Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A list of TopicChanges to a topic since a given date [sorted by date]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topic">A given date</param>
        /// <param name="stamp">A non-null timestamp; changes before this time won't be included in the answer </param>
        /// <param name="rule">A composite cache rule to fill with rules that represented accumulated dependencies (or null)</param>
        /// <returns>Enumeration of TopicChanges</returns>
        public override TopicChangeCollection AllChangesForTopicSince(UnqualifiedTopicName topic, DateTime stamp)
            TopicChangeCollection answer = new TopicChangeCollection();
            SqlInfoForTopic[] infos = _sqlHelper.GetSqlTopicInfosForTopicSince(Namespace, topic.LocalName, stamp);
            ArrayList sortable = new ArrayList();
            foreach (SqlInfoForTopic each in infos)
                sortable.Add(new SqlInfoTopicData(each, Namespace));
            sortable.Sort(new TimeSort());

            foreach (TopicData each in sortable)
                if (each.LastModificationTime < stamp)
                QualifiedTopicRevision name = new QualifiedTopicRevision(topic.LocalName, Namespace);
                name.Version = each.Version;
                TopicChange change = TopicChangeFromName(name);
            return answer;
Exemple #2
        // Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// A list of TopicChanges to a topic since a given date [sorted by date]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stamp">Specifies that we are only interested in changes after this date.</param>
        /// <param name="stamp">A non-null timestamp; changes before this time won't be included in the answer </param>
        /// <returns>Enumeration of TopicChanges</returns>
        /// <remarks>Returns a collection with zero elements in it when the topic name does not exist, or has been deleted, 
        /// or if the calling user does not have the <see cref="Permission.Read"/> permission.</remarks>
        public override TopicChangeCollection AllChangesForTopicSince(UnqualifiedTopicName topic, DateTime stamp)
            TopicChangeCollection answer = new TopicChangeCollection();

            FileInfo[] infos = FileInfosForTopic(topic.LocalName);
            ArrayList sortable = new ArrayList();
            foreach (FileInfo each in infos)
                sortable.Add(new FileInfoTopicData(each, Namespace));
            sortable.Sort(new TimeSort());

            foreach (TopicData each in sortable)
                if (each.LastModificationTime < stamp)
                QualifiedTopicRevision name = new QualifiedTopicRevision(topic.ResolveRelativeTo(Namespace));
                name.Version = each.Version;
                TopicChange change = TopicChangeFromName(name);
            return answer;
        // Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// A list of TopicChanges to a topic since a given date [sorted by date]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stamp">Specifies that we are only interested in changes after this date.</param>
        /// <param name="stamp">A non-null timestamp; changes before this time won't be included in the answer </param>
        /// <returns>Enumeration of TopicChanges</returns>
        /// <remarks>Returns a collection with zero elements in it when the topic name does not exist, or has been deleted, 
        /// or if the calling user does not have the <see cref="Permission.Read"/> permission.</remarks>
        public override TopicChangeCollection AllChangesForTopicSince(UnqualifiedTopicName topic, DateTime stamp)
            TopicChangeCollection answer = new TopicChangeCollection();

            FileInformationCollection infos = FileInfosForTopic(topic.LocalName);
            ArrayList sortable = new ArrayList();
            foreach (IFileInformation each in infos)
                sortable.Add(new FileInfoTopicData(each, Namespace));
            sortable.Sort(new TimeSort());

            foreach (TopicData each in sortable)
                if (each.LastModificationTime < stamp)
                QualifiedTopicRevision name = new QualifiedTopicRevision(topic.ResolveRelativeTo(Namespace));
                name.Version = each.Version;

                // Version might be null if we grabbed the .wiki file instead of a .awiki file
                if (each.Version == null)
                    answer.Add(new TopicChange(name, each.LastModificationTime, ""));
                    TopicChange change = TopicChangeFromName(name);
            return answer;
Exemple #4
        public override TopicChangeCollection AllChangesForTopicSince(UnqualifiedTopicName topicName, DateTime stamp)
            MockTopic topic = GetTopic(topicName, ExistencePolicy.ExistingOnly);

            // If the topicName does not exist, return a null list
            if (topic == null)
                return null;

            TopicChangeCollection changes = new TopicChangeCollection();

            foreach (MockTopicHistory topicHistory in topic.History)
                if (topicHistory.Created >= stamp)
                    QualifiedTopicRevision namespaceQualifiedTopic = new QualifiedTopicRevision(topicName.LocalName, Namespace);
                    namespaceQualifiedTopic.Version = TopicRevision.NewVersionStringForUser(topicHistory.Author, topicHistory.Created);
                    changes.Add(new TopicChange(namespaceQualifiedTopic, topicHistory.Created, topicHistory.Author));

            return changes;