public MenuItem(Vector2 pos) { currPos = pos; currPosX = (double)pos.X; currPosY = (double)pos.Y; state = TransState.Idle; }
public void SetTransitionOff(double time, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, float dur, EasingFunction funcX, EasingFunction funcY) { startPos = start; targPos = end; currPos = startPos; currPosX = (double)startPos.X; currPosY = (double)startPos.Y; easeX = funcX; easeY = funcY; startTime = time; transDuration = dur; state = TransState.Off; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (fadeState != TransState.Complete) { timer += Time.deltaTime; if (fadeState == TransState.In && timer >= 1) { timer = 0; fadeState = TransState.Show; } if (fadeState == TransState.Show && timer >= showDuration) { timer = 0; fadeState = TransState.Out; PickTrans(); } if (fadeState == TransState.Out && timer >= 1) { timer = 0; fadeState = TransState.Complete; } } }
void SwitchState(TransState state) { CurrentTrans = state; CurrentTime = Time.time; }
private void InitEngine() { = new GameData(); Game =; Framework = this; this.textureCollection = new SortedDictionary<string, Texture>(); this.textureDisposePolicies = new SortedDictionary<string, TextureDisposePolicy>(); this.timer = new Stopwatch(); this.InitRendering(); this.updateFrameTime = Stopwatch.Frequency / ((long) this.updateFPS); this.renderFrameTime = Stopwatch.Frequency / ((long) this.renderFPS); this.InitInput(); this.LoadConfig(); this.InitSounds();; this.quitDialog = new QuitDialog(); this.drawColor = Color.White; this.transState = TransState.Showing; this.running = true; this.gameWindow.Location = new Point(200, 200); this.gameWindow.Show(); }
private void GameWindow_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (this.running) { e.Cancel = true; } if (this.transState == TransState.Showing) { this.transState = TransState.Dialog; } }
public void ReturnToScene() { if (this.transState == TransState.Dialog) { if (!(this.curScene is Menu) && (this.currentSong != null)) { this.currentSong.SetPaused(false); } this.transState = TransState.Showing; } else { this.ChangeScene(; } }
public void ChangeScene(Scene newScene) { if (newScene is GameMap) { if (this.enableMusic && (this.currentSong != null)) { this.currentSong.SetPaused(false); } = (GameMap) newScene; } if (this.curScene != null) { this.transScene = newScene; this.transProg = 0f; this.transState = TransState.FadingOut; } else { this.curScene = newScene; this.curScene.InitScene(); } }
private void OnFrameMove() { this.BeforeUpdate(); if (this.devicePresent) { if (this.switchFullScreen) { this.switchFullScreen = false; this.fullScreen = !this.fullScreen; this.InitRendering(); } if (this.lockTimer > 0) { this.lockTimer--; if (this.lockTimer == 0) { this.PlaySound(SoundEffects.OpenDoor); } } else if (this.KeyPressed(1)) { if (this.curScene.ShowDialogOnExit) { if (this.transState == TransState.Showing) { this.transState = TransState.Dialog; } } else { this.Quit(); } } else { if (this.KeyDown(0x1d) && this.KeyPressed(0x21)) { this.ToggleFullscreen(); }; if (this.transState == TransState.Showing) { if (this.enableMusic && (this.currentSong != null)) { this.currentSong.Update(); } this.curScene.Update(false); } else if (this.transState == TransState.FadingOut) { if (this.enableMusic && (this.currentSong != null)) { this.currentSong.Update(); } this.transProg += 0.05f; if (this.transProg < 1f) { int red = 0xff - ((int) (255f * this.transProg)); this.drawColor = Color.FromArgb(0xff, red, red, red); this.curScene.SetFade(red); } else { if ((this.transScene is GameMap) && (this.curScene is GameMap)) { GameMap curScene = (GameMap) this.curScene; GameMap transScene = (GameMap) this.transScene; if (!curScene.TextureFilename.Equals(transScene.TextureFilename)) { this.DisposeTextures(TextureDisposePolicy.DisposeOnTileChange); } else { this.DisposeTextures(TextureDisposePolicy.DisposeOnTileChange); } } PointF playerEntry = Game.GetPlayerStats().PlayerEntry; if (playerEntry.X > 0f) { Game.GetPlayer().Location = new PointF(playerEntry.X, playerEntry.Y); Game.GetPlayerStats().PlayerEntry = new PointF(0f, 0f); } this.transScene.InitScene(); this.transScene.SetFade(0); this.transState = TransState.FadingIn; this.transProg = 0f; this.curScene = this.transScene; this.transScene = null; } } else if (this.transState == TransState.FadingIn) { if (this.enableMusic && (this.currentSong != null)) { this.currentSong.Update(); } this.transProg += 0.05f; if (this.transProg < 1f) { int num2 = (int) (255f * this.transProg); this.drawColor = Color.FromArgb(0xff, num2, num2, num2); this.curScene.SetFade(num2); } else { this.transState = TransState.Showing; this.transProg = 0f; this.drawColor = Color.White; this.curScene.SetFade(-1); } } else if (this.transState == TransState.Dialog) { if (this.currentSong != null) { this.currentSong.SetPaused(true); } this.quitDialog.Update(false); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Tell the screen to start transitioning on /// </summary> public virtual void SetTransitionOn(double time) { state = TransState.On; }
public void SetTransitionOn(double time, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, float dur, EasingFunction funcX, EasingFunction funcY) { startPos = start; targPos = end; currPos = startPos; currPosX = (double)startPos.X; currPosY = (double)startPos.Y; easeX = funcX; easeY = funcY; startTime = time; transDuration = dur; state = TransState.On; Debug.WriteLine("Item Set to transition on!"); }
protected void Transition(GameTime gameTime) { double dt = gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds - startTime; if (dt >= transDuration) state = TransState.Idle; // Ease X currPosX = easeX(dt, (double)startPos.X, (double)targPos.X, (double)transDuration);//EasingFunctions.BounceEaseOut(dt, (double)startPos.X, (double)targPos.X, (double)transDuration); //Ease Y currPosY = easeY(dt, (double)startPos.Y, (double)targPos.Y, (double)transDuration);//EasingFunctions.Linear(dt, (double)startPos.Y, (double)targPos.Y, (double)transDuration); //Debug.WriteLine("item moved! " + currPosX + ", " + currPosY); }