Exemple #1
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void ReadWithTracing()
            string fileName = "testReadTraceHooks.dat";

            long       startTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            TraceScope ts        = Trace.StartSpan("testReadTraceHooks", Sampler.Always);

            long endTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();

            string[] expectedSpanNames = new string[] { "testReadTraceHooks", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.getBlockLocations"
                                                        , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#getBlockLocations", "OpReadBlockProto" };
            // The trace should last about the same amount of time as the test
            IDictionary <string, IList <Span> > map = TestTracing.SetSpanReceiver.SetHolder.GetMap
            Span s = map["testReadTraceHooks"][0];

            long spanStart = s.GetStartTimeMillis();
            long spanEnd   = s.GetStopTimeMillis();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(spanStart - startTime < 100);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(spanEnd - endTime < 100);
            // There should only be one trace id as it should all be homed in the
            // top trace.
            foreach (Span span in TestTracing.SetSpanReceiver.SetHolder.spans.Values)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ts.GetSpan().GetTraceId(), span.GetTraceId());
Exemple #2
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void WriteWithTracing()
            long       startTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            TraceScope ts        = Trace.StartSpan("testWriteTraceHooks", Sampler.Always);

            long endTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();

            string[] expectedSpanNames = new string[] { "testWriteTraceHooks", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.create"
                                                        , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#create", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.fsync"
                                                        , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#fsync", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.complete"
                                                        , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#complete", "newStreamForCreate", "DFSOutputStream#writeChunk"
                                                        , "DFSOutputStream#close", "dataStreamer", "OpWriteBlockProto", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.addBlock"
                                                        , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#addBlock" };
            // The trace should last about the same amount of time as the test
            IDictionary <string, IList <Span> > map = TestTracing.SetSpanReceiver.SetHolder.GetMap
            Span s = map["testWriteTraceHooks"][0];

            long spanStart = s.GetStartTimeMillis();
            long spanEnd   = s.GetStopTimeMillis();

            // Spans homed in the top trace shoud have same trace id.
            // Spans having multiple parents (e.g. "dataStreamer" added by HDFS-7054)
            // and children of them are exception.
            string[] spansInTopTrace = new string[] { "testWriteTraceHooks", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.create"
                                                      , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#create", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.fsync"
                                                      , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#fsync", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol.complete"
                                                      , "ClientNamenodeProtocol#complete", "newStreamForCreate", "DFSOutputStream#writeChunk"
                                                      , "DFSOutputStream#close" };
            foreach (string desc in spansInTopTrace)
                foreach (Span span in map[desc])
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ts.GetSpan().GetTraceId(), span.GetTraceId());
Exemple #3
            /// <summary>This is the client side invoker of RPC method.</summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// This is the client side invoker of RPC method. It only throws
            /// ServiceException, since the invocation proxy expects only
            /// ServiceException to be thrown by the method in case protobuf service.
            /// ServiceException has the following causes:
            /// <ol>
            /// <li>Exceptions encountered on the client side in this method are
            /// set as cause in ServiceException as is.</li>
            /// <li>Exceptions from the server are wrapped in RemoteException and are
            /// set as cause in ServiceException</li>
            /// </ol>
            /// Note that the client calling protobuf RPC methods, must handle
            /// ServiceException by getting the cause from the ServiceException. If the
            /// cause is RemoteException, then unwrap it to get the exception thrown by
            /// the server.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <exception cref="Com.Google.Protobuf.ServiceException"/>
            public virtual object Invoke(object proxy, MethodInfo method, object[] args)
                long startTime = 0;

                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                    startTime = Time.Now();
                if (args.Length != 2)
                    // RpcController + Message
                    throw new ServiceException("Too many parameters for request. Method: [" + method.
                                               Name + "]" + ", Expected: 2, Actual: " + args.Length);
                if (args[1] == null)
                    throw new ServiceException("null param while calling Method: [" + method.Name + "]"
                TraceScope traceScope = null;

                // if Tracing is on then start a new span for this rpc.
                // guard it in the if statement to make sure there isn't
                // any extra string manipulation.
                if (Trace.IsTracing())
                    traceScope = Trace.StartSpan(RpcClientUtil.MethodToTraceString(method));
                ProtobufRpcEngineProtos.RequestHeaderProto rpcRequestHeader = ConstructRpcRequestHeader
                if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                    Log.Trace(Thread.CurrentThread().GetId() + ": Call -> " + remoteId + ": "
                              + method.Name + " {" + TextFormat.ShortDebugString((Message)args[1]) + "}");
                Message theRequest = (Message)args[1];

                ProtobufRpcEngine.RpcResponseWrapper val;
                    val = (ProtobufRpcEngine.RpcResponseWrapper)client.Call(RPC.RpcKind.RpcProtocolBuffer
                                                                            , new ProtobufRpcEngine.RpcRequestWrapper(rpcRequestHeader, theRequest), remoteId
                                                                            , fallbackToSimpleAuth);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        Log.Trace(Thread.CurrentThread().GetId() + ": Exception <- " + remoteId +
                                  ": " + method.Name + " {" + e + "}");
                    if (Trace.IsTracing())
                        traceScope.GetSpan().AddTimelineAnnotation("Call got exception: " + e.Message);
                    throw new ServiceException(e);
                    if (traceScope != null)
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                    long callTime = Time.Now() - startTime;
                    Log.Debug("Call: " + method.Name + " took " + callTime + "ms");
                Message prototype = null;

                    prototype = GetReturnProtoType(method);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ServiceException(e);
                Message returnMessage;

                    returnMessage = prototype.NewBuilderForType().MergeFrom(val.theResponseRead).Build
                    if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        Log.Trace(Thread.CurrentThread().GetId() + ": Response <- " + remoteId +
                                  ": " + method.Name + " {" + TextFormat.ShortDebugString(returnMessage) + "}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ServiceException(e);