/// <summary>
        ///  Activates the editor for the given item.If there's still an editor around  for the previous-edited item, it is deactivated. Pass in 'null' to deactivate and remove the current editor, if any.
        /// </summary>
        internal void ActivateEditor(ToolStripItem item, bool clicked)
            if (item != _currentItem)
                // Remove old editor
                if (_editor != null)
                    _editorUI    = null;
                    _editor      = null;
                    _currentItem = null;
                    _itemDesigner.IsEditorActive = false;

                    // Show the previously edited glyph
                    if (_currentItem != null)
                        _currentItem = null;

                if (item != null)
                    // Add new editor from the item...
                    _currentItem = item;
                    if (_designerHost != null)
                        _itemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)_designerHost.GetDesigner(_currentItem);

                    _editorUI = (ToolStripTemplateNode)_itemDesigner.Editor;
                    // If we got an editor, position and focus it.
                    if (_editorUI != null)
                        // Hide this glyph while it's being edited
                        _itemDesigner.IsEditorActive = true;
                        _editor = new ToolStripEditorControl(_editorUI.EditorToolStrip, _editorUI.Bounds);
                        _lastKnownEditorBounds = _editor.Bounds;
                        // this is important since the ToolStripEditorControl listens    to textchanged messages from TextBox.
                        _editorUI.ignoreFirstKeyUp = true;
                        // Select the Editor... Put Text and Select it ...