public static uint getSectionIndex(this TrackNode node, int direction) { uint index = 0; if (node.TrEndNode) { index = (uint)node.UiD.WorldId; } else if (node.TrJunctionNode != null) { index = (uint)node.TrJunctionNode.Idx; } else if (node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections != null && node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.Length > 1) { if (direction == 0) { TrVectorSection section = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.Last(); index = section.SectionIndex; } else { TrVectorSection section = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.First(); index = section.SectionIndex; } } else if (node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections != null) { index = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[0].SectionIndex; } else { index = (uint)node.UiD.WorldId; } return(index); }
private static object AddKeys(Track track, TrackNode node1, TrackNode node2) { switch (track.ParamType) { case TrackParamType.Integer: return(node1.GetValue <int>() + node2.GetValue <int>()); case TrackParamType.Color: { var c1 = node1.GetValue <Color4>(); var c2 = node2.GetValue <Color4>(); return(new Color4 { Alpha = c1.Alpha + c2.Alpha, Blue = c1.Blue + c2.Blue, Green = c1.Green + c2.Green, Red = c1.Red + c2.Red }); } case TrackParamType.Vector2: return(node1.GetValue <Vector2>() + node2.GetValue <Vector2>()); case TrackParamType.Vector3: return(node1.GetValue <Vector3>() + node2.GetValue <Vector3>()); case TrackParamType.Quaternion: return(node1.GetValue <Quaternion>() * node2.GetValue <Quaternion>()); default: throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Unsupported ParamType for ADD: {track.ParamType}"); } }
} // set if approaching moving table, is index in access path list // used for moving table approach in timetable mode //================================================================================================// /// <summary> /// Constructor from tracknode /// </summary> public TrackCircuitRouteElement(TrackNode node, int trackCircuitIndex, TrackDirection direction) { if (null == node) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node)); } TrackCircuitSection = TrackCircuitSection.TrackCircuitList[node.TrackCircuitCrossReferences[trackCircuitIndex].Index]; Direction = direction; OutPin[Location.NearEnd] = direction; OutPin[Location.FarEnd] = TrackDirection.Ahead; // always 0 for NORMAL sections, updated for JUNCTION sections if (TrackCircuitSection.CircuitType == TrackCircuitType.Crossover) { TrackDirection outPinLink = direction; int nextIndex; nextIndex = direction == TrackDirection.Reverse ? node.TrackCircuitCrossReferences[trackCircuitIndex - 1].Index : node.TrackCircuitCrossReferences[trackCircuitIndex + 1].Index; OutPin[Location.FarEnd] = (TrackCircuitSection.Pins[outPinLink, Location.NearEnd].Link == nextIndex) ? TrackDirection.Ahead : TrackDirection.Reverse; } FacingPoint = (TrackCircuitSection.CircuitType == TrackCircuitType.Junction && TrackCircuitSection.Pins[direction, Location.FarEnd].Link != -1); UsedAlternativePath = -1; MovingTableApproachPath = -1; }
public void updateNode(TrackNode node) { allowedDirections = new List <string>(); allowedDirections.Add(" "); allowedDirections.Add("In"); allowedDirections.Add("Out"); allowedDirections.Add("Both"); //DirBuffer = AllowedDir.NONE; if (NameBuffer != null && NameBuffer.Length > 0 && DirBuffer != AllowedDir.NONE) { Configured = true; } else { Configured = false; } typeItem = (int)TypeItem.BUFFER_ITEM; associateNode = node; //associateNodeIdx = (int)componentItem.Index; associateSectionIdx = 0; Coord = new MSTSCoord(node); Location.X = associateNode.UiD.TileX * 2048f + associateNode.UiD.X; Location.Y = associateNode.UiD.TileZ * 2048f + associateNode.UiD.Z; node.Reduced = true; }
/// <summary> /// Determine the trackItems and their location in the given tracknode. /// </summary> /// <param name="tn">The tracknode in which to search for track items</param> /// <returns>The list/set of track itemss together with their position information</returns> public IEnumerable <ChartableTrackItem> GetItemsInTracknode(TrackNode tn) { if (cachedItems.ContainsKey(tn)) { return(cachedItems[tn]); } List <ChartableTrackItem> tracknodeItems = new List <ChartableTrackItem>(); TrackVectorNode vectorNode = tn as TrackVectorNode; if (vectorNode?.TrackItemIndices == null) { return(tracknodeItems); } foreach (int trackItemIndex in vectorNode.TrackItemIndices) { TrackItem trItem = trackDB.TrackItems[trackItemIndex]; if (trItem is PlatformItem || trItem is SpeedPostItem) { var travellerAtItem = new Traveller(tsectionDat, trackDB.TrackNodes, vectorNode, trItem.Location, Traveller.TravellerDirection.Forward); if (travellerAtItem != null) { tracknodeItems.Add(new ChartableTrackItem(trItem, travellerAtItem)); } } } tracknodeItems.Sort(new AlongTrackComparer()); cachedItems[tn] = tracknodeItems; return(tracknodeItems); }
private StepChain GetStepChains(TrackNode startNode, List <TrackNode> connections) { var steps = new StepChain(); var i = 0; if (startNode == null) { startNode = connections[i]; i += 1; } steps.Add(startNode.Position); for (; i < connections.Count; i++) { var endNode = connections[i]; steps.AddRange(GetSteps(startNode, endNode)); if (endNode.Connections.Count > 0) { steps.ChildChains.Add(GetStepChains(endNode, endNode.Connections)); } startNode = endNode; } return(steps); }
public virtual void Update() { if (CurrentNode.Next == null || CurrentNode.Prev == null) { return; } float elapsedSeconds = Engine.Instance.FrameTime; Direction = Vector3.TransformNormal(Direction, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Up, _rotationChange)); Position += Speed * Direction * Engine.Instance.FrameTime * 2.5f; UpdateSteering(); UpdateTrackNode(); if (CurrentNode.Next == null || CurrentNode.Prev == null) { return; } TrackNode node = null, nextNode = null; if (Distance2d(Position, CurrentNode.Next.Position) < Distance2d(Position, CurrentNode.Prev.Position)) { node = CurrentNode; nextNode = CurrentNode.Next; } else { node = CurrentNode.Prev; nextNode = CurrentNode; } FollowTrackOrientation(node, nextNode); ApplyGravity(); }
//================================================================================================// /// <summary> /// check if linked route is set /// </summary> public int VerifyRouteSet() { // call route_set routine from main signal if (TrackJunctionNode > 0) { return(MainSignal.CheckRouteSet(JunctionMainNode, TrackJunctionNode) ? 1 : 0); } //added by JTang else if (MultiPlayerManager.IsMultiPlayer()) { TrackNode node = Simulator.Instance.TrackDatabase.TrackDB.TrackNodes[MainSignal.TrackNode]; if (!(node is TrackJunctionNode) && node.TrackPins != null && (int)MainSignal.TrackCircuitDirection < node.TrackPins.Length) { node = Simulator.Instance.TrackDatabase.TrackDB.TrackNodes[node.TrackPins[(int)MainSignal.TrackCircuitDirection].Link]; if (!(node is TrackJunctionNode junctionNode)) { return(0); } for (int pin = junctionNode.InPins; pin < junctionNode.InPins + junctionNode.OutPins; pin++) { if (junctionNode.TrackPins[pin].Link == MainSignal.TrackNode && pin - junctionNode.InPins != junctionNode.SelectedRoute) { return(0); } } } } return(1); }
/// <summary> /// Draw (possibly part of) the track of a MSTS vectorNode (from track database) /// </summary> /// <param name="drawArea">Area to draw upon</param> /// <param name="tn">The tracknode from track database (assumed to be a vector node)</param> /// <param name="colors">Colorscheme to use</param> /// <param name="tvsiStart">Index of first track vector section to draw (at least partially)</param> /// <param name="tvsiStop">Index of last track vector section to draw (at least partially)</param> /// <param name="sectionOffsetStart">start-offset in the first track section to draw</param> /// <param name="sectionOffsetStop">stop-offset in the last track section to draw</param> /// <remarks>Very similar to DrawVectorNode in class DrawTrackDB, but this one allows to draw partial vector nodes.</remarks> private void DrawVectorNode(DrawArea drawArea, TrackNode tn, ColorScheme colors, int tvsiStart, int tvsiStop, float sectionOffsetStart, float sectionOffsetStop) { TrVectorSection tvs; if (tvsiStart == tvsiStop) { tvs = tn.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[tvsiStart]; DrawTrackSection(drawArea, tvs, colors, sectionOffsetStart, sectionOffsetStop); } else { // first section tvs = tn.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[tvsiStart]; DrawTrackSection(drawArea, tvs, colors, sectionOffsetStart, -1); // all intermediate sections for (int tvsi = tvsiStart + 1; tvsi <= tvsiStop - 1; tvsi++) { tvs = tn.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[tvsi]; DrawTrackSection(drawArea, tvs, colors, 0, -1); } // last section tvs = tn.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[tvsiStop]; DrawTrackSection(drawArea, tvs, colors, 0, sectionOffsetStop); } }
private static object LerpKeys(Track track, float t, TrackNode node1, TrackNode node2, TrackNode offset) { switch (track.ParamType) { case TrackParamType.Integer: return(LerpInteger(node1.GetValue <int>(), node2.GetValue <int>(), t, offset.GetValue <int>())); case TrackParamType.Color: return(LerpColor(node1.GetValue <Color4>(), node2.GetValue <Color4>(), t, offset.GetValue <Color4>())); case TrackParamType.Vector2: return(Vector2.Lerp(node1.GetValue <Vector2>(), node2.GetValue <Vector2>(), t) + offset.GetValue <Vector2>()); case TrackParamType.Vector3: return(Vector3.Lerp(node1.GetValue <Vector3>(), node2.GetValue <Vector3>(), t) + offset.GetValue <Vector3>()); case TrackParamType.Quaternion: return(Quaternion.Lerp(node1.GetValue <Quaternion>(), node2.GetValue <Quaternion>(), t) * offset.GetValue <Quaternion>()); default: throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Unsupported ParamType for LERP: {track.ParamType}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Determine the trackItems and their location in the given tracknode. /// </summary> /// <param name="tn">The tracknode in which to search for track items</param> /// <returns>The list/set of track itemss together with their position information</returns> public IEnumerable <ChartableTrackItem> GetItemsInTracknode(TrackNode tn) { if (cachedItems.ContainsKey(tn)) { return(cachedItems[tn]); } List <ChartableTrackItem> tracknodeItems = new List <ChartableTrackItem>(); TrVectorNode vectorNode = tn.TrVectorNode; if (vectorNode.TrItemRefs == null) { return(tracknodeItems); } foreach (int trackItemIndex in vectorNode.TrItemRefs) { TrItem trItem = trackDB.TrItemTable[trackItemIndex]; if (supportedTrackTypes.Contains(trItem.ItemType)) { var travellerAtItem = new Traveller(tsectionDat, trackDB.TrackNodes, tn, trItem.TileX, trItem.TileZ, trItem.X, trItem.Z, Traveller.TravellerDirection.Forward); if (travellerAtItem != null) { tracknodeItems.Add(new ChartableTrackItem(trItem, travellerAtItem)); } } } tracknodeItems.Sort(new AlongTrackComparer()); cachedItems[tn] = tracknodeItems; return(tracknodeItems); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor used during file parsing. /// </summary> /// <param name="stf">The STFreader containing the file stream</param> internal RoadTrackDB(STFReader stf) { stf.MustMatchBlockStart(); stf.ParseBlock(new STFReader.TokenProcessor[] { new STFReader.TokenProcessor("tracknodes", () => { stf.MustMatchBlockStart(); int count = stf.ReadInt(null); TrackNodes = new TrackNode[count + 1]; int idx = 1; stf.ParseBlock(new STFReader.TokenProcessor[] { new STFReader.TokenProcessor("tracknode", () => { TrackNodes[idx] = TrackNode.ReadTrackNode(stf, idx, count); ++idx; }), }); }), new STFReader.TokenProcessor("tritemtable", () => { stf.MustMatchBlockStart(); int count = stf.ReadInt(null); TrItemTable = new TrackItem[count]; int idx = -1; stf.ParseBlock(() => ++ idx == -1, new STFReader.TokenProcessor[] { new STFReader.TokenProcessor("levelcritem", () => { TrItemTable[idx] = new RoadLevelCrossingItem(stf, idx); }), new STFReader.TokenProcessor("emptyitem", () => { TrItemTable[idx] = new EmptyItem(stf, idx); }), new STFReader.TokenProcessor("carspawneritem", () => { TrItemTable[idx] = new RoadCarSpawner(stf, idx); }) }); }), }); }
int FindNearestNode() { TrackNodeTool trackNodeToolScript = (TrackNodeTool)target; TrackNode trackNode = trackNodeToolScript.trackNode; Vector3 result =; int ind = -1; if (trackNode != null) { Transform trackNodeToolTransform = trackNodeToolScript.GetComponent <Transform>(); float distance = float.MaxValue; for (int index = 0; index < trackNode.GetNodeCount(); index++) { float possibleDistance = Vector3.Distance(trackNodeToolTransform.position, trackNode.GetNode(index)); if (possibleDistance < distance) { distance = possibleDistance; result = trackNodeToolTransform.position; ind = index; } } } return(ind); }
/// <summary> /// Check wether this vector node is closest to the mouse location /// </summary> /// <param name="location">Location to check</param> /// <param name="mouseLocation">Current mouse location</param> /// <param name="trackNode">The trackNode that will be stored when indeed it is the closest to the mouse location</param> /// <param name="vectorSection">the vectorSection that will be stored when indeed it is closest to the mouse location</param> /// <param name="tvsi">Current index of the trackvectorsection</param> /// <param name="pixelsPerMeter"></param> public void CheckMouseDistance(WorldLocation location, WorldLocation mouseLocation, TrackNode trackNode, TrVectorSection vectorSection, int tvsi, double pixelsPerMeter) { storedMouseLocation = mouseLocation; float distanceSquared = CloseToMouse.GetGroundDistanceSquared(location, mouseLocation); // to make unique distances becasue they also act as Key double distanceSquaredIndexed = ((double)distanceSquared) * (1 + 1e-16 * trackNode.Index); if (distanceSquaredIndexed < sortedTrackCandidates.First().Key) { if (!sortedTrackCandidates.ContainsKey(distanceSquaredIndexed)) { sortedTrackCandidates.Add(distanceSquaredIndexed, new TrackCandidate(trackNode, vectorSection, tvsi, 0)); // The next one is a bit tricky. The problem is that the first culling is done based on the trackvector section location // Which is only at one side of the section. So the other end might be quiet far away. // Unfortunately, this means that we need to keep track of many candidates to make sure we can calculate the closest one // Which is costing performance. // The biggest issue is for a long track close to a region with lots junctions and hence small track segments // By making this number zoom dependent, we get good results for big zooms, and not a large // performance penalty for wide views int maxNumberOfCandidates = 50 + (int)(100 * pixelsPerMeter); while (sortedTrackCandidates.Count > maxNumberOfCandidates) { sortedTrackCandidates.RemoveAt(0); // First one has largest distance } } } }
/// <summary> /// Scan the current orRouteConfig and search for items related to the given node /// </summary> /// <param name="iNode">The current node index</param> /// <param name="orRouteConfig">The Open Rail configuration coming from Editor</param> /// <param name="trackNodes">The list of MSTS Track Nodes</param> /// <param name="tsectiondat">The list of MSTS Section datas</param> public List <TrackCircuitElement> GetORItemForNode(int iNode, TrackNode[] trackNodes, TrackSectionsFile tsectiondat) { List <TrackCircuitElement> trackCircuitElements = new List <TrackCircuitElement>(); if (AllItems.Count <= 0) { return(trackCircuitElements); } foreach (var item in AllItems) { switch (item.typeItem) { case (int)TypeItem.STATION_CONNECTOR: if (item.associateNodeIdx != iNode) { continue; } TrackNode node = trackNodes[iNode]; AETraveller travel = new AETraveller(traveller);; float position = travel.DistanceTo(item); TrackCircuitElement element = (TrackCircuitElement) new TrackCircuitElementConnector(item, position); trackCircuitElements.Add(element); break; default: break; } } return(trackCircuitElements); }
TrackNode GetTrackNode() { TrackNodeTool trackNodeToolScript = (TrackNodeTool)target; TrackNode trackNode = trackNodeToolScript.trackNode; return(trackNode); }
public static uint getShapeIdx(this TrackNode node, int direction) { uint shapeIdx = 0; if (node.TrEndNode || node.TrJunctionNode != null) { shapeIdx = 0; } else if (node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.Length > 1) { if (direction == 0) { TrVectorSection section = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.Last(); shapeIdx = section.ShapeIndex; } else { TrVectorSection section = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.First(); shapeIdx = section.ShapeIndex; } } else { shapeIdx = 0; } return(shapeIdx); }
public TrackCandidate(TrackNode node, TrVectorSection section, int tvsi, float lon) { trackNode = node; vectorSection = section; trackVectorSectionIndex = tvsi; distanceAlongSection = lon; }
public void AddSegments(TrackNode node) { List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > listTrItems = distributeTrItem(node); TrVectorSection[] items = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections; for (int idx = 0; idx < items.Length - 1; idx++) { //Program.actEditor.DisplayStatusMessage("Init data for display... Load Vector Nodes: " + node.Index + "." + idx); TrVectorSection item1 = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[idx]; TrVectorSection item2 = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[idx + 1]; AESegment aeSegment = new AESegment(item1, item2); TrackSegment lineSeg = new TrackSegment(aeSegment, node, idx, item1.Flag2, TSectionDat); var values = listTrItems.GroupBy(x => x.Key == idx); foreach (var idxTrItem in values) { if (!idxTrItem.Key) { break; } foreach (var val in idxTrItem) { var item = TDB.TrackDB.TrItemTable[val.Value]; addTrItem(lineSeg, item); } } //Program.actEditor.DisplayStatusMessage("Init data for display... Load Vector Nodes: " + node.Index + "." + idx + "."); mstsItems.AddSegment(lineSeg); //lineSeg = new TrackSegment(node, i, TSectionDat); areaRoute.manageTiles(item1.TileX, item1.TileZ); } areaRoute.manageTiles(items[items.Length - 1].TileX, items[items.Length - 1].TileZ); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider) { TrackNode trackNode = collider.GetComponent <TrackNode>(); if (trackNode) { int trackNodeIndex = trackNode.GetIndex(); // If Player moved to the next waypoint of passed lap-start position // TODO: here is small bug - if player will go back on start and then pass start - condition will be met. Seems like not-real scenario. if (lastPassedWaypoint < trackNodeIndex || (lastPassedWaypoint > trackNodeIndex && trackNodeIndex == 1)) { // if start passed if (lastPassedWaypoint > trackNodeIndex && trackNodeIndex == 1) { if (_dashNumberAvailable < INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_DASHES) { _dashNumberAvailable = INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_DASHES; } } waypointSum += WAYPOINT_VALUE; lastPassedWaypoint = trackNodeIndex; } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that immediately sets the closest item (and distance) /// </summary> /// <param name="tn">Tracknode that will be stored as closest item</param> /// <param name="tsectionDat">The track section Dat file that we can use to calculate the distance to the track</param> public CloseToMouseTrack(TrackSectionsFile tsectionDat, TrackNode tn) { this.tsectionDat = tsectionDat; sortedTrackCandidates = new SortedList<double, TrackCandidate>(new ReverseDoubleComparer()); sortedTrackCandidates.Add(0, new TrackCandidate(tn, null, 0, 0)); realDistancesAreCalculated = true; // we do not want to calculate distance if we override the highlight }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor used during file parsing. /// </summary> /// <param name="stf">The STFreader containing the file stream</param> public TrackDB(STFReader stf) { stf.MustMatchBlockStart(); stf.ParseBlock(new STFReader.TokenProcessor[] { new STFReader.TokenProcessor("tracknodes", () => { stf.MustMatchBlockStart(); int numberOfTrackNodes = stf.ReadInt(null); TrackNodes = new TrackNode[numberOfTrackNodes + 1]; int idx = 1; stf.ParseBlock(new STFReader.TokenProcessor[] { new STFReader.TokenProcessor("tracknode", () => { TrackNodes[idx] = TrackNode.ReadTrackNode(stf, idx, numberOfTrackNodes); if (TrackNodes[idx] is TrackJunctionNode junctionNode) { string key = $"{junctionNode.UiD.WorldId}-{junctionNode.UiD.Location.TileX}-{junctionNode.UiD.Location.TileZ}"; if (!junctionNodes.ContainsKey(key)) { junctionNodes.Add(key, junctionNode); } // only need any (first) junction node with that key here to relate back to ShapeIndex } ++idx; }), }); }),
/// <summary> /// Try to find the index of the vector node connecting this path node to the (given) nextNode. /// </summary> /// <returns>The index of the vector node connection, or -1</returns> public override int FindTvnIndex(TrainpathNode nextNode) { TrainpathVectorNode nextAsVectorNode = nextNode as TrainpathVectorNode; if (nextAsVectorNode != null) { // from junction to vector node. if (this.ConnectsToTrack(nextAsVectorNode.TvnIndex)) { return(nextAsVectorNode.TvnIndex); } else { //node is perhaps not broken, but connecting track is return(-1); } } //both this node and the next node are junctions: find the vector node connecting them. //Probably this can be faster, by just finding the TrPins from this and next junction and find the common one. int nextJunctionIndex = (nextNode as TrainpathJunctionNode).JunctionIndex; for (int i = 0; i < TrackDB.TrackNodes.Count(); i++) { TrackNode tn = TrackDB.TrackNodes[i]; if (tn == null || tn.TrVectorNode == null) { continue; } if ((tn.JunctionIndexAtStart() == this.JunctionIndex && tn.JunctionIndexAtEnd() == nextJunctionIndex) || (tn.JunctionIndexAtEnd() == this.JunctionIndex && tn.JunctionIndexAtStart() == nextJunctionIndex)) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
public MSTSCoord(TrackNode node) { TileX = node.UiD.TileX; TileY = node.UiD.TileZ; X = node.UiD.X; Y = node.UiD.Z; Reduced = node.Reduced; }
/// <summary> /// From the current pathnode and the linking tracknode, fin the junctionIndex of the next junction (or possibly end-point) /// </summary> /// <param name="linkingTrackNodeIndex">The index of the tracknode leaving the node</param> /// <returns>The index of the junction index at the end of the track (as seen from the node)</returns> public override int GetNextJunctionIndex(int linkingTrackNodeIndex) { TrackNode linkingTrackNode = TrackDB.TrackNodes[linkingTrackNodeIndex]; return(ForwardOriented ? linkingTrackNode.JunctionIndexAtEnd() : linkingTrackNode.JunctionIndexAtStart()); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="signal"></param> public AEBufferItem(TrackNode item) { typeWidget = (int)TypeWidget.BUFFER_WIDGET;; Item = item; Location.X = Item.UiD.TileX * 2048f + Item.UiD.X; Location.Y = Item.UiD.TileZ * 2048f + Item.UiD.Z; }
public static uint getWorldFileUiD(this TrackNode node) { if (node.getVectorSection() != null) { return(node.getVectorSection().WorldFileUiD); } return(0); }
public MSTSBase(TrackDatabaseFile TDB) { double minTileX = double.PositiveInfinity; double minTileY = double.PositiveInfinity; TrackNode[] nodes = TDB.TrackDB.TrackNodes; for (int nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < nodes.Length; nodeIdx++) { if (nodes[nodeIdx] == null) { continue; } TrackNode currNode = nodes[nodeIdx]; if (currNode.TrVectorNode != null && currNode.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections != null) { if (currNode.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.Length > 1) { foreach (TrPin pin in currNode.TrPins) { if (minTileX > nodes[pin.Link].UiD.TileX) { minTileX = nodes[pin.Link].UiD.TileX; } if (minTileY > nodes[pin.Link].UiD.TileZ) { minTileY = nodes[pin.Link].UiD.TileZ; } } } else { TrVectorSection s; s = currNode.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[0]; if (minTileX > s.TileX) { minTileX = s.TileX; } if (minTileY > s.TileZ) { minTileY = s.TileZ; } } } else if (currNode.TrJunctionNode != null) { if (minTileX > currNode.UiD.TileX) { minTileX = currNode.UiD.TileX; } if (minTileY > currNode.UiD.TileZ) { minTileY = currNode.UiD.TileZ; } } } TileX = minTileX; TileY = minTileY; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sideItem"></param> /// <param name="signal"></param> public AEJunctionItem(TrackNode item) { typeItem = (int)TypeItem.SWITCH_ITEM; associateNode = item; associateNodeIdx = item.TrJunctionNode.Idx; associateSectionIdx = 0; Location.X = associateNode.UiD.TileX * 2048f + associateNode.UiD.X; Location.Y = associateNode.UiD.TileZ * 2048f + associateNode.UiD.Z; }
private double zoom; // zoom factor /// <summary> /// Create a new, empty track. /// </summary> public Track() { InitializeComponent(); DoubleBuffered = true; this.baseFontSize = this.label.Font.SizeInPoints; Selection = null; Zoom = 1.0; this.node = null; }