Exemple #1
        public async Task Post([FromBody] TopGgWebhook baseHook, [FromHeader(Name = "Authorization")] string auth)
            if (auth != _cfg.TopGgApiKey)

            var dbWebhook = new DatabaseUpvoteWebhook
                BotId       = baseHook.BotId.AsUlong(),
                UserId      = baseHook.UserId.AsUlong(),
                UpvoteType  = baseHook.Type,
                IsWeekend   = baseHook.IsWeekend,
                QueryParams = baseHook.Query,
                TimeVoted   = DateTime.Now.ToOADate(),
                VoteId      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                await _db.InsertAsync(dbWebhook);

            catch (Exception e)
                await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync(e, "An error occurred when trying to insert a Top.GG authorized " +
                                             $"webhook for user {dbWebhook.UserId}.");


            await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync($"[Kaguya Api]: Authorized Top.GG Webhook received for user {dbWebhook.UserId}.", LogLvl.INFO);
Exemple #2
        public static async Task Initialize()
            var upvoteResetTimer = new Timer(60000);

            upvoteResetTimer.Enabled   = true;
            upvoteResetTimer.AutoReset = true;
            upvoteResetTimer.Elapsed  += async(sender, e) =>
                List <TopGgWebhook> allVotes =
                    await DatabaseQueries.GetAllAsync <TopGgWebhook>(x => x.TimeVoted > 0 && !x.ReminderSent && x.UpvoteType.ToLower() != "test");

                foreach (TopGgWebhook vote in allVotes)
                    List <TopGgWebhook> votes          = allVotes.Where(x => x.UserId == vote.UserId).OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeVoted).ToList();
                    TopGgWebhook        mostRecentVote = !votes.Any() ? null : votes[0];

                    if (mostRecentVote == null)
                        await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync($"User {vote.UserId} may now vote again, but " +
                                                     $"their most recent vote was null in the database. " +
                                                     $"No DM has been sent, and nothing has been " +
                                                     $"updated in the database.", LogLvl.WARN);


                    if (mostRecentVote.TimeVoted > DateTime.Now.AddHours(-12).ToOADate())

                    SocketUser socketUser = ConfigProperties.Client.GetUser(vote.UserId);

                    if (socketUser == null)
                        goto UpdateInDB;

                    var embed = new KaguyaEmbedBuilder(EmbedColor.PINK)
                        Title       = "Kaguya Upvote Reminder",
                        Description = $"You may now vote for Kaguya on [top.gg](https://top.gg/bot/538910393918160916/vote) " +
                                      $"for bonus rewards!"

                        IDMChannel dmChannel = await socketUser.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                        await dmChannel.SendEmbedAsync(embed);
                    catch (Exception)
                        await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync(
                            $"Tried to DM a user their upvote reminder, but an exception was thrown when " +
                            $"trying to message them.", LogLvl.WARN);

                    mostRecentVote.ReminderSent = true;

                     * The reason for creating a brand new upvote and deleting the old one from the database
                     * is due to the fact that Upvote objects don't have a primary key. There can be multiple
                     * upvotes in the database belonging to the same UserId. Therefore, we can't simply
                     * update the object.

                    await DatabaseQueries.UpdateAsync(mostRecentVote);

                    if (socketUser == null)
                        await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync($"User {vote.UserId} can now upvote Kaguya. DM NOT sent.", LogLvl.DEBUG);


                    await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync($"User {vote.UserId} has been reminded to upvote Kaguya.", LogLvl.DEBUG);