/// <inheritdoc/> public void Run(ModuleContext context) { TrafficManager trafficManager = null; bool isPublic = false; string name = null; string ruleName = null; bool deferUpdate = false; if (!context.ValidateArguments(context.Arguments, validModuleArgs)) { context.Failed = true; return; } // Obtain common arguments. context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Parsing [state]"); if (!context.Arguments.TryGetValue <string>("state", out var state)) { state = "present"; } state = state.ToLowerInvariant(); if (context.HasErrors) { return; } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Parsing [name]"); if (!context.Arguments.TryGetValue <string>("name", out name)) { throw new ArgumentException($"[name] module argument is required."); } switch (name) { case "private": trafficManager = HiveHelper.Hive.PrivateTraffic; isPublic = false; break; case "public": trafficManager = HiveHelper.Hive.PublicTraffic; isPublic = true; break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"[name={name}] is not a one of the valid traffic manager names: [private] or [public]."); } if (state == "present" || state == "absent") { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Parsing [rule_name]"); if (!context.Arguments.TryGetValue <string>("rule_name", out ruleName)) { throw new ArgumentException($"[rule_name] module argument is required."); } if (!HiveDefinition.IsValidName(ruleName)) { throw new ArgumentException($"[rule_name={ruleName}] is not a valid traffic manager rule name."); } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Parsing [defer_update]"); if (!context.Arguments.TryGetValue <bool>("defer_update", out deferUpdate)) { deferUpdate = false; } } // We have the required arguments, so perform the operation. switch (state) { case "absent": context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Check if rule [{ruleName}] exists."); if (trafficManager.GetRule(ruleName) != null) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Rule [{ruleName}] does exist."); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Deleting rule [{ruleName}]."); if (context.CheckMode) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Rule [{ruleName}] will be deleted when CHECK-MODE is disabled."); } else { trafficManager.RemoveRule(ruleName, deferUpdate: deferUpdate); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Rule [{ruleName}] deleted."); context.Changed = true; } } else { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Rule [{ruleName}] does not exist."); } break; case "present": context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Parsing [rule]"); if (!context.Arguments.TryGetValue <JObject>("rule", out var routeObject)) { throw new ArgumentException($"[rule] module argument is required when [state={state}]."); } var ruleText = routeObject.ToString(); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, "Parsing rule"); var newRule = TrafficRule.Parse(ruleText, strict: true); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, "Rule parsed successfully"); // Use the name argument if the deserialized rule doesn't // have a name. This will make it easier on operators because // they won't need to specify the name twice. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newRule.Name)) { newRule.Name = ruleName; } // Ensure that the name passed as an argument and the // name within the rule definition match. if (!string.Equals(ruleName, newRule.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw new ArgumentException($"The [rule_name={ruleName}] argument and the rule's [{nameof(TrafficRule.Name)}={newRule.Name}] property are not the same."); } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, "Rule name matched."); // Validate the rule. context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, "Validating rule."); var proxySettings = trafficManager.GetSettings(); var validationContext = new TrafficValidationContext(name, proxySettings); // $hack(jeff.lill): // // This ensures that [proxySettings.Resolvers] is initialized with // the built-in Docker DNS resolver. proxySettings.Validate(validationContext); // Load the TLS certificates into the validation context so we'll // be able to verify that any referenced certificates mactually exist. // $todo(jeff.lill): // // This code assumes that the operator is currently logged in with // root Vault privileges. We'll have to do something else for // non-root logins. // // One idea might be to save two versions of the certificates. // The primary certificate with private key in Vault and then // just the public certificate in Consul and then load just // the public ones here. // // A good time to make this change might be when we convert to // use the .NET X.509 certificate implementation. if (!context.Login.HasVaultRootCredentials) { throw new ArgumentException("Access Denied: Root Vault credentials are required."); } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, "Reading hive certificates."); using (var vault = HiveHelper.OpenVault(Program.HiveLogin.VaultCredentials.RootToken)) { // List the certificate key/names and then fetch each one // to capture details like the expiration date and covered // hostnames. foreach (var certName in vault.ListAsync("neon-secret/cert").Result) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Reading: {certName}"); var certificate = vault.ReadJsonAsync <TlsCertificate>(HiveHelper.GetVaultCertificateKey(certName)).Result; validationContext.Certificates.Add(certName, certificate); } } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"[{validationContext.Certificates.Count}] hive certificates downloaded."); // Actually perform the rule validation. newRule.Validate(validationContext); if (validationContext.HasErrors) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"[{validationContext.Errors.Count}] Route validation errors."); foreach (var error in validationContext.Errors) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, error); context.WriteErrorLine(error); } context.Failed = true; return; } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, "Rule is valid."); // Try reading any existing rule with this name and then determine // whether the two versions of the rule are actually different. context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Looking for existing rule [{ruleName}]"); var existingRule = trafficManager.GetRule(ruleName); var changed = false; if (existingRule != null) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Rule exists: checking for differences."); // Normalize the new and existing rules so the JSON text comparision // will work properly. newRule.Normalize(isPublic); existingRule.Normalize(isPublic); changed = !NeonHelper.JsonEquals(newRule, existingRule); if (changed) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Rules are different."); } else { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Rules are the same. No need to update."); } } else { changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Rule [name={ruleName}] does not exist."); } if (changed) { if (context.CheckMode) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Rule [{ruleName}] will be updated when CHECK-MODE is disabled."); } else { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Writing rule [{ruleName}]."); trafficManager.SetRule(newRule); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Rule updated."); context.Changed = !context.CheckMode; } } break; case "update": trafficManager.Update(); context.Changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Update signalled."); break; case "purge": var purgeItems = context.ParseStringArray("purge_list"); var purgeCaseSensitive = context.ParseBool("purge_case_sensitive"); if (!purgeCaseSensitive.HasValue) { purgeCaseSensitive = false; } if (purgeItems.Count == 0) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, $"[purge_list] is missing or empty."); break; } trafficManager.Purge(purgeItems.ToArray(), caseSensitive: purgeCaseSensitive.Value); context.Changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Purge request submitted."); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"[state={state}] is not one of the valid choices: [present], [absent], or [update]."); } }