private void RepositionControls()
            int wid, hgt, aHgt;

            ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt);

            int gap = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing

            panelOuter.Location = new Point(0, 0);
            panelOuter.Size     = this.Size;

            panelInner.Width  = panelOuter.Width - gap;
            panelInner.Left   = gap / 2;
            panelInner.Height = panelOuter.Height - gap;
            panelInner.Top    = gap / 2;

            this.Left = (wid - this.Width) / 2;

            if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
            { // Debug: SmartPhone code still to be fleshed out
                this.Top = (aHgt - this.Height) / 2;
                if (wid < hgt)                                // Is it in Portrait mode?
                    this.Top = (aHgt - this.Height) / 2 + 18; // Designed to cover up the large PP icon in the background
                else // Landscape mode
                    this.Top = 30;
        private void RepositionControls()
            int wid, hgt, aHgt;

            if (ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt))
                //int gap = 4;   // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing

                if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
                    // To Do: Still to need to flesh out SmartPhone positioning

                    if (wid < hgt) // Is it in Portrait mode?

                    else // Landscape mode
Exemple #3
        private void RepositionControls(bool forceRedraw)
            int wid = 0, hgt = 0, aHgt = 0;

            if ((ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt)) | forceRedraw)
                int gap = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing

                if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
                    // To Do: Still to need to flesh out SmartPhone positioning

                    int x = gap * 2;
                    int y = x;

                    labelCurrentUserIntro.Location = new Point(x, y);
                    labelCurrentUser.Location      = new Point(x * 10, y);

                    if (hgt > wid) // Is it in Portrait mode?
                        labelIntro.Location = new Point(x, labelCurrentUserIntro.Bottom + 2 * y);
                        labelIntro.Size     = new Size(wid - x * 2, labelIntro.Height);

                        int subWid = textBoxFirstName.Right - labelFirstName.Left;
                        labelFirstName.Location   = new Point((wid - subWid) / 2, labelIntro.Bottom + gap * 5);
                        textBoxFirstName.Location = new Point(labelFirstName.Right + gap, labelFirstName.Top - 3);

                        labelLastName.Location   = new Point(labelFirstName.Left, labelFirstName.Bottom + gap * 5);
                        textBoxLastName.Location = new Point(textBoxFirstName.Left, labelLastName.Top - 3);

                        panelUserName.Location = new Point((wid - panelUserName.Width) / 2, labelLastName.Bottom + gap * 5);

                    else // Landscape mode
                        labelIntro.Location = new Point(x, labelCurrentUserIntro.Bottom + 2 * y);
                        labelIntro.Size     = new Size(wid - x * 2, labelIntro.Height);

                        labelFirstName.Location   = new Point(x, labelIntro.Bottom + gap * 4);
                        textBoxFirstName.Location = new Point(labelFirstName.Right + 0, labelFirstName.Top - 3);

                        textBoxLastName.Location = new Point(wid - x - textBoxLastName.Width, textBoxFirstName.Top);
                        labelLastName.Location   = new Point(textBoxLastName.Left - 0 - labelLastName.Width, labelFirstName.Top);

                        panelUserName.Location = new Point((wid - panelUserName.Width) / 2, textBoxFirstName.Bottom + gap * 6);
Exemple #4
        private void RepositionControls(bool forceRedraw)
            int wid = 0, hgt = 0, aHgt = 0;

            if ((ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt)) | forceRedraw)
                int gap = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing

                labelIntro.Location = new Point(gap * 2, gap * 2);
                labelIntro.Size     = new Size(wid - gap * 4, labelIntro.Height);

                textBoxMain.Location = new Point(gap * 2, gap * 8);
                textBoxMain.Size     = new Size(wid - gap * 4, aHgt - gap * 12);
Exemple #5
        private void RepositionControls(bool forceRedraw)
            ToolsCF.SipShowIM(0); // Ensure that SIP is collapsed
            int wid = 0, hgt = 0, aHgt = 0;

            if ((ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt)) | forceRedraw)
                int    gap   = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing
                double daHgt = Convert.ToDouble(aHgt);

                // First position top label
                labelInstructions.Location = new Point(gap * 4, gap * 2);
                Font font = labelRespondents.Font; // Base font for all labels

                // Logic to handle display of the two listboxes
                if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
                    // To Do: Future code to go here
                    if (hgt > wid) // Portrait
                        listBoxFiles.Location = new Point(gap * 4, gap * 7);
                        listBoxFiles.Size     = new Size(wid - gap * 8, Convert.ToInt32(daHgt * 0.45));

                        textBoxSummary.Location = new Point(listBoxFiles.Left, textBoxQuestions.Bottom + gap * 2);
                        textBoxSummary.Size     = new Size(wid - gap * 8, aHgt - gap * 2 - textBoxSummary.Top);

                    else   // Landscape
                        listBoxFiles.Location = new Point(gap * 4, Convert.ToInt32(daHgt * 0.15));
                        listBoxFiles.Size     = new Size(wid / 2 - gap * 5, Convert.ToInt32(daHgt * 0.7));

                        textBoxSummary.Location = new Point(listBoxFiles.Right + gap * 2, listBoxFiles.Top);
                        textBoxSummary.Size     = listBoxFiles.Size;
Exemple #6
        private void RepositionControls(bool forceRedraw)
            ToolsCF.SipShowIM(0); // Ensure that SIP is collapsed
            int wid = 0, hgt = 0, aHgt = 0;

            if ((ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt)) | forceRedraw)
                if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
                    // To Do: Still to need to flesh out SmartPhone positioning

                    //int horizMargin = leftMargin + gap * 2;

                    if (wid < hgt) // Is it in Portrait mode?
                        listViewSelectRecent.Left   = wid / 2 - gap - listViewSelectRecent.Width;
                        listViewSelectRecent.Height = hgt / 2;
                        labelSequence.Left          = listViewSelectRecent.Left - 1;

                        listViewSelectDate.Left   = wid / 2 + gap;
                        listViewSelectDate.Height = listViewSelectRecent.Height;
                        labelDate.Left            = listViewSelectDate.Left - 1;

                    else // Landscape mode
                        listViewSelectRecent.Left   = wid / 2 - gap * 4 - listViewSelectRecent.Width;
                        listViewSelectRecent.Height = aHgt - gap * 4 - listViewSelectRecent.Top;
                        labelSequence.Left          = listViewSelectRecent.Left;

                        listViewSelectDate.Left   = wid / 2 + gap * 4;
                        listViewSelectDate.Height = listViewSelectRecent.Height;
                        labelDate.Left            = listViewSelectDate.Left;
        private void RepositionControls(bool forceRedraw)
            int wid = 0, hgt = 0, aHgt = 0;

            if ((ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt)) || forceRedraw)
                int gap = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing

                if (panelTopics == null)

                if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
                    // To Do: Still to need to flesh out SmartPhone positioning

                    // Both orientations
                    panelTopics.Width = wid - gap * 4;

                    if (wid < hgt) // Is it in Portrait mode?
                        labelTopIntro.Left  = gap * 3;
                        labelTopIntro.Width = wid - gap * 6;
                        panelTopics.Height  = aHgt - gap * 8;
                    else // Landscape mode
                        labelTopIntro.Left  = gap * 3;
                        labelTopIntro.Width = (int)(wid * 0.8);
                        panelTopics.Height  = aHgt - gap * 10;
        private void PopulateForm(ArrayList respInfoArray)
            int gap       = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing
            int rowHeight = 18;

            int wid, hgt, aHgt;

            ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt);

            // Create the scrolling panel for the topic controls
            panelTopics = new DataObjects.AutoScrollPanel();

            panelTopics.Location = new Point(gap * 4, gap * 10);
            panelTopics.Size     = new Size(wid - gap * 4, aHgt - gap * 8);

            int top      = gap * 2;
            int colWidth = panelTopics.Contents.Width / 2 - gap * 2;

            foreach (RespondentInfo respInfo in respInfoArray)
                string propName  = respInfo.PropName;
                string labelText = respInfo.LabelText;

                // Intro Label
                Label labelIntro = new Label();
                labelIntro.Text      = labelText + " :";
                labelIntro.Location  = new Point(0, top + 1);
                labelIntro.Size      = new Size(gap * 18, rowHeight);
                labelIntro.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
                labelIntro.Font      = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular);

                // We've now added the label to the scrolling panel.  So now see what type of control should be to its right
                if (respInfo.Presets != null)
                    ComboBoxEx comboBox = new ComboBoxEx();
                    comboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
                    comboBox.Location      = new Point(gap * 22, top);
                    comboBox.Font          = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular);
                    comboBox.Size          = new Size(gap * 24, rowHeight);
                    comboBox.Enabled       = true;
                    comboBox.Tag           = respInfo;
                    Tools.FillCombo(comboBox, respInfo.Presets);
                    comboBox.Text = respInfo.Value;

                    TextBoxEx textBox = new TextBoxEx();
                    textBox.Tag        = respInfo; // propName;
                    textBox.Location   = new Point(gap * 22, top);
                    textBox.Font       = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular);
                    textBox.Size       = new Size(gap * 24, rowHeight);
                    textBox.Enabled    = true;
                    textBox.Tag        = respInfo;
                    textBox.AcceptsTab = true;
                    textBox.BackColor  = Color.White;
                    textBox.KeyPress  += new KeyPressEventHandler(TextBox_KeyPress); // For now, we've only figured out how to check Numeric-Only on the fly
                    textBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler(TextBox_LostFocus);
                    textBox.Text       = respInfo.Value;


                top += rowHeight + gap * 3;

            panelTopics.SetScrollHeight(top + gap + 80); // The numeric value wad added to account for the SIP
Exemple #9
        private void RepositionControls(bool forceRedraw)
            int wid = 0, hgt = 0, aHgt = 0;

            if ((ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt)) | forceRedraw)
                int gap = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing

                if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
                    // To Do: Still to need to flesh out SmartPhone positioning

                    if (hgt > wid) // Is it in Portrait mode?
                        labelInstructions.Size = new Size(156, 46);
                        labelInstructions.Left = (wid - labelInstructions.Width) / 2 + 5;
                        labelInstructions.Top  = 12;

                        // Now size and stack buttons with available space
                        // Topmost button will be gap*4 pixels below the Instructions text
                        // Bottommost button will be gap*3 pixels above bottom edge of screen
                        int topEdge = labelInstructions.Bottom + gap * 3;

                        int availSpace = aHgt - topEdge - (gap * 4);

                        // How we calculate 'unitHgt':
                        //   4 Buttons:   4 buttons + 3 spaces (ie. 4*2 + 3*1 = 11)
                        //   3 Buttons:   3 buttons + 2 spaces (ie. 3*2 + 2*1 = 8)
                        int unitHgt = (numButtons == 4) ? availSpace / 11 : availSpace / 8;

                        if (numButtons == 4)
                            buttonPersonalInfo.Top    = topEdge;
                            buttonPersonalInfo.Height = unitHgt * 2;
                            buttonPersonalInfo.Left   = (wid - buttonPersonalInfo.Width) / 2;
                            buttonPollAgain.Top       = buttonPersonalInfo.Bottom + unitHgt;
                            buttonPollAgain.Top = topEdge;

                        buttonPollAgain.Height = unitHgt * 2;
                        buttonPollAgain.Left   = (wid - buttonPollAgain.Width) / 2;

                        buttonClose.Top    = buttonPollAgain.Bottom + unitHgt;
                        buttonClose.Height = buttonPollAgain.Height;
                        buttonClose.Left   = buttonPollAgain.Left;

                        buttonComplete.Top    = buttonClose.Bottom + unitHgt;
                        buttonComplete.Height = buttonClose.Height;
                        buttonComplete.Left   = buttonClose.Left;

                    else // Landscape mode
                        labelInstructions.Size = new Size(200, 46);
                        labelInstructions.Left = (wid - labelInstructions.Width) / 2 + 5;
                        labelInstructions.Top  = 12;

                        int topEdge    = labelInstructions.Bottom + gap * 3;
                        int availSpace = aHgt - topEdge - (gap * 3);

                        if (numButtons == 4)
                            // Now size and stack buttons with available space, in 2 x 2 pattern
                            // Topmost button will be gap*3 pixels below the Instructions text
                            // Bottommost button will be gap*3 pixels above bottom edge of screen
                            int unitHgt = availSpace / 5; // 2 buttons + 1 space (ie. 2*2 + 1*1 = 5)

                            buttonPersonalInfo.Top    = topEdge;
                            buttonPersonalInfo.Height = unitHgt * 2;
                            buttonPersonalInfo.Left   = wid / 2 - 10 - buttonPersonalInfo.Width;

                            buttonPollAgain.Top    = buttonPersonalInfo.Top;
                            buttonPollAgain.Height = unitHgt * 2;
                            buttonPollAgain.Left   = wid / 2 + 10;

                            buttonClose.Top    = buttonPersonalInfo.Bottom + unitHgt;
                            buttonClose.Height = buttonPersonalInfo.Height;
                            buttonClose.Left   = buttonPersonalInfo.Left;

                            buttonComplete.Top    = buttonClose.Top;
                            buttonComplete.Height = buttonClose.Height;
                            buttonComplete.Left   = buttonPollAgain.Left;
                            // Stack the buttons 3 high, like in Portrait mode
                            int unitHgt = availSpace / 8; // 3 buttons + 2 spaces (ie. 3*2 + 2*1 = 8)

                            buttonPollAgain.Top    = topEdge;
                            buttonPollAgain.Height = unitHgt * 2;
                            buttonPollAgain.Left   = (wid - buttonPollAgain.Width) / 2;

                            buttonClose.Top    = buttonPollAgain.Bottom + unitHgt;
                            buttonClose.Height = buttonPollAgain.Height;
                            buttonClose.Left   = buttonPollAgain.Left;

                            buttonComplete.Top    = buttonClose.Bottom + unitHgt;
                            buttonComplete.Height = buttonClose.Height;
                            buttonComplete.Left   = buttonClose.Left;
Exemple #10
        private void RepositionControls()
            int wid, hgt, aHgt;

            if (ToolsCF.UpdateScreenDimensions(out wid, out hgt, out aHgt))
                int gap = 4; // A small value, used as the basis for providing horiz and vert spacing

                if (CFSysInfo.Data.DeviceSpecs.Platform == Platform.SmartPhone)
                    // To Do: Still to need to flesh out SmartPhone positioning

                    int x = gap * 2;
                    int y = x;

                    pictureAnimation.Left = (wid - pictureAnimation.Width) / 2;

                    if (hgt > wid) // Is it in Portrait mode?
                        labelProdNameIntro.Location = new Point(x, y);
                        labelProdName.Location      = new Point(labelProdNameIntro.Right + 4, y);

                        labelVersionIntro.Location = new Point(x, y + gap * 5);
                        labelVersion.Location      = new Point(labelProdName.Left, labelVersionIntro.Top);

                        labelGuidIntro.Visible = true;
                        labelGuid.Visible      = true;

                        labelGuidIntro.Location = new Point(x, labelVersion.Top + gap * 5);
                        labelGuid.Location      = new Point(x, labelGuidIntro.Top + gap * 4);

                        labelDataPathIntro.Location = new Point(x, labelGuid.Top + gap * 5);
                        labelDataPath.Location      = new Point(x, labelDataPathIntro.Top + gap * 4);

                        panelInfo.Size = new Size(Math.Max(labelGuid.Right + 4, labelDataPath.Right + 4), labelDataPath.Bottom + 4);
                        panelInfo.Left = (wid - panelInfo.Width) / 2;
                        panelInfo.Top  = aHgt - gap * 4 - panelInfo.Height;

                    else // Landscape mode
                        labelProdNameIntro.Location = new Point(x, y);
                        labelProdName.Location      = new Point(labelProdNameIntro.Right + 6, y);

                        labelVersionIntro.Location = new Point(x, y + gap * 5);
                        labelVersion.Location      = new Point(labelProdName.Left, labelVersionIntro.Top);

                        // No room for GUID
                        labelGuidIntro.Visible = false;
                        labelGuid.Visible      = false;

                        labelDataPathIntro.Location = new Point(x, labelVersion.Top + gap * 5);
                        labelDataPath.Location      = new Point(labelProdName.Left, labelDataPathIntro.Top);

                        panelInfo.Size = new Size(labelDataPath.Right + 4, labelDataPath.Bottom + 4);
                        panelInfo.Left = (wid - panelInfo.Width) / 2;
                        panelInfo.Top  = aHgt - gap - panelInfo.Height;