private bool TotemSelect(int indexTotem, TotemId spellId)
            string sLua;

            _totemBar[indexTotem] = spellId;
            // Shaman.Dlog("Totem Bar:  called with #{0} to '{1}'", indexTotem, sSpell);

            if (!SpellManager.HasSpell("Call of the Elements"))

            if (spellId == 0)
                Shaman.Dlog("Totem Bar:  removing slot #{0}", indexTotem);
                sLua = String.Format("SetMultiCastSpell({0})", 132 + indexTotem);

            if (!HasTotemSpell(spellId))
                Shaman.Dlog("Totem Bar:  cannot set slot #{0} to unknown spell id '{1}'", indexTotem, spellId);

            sLua = String.Format("SetMultiCastSpell({0}, {1})", 132 + indexTotem, (int)spellId);

        private bool TotemCast(TotemId idTotem)
            int  indexTotem = _dictTotemSlot[idTotem];
            bool setTotem   = Shaman.Safe_CastSpell(null, (int)idTotem, Shaman.SpellRange.NoCheck, Shaman.SpellWait.NoWait);

        private static bool TotemExist(TotemId totemId)
            int indexTotem = _dictTotemSlot[totemId];

                return(_totem[indexTotem] != null && totemId == (TotemId)_totem[indexTotem].CreatedBySpellId);
            catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException)
                _totem[indexTotem] = null;
            catch (Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException)
                _totem[indexTotem] = null;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                _totem[indexTotem] = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// SetTotemsAsNeeded() - manages casting totems as called for by environment and
        /// user configuration values. This code uses:
        /// as a guideline for totem usage while leveling.
        /// </summary>
        private bool SetTotemsAsNeeded()
            bool castTotem = false;

                if (!_me.Fleeing && (Shaman.cfg.FarmingLowLevel || _me.IsMoving))

                // limit how frequently we check totems.  needs to be often,
                // .. but not each loop.
                // ..
                if (_TotemCheckTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1500)
                    // if this isn't first time here since reset, then wait for 2 seconds
                    if (!_me.Fleeing && _TotemCheckTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 0 && TotemsWereSet())

                    // otherwise, only 0 if first check after last .Reset
                    //  ..  so continue processing

                if (TotemsWereSet() && _ptTotems.Distance(_me.Location) > Shaman.cfg.DistanceForTotemRecall)
                    Shaman.Dlog("Recalling Totems that were set {0:F1} yds away at point {1}", _ptTotems.Distance(_me.Location), _ptTotems.ToString());


                // if you make it past the following gate, only limited tests are needed for each totem
                if (IsPVP() || Shaman.IsRAF())
                else if (Shaman.IsFightStressful() || !Shaman.cfg.PVE_SaveForStress_TotemsSelected)
                    Shaman.Dlog("not setting totems until a stressful situation");

                // check which totems exist
                bool bAnyTotemsUp = TotemExist(TOTEM_EARTH) ||
                                    TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE) ||
                                    TotemExist(TOTEM_WATER) ||

                Shaman.Dlog("SetTotemsAsNeeded:  earth: " + BoolToYN(TotemExist(TOTEM_EARTH)) + "  fire: " + BoolToYN(TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE)) + "  water: " + BoolToYN(TotemExist(TOTEM_WATER)) + "  air: " + BoolToYN(TotemExist(TOTEM_AIR)));

                _WereTotemsSet = bAnyTotemsUp;  // _WereTotemsSet || removed because only matters if they exist

                // Quick scan for mobs that cast fear (only in RAF)
                Shaman.foundMobsThatFear = _me.Fleeing;
                if (Shaman.foundMobsThatFear)
                    Shaman.Slog("Tremor Totem:  detected fear mob");

                // Totem Bar Set
                // -- add handling for changing totem bar setup temporarily if needed for tremor totem
                const string totemBar = "Call of the Elements";
                if (!bAnyTotemsUp && SpellManager.HasSpell(totemBar))
                    TotemId saveEarthTotemSetup = TotemId.TREMOR_TOTEM;

                    // if mobs that fear are found and tremor not in bar setup already, add temporarily just for cast
                    if (Shaman.foundMobsThatFear && _totemBar[TOTEM_EARTH] != TotemId.TREMOR_TOTEM)
                        saveEarthTotemSetup = _totemBar[TOTEM_EARTH];
                        TotemSelect(TOTEM_EARTH, TotemId.TREMOR_TOTEM);

                    if (Shaman.Safe_CastSpell(totemBar, Shaman.SpellRange.NoCheck, Shaman.SpellWait.Complete))
                        castTotem      = true;
                        _WereTotemsSet = true;
                        _ptTotems      = _me.Location;

                        if (IsRAF())
                            Dlog("SetTotemsAsNeeded: set totems at <{0}> {1:F1} yds from Leader", _ptTotems.ToString(), GroupTank.Distance);
                            Dlog("SetTotemsAsNeeded: set totems at <{0}>", _ptTotems.ToString());

                    // if we changed the earth totem on bar, restore back to configured value
                    if (saveEarthTotemSetup != TotemId.TREMOR_TOTEM)
                        TotemSelect(TOTEM_EARTH, saveEarthTotemSetup);
                    // Earth Totems First
                    if (foundMobsThatFear && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.TREMOR_TOTEM) && TotemId.TREMOR_TOTEM != (TotemId)_totem[TOTEM_EARTH].CreatedBySpellId)
                        castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.TREMOR_TOTEM);
                    else if (0 != _totemBar[TOTEM_EARTH])
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_EARTH) && HasTotemSpell(_totemBar[TOTEM_EARTH]))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(_totemBar[TOTEM_EARTH]);

                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_EARTH) && Shaman.typeShaman == Shaman.ShamanType.Enhance && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.STRENGTH_OF_EARTH_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.STRENGTH_OF_EARTH_TOTEM);

                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_EARTH) && Shaman.typeShaman != Shaman.ShamanType.Enhance && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.STONESKIN_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.STONESKIN_TOTEM);

                    // Fire Totems
                    if (_countMeleeEnemy >= 3 && !IsHealerOnly())
                        if (!_me.GotTarget || !IsImmunneToFire(_me.CurrentTarget))
                            if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE) || (!TotemExist(TotemId.MAGMA_TOTEM) && !TotemExist(TotemId.FIRE_ELEMENTAL_TOTEM)))
                                if (HasTotemSpell(TotemId.MAGMA_TOTEM))
                                    castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.MAGMA_TOTEM);
                                else if (_countMeleeEnemy >= 4 && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.FLAMETONGUE_TOTEM) && !TotemExist(TotemId.FLAMETONGUE_TOTEM))
                                    Dlog("SetTotemsAsNeeded: 4 or more mobs and Magma not trained, using Flametongue to allow Fire Nova");
                                    castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.FLAMETONGUE_TOTEM);

                    if (0 != _totemBar[TOTEM_FIRE] && !TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE))
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE) && HasTotemSpell(_totemBar[TOTEM_FIRE]))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(_totemBar[TOTEM_FIRE]);
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE) && Shaman.typeShaman != Shaman.ShamanType.Resto && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.SEARING_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.SEARING_TOTEM);
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE) && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.FLAMETONGUE_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.FLAMETONGUE_TOTEM);

                    // Water Totems
                    if (0 != _totemBar[TOTEM_WATER])
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_WATER) && HasTotemSpell(_totemBar[TOTEM_WATER]))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(_totemBar[TOTEM_WATER]);

                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_WATER) && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.MANA_SPRING_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.MANA_SPRING_TOTEM);

                    // Air Totems
                    if (0 != _totemBar[TOTEM_AIR])
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_AIR) && HasTotemSpell(_totemBar[TOTEM_WATER]))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(_totemBar[TOTEM_AIR]);
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_AIR) && Shaman.typeShaman == Shaman.ShamanType.Resto && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.GROUNDING_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.GROUNDING_TOTEM);
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_AIR) && Shaman.typeShaman == Shaman.ShamanType.Enhance && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.WINDFURY_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.WINDFURY_TOTEM);
                        if (!TotemExist(TOTEM_AIR) && Shaman.typeShaman == Shaman.ShamanType.Elemental && HasTotemSpell(TotemId.WRATH_OF_AIR_TOTEM))
                            castTotem = castTotem || TotemCast(TotemId.WRATH_OF_AIR_TOTEM);

                    _WereTotemsSet = _WereTotemsSet || TotemExist(TOTEM_EARTH) || TotemExist(TOTEM_FIRE) || TotemExist(TOTEM_WATER) || TotemExist(TOTEM_AIR);

                    if (!bAnyTotemsUp && _WereTotemsSet)
                        _ptTotems = _me.Location;
            catch (ThreadAbortException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception e)
                Log(Color.Red, "An Exception occured. Check debug log for details.");
                Logging.WriteDebug("HB EXCEPTION in SetTotemsAsNeeded()");

            // would like to remove this code, but seeing duplicate totem sets
            if (castTotem)

 public bool HasTotemSpell(TotemId t)
        private bool TotemSelect(int indexTotem, TotemId spellId)
            string sLua;

            _totemBar[indexTotem] = spellId;
            // Shaman.Dlog("Totem Bar:  called with #{0} to '{1}'", indexTotem, sSpell);

            if (!SpellManager.HasSpell("Call of the Elements"))
                return false;

            if (spellId == 0)
                Shaman.Dlog("Totem Bar:  removing slot #{0}", indexTotem);
                sLua = String.Format("SetMultiCastSpell({0})", 132 + indexTotem);
                return true;

            if (!HasTotemSpell(spellId))
                Shaman.Dlog("Totem Bar:  cannot set slot #{0} to unknown spell id '{1}'", indexTotem, spellId);
                return false;

            sLua = String.Format("SetMultiCastSpell({0}, {1})", 132 + indexTotem, (int) spellId);

            return true;
 private bool TotemCast(TotemId idTotem)
     int indexTotem = _dictTotemSlot[idTotem];
     bool setTotem = Shaman.Safe_CastSpell(null, (int)idTotem, Shaman.SpellRange.NoCheck, Shaman.SpellWait.NoWait );
     return setTotem;
 public bool HasTotemSpell(TotemId t)
     return SpellManager.HasSpell((int) t);
        private static bool TotemExist(TotemId totemId)
            int indexTotem = _dictTotemSlot[totemId];
                return _totem[indexTotem] != null && totemId == (TotemId)_totem[indexTotem].CreatedBySpellId;
            catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException)
                _totem[indexTotem] = null;
            catch (Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException)
                _totem[indexTotem] = null;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                _totem[indexTotem] = null;

            return false;