/// <summary>
		/// <b>No longer recommended.</b> The eBay Store Cross Promotions are no longer
		/// supported in the Trading API. Retrieves a list of upsell or cross-sell items associated
		/// with the specified Item ID.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ItemID">
		/// The unique ID of the referring item. The cross-promoted
		/// items will supplement this item.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="PromotionMethod">
		/// The cross-promotion method you want to use for the
		/// returned list, either UpSell or CrossSell.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="PromotionViewMode">
		/// The role of the person requesting to view the cross-promoted
		/// items, either seller or buyer. Default is buyer.
		/// </param>
		public CrossPromotionsType GetCrossPromotions(string ItemID, PromotionMethodCodeType PromotionMethod, TradingRoleCodeType PromotionViewMode)
			this.ItemID = ItemID;
			this.PromotionMethod = PromotionMethod;
			this.PromotionViewMode = PromotionViewMode;

			return ApiResponse.CrossPromotion;
 /// <summary>
 /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
 /// </summary>
 public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(TimeFilter CreateTimeFilter, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus)
     this.OrderRole        = OrderRole;
     this.OrderStatus      = OrderStatus;
     this.CreateTimeFilter = CreateTimeFilter;
     this.OrderIDList      = OrderIDList;
 /// <summary>
 /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
 /// </summary>
 public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(DateTime CreateTimeFrom, DateTime CreateTimeTo, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus)
     this.OrderRole        = OrderRole;
     this.OrderStatus      = OrderStatus;
     this.CreateTimeFilter = new TimeFilter(CreateTimeFrom, CreateTimeTo);
     this.OrderIDList      = OrderIDList;
 public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(TimeFilter Filter, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus)
     return(ebayGetOrdersCall.GetOrders(Filter, OrderRole, OrderStatus));
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the orders for which the authenticated user is a participant, either as the buyer
        /// or the seller. <b>Also for Half.com</b>. The call returns all the
        /// orders that meet the request specifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OrderIDList">
        /// A container for eBay order IDs. If one or more order IDs are specified in this
        /// container, no other call-specific input fields are applicable.
        /// Not applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CreateTimeFrom">
        /// The <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields
        /// specify a date range for retrieving orders. The <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> field is the
        /// starting date range. All eBay orders that were created within this date range are
        /// returned in the output. The maximum date range that may be specified with the
        /// <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields is 90
        /// days. <b>CreateTimeFrom</b>/<b>CreateTimeTo</b> date
        /// filters are ignored if the <b>NumberOfDays</b> date filter is used in the request, or if
        /// one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CreateTimeTo">
        /// The <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields specify a date range for retrieving
        /// orders. The <b>CreateTimeTo</b> field is the ending date range. All eBay orders that were
        /// created within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum
        /// date range that may be specified with the <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields
        /// is 90 days. If the <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> field is used and the
        /// <b>CreateTimeTo</b> field is omitted, the "TimeTo" value defaults to the present time or
        /// to 90 days past the <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> value (if <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> value is more than 90
        /// days in the past). <b>CreateTimeFrom</b>/<b>CreateTimeTo</b> date filters are ignored if the
        /// <b>NumberOfDays</b> date filter is used in the request, or if one or more order IDs are
        /// passed in the request.
        /// <span class="tablenote"><strong>Note:</strong>
        /// If a GetOrders call is made within a few seconds after the creation of a multiple
        /// line item order, the caller runs the risk of retrieving orders that are in an
        /// inconsistent state, since the order consolidation involved in a multi-line item order
        /// may not have been completed. For
        /// this reason, it is recommended that sellers include the
        /// <b>CreateTimeTo</b> field in the call, and set its value to: <i>
        /// Current Time</i> - 2 minutes.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </span>
        /// <param name="OrderRole">
        /// Filters the returned orders based on the role of the user. The user's role is
        /// either buyer or seller. If this field is used with a date filter, returned orders
        /// must satisfy both the date range and the OrderRole value.
        /// Applicable to eBay.com and Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OrderStatus">
        /// The field is used to retrieve orders that are in a specific state. If this field is used with a date filter, only orders that satisfy both the date range and the <b>OrderStatus</b> value are retrieved.
        /// For eBay orders, this field's value can be set to 'Active', 'Completed', 'Canceled' or 'Inactive' to retrieve orders in these states. The 'Shipped' value is only applicable for Half.com orders.
        /// To retrieve Half.com orders, this field's value should be set to 'Shipped', and the <b>ListingType</b> field should be included and set to 'Half'.
        /// If one or more <b>OrderID</b> values are specified through the <b>OrderIDArray</b> container, the <b>OrderStatus</b> field should not be used, and it is ignored if it is used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ListingType">
        /// Specify Half to retrieve Half.com orders.
        /// <span class="tablenote"><strong>Note:</strong>
        /// Do not use this field if you are retrieving eBay orders.
        /// This field cannot be used as a listing type filter on eBay.com. If not
        /// provided, or if you specify any value other than Half, this field has
        /// no useful effect and the call retrieves eBay orders of all types. Also,
        /// you can't retrieve both eBay and Half.com orders in the same response.
        /// </span>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Pagination">
        /// If many orders are	available to retrieve, you may need to call GetOrders multiple times to retrieve all
        /// the data. Each result set is returned as a page of entries. Use the
        /// Pagination filters to control the maximum number of entries to
        /// retrieve per page (i.e., per call), the page number to retrieve, and
        /// other data.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ModTimeFrom">
        /// The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving
        /// existing orders that have been modified within this time window (for example,
        /// 'Incomplete' status to 'Pending' status or 'Pending' status to 'Complete' status). The
        /// ModTimeFrom field is the starting date range. All eBay orders that were last
        /// modified within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum date
        /// range that may be specified with the ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields is 30
        /// days. ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo date filters are ignored if the
        /// CreateTimeFrom/CreateTimeTo or NumberOfDays date filters are used in the
        /// request, or if one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ModTimeTo">
        /// The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving
        /// existing orders that have been modified within this time window (for example,
        /// 'Incomplete' status to 'Pending' status or 'Pending' status to 'Complete'
        /// status). The ModTimeTo field is the ending date range. All eBay orders that were
        /// last modified within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum
        /// date range that may be specified with the ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields is 30
        /// days. If the ModTimeFrom field is used and the ModTimeTo field is omitted, the
        /// "TimeTo" value defaults to the present time (if ModTimeFrom value is less than
        /// 30 days in the past) or to 30 days past the ModTimeFrom value.
        /// ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo date filters are ignored if the
        /// CreateTimeFrom/CreateTimeTo or NumberOfDays date filters are used in the
        /// request, or if one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="NumberOfDays">
        /// This filter specifies the number of days (24-hour periods) in the past to search
        /// for orders. All eBay orders that were either created or modified within this
        /// period are returned in the output. This field cannot be used in conjunction with
        /// the CreateTimeFrom/CreateTimeTo or ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo date filters. This date
        /// filter is ignored if one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeFinalValueFee">
        /// Indicates whether to include the Final Value Fee (FVF) for all Transaction objects in the
        /// response. The Final Value Fee is returned in Transaction.FinalValueFee. The Final
        /// Value Fee is assessed right after the creation of an eBay order line item.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="SortingOrder">
        /// Specifies how orders returned by this call should be sorted (using <strong>LastModifiedTime</strong> as the sort key). A value of <code>Ascending</code> returns the earliest modified orders first, and a value of <code>Descending</code> returns the latest modified orders first.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// Default: <code>Ascending</code>
        /// </param>
        public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(StringCollection OrderIDList, DateTime CreateTimeFrom, DateTime CreateTimeTo, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus, ListingTypeCodeType ListingType, PaginationType Pagination, DateTime ModTimeFrom, DateTime ModTimeTo, int NumberOfDays, bool IncludeFinalValueFee, SortOrderCodeType SortingOrder)
            this.OrderIDList          = OrderIDList;
            this.CreateTimeFrom       = CreateTimeFrom;
            this.CreateTimeTo         = CreateTimeTo;
            this.OrderRole            = OrderRole;
            this.OrderStatus          = OrderStatus;
            this.ListingType          = ListingType;
            this.Pagination           = Pagination;
            this.ModTimeFrom          = ModTimeFrom;
            this.ModTimeTo            = ModTimeTo;
            this.NumberOfDays         = NumberOfDays;
            this.IncludeFinalValueFee = IncludeFinalValueFee;
            this.SortingOrder         = SortingOrder;

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// <b>No longer recommended.</b> The eBay Store Cross Promotions are no longer
        /// supported in the Trading API. Retrieves a list of upsell or cross-sell items associated
        /// with the specified Item ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ItemID">
        /// The unique ID of the referring item. The cross-promoted
        /// items will supplement this item.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="PromotionMethod">
        /// The cross-promotion method you want to use for the
        /// returned list, either UpSell or CrossSell.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="PromotionViewMode">
        /// The role of the person requesting to view the cross-promoted
        /// items, either seller or buyer. Default is buyer.
        /// </param>
        public CrossPromotionsType GetCrossPromotions(string ItemID, PromotionMethodCodeType PromotionMethod, TradingRoleCodeType PromotionViewMode)
            this.ItemID            = ItemID;
            this.PromotionMethod   = PromotionMethod;
            this.PromotionViewMode = PromotionViewMode;

Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
 /// </summary>
 public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(DateTime CreateTimeFrom, DateTime CreateTimeTo, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus)
     this.OrderRole = OrderRole;
     this.OrderStatus = OrderStatus;
     this.CreateTimeFilter = new TimeFilter(CreateTimeFrom, CreateTimeTo);
     this.OrderIDList = OrderIDList;
     return OrderList;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
 /// </summary>
 public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(TimeFilter CreateTimeFilter, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus)
     this.OrderRole = OrderRole;
     this.OrderStatus = OrderStatus;
     this.CreateTimeFilter = CreateTimeFilter;
     this.OrderIDList = OrderIDList;
     return OrderList;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the orders for which the authenticated user is a participant, either as the buyer
        /// or the seller.&nbsp;<b>Also for Half.com</b>. The call returns all the
        /// orders that meet the request specifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OrderIDList">
        /// A container for eBay order IDs. If one or more order IDs are specified in this
        /// container, no other call-specific input fields are applicable.
        /// Not applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CreateTimeFrom">
        /// The <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields
        /// specify a date range for retrieving orders. The <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> field is the
        /// starting date range. All eBay orders that were created within this date range are
        /// returned in the output. The maximum date range that may be specified with the
        /// <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields is 90 
        /// days. <b>CreateTimeFrom</b>/<b>CreateTimeTo</b> date
        /// filters are ignored if the <b>NumberOfDays</b> date filter is used in the request, or if
        /// one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CreateTimeTo">
        /// The <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields specify a date range for retrieving
        /// orders. The <b>CreateTimeTo</b> field is the ending date range. All eBay orders that were
        /// created within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum
        /// date range that may be specified with the <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> and <b>CreateTimeTo</b> fields
        /// is 90 days. If the <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> field is used and the
        /// <b>CreateTimeTo</b> field is omitted, the "TimeTo" value defaults to the present time or
        /// to 90 days past the <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> value (if <b>CreateTimeFrom</b> value is more than 90
        /// days in the past). <b>CreateTimeFrom</b>/<b>CreateTimeTo</b> date filters are ignored if the
        /// <b>NumberOfDays</b> date filter is used in the request, or if one or more order IDs are
        /// passed in the request.
        /// <span class="tablenote"><strong>Note:</strong>
        /// If a GetOrders call is made within a few seconds after the creation of a multiple
        /// line item order, the caller runs the risk of retrieving orders that are in an
        /// inconsistent state, since the order consolidation involved in a multi-line item order
        /// may not have been completed. For
        /// this reason, it is recommended that sellers include the
        /// <b>CreateTimeTo</b> field in the call, and set its value to: <i>
        /// Current Time</i> - 2 minutes.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OrderRole">
        /// Filters the returned orders based on the role of the user. The user's role is
        /// either buyer or seller. If this field is used with a date filter, returned orders
        /// must satisfy both the date range and the OrderRole value.
        /// Applicable to eBay.com and Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OrderStatus">
        /// The field is used to retrieve orders that are in a specific state. If this field is used with a date filter, only orders that satisfy both the date range and the <b>OrderStatus</b> value are retrieved. 
        /// For eBay orders, this field's value can be set to 'Active', 'Completed', 'Canceled' or 'Inactive' to retrieve orders in these states. The 'Shipped' value is only applicable for Half.com orders. 
        /// To retrieve Half.com orders, this field's value should be set to 'Shipped', and the <b>ListingType</b> field should be included and set to 'Half'. 
        /// If one or more <b>OrderID</b> values are specified through the <b>OrderIDArray</b> container, the <b>OrderStatus</b> field should not be used, and it is ignored if it is used. 
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ListingType">
        /// Specify Half to retrieve Half.com orders.
        /// <span class="tablenote"><strong>Note:</strong>
        /// Do not use this field if you are retrieving eBay orders.
        /// This field cannot be used as a listing type filter on eBay.com. If not
        /// provided, or if you specify any value other than Half, this field has
        /// no useful effect and the call retrieves eBay orders of all types. Also,
        /// you can't retrieve both eBay and Half.com orders in the same response.
        /// </span>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Pagination">
        /// If many orders are	available to retrieve, you may need to call GetOrders multiple times to retrieve all
        /// the data. Each result set is returned as a page of entries. Use the
        /// Pagination filters to control the maximum number of entries to
        /// retrieve per page (i.e., per call), the page number to retrieve, and
        /// other data.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ModTimeFrom">
        /// The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving
        /// existing orders that have been modified within this time window (for example,
        /// 'Incomplete' status to 'Pending' status or 'Pending' status to 'Complete' status). The
        /// ModTimeFrom field is the starting date range. All eBay orders that were last
        /// modified within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum date
        /// range that may be specified with the ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields is 30
        /// days. ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo date filters are ignored if the
        /// CreateTimeFrom/CreateTimeTo or NumberOfDays date filters are used in the
        /// request, or if one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ModTimeTo">
        /// The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving
        /// existing orders that have been modified within this time window (for example,
        /// 'Incomplete' status to 'Pending' status or 'Pending' status to 'Complete'
        /// status). The ModTimeTo field is the ending date range. All eBay orders that were
        /// last modified within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum
        /// date range that may be specified with the ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields is 30
        /// days. If the ModTimeFrom field is used and the ModTimeTo field is omitted, the
        /// "TimeTo" value defaults to the present time (if ModTimeFrom value is less than
        /// 30 days in the past) or to 30 days past the ModTimeFrom value.
        /// ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo date filters are ignored if the
        /// CreateTimeFrom/CreateTimeTo or NumberOfDays date filters are used in the
        /// request, or if one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="NumberOfDays">
        /// This filter specifies the number of days (24-hour periods) in the past to search
        /// for orders. All eBay orders that were either created or modified within this
        /// period are returned in the output. This field cannot be used in conjunction with
        /// the CreateTimeFrom/CreateTimeTo or ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo date filters. This date 
        /// filter is ignored if one or more order IDs are passed in the request.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeFinalValueFee">
        /// Indicates whether to include the Final Value Fee (FVF) for all Transaction objects in the
        /// response. The Final Value Fee is returned in Transaction.FinalValueFee. The Final
        /// Value Fee is assessed right after the creation of an eBay order line item.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="SortingOrder">
        /// Specifies how orders returned by this call should be sorted (using <strong>LastModifiedTime</strong> as the sort key). A value of <code>Ascending</code> returns the earliest modified orders first, and a value of <code>Descending</code> returns the latest modified orders first.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// Default: <code>Ascending</code>
        /// </param>
        public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(StringCollection OrderIDList, DateTime CreateTimeFrom, DateTime CreateTimeTo, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus, ListingTypeCodeType ListingType, PaginationType Pagination, DateTime ModTimeFrom, DateTime ModTimeTo, int NumberOfDays, bool IncludeFinalValueFee, SortOrderCodeType SortingOrder)
            this.OrderIDList = OrderIDList;
            this.CreateTimeFrom = CreateTimeFrom;
            this.CreateTimeTo = CreateTimeTo;
            this.OrderRole = OrderRole;
            this.OrderStatus = OrderStatus;
            this.ListingType = ListingType;
            this.Pagination = Pagination;
            this.ModTimeFrom = ModTimeFrom;
            this.ModTimeTo = ModTimeTo;
            this.NumberOfDays = NumberOfDays;
            this.IncludeFinalValueFee = IncludeFinalValueFee;
            this.SortingOrder = SortingOrder;

            return ApiResponse.OrderArray;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the orders for which the authenticated user is a participant, either as
        /// the buyer or the seller. The call returns all the orders that meet the request
        /// specifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OrderIDList">
        /// A set of orders to retrieve.
        /// Not applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CreateTimeFrom">
        /// The starting date of the date range for the orders to retrieve.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CreateTimeTo">
        /// The ending date of the date range for the orders to retrieve.
        /// Applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OrderRole">
        /// Filters orders based on the role of the user making the GetOrders request.
        /// Not applicable to Half.com.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OrderStatus">
        /// Filters the returned orders by order status (Active or Completed).
        /// To retrieve orders with a status of Inactive or Cancelled, you must
        /// specify the order IDs (OrderIDArray.OrderID). When you specify
        /// OrderIDArray.OrderID, no other filters are used.
        /// For Half.com, you can get some, but not all orders.
        /// Orders on Half.com have different order status values from
        /// eBay orders. When you set ListingType to Half, set OrderStatus
        /// to Shipped. Otherwise, GetOrders may return incomplete information
        /// or have indeterminate results.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ListingType">
        /// Specify Half to retrieve Half.com orders.
        /// <span class="tablenote"><strong>Note:</strong>
        /// Do not use this field if you are retrieving eBay orders.
        /// This field cannnot be used as a listing type filter on eBay.com. If not
        /// provided, or if you specify any value other than Half, this field has
        /// no useful effect and the call retrieves eBay orders of all types. Also,
        /// you can't retrieve both eBay and Half.com orders in the same response.
        /// </span>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Pagination">
        /// Not applicable to eBay.com. Applicable to Half.com. If many orders are
        /// available, you may need to call GetOrders multiple times to retrieve all
        /// the data. Each result set is returned as a page of entries. Use this
        /// Pagination information to indicate the maximum number of entries to
        /// retrieve per page (i.e., per call), the page number to retrieve, and
        /// other data.
        /// </param>
        public OrderTypeCollection GetOrders(StringCollection OrderIDList, DateTime CreateTimeFrom, DateTime CreateTimeTo, TradingRoleCodeType OrderRole, OrderStatusCodeType OrderStatus, ListingTypeCodeType ListingType, PaginationType Pagination)
            this.OrderIDList = OrderIDList;
            this.CreateTimeFrom = CreateTimeFrom;
            this.CreateTimeTo = CreateTimeTo;
            this.OrderRole = OrderRole;
            this.OrderStatus = OrderStatus;
            this.ListingType = ListingType;
            this.Pagination = Pagination;

            return ApiResponse.OrderArray;