public static IList<string> Apply(TokenBuffer tokens) { tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.LBrac); IList<string> tableKeyChain = TableKeyProduction.Apply(tokens); tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.RBrac); if (!tokens.TryExpectAndConsume(TokenType.NewLine) && !tokens.TryExpectAndConsume(TokenType.Comment) && !tokens.End) { var msg = $"Expected newline after table specifier. " + $"Token of type '{tokens.Peek().type}' with value '{tokens.Peek().value}' on same line."; throw Parser.CreateParseError(tokens.Peek(), msg); } return tableKeyChain; }
public static IList <TomlKey> Apply(TokenBuffer tokens) { tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.LBrac); IList <TomlKey> tableKeyChain = TableKeyProduction.Apply(tokens); tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.RBrac); if (!tokens.TryExpectAndConsume(TokenType.NewLine) && !tokens.TryExpectAndConsume(TokenType.Comment) && !tokens.End) { var msg = $"Expected newline after table specifier. " + $"Token of type '{tokens.Peek().type}' with value '{tokens.Peek().value}' on same line."; throw Parser.CreateParseError(tokens.Peek(), msg); } return(tableKeyChain); }
private static TomlKey ApplyInternal(TokenBuffer tokens, bool required) { if (tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.BareKey) || tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.Integer)) { return(new TomlKey(tokens.Consume().value, TomlKey.KeyType.Bare)); } else if (tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.String)) { return(new TomlKey(tokens.Consume().value, TomlKey.KeyType.Basic)); } else if (tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.LiteralString)) { return(new TomlKey(tokens.Consume().value, TomlKey.KeyType.Literal)); } else if (required) { var t = tokens.Peek(); if (t.value == "=") { throw Parser.CreateParseError(t, "Key is missing."); } else { throw Parser.CreateParseError(t, $"Failed to parse key because unexpected token '{t.value}' was found."); } } else { return(new TomlKey(string.Empty)); } }
public static IList<TomlComment> TryParseAppendExpressionComments(Token lastExpressionToken, TokenBuffer tokens) { var comments = new List<TomlComment>(); while (tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.Comment) && tokens.Peek().line == lastExpressionToken.line) { comments.Add(new TomlComment(tokens.Consume().value, CommentLocation.Append)); } return comments; }
public static IList <TomlComment> TryParseAppendExpressionComments(Token lastExpressionToken, TokenBuffer tokens) { var comments = new List <TomlComment>(); while (tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.Comment) && tokens.Peek().line == lastExpressionToken.line) { comments.Add(new TomlComment(tokens.Consume().value, CommentLocation.Append)); } return(comments); }
public static TomlObject Apply(ITomlRoot root, TokenBuffer tokens) { var value = ParseTomlValue(root, tokens); if (value == null) { var t = tokens.Peek(); if (t.IsEmpty || t.IsEof || t.IsNewLine) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(t, "Value is missing."); } else { string msg = $"Expected a TOML value while parsing key value pair." + $" Token of type '{t.type}' with value '{t.value}' is invalid."; throw Parser.CreateParseError(t, msg); } } return value; }
public static TomlObject Apply(ITomlRoot root, TokenBuffer tokens) { var value = ParseTomlValue(root, tokens); if (value == null) { var t = tokens.Peek(); if (t.IsEmpty || t.IsEof || t.IsNewLine) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(t, "Value is missing."); } else { string msg = $"Expected a TOML value while parsing key value pair." + $" Token of type '{t.type}' with value '{t.value}' is invalid."; throw Parser.CreateParseError(t, msg); } } return(value); }
public static TomlTable TryApply(TomlTable current, TomlTable.RootTable root, TokenBuffer tokens) { tokens.ConsumeAllNewlines(); var preComments = CommentProduction.TryParsePreExpressionCommenst(tokens); var expressionToken = tokens.Peek(); tokens.ConsumeAllNewlines(); var arrayKeyChain = TomlArrayTableProduction.TryApply(tokens); if (arrayKeyChain != null) { var addTo = GetTargetTable(root, arrayKeyChain, CreateImplicitelyType.Table); var arr = GetExistingOrCreateAndAdd(addTo, arrayKeyChain.Last(), errorPosition: expressionToken); arr.Comments.AddRange(preComments); arr.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseAppendExpressionComments(expressionToken, tokens)); var newArrayEntry = new TomlTable(root); arr.Add(newArrayEntry); return newArrayEntry; } var tableKeyChain = TomlTableProduction.TryApply(tokens); if (tableKeyChain != null) { var newTable = new TomlTable(root) { IsDefined = true }; newTable.Comments.AddRange(preComments); newTable.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseAppendExpressionComments(expressionToken, tokens)); var addTo = GetTargetTable(root, tableKeyChain, CreateImplicitelyType.Table); string name = tableKeyChain.Last(); var existingRow = addTo.TryGetValue(name); if (existingRow == null) { addTo.Add(name, newTable); } else { var tbl = existingRow as TomlTable; if (tbl.IsDefined) { throw new Exception($"Failed to add new table because the target table already contains a row with the key '{name}' of type '{existingRow.ReadableTypeName}'."); } else { tbl.IsDefined = true; return tbl; } } return newTable; } if (!tokens.End) { var kvp = KeyValuePairProduction.Apply(root, tokens); if (kvp != null) { kvp.Item2.Comments.AddRange(preComments); kvp.Item2.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseAppendExpressionComments(expressionToken, tokens)); current.Add(kvp.Item1, kvp.Item2); return current; } } root.Comments.AddRange(preComments); return null; }
public static TomlTable TryApply(TomlTable current, TomlTable.RootTable root, TokenBuffer tokens) { tokens.ConsumeAllNewlines(); var preComments = CommentProduction.TryParsePreExpressionCommenst(tokens); var expressionToken = tokens.Peek(); tokens.ConsumeAllNewlines(); var arrayKeyChain = TomlArrayTableProduction.TryApply(tokens); if (arrayKeyChain != null) { var addTo = GetTargetTable(root, arrayKeyChain, CreateImplicitelyType.Table); var arr = GetExistingOrCreateAndAdd(addTo, arrayKeyChain.Last(), errorPosition: expressionToken); arr.Comments.AddRange(preComments); arr.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseAppendExpressionComments(expressionToken, tokens)); var newArrayEntry = new TomlTable(root); arr.Add(newArrayEntry); return(newArrayEntry); } var tableKeyChain = TomlTableProduction.TryApply(tokens); if (tableKeyChain != null) { var newTable = new TomlTable(root) { IsDefined = true }; newTable.Comments.AddRange(preComments); newTable.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseAppendExpressionComments(expressionToken, tokens)); var addTo = GetTargetTable(root, tableKeyChain, CreateImplicitelyType.Table); var key = tableKeyChain.Last(); var existingRow = addTo.TryGetValue(key); if (existingRow == null) { addTo.AddRow(key, newTable); } else { var tbl = existingRow as TomlTable; if (tbl.IsDefined) { throw new Exception($"Failed to add new table because the target table already contains a row with the key '{key}' of type '{existingRow.ReadableTypeName}'."); } else { tbl.IsDefined = true; return(tbl); } } return(newTable); } if (!tokens.End) { var kvp = KeyValuePairProduction.Apply(root, tokens); if (kvp != null) { kvp.Item2.Comments.AddRange(preComments); kvp.Item2.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseAppendExpressionComments(expressionToken, tokens)); current.AddRow(kvp.Item1, kvp.Item2); return(current); } } root.Comments.AddRange(preComments); return(null); }
private static TomlArray ParseTomlArray(ITomlRoot root, TokenBuffer tokens) { TomlArray a; tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.LBrac); tokens.ConsumeAllNewlines(); if (tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.RBrac)) { // Empty array handled inside this if, else part can assume the array has values tokens.Consume(); return new TomlArray(root); } else { List<TomlValue> values = new List<TomlValue>(); var errPos = tokens.Peek(); var v = ParseTomlValue(root, tokens); if (v == null) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(errPos, $"Array value is missing."); } values.Add(v); while (!tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.RBrac)) { if (!tokens.TryExpectAndConsume(TokenType.Comma)) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(tokens.Peek(), "Array not closed."); } tokens.ConsumeAllNewlines(); values.Last().Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Append)); if (!tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.RBrac)) { var et = tokens.Peek(); v = ParseTomlValue(root, tokens); if (v == null) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(et, $"Array value is missing."); } if (v.GetType() != values[0].GetType()) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(et, $"Expected value of type '{values[0].ReadableTypeName}' but value of type '{v.ReadableTypeName}' was found."); } values.Add(v); tokens.ConsumeAllNewlines(); } } a = new TomlArray(root, values.ToArray()); } a.Last().Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Append)); tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.RBrac); return a; }
private static TomlArray ParseTomlArray(ITomlRoot root, TokenBuffer tokens) { TomlArray a; var prep = CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Prepend).ToList(); tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.LBrac); using (tokens.UseIgnoreNewlinesContext()) { prep.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Prepend)); if (tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.RBrac)) { // Empty array handled inside this if, else part can assume the array has values // Comments in an empty array are moved before the array at the moment. // There currently does not exist a comment location that will allow to write this comments correctly // => Parse the real items correctly and do not create a parse error, but the comment will get lost // on the next write. tokens.Consume(); a = new TomlArray(root); a.Comments.AddRange(prep); return(a); } else { List <TomlValue> values = new List <TomlValue>(); // Parse first !required! array value var v = ParseArrayValue(); v.Comments.AddRange(prep); values.Add(v); while (!tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.RBrac)) { if (!tokens.TryExpectAndConsume(TokenType.Comma)) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(tokens.Peek(), "Array not closed."); } // This comment is misplaced as we simply append it to the last value, but it does not belong to it // Comments processing needs some tweaking/redesign in the future. v.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Append)); if (!tokens.TryExpect(TokenType.RBrac)) { var et = tokens.Peek(); v = ParseArrayValue(); if (v.GetType() != values[0].GetType()) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(et, $"Expected array value of type '{values[0].ReadableTypeName}' but value of type '{v.ReadableTypeName}' was found."); } values.Add(v); } } a = new TomlArray(root, values.ToArray()); } a.Last().Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Append)); tokens.ExpectAndConsume(TokenType.RBrac); a.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Append)); TomlValue ParseArrayValue() { var prepComments = CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Prepend); var valueParseErrorPos = tokens.Peek(); var value = ParseTomlValue(root, tokens); if (value == null) { throw Parser.CreateParseError(valueParseErrorPos, $"Array value is missing."); } value.Comments.AddRange(prepComments); value.Comments.AddRange(CommentProduction.TryParseComments(tokens, CommentLocation.Append)); return(value); } } return(a); }