public void TestEditItemQuantity()
            // arrange, the attribute that need
            ITransactionManager transactionManager = new TransactionManager(_transactionAccessor);

            bool result   = false;
            bool expected = true;

            TransactionLineProducts transactionLineProducts = new TransactionLineProducts();
            List <ProductVM>        _productsSold           = new List <ProductVM>();

            var productVM1 = new ProductVM();

            productVM1.ItemID       = 100;
            productVM1.ItemQuantity = 5;

            var productVM2 = new ProductVM();

            productVM2.ItemID       = 200;
            productVM2.ItemQuantity = 10;


            transactionLineProducts.ProductsSold = _productsSold;

            result = _transactionManager.EditItemQuantity(transactionLineProducts);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Jaeho Kim
        /// Created: 2020/04/24
        /// Approver: Robert Holmes
        /// This method calls the update item quantity method in the DataAccessLayer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// Update: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>TransactionStatus</returns>
        public bool EditItemQuantity(TransactionLineProducts transactionLineProducts)
            bool result = false;

                result = (_transactionAccessor.UpdateItemQuantity(transactionLineProducts) > 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could Not Add Transaction.", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Jaeho Kim
        /// Created: 04/04/2020
        /// Approver: Rasha Mohammed
        /// Implementation of AddTransactionLineProducts method.
        /// Adds the transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// Update: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        public bool AddTransactionLineProducts(TransactionLineProducts transactionLineProducts)
            bool result = false;

                result = (_transactionAccessor.InsertTransactionLineProducts(transactionLineProducts) > 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could Not Add Transaction.", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Jaeho Kim
        /// Created: 4/04/2020
        /// Approver:  Rasha Mohammed
        /// Method to test insert products related to transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="transactionLineProducts">The products related to the transaction</param>
        public int InsertTransactionLineProducts(TransactionLineProducts transactionLineProducts)
            int result = 0;
            FakeTransactionAccessor        fakeTransactionAccessor     = new FakeTransactionAccessor();
            List <TransactionLineProducts> transactionLineProductsList =

            if (!transactionLineProductsList.Contains(transactionLineProducts))
                result = 1;
        public void TestAddTransactionLineProducts()
            bool result = false;

            TransactionLineProducts newTransactionLineProducts = new TransactionLineProducts()
                TransactionID = 100002

            FakeTransactionAccessor _transactionAccessor = new FakeTransactionAccessor();

            result = _transactionAccessor.InsertTransactionLineProducts(newTransactionLineProducts) == 1;

            Assert.AreEqual(result, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Jaeho Kim
        /// Created: 2020/04/25
        /// Approver: Robert Holmes
        /// Fake Transaction Accessor Method, uses dummy data for testing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>int</returns>
        public int UpdateItemQuantity(TransactionLineProducts transactionLineProducts)
            int rows = 0;

            foreach (Item item in itemList)
                foreach (ProductVM productVM in transactionLineProducts.ProductsSold)
                    if (productVM.ItemID == item.ItemID)
                        int newQuantity = item.ItemQuantity - productVM.ItemQuantity;
                        item.ItemQuantity = newQuantity;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Jaeho Kim
        /// Created: 04/04/2020
        /// Approver: Rasha Mohammed
        /// Implementation for inserting a products related to the transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: Robert Holmes
        /// Updated: 4/20/2020
        /// Update: Now actually saves the quantity purchased to the database.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="transactionLineProducts">
        /// The products related to the transaction that is inserted to the database.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>rows effected</returns>
        public int InsertTransactionLineProducts(TransactionLineProducts transactionLineProducts)
            int rows = 0;
            var conn = DBConnection.GetConnection();

            var cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_insert_transaction_line_products", conn);

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;


                foreach (var item in transactionLineProducts.ProductsSold)
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TransactionID", SqlDbType.Int));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ProductID", SqlDbType.NVarChar));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Quantity", SqlDbType.Int));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PriceSold", SqlDbType.Decimal));

                    cmd.Parameters[0].Value = TransactionID;
                    cmd.Parameters[1].Value = item.ProductID;

                    // This is the item quantity that got purchased.
                    cmd.Parameters[2].Value = item.Quantity;

                    // This is the price that is sold for this transaction.
                    cmd.Parameters[3].Value = item.Price;
                    rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Jaeho Kim
        /// Created: 4/25/2020
        /// Approver: Robert Holmes
        /// Implementation for adjusting item quantity
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// Update: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>int</returns>
        public int UpdateItemQuantity(TransactionLineProducts transactionLineProducts)
            int rows = 0;

            var conn = DBConnection.GetConnection();

            var cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_update_item_quantity", conn);

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;


                foreach (var item in transactionLineProducts.ProductsSold)
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TransactionID", SqlDbType.Int));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ProductID", SqlDbType.NVarChar));

                    cmd.Parameters[0].Value = TransactionID;
                    cmd.Parameters[1].Value = item.ProductID;

                    rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creator: Jaeho Kim
        /// Created: 03/25/2020
        /// Approver: Rasha Mohammed
        /// Completes the transaction and performs the transaction entry operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updater: NA
        /// Updated: NA
        /// Update: NA
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        private void btnCompleteTransaction_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var transactionType   = new TransactionType();
            var transactionStatus = new TransactionStatus();

            // This transactionDate operation
            // involves ignoring Milliseconds.
            // Seconds do count however!
            DateTime transactionDate = DateTime.Now;

            transactionDate = new DateTime(
                transactionDate.Ticks -
                (transactionDate.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond),
            // end transactionDate ignore milliseconds operation.

            var transaction = new Transaction();

                // This is for practical purposes. A cashier should not have to
                // constantly put in the transaction type for each transaction.
                // A default transaction type is retrieved from the database
                // everytime the transaction type text is empty.
                if (cbTransactionType.Text == "")
                    transactionType        = _transactionManager.RetrieveDefaultTransactionType();
                    cbTransactionType.Text = transactionType.TransactionTypeID;

                if (cbTransactionStatus.Text == "")
                    transactionStatus        = _transactionManager.RetrieveDefaultTransactionStatus();
                    cbTransactionStatus.Text = transactionStatus.TransactionStatusID;

                // if the transaction type was return or void, the values for item quantity
                // and total calculations must be negative.
                if (cbTransactionType.Text == "return")
                    subTotalTaxable *= -1;
                    subTotal        *= -1;
                    total           *= -1;

                if (cbTransactionType.Text == "void")
                    subTotalTaxable *= -1;
                    subTotal        *= -1;
                    total           *= -1;

                transaction.TransactionDateTime = transactionDate;
                transaction.TaxRate             = taxRate;
                transaction.SubTotalTaxable     = subTotalTaxable;
                transaction.SubTotal            = subTotal;
                transaction.Total               = total;
                transaction.TransactionTypeID   = cbTransactionType.Text.ToString();
                transaction.EmployeeID          = employeeID;
                transaction.TransactionStatusID = cbTransactionStatus.Text.ToString();
                transaction.TaxExemptNumber     = txtTaxExemptNumber.Text.ToString();

                transaction.CustomerEmail = txtEmail.Text.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n\n" + "Please set the default transaction type or status!");

            var transactionLineProducts       = new TransactionLineProducts();
            List <ProductVM> ProductsSoldList = new List <ProductVM>();

            foreach (var item in _transactionManager.GetAllProducts())
                // return transaction type!
                if (cbTransactionType.Text == "return")
                    item.Quantity *= -1;

                // return transaction type!
                if (cbTransactionType.Text == "void")
                    item.Quantity *= -1;

            transactionLineProducts.ProductsSold = ProductsSoldList;

                // Creating the transaction in the database
                if (transaction.SubTotal != 0)
                    if (collectPayment(transaction))

                        txtSearchProduct.Text   = "";
                        txtItemName.Text        = "";
                        chkTaxable.IsChecked    = false;
                        txtPrice.Text           = "";
                        txtQuantity.Text        = "";
                        txtItemDescription.Text = "";

                        cbTransactionType.Text   = "";
                        cbTransactionStatus.Text = "";

                        txtTaxExemptNumber.Text = "";

                        txtTotal.Text           = "";
                        txtSubTotal.Text        = "";
                        txtSubTotalTaxable.Text = "";

                        dgShoppingCart.ItemsSource = null;
                        subTotalTaxable            = 0.0M;
                        subTotal = 0.0M;
                        total    = 0.0M;

                        btnAddProduct.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

                        MessageBox.Show("Transaction Complete", "Success", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                        WPFErrorHandler.ErrorMessage("Payment Processing incomplete.");
                    MessageBox.Show("Could Not Add Transaction!");
            catch (ApplicationException ae)
                MessageBox.Show(ae.Message + "\n\n" + "You Must Enter Transaction Admin Data!");
Exemple #10
 public ViewResult Thanks(Cart cart, CompleteCheckoutViewModel completeCheckoutViewModel, string stripeChargeID)
     if (cart != null && completeCheckoutViewModel != null)
         decimal subTotalTaxFree = 0.0M;
         decimal subTotalTaxable = 0.0M;
         var     productAmounts  = new Dictionary <DataTransferObjects.Product, int>();
         var     productsSold    = new List <ProductVM>();
         foreach (var line in cart.Lines)
             productAmounts.Add(line.Product, line.Amount);
             productsSold.Add(new ProductVM
                 Name            = line.Product.Name,
                 ItemName        = line.Product.Name,
                 Active          = line.Product.Active,
                 Brand           = line.Product.Brand,
                 Category        = line.Product.Category,
                 Description     = line.Product.Description,
                 ItemDescription = line.Product.Description,
                 ItemID          = line.Product.ItemID,
                 Quantity        = line.Amount,
                 ItemQuantity    = line.Amount,
                 Price           = line.Product.Price,
                 ProductID       = line.Product.ProductID,
                 Taxable         = line.Product.Taxable,
                 Type            = line.Product.Type
             if (!line.Product.Taxable)
                 subTotalTaxFree += line.Product.Price * line.Amount;
                 subTotalTaxable += line.Product.Price * line.Amount;
         decimal subTotalWithTax = subTotalTaxable * (1 + completeCheckoutViewModel.OrderDetails.TaxRate);
         subTotalTaxable += subTotalTaxFree;
         var transaction = new Transaction
             CustomerEmail       = completeCheckoutViewModel.OrderDetails.Email,
             StripeChargeID      = stripeChargeID,
             EmployeeID          = 100000, // Admin account user id
             SubTotal            = subTotalTaxFree,
             SubTotalTaxable     = subTotalTaxable,
             TaxRate             = completeCheckoutViewModel.OrderDetails.TaxRate,
             TransactionDateTime = DateTime.Now,
             TransactionStatusID = "Completed",
             TransactionTypeID   = "Online Sale",
             Total          = subTotalWithTax + subTotalTaxFree,
             ProductAmounts = productAmounts
         var lineProducts = new TransactionLineProducts {
             ProductsSold = productsSold
     _transactionManager = new TransactionManager();