private void SetupSegmentEnd(ushort segmentId)
            if (segmentId <= 0)

            TrafficPriorityManager prioMan = TrafficPriorityManager.Instance;

            //if (!prioMan.IsPrioritySegment(NodeId, segmentId))
            prioMan.AddPrioritySegment(NodeId, segmentId, SegmentEnd.PriorityType.None);
        private static void LoadDataState(out bool error)
            error = false;

            Log.Info("Loading State from Config");
            if (_configuration == null)
                Log.Warning("Configuration NULL, Couldn't load save data. Possibly a new game?");

            TrafficPriorityManager prioMan = TrafficPriorityManager.Instance();

            // load priority segments
            if (_configuration.PrioritySegments != null)
                Log.Info($"Loading {_configuration.PrioritySegments.Count()} priority segments");
                foreach (var segment in _configuration.PrioritySegments)
                    try {
                        if (segment.Length < 3)
                        bool debug = segment[0] == 13630;

                        if ((SegmentEnd.PriorityType)segment[2] == SegmentEnd.PriorityType.None)
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"Loading priority segment: Not adding 'None' priority segment: {segment[1]} @ node {segment[0]}");

                        if (!NetUtil.IsNodeValid((ushort)segment[0]))
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"Loading priority segment: node {segment[0]} is invalid");
                        if (!NetUtil.IsSegmentValid((ushort)segment[1]))
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"Loading priority segment: segment {segment[1]} @ node {segment[0]} is invalid");
                        if (prioMan.IsPrioritySegment((ushort)segment[0], (ushort)segment[1]))
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"Loading priority segment: segment {segment[1]} @ node {segment[0]} is already a priority segment");
                            prioMan.GetPrioritySegment((ushort)segment[0], (ushort)segment[1]).Type = (SegmentEnd.PriorityType)segment[2];
                        Log._Debug($"Adding Priority Segment of type: {segment[2].ToString()} to segment {segment[1]} @ node {segment[0]}");
                        prioMan.AddPrioritySegment((ushort)segment[0], (ushort)segment[1], (SegmentEnd.PriorityType)segment[2]);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // ignore, as it's probably corrupt save data. it'll be culled on next save
                        Log.Warning("Error loading data from Priority segments: " + e.ToString());
                        error = true;
                Log.Warning("Priority segments data structure undefined!");

            // load vehicle restrictions (warning: has to be done before loading timed lights!)
            if (_configuration.LaneAllowedVehicleTypes != null)
                Log.Info($"Loading lane vehicle restriction data. {_configuration.LaneAllowedVehicleTypes.Count} elements");
                foreach (Configuration.LaneVehicleTypes laneVehicleTypes in _configuration.LaneAllowedVehicleTypes)
                    try {
                        ExtVehicleType baseMask   = VehicleRestrictionsManager.Instance().GetBaseMask(laneVehicleTypes.laneId);
                        ExtVehicleType maskedType = laneVehicleTypes.vehicleTypes & baseMask;
                        Log._Debug($"Loading lane vehicle restriction: lane {laneVehicleTypes.laneId} = {laneVehicleTypes.vehicleTypes}, masked = {maskedType}");
                        if (maskedType != baseMask)
                            Flags.setLaneAllowedVehicleTypes(laneVehicleTypes.laneId, maskedType);
                            Log._Debug($"Masked type does not differ from base type. Ignoring.");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // ignore, as it's probably corrupt save data. it'll be culled on next save
                        Log.Warning("Error loading data from vehicle restrictions: " + e.ToString());
                        error = true;
                Log.Warning("Vehicle restrctions structure undefined!");

            NetManager netManager = Singleton <NetManager> .instance;
            TrafficLightSimulationManager tlsMan = TrafficLightSimulationManager.Instance();

            if (_configuration.TimedLights != null)
                Log.Info($"Loading {_configuration.TimedLights.Count()} timed traffic lights (new method)");

                foreach (Configuration.TimedTrafficLights cnfTimedLights in _configuration.TimedLights)
                    try {
                        if (!NetUtil.IsNodeValid(cnfTimedLights.nodeId))
                        Flags.setNodeTrafficLight(cnfTimedLights.nodeId, true);

                        Log._Debug($"Adding Timed Node at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");

                        TrafficLightSimulation sim = tlsMan.AddNodeToSimulation(cnfTimedLights.nodeId);
                        var timedNode = sim.TimedLight;

                        int j = 0;
                        foreach (Configuration.TimedTrafficLightsStep cnfTimedStep in cnfTimedLights.timedSteps)
                            Log._Debug($"Loading timed step {j} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                            TimedTrafficLightsStep step = timedNode.AddStep(cnfTimedStep.minTime, cnfTimedStep.maxTime, cnfTimedStep.waitFlowBalance);

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, Configuration.CustomSegmentLights> e in cnfTimedStep.segmentLights)
                                Log._Debug($"Loading timed step {j}, segment {e.Key} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                                CustomSegmentLights lights = null;
                                if (!step.segmentLights.TryGetValue(e.Key, out lights))
                                    Log._Debug($"No segment lights found at timed step {j} for segment {e.Key}, node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                                Configuration.CustomSegmentLights cnfLights = e.Value;

                                Log._Debug($"Loading pedestrian light @ seg. {e.Key}, step {j}: {cnfLights.pedestrianLightState} {cnfLights.manualPedestrianMode}");

                                lights.ManualPedestrianMode = cnfLights.manualPedestrianMode;
                                lights.PedestrianLightState = cnfLights.pedestrianLightState;

                                foreach (KeyValuePair <ExtVehicleType, Configuration.CustomSegmentLight> e2 in cnfLights.customLights)
                                    Log._Debug($"Loading timed step {j}, segment {e.Key}, vehicleType {e2.Key} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                                    CustomSegmentLight light = null;
                                    if (!lights.CustomLights.TryGetValue(e2.Key, out light))
                                        Log._Debug($"No segment light found for timed step {j}, segment {e.Key}, vehicleType {e2.Key} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                                    Configuration.CustomSegmentLight cnfLight = e2.Value;

                                    light.CurrentMode = (CustomSegmentLight.Mode)cnfLight.currentMode;
                                    light.LightLeft   = cnfLight.leftLight;
                                    light.LightMain   = cnfLight.mainLight;
                                    light.LightRight  = cnfLight.rightLight;

                        if (cnfTimedLights.started)
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // ignore, as it's probably corrupt save data. it'll be culled on next save
                        Log.Warning("Error loading data from TimedNode (new method): " + e.ToString());
                        error = true;
                Log.Warning("Timed traffic lights data structure undefined!");

            if (_configuration.NodeTrafficLights != null)
                var trafficLightDefs = _configuration.NodeTrafficLights.Split(',');

                Log.Info($"Loading junction traffic light data");

                // new method
                foreach (var split in trafficLightDefs.Select(def => def.Split(':')).Where(split => split.Length > 1))
                    try {
                        Log._Debug($"Traffic light split data: {split[0]} , {split[1]}");
                        var  nodeId = Convert.ToUInt16(split[0]);
                        uint flag   = Convert.ToUInt16(split[1]);

                        Flags.setNodeTrafficLight(nodeId, flag > 0);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // ignore as it's probably bad save data.
                        Log.Error($"Error setting the NodeTrafficLights: " + e.ToString());
                        error = true;
                Log.Warning("Junction traffic lights data structure undefined!");

            if (_configuration.LaneFlags != null)
                Log.Info($"Loading lane arrow data");
                Log._Debug($"LaneFlags: {_configuration.LaneFlags}");
                var lanes = _configuration.LaneFlags.Split(',');

                if (lanes.Length > 1)
                    foreach (var split in lanes.Select(lane => lane.Split(':')).Where(split => split.Length > 1))
                        try {
                            Log._Debug($"Split Data: {split[0]} , {split[1]}");
                            var  laneId = Convert.ToUInt32(split[0]);
                            uint flags  = Convert.ToUInt32(split[1]);

                            //make sure we don't cause any overflows because of bad save data.
                            if (Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_lanes.m_buffer.Length <= laneId)

                            if (flags > ushort.MaxValue)

                            if (!NetUtil.IsLaneValid(laneId))

                            //Singleton<NetManager>.instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[laneId].m_flags = fixLaneFlags(Singleton<NetManager>.instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[laneId].m_flags);

                            uint laneArrowFlags = flags & Flags.lfr;
                            uint origFlags      = (Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[laneId].m_flags & Flags.lfr);
                            Log._Debug("Setting flags for lane " + laneId + " to " + flags + " (" + ((Flags.LaneArrows)(laneArrowFlags)).ToString() + ")");
                            if ((origFlags | laneArrowFlags) == origFlags)                               // only load if setting differs from default
                                Log._Debug("Flags for lane " + laneId + " are original (" + ((NetLane.Flags)(origFlags)).ToString() + ")");
                            Flags.setLaneArrowFlags(laneId, (Flags.LaneArrows)(laneArrowFlags));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Log.Error($"Error loading Lane Split data. Length: {split.Length} value: {split}\nError: {e.ToString()}");
                            error = true;
                Log.Warning("Lane arrow data structure undefined!");

            // load lane connections
            if (_configuration.LaneConnections != null)
                Log.Info($"Loading {_configuration.LaneConnections.Count()} lane connections");
                foreach (Configuration.LaneConnection conn in _configuration.LaneConnections)
                    try {
                        Log._Debug($"Loading lane connection: lane {conn.lowerLaneId} -> {conn.higherLaneId}");
                        LaneConnectionManager.Instance().AddLaneConnection(conn.lowerLaneId, conn.higherLaneId, conn.lowerStartNode);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // ignore, as it's probably corrupt save data. it'll be culled on next save
                        Log.Error("Error loading data from lane connection: " + e.ToString());
                        error = true;
                Log.Warning("Lane connection data structure undefined!");

            // load speed limits
            if (_configuration.LaneSpeedLimits != null)
                Log.Info($"Loading lane speed limit data. {_configuration.LaneSpeedLimits.Count} elements");
                foreach (Configuration.LaneSpeedLimit laneSpeedLimit in _configuration.LaneSpeedLimits)
                    try {
                        Log._Debug($"Loading lane speed limit: lane {laneSpeedLimit.laneId} = {laneSpeedLimit.speedLimit}");
                        Flags.setLaneSpeedLimit(laneSpeedLimit.laneId, laneSpeedLimit.speedLimit);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // ignore, as it's probably corrupt save data. it'll be culled on next save
                        Log.Warning("Error loading speed limits: " + e.ToString());
                        error = true;
                Log.Warning("Lane speed limit structure undefined!");

            // Load segment-at-node flags
            if (_configuration.SegmentNodeConfs != null)
                Log.Info($"Loading segment-at-node data. {_configuration.SegmentNodeConfs.Count} elements");
                foreach (Configuration.SegmentNodeConf segNodeConf in _configuration.SegmentNodeConfs)
                    try {
                        if (!NetUtil.IsSegmentValid(segNodeConf.segmentId))
                        Flags.setSegmentNodeFlags(segNodeConf.segmentId, true, segNodeConf.startNodeFlags);
                        Flags.setSegmentNodeFlags(segNodeConf.segmentId, false, segNodeConf.endNodeFlags);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // ignore, as it's probably corrupt save data. it'll be culled on next save
                        Log.Warning("Error loading segment-at-node config: " + e.ToString());
                        error = true;
                Log.Warning("Segment-at-node structure undefined!");