public static IEnumerable SummarizeTpfFile(SqlInt32 fileId)
     Byte[] bytes = GetFileContents("CollarParameterFiles", fileId, 'A');
     var tpf = new TpfFile(bytes);
     var resultCollection = new ArrayList();
     foreach (var tpfCollar in tpf.GetCollars())
         resultCollection.Add(new Row(fileId, tpfCollar));
     return resultCollection;
        public void CreateFetexFromDDSs(string fetexExportedFolderPath)
            string[]  ddsPaths = Directory.GetFiles(fetexExportedFolderPath, "*.dds", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            TpfFile[] tpfArray = new TpfFile[ddsPaths.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ddsPaths.Length; i++)
                TpfFile tpf     = new TpfFile();
                string  ddsPath = ddsPaths[i].Substring(0, ddsPaths[i].LastIndexOf("\\"));
                string  tpfPath = ddsPath + ".tpf";
                tpf.Create(ddsPath, tpfPath);
                tpf.fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ddsPath) + ".tpf";
                tpfArray[i]  = tpf;

            string fetexPath = fetexExportedFolderPath + ".fetexbnd";

            fileCount = (uint)tpfArray.Length;
            MemoryStream bnddata = new MemoryStream();

            byte[] orjFetex = File.ReadAllBytes(fetexPath);
            bnddata.Write(orjFetex, 0, 2048);
            using (BinaryWriter binwr = new BinaryWriter(bnddata, Encoding.ASCII))
                //no changes on fist 64 byte header, skipping
                binwr.BaseStream.Position = 64;

                int headerPos   = (int)binwr.BaseStream.Position;
                int nameOffsets = (int)binwr.BaseStream.Position + 36 * (int)fileCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
                    binwr.Write(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF });
                    binwr.Write((int)0);            //fileoffset, for now 0, coming later
                    binwr.BaseStream.Position += 4; //skip id
                    binwr.Write((int)nameOffsets);  //nameoffset
                    nameOffsets += Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(tpfArray[i].fileName) + 1;

                binwr.BaseStream.Position = 2048;
                headerPos += 24;//fileOffset
                for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
                    uint tempOffset = (uint)binwr.BaseStream.Position;
                    binwr.BaseStream.Position = headerPos + i * 36;
                    binwr.BaseStream.Position = tempOffset + tpfArray[i].data.Length;

            bndByteData = bnddata.ToArray();
            filePath    = fetexExportedFolderPath + ".fetexbnd";
            //File.WriteAllBytes(fetexExportedFolderPath+".MINECAMP", bnddata.ToArray());
Exemple #3
        public static IEnumerable SummarizeTpfFile(SqlInt32 fileId)
            Byte[] bytes            = GetFileContents("CollarParameterFiles", fileId, 'A');
            var    tpf              = new TpfFile(bytes);
            var    resultCollection = new ArrayList();

            foreach (var tpfCollar in tpf.GetCollars())
                resultCollection.Add(new Row(fileId, tpfCollar));
Exemple #4
 private static void UnpackTpfFile(Options options)
     using (FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(options.InputPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
         TpfFile tpfFile = TpfFile.OpenTpfFile(inputStream);
         foreach (var entry in tpfFile.Entries)
             string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(options.OutputPath, entry.FileName);
             File.WriteAllBytes(outputFilePath, entry.Data);
        private void CreateParameters(ProjectInvestigator owner, CollarParameterFile paramFile)
            var tpfFile = new TpfFile(_fileContents);

            foreach (TpfCollar tpfCollar in tpfFile.GetCollars())
                if (IgnoreSuffixCheckBox.Checked && tpfCollar.Ctn.Length > 6)
                    tpfCollar.Ctn = tpfCollar.Ctn.Substring(0, 6);
                //Does this collar exist?
                var collar = Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == "Telonics" &&
                                                             c.CollarId == tpfCollar.Ctn);
                if (collar == null && !CreateCollarsCheckBox.Checked)
                if (collar == null)
                    collar = CreateTpfCollar(owner, tpfCollar.Ctn, tpfCollar.Frequency);
                    if (collar == null)
                //Does this Argos platform exist?
                var fileHasArgos = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tpfCollar.PlatformId) && tpfCollar.Platform == "Argos" &&
                                   !tpfCollar.PlatformId.Trim().Normalize().Equals("?", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (fileHasArgos)
                    var platform = Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == tpfCollar.PlatformId && tpfCollar.Platform == "Argos");
                    if (platform == null && CreateCollarsCheckBox.Checked)
                        platform = CreatePlatform(tpfCollar.PlatformId);
                    if (platform != null)
                        //If not paired, then try to parit the collar and platform.  If it fails, or the the dates are wrong, they can correct that later
                        if (!Database.ArgosDeployments.Any(d => d.Collar == collar && d.ArgosPlatform == platform))
                            CreateDeployment(collar, platform, tpfCollar.TimeStamp);
                CreateParameter(collar, paramFile, tpfCollar.TimeStamp);
Exemple #6
        public void CreateFontFromFiles(string fontExportedFolderPath)
            string  ccmXmlPath = Path.Combine(fontExportedFolderPath, Path.GetFileName(fontExportedFolderPath + ".ccm.xml"));
            string  ccmPath    = Path.Combine(fontExportedFolderPath, Path.GetFileName(fontExportedFolderPath + ".ccm"));
            CcmFile ccmFile;

            if (File.Exists(ccmXmlPath))
                ccmFile = new CcmFile();
                ccmFile.CreateCcm(ccmPath, ccmXmlPath);
                ccmFile = new CcmFile(ccmPath);

            string[]  ddsPaths = Directory.GetFiles(fontExportedFolderPath, "*.dds", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            TpfFile[] tpfArray = new TpfFile[ddsPaths.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < ddsPaths.Length; i++)
                TpfFile tpf     = new TpfFile();
                string  ddsPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ddsPaths[i]);
                string  tpfPath = ddsPath + ".tpf";
                tpf.Create(ddsPath, tpfPath);
                tpf.fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ddsPath) + ".tpf";
                tpfArray[i]  = tpf;

            List <BndEntry> bndEntries = new List <BndEntry>();


            string orjBndPath = fontExportedFolderPath + ".fontbnd";

            fileCount = (uint)bndEntries.Count;
            MemoryStream newBndData      = new MemoryStream();
            int          firstFileOffset = 0;

            using (BinaryReader binred = new BinaryReader(File.Open(orjBndPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))
            {   //Copy orginal bnd file's first 1024 byte //why 1024?: first file starts at 1024
                binred.BaseStream.Position = 88;
                firstFileOffset            = binred.ReadInt32();
                binred.BaseStream.Position = 0;
                newBndData.Write(binred.ReadBytes(firstFileOffset), 0, firstFileOffset);

            using (BinaryWriter binwr = new BinaryWriter(newBndData, Encoding.ASCII))
                //no changes on first 64 byte header, skipping
                binwr.BaseStream.Position = 64;

                int headerPos   = (int)binwr.BaseStream.Position;
                int nameOffsets = (int)binwr.BaseStream.Position + 36 * (int)fileCount;

                for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
                    binwr.Write(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF });
                    binwr.Write((int)0);            //fileoffset, for now 0, coming later
                    binwr.BaseStream.Position += 4; //skip id
                    binwr.Write((int)nameOffsets);  //nameoffset
                    nameOffsets += Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(bndEntries[i].fileName) + 1;

                binwr.BaseStream.Position = firstFileOffset;
                headerPos += 24;//fileOffset
                for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
                    uint tempOffset = (uint)binwr.BaseStream.Position;
                    binwr.BaseStream.Position = headerPos + i * 36;
                    binwr.BaseStream.Position = tempOffset + bndEntries[i].data.Length;

            bndByteData = newBndData.ToArray();
            filePath    = fontExportedFolderPath + ".fontbnd";
            //File.WriteAllBytes(filePath+".MINECAMP", bndByteData.ToArray());