Exemple #1
     * Game is complete. Finalize score and stop updating score. Set speech listener inactive.
    private void EndGame()
        //TrackScore score = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScoreKeeper").GetComponent<TrackScore>();
        float accuracy = trackScore.getCorrect() / (trackScore.getCorrect() + trackScore.getIncorrect());



        // GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScoreKeeper").SetActive(false);
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        Debug.Log("In Handle Speech Input Update Function");

        //Only do stuff when SceneController is waiting for a response.
        if (sceneController.currentState == SceneController.State.Wait)

            //Player confirmed an answer and said "continue"
            if (confirmation && gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text.Contains("continue"))
                //SceneController went through all the questions.
                if (sceneController.GetComponent <SceneController>().currentState == SceneController.State.Complete)
                    //TrackScore score = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScoreKeeper").GetComponent<TrackScore>();
                    float accuracy = trackScore.getCorrect() / (trackScore.getCorrect() + trackScore.getIncorrect());
                    gameComplete = true;
                else //Set up question.
                    sceneController.GetComponent <SceneController>().currentState = SceneController.State.Next;
                    transfer.text = "Please say the color of the word.";
                    answeredColor = "";
                    confirmation  = false;
            //No answer yet. Listen for answer. Get confirmation if a color in the answer choices was mentioned.
            if (answeredColor == "")
                foreach (string color in colors)
                    //Check that answered color is an option.
                    if (gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text.Contains(color))
                        answeredColor = color;
                        transfer.text = "Your answer: " + color + "." + " Please confirm by saying 'Yes' or 'No'.";
                //Confirm answer and check result.
                if (gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text.Contains("yes"))
                    confirmation  = true;
                    transfer.text = "You confirmed the color: " + answeredColor;
                    string compare = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SceneController").GetComponent <SceneController>().randomColor.Split('_')[0];

                    //Correct answer.
                    if (answeredColor == compare)
                        transfer.text = "Your confirmed answer of " + answeredColor + " is" + " CORRECT!" + " Please say 'continue.'";
                        if (confirmation)
                            trackScore.setCorrect(trackScore.getCorrect() + 1);
                            answeredColor = "";

                        //sceneController.GetComponent<SceneController>().currentState = SceneController.State.Next;
                    else //Incorrect answer.
                        transfer.text = "Your confirmed answer of " + answeredColor + " is" + " incorrect. Please try again.";
                        if (confirmation)
                            trackScore.setIncorrect(trackScore.getIncorrect() + 1);
                            confirmation = false;
                        //GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScoreKeeper").GetComponent<TrackScore>().incorrect += 1;
                        answeredColor = "";
                        confirmation  = false;
                else if (gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text.Contains("no")) //User does not want to confirm answer. No penalty (not incorrect).
                    confirmation  = false;
                    transfer.text = "Please try again.";
                    answeredColor = "";