PaymentId = rdr.GetString(9), TransactionReference = rdr.GetString(10), PaymentMethod = rdr.GetString(11) }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Write(LogLevel.Error, ex, "GetTransactions<Exception>"); } finally { conn.Close(); } } } return transactions; }
private void GetCancelFeeFirstLast(Cancelations can) { Transactions Trans = SelectedReservations.Transactions.FirstOrDefault(); List <DetailTransactions> lstDtChambres = Trans.DetailTransactions.Where(c => c.Etat == "ACTIF" && c.Produits.Categories.Libelle == "CHAMBRES").ToList(); List <DetailPaiements> lstDtPaie = Trans.DetailPaiements.Where(c => c.Etat == "ACTIF").ToList(); //Annuler les details transactions concernant la chambre foreach (DetailTransactions item in lstDtChambres) { item.Etat = "ANNULER"; } foreach (DetailPaiements item in lstDtPaie) { item.Etat = "ANNULER"; } double NbreHr = SelectedReservations.DateArrive.Value.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalDays; if (NbreHr < can.TimeFrame) { DetailTransactions trans = new DetailTransactions(); trans.Produits = GlobalData.modelRP.Produits.Where(c => c.Libelle == "FRAIS D'ANNULATION DE LA RESERVATION").FirstOrDefault();; trans.Date = DateTime.Now; trans.Quantite = (float)1; if (can.Type == 0) { DetailTransactions dt = lstDtChambres.FirstOrDefault(); trans.prix = Convert.ToDecimal((double)dt.prix * can.PourcentageAfter * 0.01) + can.HandlingFee; } else { trans.prix = Convert.ToDecimal(can.MontantAfter) + can.HandlingFee; } trans.Descriptions = "FRAIS D'ANNULATION DE LA RESERVATION " + SelectedReservations.ID; trans.Montant = Convert.ToDecimal(trans.Quantite * (double)trans.prix); trans.Etat = "ACTIF"; //trans.idHotel = GlobalData.HotId; Trans.DetailTransactions.Add(trans); Trans.TotalTTC = Convert.ToDecimal(trans.Quantite * (double)trans.prix) + can.HandlingFee; Trans.TotalHT = Trans.TotalTTC; Trans.TVA = 0; if ((Trans.TotalPaye - Trans.TotalTTC) < 0) { Trans.TotalReste = 0; DetailPaiements dtPaie = new DetailPaiements(); dtPaie.Montant = (double)Trans.TotalPaye; dtPaie.DatePaiement = DateTime.Now; dtPaie.MethodePaiements = GlobalData.modelRP.MethodePaiements.Where(c => c.Libelle == "ESPECE").FirstOrDefault(); dtPaie.Transactions = Trans; dtPaie.Etat = "ACTIF"; //dtPaie.idHotel = GlobalData.HotId; } else { Trans.TotalReste = 0; Trans.TotalPaye = Trans.TotalTTC; DetailPaiements dtPaie = new DetailPaiements(); dtPaie.Montant = (double)Trans.TotalPaye; dtPaie.DatePaiement = DateTime.Now; dtPaie.MethodePaiements = GlobalData.modelRP.MethodePaiements.Where(c => c.Libelle == "ESPECE").FirstOrDefault(); dtPaie.Transactions = Trans; dtPaie.Etat = "ACTIF"; //dtPaie.idHotel = GlobalData.HotId; } SelectedReservations.TotalPaye = Trans.TotalPaye; SelectedReservations.TotalReste = Trans.TotalReste; SelectedReservations.TotalTTC = Trans.TotalTTC; SelectedReservations.Reduction = Trans.Reduction; Trans.Etat = "PAYE"; SelectedReservations.CancelDate = DateTime.Now; SelectedReservations.Etat = "TERMINER"; SelectedReservations.EtatOperation = "ANNULER"; if (SelectedReservations.Chambres != null) { SelectedReservations.Chambres.EtatOperation = "LIBRE"; } GlobalData.modelRP.SaveChanges(); Load(); MessageBox.Show("Operation terminée", "Message", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.None); } else if (NbreHr > can.TimeFrame) { DetailTransactions trans = new DetailTransactions(); trans.Produits = GlobalData.modelRP.Produits.Where(c => c.Libelle == "FRAIS D'ANNULATION DE LA RESERVATION").First();; trans.Date = DateTime.Now; trans.Quantite = (float)1; if (can.Type == 0) { DetailTransactions dt = lstDtChambres.FirstOrDefault(); trans.prix = Convert.ToDecimal((double)dt.prix * can.PourcentageBefore * 0.01) + can.HandlingFee; } else { trans.prix = Convert.ToDecimal(can.MonantBefore) + can.HandlingFee; } trans.Descriptions = "FRAIS D'ANNULATION DE LA RESERVATION " + SelectedReservations.ID; trans.Montant = Convert.ToDecimal(trans.Quantite * (double)trans.prix); trans.Etat = "ACTIF"; //trans.idHotel = GlobalData.HotId; Trans.DetailTransactions.Add(trans); Trans.TotalTTC = Convert.ToDecimal(trans.Quantite * (double)trans.prix) + can.HandlingFee; Trans.TotalHT = Trans.TotalTTC; Trans.TVA = 0; if ((Trans.TotalPaye - Trans.TotalTTC) < 0) { Trans.TotalReste = 0; DetailPaiements dtPaie = new DetailPaiements(); dtPaie.Montant = (double)Trans.TotalPaye; dtPaie.DatePaiement = DateTime.Now; dtPaie.MethodePaiements = GlobalData.modelRP.MethodePaiements.Where(c => c.Libelle == "ESPECE").FirstOrDefault(); dtPaie.Transactions = Trans; dtPaie.Etat = "ACTIF"; //dtPaie.idHotel = GlobalData.HotId; } else { Trans.TotalReste = 0; Trans.TotalPaye = Trans.TotalTTC; DetailPaiements dtPaie = new DetailPaiements(); dtPaie.Montant = (double)Trans.TotalPaye; dtPaie.DatePaiement = DateTime.Now; dtPaie.MethodePaiements = GlobalData.modelRP.MethodePaiements.Where(c => c.Libelle == "ESPECE").FirstOrDefault(); dtPaie.Transactions = Trans; dtPaie.Etat = "ACTIF"; //dtPaie.idHotel = GlobalData.HotId; } SelectedReservations.TotalPaye = Trans.TotalPaye; SelectedReservations.TotalReste = Trans.TotalReste; SelectedReservations.TotalTTC = Trans.TotalTTC; SelectedReservations.Reduction = Trans.Reduction; Trans.Etat = "PAYE"; SelectedReservations.CancelDate = DateTime.Now; SelectedReservations.Etat = "TERMINER"; SelectedReservations.EtatOperation = "ANNULER"; SelectedReservations.Chambres.EtatOperation = "LIBRE"; GlobalData.modelRP.SaveChanges(); Load(); MessageBox.Show("Operation terminée", "Message", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.None); } else { } }
protected void AttachSubscriber(Transactions.Processes.Base process, Engine.ProgressDelegate onProgress) { process.OnProgress += delegate(Transactions.Processes.Base sender, Transactions.Tasks.Base task, OpenDMS.Networking.Protocols.Tcp.DirectionType direction, int packetSize, decimal sendPercentComplete, decimal receivePercentComplete) { try { if (onProgress != null && !_isEventSubscriptionSuppressed) onProgress(_request, direction, packetSize, sendPercentComplete, receivePercentComplete); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Storage.Error("An exception occurred while calling the method specified in the onProgress argument.", e); throw; } }; }
private IEnumerable <TransactionViewModel> SortTransactionsByDate() { var sorted = Transactions.OrderByDescending((arg) => arg.Date); return(sorted as IEnumerable <TransactionViewModel>); }
public void MarryTran(DTP dtp, Transactions tran) { _db.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO DTP_Trans VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", Guid.NewGuid(), dtp.Id, tran.Id)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,InvoiceId,Amount,Discount,Tax,Extra,Total,AccountId,PaymentTypeId,OperationId,FromBankId,ToBankId,AddDate,AddTime,RefNo,Notes")] Payments payments) { var isValidtaedAmount = new TransactionsService(_context).ValidateBankBalance(payments.FromBankId, payments.Amount, payments.OperationId); if (ModelState.IsValid && isValidtaedAmount) { _context.Add(payments); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); #region "Update (Account/Banks) Balances" decimal _credit = 0, _debit = 0, _toCredit = 0, _toDebit = 0; var _trans = new TransactionsService(_context); // قبض if (payments.OperationId == (int)PaymentTypesEnum.Credit || payments.OperationId == (int)PaymentTypesEnum.CheckCredit) { _credit = _toCredit = payments.Amount; //_debit = _toDebit = 0; } // صرف else if (payments.OperationId == (int)PaymentTypesEnum.Debit || payments.OperationId == (int)PaymentTypesEnum.CehckDebit) { _debit = _toDebit = payments.Amount; _credit = _toCredit = 0; } // تحويل بنكى من بنك إلى بنك else if (payments.OperationId == (int)PaymentTypesEnum.BankTransfer) { _debit = payments.Amount; // Debit from _toCredit = payments.Amount; // Debit to. _toDebit = _credit = 0; } // Update account balance if (payments.AccountId > 0) { var at = new Transactions() { AccountId = payments.AccountId, AddDate = DateTime.Now, Credit = _credit, Debit = _debit, TransactionId = payments.Id.ToString() }; await _trans.UpdateAccountBalanceAsync(at); } // Update FromBank balance. if (payments.FromBankId > 0) { var bt = new Transactions() { BankId = payments.FromBankId, AddDate = DateTime.Now, Credit = _credit, Debit = _debit, TransactionId = payments.Id.ToString() }; await _trans.UpdateBankBalanceAsync(bt); } // Update ToBank balance. if (payments.ToBankId > 0) { var bt = new Transactions() { BankId = payments.ToBankId, AddDate = DateTime.Now, Credit = _toCredit, Debit = _toDebit, TransactionId = payments.Id.ToString() }; await _trans.UpdateBankBalanceAsync(bt); } #endregion // Archive client transactions in case he paying to us (قبض - قبض بشيك). if (payments.AccountId > 0 && (payments.OperationId == (int)PaymentTypesEnum.Credit || payments.OperationId == (int)PaymentTypesEnum.CheckCredit)) { await _trans.ArchiveAccountInvoicesPaymanetsAsync(payments.AccountId); } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["AccountId"] = new SelectList(_context.Accounts, "AccountId", "Title", payments.AccountId); ViewData["FromBankId"] = new SelectList(_context.Banks, "Id", "Name", payments.FromBankId); ViewData["InvoiceId"] = new SelectList(_context.Invoices, "Id", "InvoiceNo", payments.InvoiceId); ViewData["OperationId"] = new SelectList(_context.Operations, "Id", "Name", payments.OperationId); ViewData["PaymentTypeId"] = new SelectList(_context.PaymentTypes, "Id", "Name", payments.PaymentTypeId); ViewData["ToBankId"] = new SelectList(_context.Banks, "Id", "Name", payments.ToBankId); if (!isValidtaedAmount) { ViewData["BankAmountMessage"] = SysLanguages.Lang.ValidateBankBalanceMessage; } return(View(payments)); }
protected void AttachSubscriber(Transactions.Processes.Base process, Engine.ErrorDelegate onError) { process.OnError += delegate(Transactions.Processes.Base sender, Transactions.Tasks.Base task, string message, Exception exception) { try { if (onError != null && !_isEventSubscriptionSuppressed) onError(_request, message, exception); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Storage.Error("An exception occurred while calling the method specified in the onError argument.", e); throw; } }; }
public Transaction GetTransaction(UInt256 hash) { return(Transactions.TryGet(hash)?.Transaction); }