public void DrawTrajectory(LineRenderer lineRenderer, List <TrajectoryPoint> points, float angleSpread)
        lineRenderer.positionCount   = points.Count;
        lineRenderer.widthMultiplier = 0.5f;

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            TrajectoryPoint point = points[i];
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, point.Point);

        if (angleSpread > 0 && points.Count > 0)
            Vector2 supVector = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angleSpread) *
                                (Vector2.up * Vector2.Distance(points[0].Point, points[1].Point));

            lineRenderer.widthMultiplier = 1f;
            lineRenderer.widthCurve      = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, lineRenderer.widthMultiplier * 0f,
                                                                 1f, lineRenderer.widthMultiplier * Mathf.Abs(supVector.x) / CustomPhysic.getInstance().Timestep);
            lineRenderer.widthCurve = AnimationCurve.Constant(0f, 1f, lineRenderer.widthMultiplier * .5f);
Exemple #2
        public void ShouldDeleteInCascateWithMultipleOneToMany()
            Db.CreateOneToMany <Trajectory, TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id, true);

            var trajectory1 = new Trajectory();
            var trajectory2 = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory1);
            var tp2 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory2);
            var tp3 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory2);
            var tp4 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory1);



            Assert.True(1 == Db.Count <Trajectory>());
            Assert.True(2 == Db.Count <TrajectoryPoint>());

            Assert.Equal(trajectory2.Id, Db.GetOne <Trajectory>(trajectory2.Id).Id);

            foreach (var trajectoryPoint in Db.GetAll <TrajectoryPoint>())
                Assert.Equal(trajectory2.Id, trajectoryPoint.Trajectory.Id);
Exemple #3
        public override string CreateSymbol(TrajectoryPoint point)
            if (point is TrajectoryPoint3D p3d)
                var difX = p3d.X - X;
                var difY = p3d.Y - Y;
                var difZ = p3d.Z - Z;
                var dis  = Math.Sqrt(difX * difX + difY * difY + difZ * difZ);

                if (dis <= Radius)
                    return($"A{ID + 1}_Hit");
                else if (dis <= ToleranceRadius)
                    return($"A{ID + 1}_Tolerance");

            throw new ArgumentException("The point has to be 3 dimensional");
Exemple #4
        public override string CreateSymbol(TrajectoryPoint point)
            if (point is TrajectoryPoint3D p3d)
                var p = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new double[] { p3d.X, p3d.Y, p3d.Z });

                var pp      = p - ellipsoid.Centroid;
                var disV    = pp * (ellipsoid.A * pp);
                var disVtol = pp * (Atol * pp);

                if (disV <= 1)
                    return($"A{ID + 1}_Hit");
                else if (disVtol <= 1)
                    return($"A{ID + 1}_Tolerance");

            throw new ArgumentException("The point has to be 3 dimensional");
        public void TestTrajectoryPoint()
            var point = new TrajectoryPoint(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0.5),
                                            new Measurement <WeightUnit>(55, WeightUnit.Grain),
                                            new Measurement <DistanceUnit>(100, DistanceUnit.Yard),
                                            new Measurement <VelocityUnit>(2430, VelocityUnit.FeetPerSecond),
                                            new Measurement <DistanceUnit>(1.54, DistanceUnit.Inch),
                                            new Measurement <DistanceUnit>(-2.55, DistanceUnit.Inch));

            point.OptimalGameWeight.In(WeightUnit.Pound).Should().BeApproximately(65, 0.5);
            point.DropAdjustment.Should().Be(new Measurement <AngularUnit>(1.54, AngularUnit.InchesPer100Yards));
            point.WindageAdjustment.Should().Be(new Measurement <AngularUnit>(-2.55, AngularUnit.InchesPer100Yards));

            SerializerRoundtrip serializer = new SerializerRoundtrip();
            var xml    = serializer.Serialize(point);
            var point2 = serializer.Deserialize <TrajectoryPoint>(xml);

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the trajectory and the point cloud from sensor data.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSensors()
            float highestSensorSpeed = 0;

            TrajectoryPoint trajectoryPoint = new TrajectoryPoint(_position, _theta)
                FillColor = Color.Green

            // Finds the points discovered by sensors for a trajectory point
            foreach (Sensor sensor in Sensors)

                if (sensor.HasFoundPoint)

                if (sensor.Speed > highestSensorSpeed)
                    highestSensorSpeed = sensor.Speed;

 public TrajectorySamplePoint sample(double distance)
     if (distance >= last_interpolant())
         return(new TrajectorySamplePoint(mTrajectory.getPoint(mTrajectory.length() - 1)));
     if (distance <= 0.0)
         return(new TrajectorySamplePoint(mTrajectory.getPoint(0)));
     for (int i = 1; i < distances.Length; ++i)
         TrajectoryPoint s = mTrajectory.getPoint(i);
         if (distances[i] >= distance)
             TrajectoryPoint prev_s = mTrajectory.getPoint(i - 1);
             if (epsilonEquals(distances[i], distances[i - 1]))
                 return(new TrajectorySamplePoint(s));
                 return(new TrajectorySamplePoint(prev_s.mState.interpolate(s.mState,
                                                                            (distance - distances[i - 1]) / (distances[i] - distances[i - 1])), i - 1, i));
     throw new Exception();
Exemple #8
    public List <TrajectoryPoint> LoadTrajectory(string trajPath)
    // Loads sound trajectories from CSV files
        var          trajL   = new List <TrajectoryPoint>();
        StreamReader inp_stm = new StreamReader(trajPath);

        while (!inp_stm.EndOfStream)
            string   inp_ln = inp_stm.ReadLine();
            string[] fields = inp_ln.Split(',');
            float    phi, x, y, z, t;
            float.TryParse(fields[0], out phi);
            float.TryParse(fields[1], out x);
            float.TryParse(fields[2], out y);
            float.TryParse(fields[3], out z);
            float.TryParse(fields[4], out t);
            TrajectoryPoint point = new TrajectoryPoint(x, z + 1, y, t); // Adjust coordinate system to unity -> flipped Y and Z
        if (trajL.Count == 1)
            Debug.Log("Error in loading trajectory file");
Exemple #9
        //ToDo: könnte für lineare Interpolation optimiert werden (Verzicht auf binäre Suche) (dann nicht mehr static)
        public static TrajectoryPoint[] getEquidistantPoints(IStrokeInterpolation s, int nNewPoints)
            if (nNewPoints < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Stroke muss in mindestens 2 Abschnitte eingeteilt werden", "nNewPoints");

            var result = new TrajectoryPoint[nNewPoints];

            //first one is clear
            result[0] = s.getByArcLength(0);

            var stepSize  = s.ArcLength / (nNewPoints - 1);
            var curArcLen = stepSize;

            for (int j = 1; j < nNewPoints - 1; j++)
                result[j]  = s.getByArcLength(curArcLen);
                curArcLen += stepSize;

            //last one is also clear
            result[nNewPoints - 1] = s.getByArcLength(s.ArcLength);

Exemple #10
        public override string CreateSymbol(TrajectoryPoint point)
            var difX = X - point.X;
            var difY = Y - point.Y;
            var dis  = Math.Sqrt(difX * difX + difY * difY);

            return($"A{ID + 1}_{dis:F4}");
Exemple #11
        void Drive()
            FillBtns(ref _btns);
            float y = -1 * _gamepad.GetAxis(1);

            Deadband(ref y);


            /* button handler, if btn5 pressed launch MP, if btn7 pressed, enter percent output mode */
            if (_btns[5] && !_btnsLast[5])
                /* disable MP to clear IsLast */
                _talon.Set(ControlMode.MotionProfile, 0);
                /* buffer new pts in HERO */
                TrajectoryPoint point = new TrajectoryPoint();
                for (uint i = 0; i < MotionProfile.kNumPoints; ++i)
                    point.position           = (float)MotionProfile.Points[i][0] * kTicksPerRotation;       //convert  from rotations to sensor units
                    point.velocity           = (float)MotionProfile.Points[i][1] * kTicksPerRotation / 600; //convert from RPM to sensor units per 100 ms.
                    point.headingDeg         = 0;                                                           //not used in this example
                    point.isLastPoint        = (i + 1 == MotionProfile.kNumPoints) ? true : false;
                    point.zeroPos            = (i == 0) ? true : false;
                    point.profileSlotSelect0 = 0;
                    point.profileSlotSelect1 = 0; //not used in this example
                    point.timeDur            = TrajectoryPoint.TrajectoryDuration.TrajectoryDuration_10ms;
                /* send the first few pts to Talon */
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                /*start MP */
                _talon.Set(ControlMode.MotionProfile, 1);
            else if (_btns[7] && !_btnsLast[7])
                _talon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, 0);

            /* if not in motion profile mode, update output percent */
            if (_talon.GetControlMode() != ControlMode.MotionProfile)
                _talon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, y);

            /* copy btns => btnsLast */
            System.Array.Copy(_btns, _btnsLast, _btns.Length);
Exemple #12
        private static TrajectoryPoint FindByDistance(IEnumerable <TrajectoryPoint> trajectory, Measurement <DistanceUnit> distance)
            TrajectoryPoint previous = null;

            foreach (var point in trajectory)
                if (point.Distance > distance)
                previous = point;
Exemple #13
    IEnumerator Move(Vector2 velocity)
        float timestep = _customPhysic.Timestep;

        ballVelocity = velocity;
        while (!dropped)
            TrajectoryPoint nextPoint = _customPhysic.GetNextTrajectoryPoint(transform.position, ballVelocity);
            transform.position = nextPoint.Point;
            ballVelocity       = nextPoint.Velocity;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timestep));
Exemple #14
        public static void Load(string path)
            Loaded     = true;
            Trajectory = new Trajectory();
            PointCloud = new PointCloud();

            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (!line.Contains(";") && line.Length != 0) // Ignores comments
                    string[] pointLine = line.Split(' ');

                    // Point coordinates
                    string[] coordinates = pointLine[0].Split('_');
                    float    x           = float.Parse(coordinates[0]);
                    float    y           = float.Parse(coordinates[1]);

                    // Theta
                    float theta = float.Parse(pointLine[1]);

                    // Adds a trajectory point object to the trajectory
                    TrajectoryPoint trajectoryPoint = new TrajectoryPoint(new Vector2f(x, y), theta)
                        FillColor = Color.Red


                    // Points found by sensors
                    for (byte pointFoundIndex = 0; pointFoundIndex < pointLine.Length - 2; pointFoundIndex++)
                        string[] pointFoundCoordinates = pointLine[pointFoundIndex + 2].Split('_');

                        float pointFoundX = float.Parse(pointFoundCoordinates[0]);
                        float pointFoundY = float.Parse(pointFoundCoordinates[1]);

                        // Adds a point object to the point cloud
                        CloudPoint point = new CloudPoint(new Vector2f(pointFoundX, pointFoundY))
                            FillColor = Color.Red

        public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenFkDependencyNotSatisfy()
            Db.CreateOneToMany <Trajectory, TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id);

            var trajectory = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);

            var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { Db.Insert(tp1); });

            Assert.Equal("Invalid FK", ex.Message);
            Assert.True(0 == Db.Count <Trajectory>());
            Assert.True(0 == Db.Count <TrajectoryPoint>());
    private IEnumerator ShootProcess(List <TrajectoryPoint> bulletTrajectory, Transform bulletPrefab)
        Transform bullet = GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab.gameObject, bulletPrefab.parent).gameObject.transform;


        List <TrajectoryPoint> bt   = bulletTrajectory;
        TrajectoryPoint        from = bt[0];
        TrajectoryPoint        to   = bt[1];
        TrajectoryPoint        end  = bt.Last();
        float safetyTime            = 50f;

        bullet.position = from.position;

        while (bullet.position != end.position && safetyTime >= 0f)
            safetyTime -= Time.deltaTime;

            bullet.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(bullet.position, to.position, bulletSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            if (bullet.position == to.position)
                if (to.wall != null)

                if (to.position == end.position)
                    // skip and go to end
                    int fromIndex = bt.IndexOf(from);
                    from = bt[fromIndex + 1];
                    to   = bt[fromIndex + 2];

            yield return(null);

        shootCor = null;
        yield return(null);
        public void ShouldUpdateIfFkSatisfy()
            Db.CreateOneToMany <Trajectory, TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id);

            var trajectory  = new Trajectory();
            var trajectory2 = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp2 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp3 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);


            Assert.True(2 == Db.Count <Trajectory>());
            Assert.True(3 == Db.Count <TrajectoryPoint>());

            foreach (var trajectoryPoint in Db.GetAll <TrajectoryPoint>())
                Assert.Equal(trajectory.Id, trajectoryPoint.Trajectory.Id);

            tp2.Trajectory = trajectory2;

            var countForTrajectory  = 0;
            var countForTrajectory2 = 0;

            foreach (var trajectoryPoint in Db.GetAll <TrajectoryPoint>())
                if (trajectory.Id == trajectoryPoint.Trajectory.Id)

                if (trajectory2.Id == trajectoryPoint.Trajectory.Id)

            Assert.Equal(2, countForTrajectory);
            Assert.Equal(1, countForTrajectory2);
    public List <TrajectoryPoint> GetTrajectory(Vector2 ballPosition, Vector2 force)
        CustomPhysic           customPhysic     = CustomPhysic.getInstance();
        List <TrajectoryPoint> trajectoryPoints = new List <TrajectoryPoint>();

        TrajectoryPoint currentTrajectoryPoint = new TrajectoryPoint(ballPosition, force);


        for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++)
            currentTrajectoryPoint = customPhysic.GetNextTrajectoryPoint(currentTrajectoryPoint.Point, currentTrajectoryPoint.Velocity);

Exemple #19
        public void ShouldReturnCopyFromSearch()
            var trajectory1 = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory1);


            var founded = Db.Search <TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id == trajectory1.Id).First();

            founded.Trajectory = new Trajectory();

            var newFounded = Db.Search <TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id == trajectory1.Id).First();

            Assert.Equal(founded.Id, newFounded.Id);
            Assert.NotEqual(founded.Trajectory.Id, newFounded.Trajectory.Id);
Exemple #20
        public override string CreateSymbol(TrajectoryPoint point)
            var difX = point.X - X;
            var difY = point.Y - Y;
            var dis  = Math.Sqrt(difX * difX + difY * difY);

            if (dis <= Radius)
                return($"A{ID + 1}_Hit");
            else if (dis <= ToleranceRadius)
                return($"A{ID + 1}_Tolerance");
Exemple #21
        private IEnumerable <ReticleElement> CalculateBdc(ReticleDefinition reticle, IEnumerable <TrajectoryPoint> trajectory, Measurement <DistanceUnit> zero, bool closeBdc, DistanceUnit distanceUnits, string color)
            TrajectoryPoint previousPoint = null;

            foreach (var point in trajectory)
                if (!closeBdc && point.Distance < zero)
                    previousPoint = point;
                if (closeBdc && point.Distance >= zero)
                if (previousPoint != null)
                    foreach (var bdcPoint in reticle.BulletDropCompensator)
                        if ((previousPoint.DropAdjustment >= bdcPoint.Position.Y &&
                             point.DropAdjustment <= bdcPoint.Position.Y) ||
                            (previousPoint.DropAdjustment <= bdcPoint.Position.Y &&
                             point.DropAdjustment >= bdcPoint.Position.Y))
                            var x = bdcPoint.Position.X + bdcPoint.TextOffset;
                            var y = bdcPoint.Position.Y - bdcPoint.TextHeight / 2;

                            yield return(new ReticleText()
                                Position = new ReticlePosition()
                                    X = x, Y = y
                                TextHeight = bdcPoint.TextHeight,
                                Text = Math.Round(point.Distance.In(distanceUnits)).ToString(),
                                Color = color,
                previousPoint = point;
Exemple #22
        public void ShouldDeleteInCascate()
            Db.CreateOneToMany <Trajectory, TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id);

            var trajectory = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp2 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp3 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);



            Assert.True(0 == Db.Count <Trajectory>());
            Assert.True(0 == Db.Count <TrajectoryPoint>());
    void followTrajectory()
        var point = PixelsToUnits(targetTrajPoint);

        transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, point, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
        if (transform.position == point)
            targetTrajPoint = points[currentTrajPoint];

        head.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(head.transform.forward) * Quaternion.Euler(targetTrajPoint.Pitch * Mathf.Rad2Deg, targetTrajPoint.Yaw * Mathf.Rad2Deg, targetTrajPoint.Roll * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
        var aux = new Vector3(targetTrajPoint.Pitch * Mathf.Rad2Deg, targetTrajPoint.Yaw * Mathf.Rad2Deg, targetTrajPoint.Roll * Mathf.Rad2Deg);

        float headRot = head.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
        float delta   = headRot - bodyRot;

        if (delta > 180)
            delta -= 360;
        if (delta < -180)
            delta += 360;
        if (Mathf.Abs(delta) > FOV)
            if ((delta > FOV || delta < -180) && delta < 180)
                bodyRot = headRot - FOV;
            delta = headRot - bodyRot;
            if ((delta < FOV || delta > 180))
                bodyRot = headRot + FOV;
        Debug.Log("Head: " + headRot + "  Body:" + bodyRot);
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, bodyRot, 0);
    Vector3 PixelsToUnits(TrajectoryPoint point)
        var w = viewCamera.pixelHeight;
        var h = viewCamera.pixelWidth;
        //Debug.Log("CAM WIDTH: " + w + "   CAM HEIGHT" + h);

        var pixels = new Vector3(point.x, point.y);
        //Debug.Log("FRAME: " + point.frame + "    PIXEL POS: " + pixels);

        var newX = point.x * viewCamera.pixelWidth / imageSize.x;
        var newY = point.y * viewCamera.pixelHeight / imageSize.y;
        //Debug.Log("NEW PIXELS " + newX + "  " + newY);

        var newpoint = viewCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(newX, newY, 3));
        //Debug.Log("NEW" + newpoint);
        var targetUnits = new Vector3(newpoint.x, transform.position.y, newpoint.z);

Exemple #25
        //ToDo: könnte für lineare Interpolation optimiert werden (Verzicht auf binäre Suche) (dann nicht mehr static)
        public static TrajectoryPoint[] getPointsByDistance(IStrokeInterpolation s, double distance)
            if (distance <= double.Epsilon)
                throw new ArgumentException("Distanz muss größer sein", "distance");

            var nPoints = (int)(s.ArcLength / distance);

            var result = new TrajectoryPoint[nPoints];

            var curArcLen = distance;

            for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
                result[i]  = s.getByArcLength(curArcLen);
                curArcLen += distance;

            //what about points exactly at or close to the end?

        public void ShouldInsertOneToManyIfFkIsSatisfy()
            Db.CreateOneToMany <Trajectory, TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id);

            var trajectory = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp2 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp3 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);


            Assert.True(1 == Db.Count <Trajectory>());
            Assert.True(3 == Db.Count <TrajectoryPoint>());

            foreach (var trajectoryPoint in Db.GetAll <TrajectoryPoint>())
                Assert.Equal(trajectory.Id, trajectoryPoint.Trajectory.Id);
Exemple #27
        public void ShouldSearch()
            var trajectory1 = new Trajectory();
            var trajectory2 = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory1);
            var tp2 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory2);
            var tp3 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory2);
            var tp4 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory1);
            var tp5 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory2);
            var tp6 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory1);



            var founded = Db.Search <TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id == trajectory2.Id).ToList();

            var expected = new List <TrajectoryPoint>()
                tp2, tp3, tp5

            Assert.Equal(expected.Count, founded.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < founded.Count; i++)
                Assert.Equal(expected[i].Id, founded[i].Id);
                Assert.Equal(expected[i].Trajectory.Id, founded[i].Trajectory.Id);
        public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenFkDependencyNotSatisfy()
            Db.CreateOneToMany <Trajectory, TrajectoryPoint>(tp => tp.Trajectory.Id);

            var trajectory = new Trajectory();

            var tp1 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp2 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);
            var tp3 = new TrajectoryPoint(trajectory);


            Assert.True(1 == Db.Count <Trajectory>());
            Assert.True(3 == Db.Count <TrajectoryPoint>());

            foreach (var trajectoryPoint in Db.GetAll <TrajectoryPoint>())
                Assert.Equal(trajectory.Id, trajectoryPoint.Trajectory.Id);
            tp2.Trajectory = new Trajectory();

            var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { Db.Update(tp2); });

            Assert.Equal("Invalid FK", ex.Message);

            Assert.True(1 == Db.Count <Trajectory>());
            Assert.True(3 == Db.Count <TrajectoryPoint>());

            foreach (var trajectoryPoint in Db.GetAll <TrajectoryPoint>())
                Assert.Equal(trajectory.Id, trajectoryPoint.Trajectory.Id);
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Pushes a new <see cref="TrajectoryPoint"/> to the Talon for Motion Profiling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trajPt">The TrajectoryPoint to send.</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool PushMotionProfileTrajectory(TrajectoryPoint trajPt)
            if (IsMotionProfileTopLevelBufferFull())
                return false;
            int targPos = ScaleRotationsToNativeUnits(m_feedbackDevice, trajPt.Position);
            int targVel = ScaleRotationsToNativeUnits(m_feedbackDevice, trajPt.Velocity);

            int profileSlotSelect = trajPt.ProfileSlotSelect > 0 ? 1 : 0;
            int timeDurMs = trajPt.TimeDurMs;

            if (timeDurMs > 255)
                timeDurMs = 255;
            if (timeDurMs < 0)
                timeDurMs = 0;
            CTR_Code status = C_TalonSRX_PushMotionProfileTrajectory(m_talonPointer, targPos, targVel, profileSlotSelect, timeDurMs, trajPt.VelocityOnly ? 1 : 0,
                trajPt.IsLastPoint ? 1 : 0, trajPt.ZeroPos ? 1 : 0);
            return true;
        public static void Main()
            /* Set neutral mode */

            /** Feedback Sensor Configuration [Remote Sum] */

            /* Configure the left Talon's selected sensor as local QuadEncoder */
            Hardware._leftTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder,        // Local Feedback Source
                                                             Constants.PID_PRIMARY,             // PID Slot for Source [0, 1]
                                                             Constants.kTimeoutMs);             // Configuration Timeout

            /* Configure the Remote Talon's selected sensor as a remote sensor for the right Talon */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigRemoteFeedbackFilter(Hardware._leftTalon.GetDeviceID(),                              // Device ID of Source
                                                            RemoteSensorSource.RemoteSensorSource_TalonSRX_SelectedSensor,  // Remote Feedback Source
                                                            Constants.REMOTE_0,                                             // Source number [0, 1]
                                                            Constants.kTimeoutMs);                                          // Configuration Timeout

            /* Setup Sum signal to be used for Distance */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSensorTerm(SensorTerm.SensorTerm_Sum0, FeedbackDevice.RemoteSensor0, Constants.kTimeoutMs); // Feedback Device of Remote Talon
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSensorTerm(SensorTerm.SensorTerm_Sum1, FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder, Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Quadrature Encoder of current Talon

            /* Configure Sum [Sum of both QuadEncoders] to be used for Primary PID Index */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.SensorSum, Constants.PID_PRIMARY, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Scale Feedback by 0.5 to half the sum of Distance */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(0.5f,                    // Coefficient
                                                                   Constants.PID_PRIMARY,   // PID Slot of Source
                                                                   Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Configuration Timeout

            /* Configure output and sensor direction */
            Hardware._leftVictor.SetInverted(false);    // Output on victor
            Hardware._leftTalon.SetSensorPhase(true);   // Talon only used for QuadEncoder sensor

            /* Set status frame periods to ensure we don't have stale data */
            Hardware._rightTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_12_Feedback1, 20, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_13_Base_PIDF0, 20, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_10_Targets, 20, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_2_Feedback0, 10, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Configure neutral deadband */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigNeutralDeadband(Constants.kNeutralDeadband, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftVictor.ConfigNeutralDeadband(Constants.kNeutralDeadband, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Motion Magic/Profile Configurations */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigMotionAcceleration(2000, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigMotionCruiseVelocity(2000, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Configure max peak output [Open and closed loop modes]
             * Can use configClosedLoopPeakOutput() for only closed Loop modes
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftVictor.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftVictor.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* FPID Gains for Motion Profile */
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kP(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kP, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kI(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kI, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kD(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kD, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kF(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kF, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_IntegralZone(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, (int)Constants.kGains_MotProf.kIzone, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigClosedLoopPeakOutput(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kPeakOutput, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, 0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* 1ms per loop.  PID loop can be slowed down if need be. */
            int closedLoopTimeMs = 1;

            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSetParameter(CTRE.Phoenix.LowLevel.ParamEnum.ePIDLoopPeriod, closedLoopTimeMs, 0x00, 0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Primary
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSetParameter(CTRE.Phoenix.LowLevel.ParamEnum.ePIDLoopPeriod, closedLoopTimeMs, 0x00, 1, Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Turn (Auxiliary)

            /* False means talon's local output is PID0 + PID1, and other side Talon is PID0 - PID1
             * True means talon's local output is PID0 - PID1, and other side Talon is PID0 + PID1
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigAuxPIDPolarity(false, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Increase the rate at which control frame is sent/recieved */

            /* Configure base duration time of all trajectory points, which is then added to each points time duration */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigMotionProfileTrajectoryPeriod(0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Latched values to detect on-press events for buttons */
            bool[] _btns = new bool[Constants.kNumButtonsPlusOne];
            bool[] btns  = new bool[Constants.kNumButtonsPlusOne];

            /* Initialize */
            bool _state      = false;
            bool _firstCall  = true;
            bool _direction  = false;
            bool _MPComplete = false;


            while (true)
                /* Enable motor controller output if gamepad is connected */
                if (Hardware._gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* Joystick processing */
                float leftY  = -1 * Hardware._gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                float rightX = +1 * Hardware._gamepad.GetAxis(2);
                CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref leftY);
                CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref rightX);

                /* Button processing */
                Hardware._gamepad.GetButtons(ref btns);
                if (btns[1] && !_btns[1])
                    /* Enter/Exit reverse direction Motion Profile */
                    _state     = !_state;
                    _firstCall = true;
                    _direction = false;     // Go reverse if X-Button pressed
                else if (btns[3] && !_btns[3])
                    /* Enter/Exit forward direction Motion Profile */
                    _state     = !_state;
                    _firstCall = true;
                    _direction = true;      // Go forward if B-Button pressed
                else if (btns[2] && !_btns[2])
                    /* Zero all sensors used in example, only manual when in ArcadeDrive state */
                    if (_state == false)
                System.Array.Copy(btns, _btns, Constants.kNumButtonsPlusOne);

                /* Push/Clear Trajectory points */

                /* Update motion profile status every loop */
                Hardware._rightTalon.GetMotionProfileStatus(ref _motionProfileStatus);

                if (!_state)
                    if (_firstCall)
                        Debug.Print(("This is basic Arcade Drive with Arbitrary Feed-forward.\n") +
                                    ("Enter/Exit Motion Profile Mode using Button 1 or 3. (X-Button or B-Button)\n") +
                                    ("Button 1 is reverse direction and Button 3 is forward direction. FeedForward applied from left thumbstick.\n"));

                    /* Use Arbitrary FeedForward to create an Arcade Drive Control by modifying the forward output */
                    Hardware._rightTalon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, leftY, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, -rightX);
                    Hardware._leftVictor.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, leftY, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, +rightX);
                    if (_firstCall)
                        Debug.Print("Motion Profile will start once all trajectory points have been pushed into the buffer.\n" +
                                    "Custom FeedForward can be applied by the left thumb stick's Y-axis.\n");

                        /* Disable Motion Profile to clear IsLast */
                        _motionProfileSet = SetValueMotionProfile.Disable;
                        Hardware._rightTalon.Set(ControlMode.MotionProfile, (int)_motionProfileSet);

                        /* Reset trajectory points*/
                        TrajectoryPoint point = new TrajectoryPoint();

                        /* Fill trajectory points */
                        for (uint i = 0; i < MotionProfile.kNumPoints; ++i)
                            /* Determine direction */
                            float direction = _direction ? +1 : -1;

                            /* Calculate Point's position, velocity, and heading */
                            point.position   = direction * (float)MotionProfile.Points[i][0] * Constants.kSensorUnitsPerRotation;       // Convert from rotations to sensor units
                            point.velocity   = direction * (float)MotionProfile.Points[i][1] * Constants.kSensorUnitsPerRotation / 600; // Convert from RPM to sensor units per 100 ms.
                            point.headingDeg = 0;                                                                                       // Not used in this example

                            /* Define whether a point is first or last in trajectory buffer */
                            point.isLastPoint = (i + 1 == MotionProfile.kNumPoints) ? true : false;
                            point.zeroPos     = (i == 0) ? true : false;

                            /* Slot Index provided through trajectory points rather than SelectProfileSlot() */
                            point.profileSlotSelect0 = Constants.kSlot_MotProf;

                            /* All points have the same duration of 10ms in this example */
                            point.timeDur = TrajectoryPoint.TrajectoryDuration.TrajectoryDuration_10ms;

                            /* Push point into buffer that will be proccessed with ProcessMotionProfileBuffer() */

                        /* Send a few points for initialization */
                        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

                        _motionProfileSet = SetValueMotionProfile.Enable;

                        _MPComplete = false;

                    /* Telemetry */
                    if (_motionProfileStatus.activePointValid && _motionProfileStatus.isLast && _MPComplete == false)
                        Debug.Print("Motion Profile complete, holding final trajectory point.\n");
                        _MPComplete = true;

                    if (_MPComplete == false)

                    /* Calcluate FeedForward from gamepad */
                    float feedForward = leftY * 0.50f;

                    /* Configured for Motion Profile on Quad Encoders' Sum and Arbitrary FeedForward on rightY */
                    Hardware._rightTalon.Set(ControlMode.MotionProfile, (int)_motionProfileSet, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, feedForward);
                _firstCall = false;

        public static void Main()
            /* Factory Default all hardware to prevent unexpected behaviour */
            /* Set neutral mode */

            /** Feedback Sensor Configuration [Remote Sum and Yaw] */

            /* Configure the left Talon's selected sensor as local QuadEncoder */
            Hardware._leftTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder,        // Local Feedback Source
                                                             Constants.PID_PRIMARY,             // PID Slot for Source [0, 1]
                                                             Constants.kTimeoutMs);             // Configuration Timeout

            /* Configure the Remote Talon's selected sensor as a remote sensor for the right Talon */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigRemoteFeedbackFilter(Hardware._leftTalon.GetDeviceID(),                              // Device ID of Source
                                                            RemoteSensorSource.RemoteSensorSource_TalonSRX_SelectedSensor,  // Remote Feedback Source
                                                            Constants.REMOTE_0,                                             // Source number [0, 1]
                                                            Constants.kTimeoutMs);                                          // Configuration Timeout

            /* Configure the Pigeon IMU to the other Remote Slot on the Right Talon */

            /* Setup Sum signal to be used for Distance */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSensorTerm(SensorTerm.SensorTerm_Sum0, FeedbackDevice.RemoteSensor0, Constants.kTimeoutMs); // Feedback Device of Remote Talon
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSensorTerm(SensorTerm.SensorTerm_Sum1, FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder, Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Quadrature Encoder of current Talon

            /* Configure Sum [Sum of both QuadEncoders] to be used for Primary PID Index */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.SensorSum, Constants.PID_PRIMARY, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Scale Feedback by 0.5 to half the sum of Distance */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(0.5f,                    // Coefficient
                                                                   Constants.PID_PRIMARY,   // PID Slot of Source
                                                                   Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Configuration Timeout

            /* Configure Remote Slot 1 [Pigeon IMU's Yaw] to be used for Auxiliary PID Index */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.RemoteSensor1, Constants.PID_TURN, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Scale the Feedback Sensor using a coefficient (Configured for 3600 units of resolution) */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(Constants.kTurnTravelUnitsPerRotation / Constants.kPigeonUnitsPerRotation,

            /* Configure output and sensor direction */
            Hardware._leftVictor.SetInverted(false);    // Output on victor
            Hardware._leftTalon.SetSensorPhase(true);   // Talon used for QuadEncoder sensor

            /* Set status frame periods to ensure we don't have stale data */
            Hardware._rightTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_12_Feedback1, 10, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_13_Base_PIDF0, 10, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_14_Turn_PIDF1, 10, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_10_Targets, 10, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._pidgey.SetStatusFramePeriod(PigeonIMU_StatusFrame.CondStatus_9_SixDeg_YPR, 5, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_2_Feedback0, 5, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Configure neutral deadband */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigNeutralDeadband(Constants.kNeutralDeadband, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftVictor.ConfigNeutralDeadband(Constants.kNeutralDeadband, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Motion Magic/Profile Configurations */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigMotionAcceleration(2000, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigMotionCruiseVelocity(2000, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Configure max peak output [Open and closed loop modes]
             * Can use configClosedLoopPeakOutput() for only closed Loop modes
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftVictor.ConfigPeakOutputForward(+1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._leftVictor.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1.0f, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* FPID Gains for Motion Profile */
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kP(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kP, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kI(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kI, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kD(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kD, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kF(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kF, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_IntegralZone(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, (int)Constants.kGains_MotProf.kIzone, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigClosedLoopPeakOutput(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, Constants.kGains_MotProf.kPeakOutput, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(Constants.kSlot_MotProf, 0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* FPID Gains for Arc of Motion Profile */
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kP(Constants.kSlot_Turning, Constants.kGains_Turning.kP, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kI(Constants.kSlot_Turning, Constants.kGains_Turning.kI, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kD(Constants.kSlot_Turning, Constants.kGains_Turning.kD, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_kF(Constants.kSlot_Turning, Constants.kGains_Turning.kF, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.Config_IntegralZone(Constants.kSlot_Turning, (int)Constants.kGains_Turning.kIzone, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigClosedLoopPeakOutput(Constants.kSlot_Turning, Constants.kGains_Turning.kPeakOutput, Constants.kTimeoutMs);
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(Constants.kSlot_Turning, 0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* 1ms per loop.  PID loop can be slowed down if need be. */
            int closedLoopTimeMs = 1;

            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSetParameter(CTRE.Phoenix.LowLevel.ParamEnum.ePIDLoopPeriod, closedLoopTimeMs, 0x00, 0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Primary
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigSetParameter(CTRE.Phoenix.LowLevel.ParamEnum.ePIDLoopPeriod, closedLoopTimeMs, 0x00, 1, Constants.kTimeoutMs);   // Turn (Auxiliary)

            /* False means talon's local output is PID0 + PID1, and other side Talon is PID0 - PID1
             * True means talon's local output is PID0 - PID1, and other side Talon is PID0 + PID1
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigAuxPIDPolarity(false, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Increase the rate at which control frame is sent/recieved */

            /* Configure base duration time of all trajectory points, which is then added to each points time duration */
            Hardware._rightTalon.ConfigMotionProfileTrajectoryPeriod(0, Constants.kTimeoutMs);

            /* Latched values to detect on-press events for buttons */
            bool[] _btns = new bool[Constants.kNumButtonsPlusOne];
            bool[] btns  = new bool[Constants.kNumButtonsPlusOne];

            /* Initialize */
            int    _state         = 0;
            bool   _firstCall     = true;
            bool   _direction     = false;
            bool   _MPComplete    = false;
            double _targetHeading = 0;


            while (true)
                /* Enable motor controller output if gamepad is connected */
                if (Hardware._gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* Joystick processing */
                float leftY  = -1 * Hardware._gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                float leftX  = +1 * Hardware._gamepad.GetAxis(0);
                float rightX = +1 * Hardware._gamepad.GetAxis(2);
                CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref leftY);
                CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref rightX);

                /* Button processing */
                if (btns[1] && !_btns[1])
                    /* Enter/Exit reverse direction Motion Profile */
                    _firstCall = true;          // State change, do first call operation
                    if (_state == 0)
                        _state     = 1;         // Toggle state
                        _direction = false;     // Go forward if B-Button pressed
                        _state = 0;
                else if (btns[3] && !_btns[3])
                    /* Enter/Exit forward direction Motion Profile */
                    _firstCall = true;
                    if (_state == 0)
                        _state     = 1;
                        _direction = true;
                        _state = 0;
                else if (btns[2] && !_btns[2])
                    if (_state == 1)
                        _firstCall = true;
                        _state     = 2;
                else if (btns[4] && !_btns[4])
                    ZeroSensors();              // Zero sensors
                System.Array.Copy(btns, _btns, Constants.kNumButtonsPlusOne);

                /* Push/Clear Trajectory points */

                /* Update motion profile status every loop */

                if (_state == 0)
                    if (_firstCall)
                        Debug.Print("This is basic Arcade Drive with Arbitrary Feed-forward.\n" +
                                    "Enter/Exit Motion Profile Arc using Button 1 or 3. (X-Button or B-Button)\n" +
                                    "Button 1 is reverse direction and Button 3 is forward direction.\n");

                    /* Use Arbitrary FeedForward to create an Arcade Drive Control by modifying the forward output */
                    Hardware._rightTalon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, leftY, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, -rightX);
                    Hardware._leftVictor.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, leftY, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, +rightX);
                else if (_state == 1)
                    if (_firstCall)
                        Debug.Print("You have entered Motion Profile Arc, now select the desired final heading.\n" +
                                    "Select your targetheading by using the left stick X-axis [3600, -3600] and press A to start Motion Profile.\n" +
                                    "Press either Button 1 or 2 to return back to ArcadeDriveAuxilary.\n");

                    /* Update target heading with joystick, which will be latched once user requests next state */
                    _targetHeading = Constants.kTurnTravelUnitsPerRotation * leftX * -1;
                    Debug.Print("Heading: " + _targetHeading);
                else if (_state == 2)
                    if (_firstCall)
                        Debug.Print("Motion Profile Arc will start once all trajectory points have been pushed into the buffer.\n");

                        /* Disable Motion Profile to clear IsLast */
                        _motionProfileSet = SetValueMotionProfile.Disable;
                        Hardware._rightTalon.Set(ControlMode.MotionProfile, (int)_motionProfileSet);

                        /* Reset trajectory points*/
                        TrajectoryPoint point = new TrajectoryPoint();

                        /* Pull the final target distance, we will use this for heading generation */
                        double finalPositionRot = MotionProfile.Points[MotionProfile.kNumPoints - 1][0];

                        /* Fill trajectory points */
                        for (uint i = 0; i < MotionProfile.kNumPoints; ++i)
                            /* Calculations */
                            double direction   = _direction ? +1 : -1;
                            double positionRot = MotionProfile.Points[i][0];
                            double velocityRPM = MotionProfile.Points[i][1];
                            double heading     = _targetHeading * positionRot / finalPositionRot; // Scale heading progress to position progress

                            /* Point's Position, Velocity, and Heading */
                            point.position   = direction * positionRot * Constants.kSensorUnitsPerRotation;         // Convert from rotations to sensor units
                            point.velocity   = direction * velocityRPM * Constants.kSensorUnitsPerRotation / 600;   // Convert from RPM to sensor units per 100 ms.
                            point.headingDeg = heading;                                                             // Convert to degrees

                            /* Define whether a point is first or last in trajectory buffer */
                            point.isLastPoint = (i + 1 == MotionProfile.kNumPoints) ? true : false;
                            point.zeroPos     = (i == 0) ? true : false;

                            /* Slot Index provided through trajectory points rather than SelectProfileSlot() */
                            point.profileSlotSelect0 = Constants.kSlot_MotProf;
                            point.profileSlotSelect1 = Constants.kSlot_Turning;

                            /* All points have the same duration of 10ms in this example */
                            point.timeDur = TrajectoryPoint.TrajectoryDuration.TrajectoryDuration_10ms;

                            /* Push point into buffer that will be proccessed with ProcessMotionProfileBuffer() */

                        /* Send a few points for initialization */
                        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

                        /* Enable Motion Profile */
                        _motionProfileSet = SetValueMotionProfile.Enable;

                        _MPComplete = false;

                    if (_motionProfileStatus.activePointValid && _motionProfileStatus.isLast && _MPComplete == false)
                        Debug.Print("Motion Profile complete, holding final trajectory point.\n");
                        _MPComplete = true;

                    /* Configured for Motion Profile Arc on Quad Encoders' Sum and Pigeon's Heading, */
                    Hardware._rightTalon.Set(ControlMode.MotionProfileArc, (int)_motionProfileSet);
                    Hardware._leftVictor.Follow(Hardware._rightTalon, FollowerType.AuxOutput1);
                _firstCall = false;

Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the status of the currently running the motion profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The status of the motion profile.</returns>
        public MotionProfileStatus GetMotionProfileStatus()
            int flags = 0;
            int profileSelect = 0;
            int pos = 0;
            int vel = 0;
            int topRem = 0;
            int topCnt = 0;
            int btmCnt = 0;
            int outEnable = 0;
            CTR_Code status = C_TalonSRX_GetMotionProfileStatus(m_talonPointer, ref flags, ref profileSelect,
                ref pos, ref vel, ref topRem, ref topCnt, ref btmCnt, ref outEnable);
            bool hasUnderrun = (flags & kMotionProfileFlag_HasUnderrun) > 0 ? true : false;
            bool isUnderrun = (flags & kMotionProfileFlag_IsUnderrun) > 0 ? true : false;
            bool activePointValid = (flags & kMotionProfileFlag_ActTraj_IsValid) > 0 ? true : false;
            bool isLastPoint = (flags & kMotionProfileFlag_ActTraj_IsLast) > 0 ? true : false;
            bool isVelocityOnly = (flags & kMotionProfileFlag_ActTraj_VelOnly) > 0 ? true : false;

            double position = ScaleNativeUnitsToRotations(m_feedbackDevice, pos);
            double velocity = ScaleNativeUnitsToRpm(m_feedbackDevice, vel);

            SetValueMotionProfile outputEnable = (SetValueMotionProfile)outEnable;

            bool zeroPos = false;
            int timeDurMs = 0;

            TrajectoryPoint activePoint = new TrajectoryPoint()
                IsLastPoint = isLastPoint,
                VelocityOnly = isVelocityOnly,
                Position = position,
                Velocity = velocity,
                ProfileSlotSelect = profileSelect,
                ZeroPos = zeroPos,
                TimeDurMs = timeDurMs

            return new MotionProfileStatus(topRem, topCnt, btmCnt, hasUnderrun, isUnderrun,
                activePointValid, activePoint, outputEnable);
Exemple #33
  * Push another trajectory point into the top level buffer (which is emptied into
  * the Talon's bottom buffer as room allows).
  * @param trajPt the trajectory point to insert into buffer.
  * @return true  if trajectory point push ok. CTR_BufferFull if buffer is full
  * due to kMotionProfileTopBufferCapacity.
 public bool PushMotionProfileTrajectory(TrajectoryPoint trajPt)
     /* convert positiona and velocity to native units */
     Int32 targPos = ScaleRotationsToNativeUnits(m_feedbackDevice, trajPt.position);
     Int32 targVel = ScaleVelocityToNativeUnits(m_feedbackDevice, trajPt.velocity);
     /* bounds check signals that require it */
     int profileSlotSelect = (trajPt.profileSlotSelect > 0) ? 1 : 0;
     byte timeDurMs = 255;
     if(trajPt.timeDurMs < 255)
         timeDurMs = (byte)trajPt.timeDurMs; /* cap time to 255ms */
                                                                          /* send it to the top level buffer */
     int status = m_impl.PushMotionProfileTrajectory(    (int)targPos,
                                                         trajPt.velocityOnly ? 1:0,
                                                         trajPt.isLastPoint ? 1 : 0,
                                                         trajPt.zeroPos ? 1 : 0);
     return (status == CAN_OK) ? true : false;
Exemple #34
 public MotionProfileStatus(int topRem, int topCnt, int btmCnt, bool hasUnder,
     bool isUnder, bool activeValid, TrajectoryPoint activePoint, SetValueMotionProfile outEnable)
     TopBufferRem = topRem;
     TopBufferCnt = topCnt;
     BtmBufferCnt = btmCnt;
     HasUnderrun = hasUnder;
     IsUnderrun = isUnder;
     ActivePointValid = activeValid;
     ActivePoint = activePoint;
     OutputEnable = outEnable;