static async Task Main(string[] args) { clientState = ClientState.Failure; var taskBatches = Enumerable .Range(0, 1000) .Select(async c => { var tasks = Enumerable .Range(0, 100) .Select(MakeCall); var res = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); return(new List <int>(res)); }); var batches = await Task.WhenAll(taskBatches); var totalItems = batches .SelectMany(t => t) .Count(); Console.WriteLine($"clientStats: totalClientCalls:{TotalClientCalls}, totalClientErrors: {TotalClientErrors}"); Console.WriteLine($"callerStats: totalCallsMade:{TotalCallsMade}, totalErrorsReceived: {TotalErrorsReceived}"); var tokenBucker = TokenBucket.Create( tokens: 50, timeWindow: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), returnTokens: 50 ); }
public bool EnqueueOutgoing(OutgoingPacket packet) { int category = (int)packet.Category; if (category >= 0 && category < m_packetOutboxes.Length) { LocklessQueue <OutgoingPacket> queue = m_packetOutboxes[category]; TokenBucket bucket = m_throttleCategories[category]; if (bucket.RemoveTokens(packet.Buffer.DataLength)) { // Enough tokens were removed from the bucket, the packet will not be queued return(false); } else { // Not enough tokens in the bucket, queue this packet queue.Enqueue(packet); return(true); } } else { // We don't have a token bucket for this category, so it will not be queued return(false); } }
public LLUDPServer(LLUDP udp, IScene scene, IPAddress bindAddress, int port, IConfigSource configSource, IScheduler scheduler) : base(bindAddress, port) { m_udp = udp; Scene = scene; Scheduler = scheduler; IConfig throttleConfig = configSource.Configs["LLUDP"]; m_throttleRates = new ThrottleRates(LLUDPServer.MTU, throttleConfig); m_resendTimer = new TimedEvent(100); m_ackTimer = new TimedEvent(500); m_pingTimer = new TimedEvent(5000); m_httpServer = Scene.Simian.GetAppModule <IHttpServer>(); IConfig config = configSource.Configs["LLUDP"]; if (config != null) { m_asyncPacketHandling = config.GetBoolean("AsyncPacketHandling", true); m_recvBufferSize = config.GetInt("SocketReceiveBufferSize", 0); } m_throttle = new TokenBucket(null, m_throttleRates.SceneTotalLimit, m_throttleRates.SceneTotal); PacketEvents = new PacketEventDictionary(Scheduler); Scene.OnPresenceRemove += PresenceRemoveHandler; }
private void InitializeDefault() { for (TableIndex index = 0; index < TableIndex.Max; index++) { _buckets[(int)index] = new TokenBucket(new MetadataToken(index, 1)); } }
private void InitCache() { var bucket = new TokenBucket(300, 5); _sharedWebCache = new TokenCompliantCacheWrapper(new MemoryCacheMethod(), bucket); _sharedRenderCache = new MemoryCacheMethod(); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public WSAgent(WebSockets server, TokenBucket parentThrottle, ThrottleRates rates, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, Socket socket, bool isChildAgent) { m_id = agentID; m_server = server; m_interestList = new InterestList(this, 200); IsChildPresence = isChildAgent; m_localID = m_server.Scene.CreateLocalID(); //TextureEntry = new Primitive.TextureEntry(DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE); SessionID = sessionID; Socket = socket; // Create a token bucket throttle for this client that has the scene token bucket as a parent m_throttle = new TokenBucket(parentThrottle, rates.ClientTotalLimit, rates.ClientTotal); // Create an array of token buckets for this clients different throttle categories m_throttleCategories = new TokenBucket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT; i++) { ThrottleCategory type = (ThrottleCategory)i; // Initialize the message outboxes, where messages sit while they are waiting for tokens m_messageOutboxes[i] = new LocklessQueue <OutgoingMessage>(); // Initialize the token buckets that control the throttling for each category m_throttleCategories[i] = new TokenBucket(m_throttle, rates.GetLimit(type), rates.GetRate(type)); } // Initialize this to a sane value to prevent early disconnects TickLastMessageReceived = Util.TickCount(); }
public void TestSetRequestDripRateWithChildren() { TestHelpers.InMethod(); TokenBucket tbParent = new TokenBucket("tbParent", null, 0, 0); TokenBucket tbChild1 = new TokenBucket("tbChild1", tbParent, 3000, 0); TokenBucket tbChild2 = new TokenBucket("tbChild2", tbParent, 5000, 0); AssertRates(tbParent, 8000, 8000, 8000, 0); AssertRates(tbChild1, 3000, 0, 3000, 0); AssertRates(tbChild2, 5000, 0, 5000, 0); // Test: Setting a parent request greater than total children requests. tbParent.RequestedDripRate = 10000; AssertRates(tbParent, 10000, 8000, 8000, 0); AssertRates(tbChild1, 3000, 0, 3000, 0); AssertRates(tbChild2, 5000, 0, 5000, 0); // Test: Setting a parent request lower than total children requests. tbParent.RequestedDripRate = 6000; AssertRates(tbParent, 6000, 8000, 6000, 0); AssertRates(tbChild1, 3000, 0, 6000 / 8 * 3, 0); AssertRates(tbChild2, 5000, 0, 6000 / 8 * 5, 0); }
public bool EnqueueOutgoing(OutgoingMessage message) { int category = (int)message.Category; if (category >= 0 && category < m_messageOutboxes.Length) { LocklessQueue <OutgoingMessage> queue = m_messageOutboxes[category]; TokenBucket bucket = m_throttleCategories[category]; if (bucket.RemoveTokens(message.Data.Length)) { // Enough tokens were removed from the bucket, the message will not be queued return(false); } else { // Not enough tokens in the bucket, queue this message queue.Enqueue(message); return(true); } } else { // We don't have a token bucket for this category, so it will not be queued return(false); } }
public virtual ValidationResult Validate() { int orGenerateAppToken = SingletonComponent <ServerMgr> .Instance.persistance.GetOrGenerateAppToken(Request.playerId); if (Request.playerId == 0L || Request.playerToken != orGenerateAppToken) { return(ValidationResult.NotFound); } if ((ServerUsers.Get(Request.playerId)?.group ?? ServerUsers.UserGroup.None) == ServerUsers.UserGroup.Banned) { return(ValidationResult.Banned); } TokenBucket tokenBucket = _playerBuckets?.Get(Request.playerId); if (tokenBucket == null || !tokenBucket.TryTake(TokenCost)) { if (tokenBucket == null || !tokenBucket.IsNaughty) { return(ValidationResult.RateLimit); } return(ValidationResult.Rejected); } UserId = Request.playerId; Player = BasePlayer.FindByID(UserId) ?? BasePlayer.FindSleeping(UserId); Client.Subscribe(new PlayerTarget(UserId)); return(ValidationResult.Success); }
private bool Equals(TokenBucket other) { return(_capacity == other._capacity && _tokensPerSecond.Equals(other._tokensPerSecond) && _nanoTimeOfLastSend == other._nanoTimeOfLastSend && _availableTokens == other._availableTokens); }
private void InitCache() { var bucket = new TokenBucket(300, 5); _sharedTokenBucketMiddleware = new TokenComplianceMiddleware(bucket); _sharedWebCache = new MemoryCacheMethod(); _sharedRenderCache = new MemoryCacheMethod(); }
private void AssertRates( TokenBucket tb, double requestedDripRate, double totalDripRequest, double dripRate, double maxDripRate) { Assert.AreEqual((int)requestedDripRate, tb.RequestedDripRate, "Requested drip rate"); Assert.AreEqual((int)totalDripRequest, tb.TotalDripRequest, "Total drip request"); Assert.AreEqual((int)dripRate, tb.DripRate, "Drip rate"); Assert.AreEqual((int)maxDripRate, tb.MaxDripRate, "Max drip rate"); }
public void PolicyExecutesThePassedDelegate() { bool executed = false; var policy = TokenBucket.Create(50, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), 2); policy.Execute(() => executed = true); executed.Should().BeTrue(); }
public RequestManager(ILogger logger, TokenBucket bucketRps, TokenBucket bucketRpm, ClientSettings settings, AccessToken token, Func <AccessToken, Task <AccessToken> > refresh) { _logger = logger; _bucketRps = bucketRps; _bucketRpm = bucketRpm; _settings = settings; _refresh = refresh; _token = token; }
public void Sets_Properties(int count, int interval) { using (var t = new TokenBucket(count, interval)) { Assert.Equal(count, t.Capacity); Assert.Equal(interval, t.GetProperty <System.Timers.Timer>("Clock").Interval); Assert.Equal(count, t.GetProperty <long>("CurrentCount")); } }
public async Task GetAsync_Decrements_Count_By_Requested_Count() { using (var t = new TokenBucket(10, 10000)) { await t.GetAsync(5); Assert.Equal(5, t.GetProperty <long>("CurrentCount")); } }
public void SetCapacity_Sets_Capacity(int count) { using (var t = new TokenBucket(10, 1000)) { t.SetCapacity(count); Assert.Equal(count, t.Capacity); } }
private void InitializeTable(IDotNetDirectory netDirectory) { var tableStream = netDirectory.Metadata.GetStream <TablesStream>(); for (TableIndex index = 0; index < TableIndex.Max; index++) { var table = tableStream.GetTable(index); _buckets[(int)index] = new TokenBucket(new MetadataToken(index, (uint)table.Count + 1)); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="maxThrdNum">最大工作线程数</param> /// <param name="maxUploadNum">每次最大上传个数</param> /// <param name="tokenBucket">令牌池</param> public LogMonitor(int maxThrdNum, int maxUploadNum, TokenBucket <TLog> tokenBucket) { _maxThrdNum = maxThrdNum; _maxUploadNum = maxUploadNum; _tokenBucket = tokenBucket; _start = false; _dataQueue = new ConcurrentQueue <TLog>(); _curThrdNum = 0; }
public async Task GetAsync_Returns_Capacity_If_Request_Exceeds_Capacity() { using (var t = new TokenBucket(10, 10000)) { int tokens = 0; var ex = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() => tokens = await t.GetAsync(11)); Assert.Null(ex); Assert.Equal(10, tokens); } }
public void TestTokenBucketWithRateAdjustmentFactor() { TokenBucket tb = new TokenBucket(1000, 2000); long delay1 = tb.GetMillisecondsDelay(1000, 0.5); Assert.Equal(0, delay1); long delay2 = tb.GetMillisecondsDelay(1000, 0.5); Assert.InRange(delay2, 800, 1000); }
public void SetCount_Throws_ArgumentOutOfRangeException_Given_Negative_Count() { using (var t = new TokenBucket(10, 1000)) { var ex = Record.Exception(() => t.SetCapacity(-1)); Assert.NotNull(ex); Assert.IsType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); Assert.Equal("capacity", ((ArgumentOutOfRangeException)ex).ParamName); } }
public async Task GetAsync_Returns_Available_Tokens_If_Request_Exceeds_Available_Count() { using (var t = new TokenBucket(10, 10000)) { await t.GetAsync(6); var count = await t.GetAsync(6); Assert.Equal(4, count); } }
public WebSocketServer(WebSockets server) { m_server = server; m_receiveBufferSize = MTU; m_readPool = new ObjectPool <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(0, CreateSocketArgs); // TODO: Support throttle config m_throttleRates = new ThrottleRates(MTU, null); m_throttle = new TokenBucket(null, m_throttleRates.SceneTotalLimit, m_throttleRates.SceneTotal); }
public void ReplaceMeWithRealTests() { /* * This test is for illustrative purposes, to show the interfaces a typical synchronous non-generic policy fulfills. * Real tests should check policy behaviour. */ var policy = TokenBucket.Create(50, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), 2); policy.Should().BeAssignableTo <ISyncPolicy>(); policy.Should().BeAssignableTo <ITokenBucket>(); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化日志 /// </summary> static Logger() { ReleaseRefDLL("zlib32.dll", Properties.Resources.zlib32); ReleaseRefDLL("zlib64.dll", Properties.Resources.zlib64); var logger = LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(Config.Environment); _tokenBucket = new TokenBucket <LogBase>(Config.MaxHandleNum); _monitor = new LogMonitor <LogBase>(Config.MaxThrdNum, Config.MaxUploadNum, _tokenBucket); _monitor.Start(logger); }
public void TestSetRequestDripRate() { TestHelpers.InMethod(); TokenBucket tb = new TokenBucket("tb", null, 5000, 0); AssertRates(tb, 5000, 0, 5000, 0); tb.RequestedDripRate = 4000; AssertRates(tb, 4000, 0, 4000, 0); tb.RequestedDripRate = 6000; AssertRates(tb, 6000, 0, 6000, 0); }
public async Task Return_Adds_Given_Value() { using (var t = new TokenBucket(10, 1000000)) { await t.GetAsync(5); Assert.Equal(5, t.GetProperty <long>("CurrentCount")); t.Return(5); Assert.Equal(10, t.GetProperty <long>("CurrentCount")); } }
public async Task Return_Does_Not_Change_Count_Given_Negative() { using (var t = new TokenBucket(10, 1000000)) { await t.GetAsync(5); Assert.Equal(5, t.GetProperty <long>("CurrentCount")); t.Return(-5); Assert.Equal(5, t.GetProperty <long>("CurrentCount")); } }
public async Task GetAsync_Waits_For_Reset_If_Bucket_Is_Depleted() { using (var t = new TokenBucket(1, 10)) { await t.GetAsync(1); await t.GetAsync(1); await t.GetAsync(1); Assert.True(true); } }
public void ThrottleMode_must_accurately_interleave_replenish_and_consume() { var bucket = new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 20); var bucket1 = bucket.TryConsumeTokens(0L, 10); bucket1.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 10)); bucket1.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket2 = bucket1.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond, 60); bucket2.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond, 0)); bucket2.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket3 = bucket2.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond * 2, 40); bucket3.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond * 2, 10)); bucket3.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket4 = bucket3.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond * 3, 70); bucket4.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond * 2, 10)); bucket4.Item2.ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void ThrottleMode_must_in_tokenbucket_mode_allow_consuming_tokens_up_to_capacity() { var bucket = new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 100); var bucket1 = bucket.TryConsumeTokens(0L, 10); bucket1.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 90)); bucket1.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket2 = bucket1.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(0L, 40); bucket2.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 50)); bucket2.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket3 = bucket2.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(0L, 50); bucket3.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 0)); bucket3.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket4 = bucket3.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(0L, 1); bucket4.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 0)); bucket4.Item2.ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void ThrottleMode_must_accurately_replenish_tokens() { var bucket = new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 0); var bucket1 = bucket.TryConsumeTokens(0L, 0); bucket1.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 0)); bucket1.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket2 = bucket1.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond, 0); bucket2.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond, 50)); bucket2.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket3 = bucket2.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond * 2, 0); bucket3.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond * 2, 100)); bucket3.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket4 = bucket3.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond * 3, 0); bucket4.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond * 3, 100)); bucket4.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); }
public AniDB(int localPort, string clientName = "libanidbdotnet", int clientVer = 1, Encoding encoding = null, string remoteHostName = "", int remotePort = 9000) { Timeout = 20000; ClientName = clientName; ClientVer = clientVer; _encoding = encoding ?? Encoding.ASCII; _sentRequests = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, AniDBRequest>(); _udpClient = new UdpClient(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, localPort)); _udpClient.Connect(remoteHostName, remotePort); SessionKey = ""; RecievePackets(); //Magical maths that turns the burst length into a number of tokens (in this case, 30) _sendBucket = new TokenBucket<AniDBRequest>(MinSendDelay, AvgSendDelay, BurstLength / (AvgSendDelay - MinSendDelay), true, SendPacket); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="server">Reference to the UDP server this client is connected to</param> /// <param name="rates">Default throttling rates and maximum throttle limits</param> /// <param name="parentThrottle">Parent HTB (hierarchical token bucket) /// that the child throttles will be governed by</param> /// <param name="circuitCode">Circuit code for this connection</param> /// <param name="agentID">AgentID for the connected agent</param> /// <param name="remoteEndPoint">Remote endpoint for this connection</param> /// <param name="defaultRTO"> /// Default retransmission timeout for unacked packets. The RTO will never drop /// beyond this number. /// </param> /// <param name="maxRTO"> /// The maximum retransmission timeout for unacked packets. The RTO will never exceed this number. /// </param> public LLUDPClient( LLUDPServer server, ThrottleRates rates, TokenBucket parentThrottle, uint circuitCode, UUID agentID, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int defaultRTO, int maxRTO) { AgentID = agentID; RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint; CircuitCode = circuitCode; m_udpServer = server; if (defaultRTO != 0) m_defaultRTO = defaultRTO; if (maxRTO != 0) m_maxRTO = maxRTO; // Create a token bucket throttle for this client that has the scene token bucket as a parent m_throttleClient = new AdaptiveTokenBucket(parentThrottle, rates.Total, rates.AdaptiveThrottlesEnabled); // Create a token bucket throttle for the total categary with the client bucket as a throttle m_throttleCategory = new TokenBucket(m_throttleClient, 0); // Create an array of token buckets for this clients different throttle categories m_throttleCategories = new TokenBucket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT]; m_cannibalrate = rates.CannibalizeTextureRate; for (int i = 0; i < THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT; i++) { ThrottleOutPacketType type = (ThrottleOutPacketType)i; // Initialize the packet outboxes, where packets sit while they are waiting for tokens m_packetOutboxes[i] = new ThreadedClasses.NonblockingQueue<OutgoingPacket>(); // Initialize the token buckets that control the throttling for each category m_throttleCategories[i] = new TokenBucket(m_throttleCategory, rates.GetRate(type)); } // Default the retransmission timeout to one second RTO = m_defaultRTO; // Initialize this to a sane value to prevent early disconnects TickLastPacketReceived = Environment.TickCount; }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="server">Reference to the UDP server this client is connected to</param> /// <param name="rates">Default throttling rates and maximum throttle limits</param> /// <param name="parentThrottle"> /// Parent HTB (hierarchical token bucket) /// that the child throttles will be governed by /// </param> /// <param name="circuitCode">Circuit code for this connection</param> /// <param name="agentID">AgentID for the connected agent</param> /// <param name="remoteEndPoint">Remote endpoint for this connection</param> /// <param name="defaultRTO"></param> /// <param name="maxRTO"></param> public LLUDPClient(LLUDPServer server, ThrottleRates rates, TokenBucket parentThrottle, uint circuitCode, UUID agentID, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int defaultRTO, int maxRTO) { AgentID = agentID; RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint; CircuitCode = circuitCode; m_udpServer = server; if (defaultRTO != 0) m_defaultRTO = defaultRTO; if (maxRTO != 0) m_maxRTO = maxRTO; // Create a token bucket throttle for this client that has the scene token bucket as a parent m_throttle = new TokenBucket(parentThrottle, rates.TotalLimit, 0); // remember the rates the client requested Rates = new int[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < (int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Count; i++) { PacketsCounts[i] = 0; } //Set the priorities for the different packet types //Higher is more important MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Resend] = 7; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Land] = 1; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Wind] = 0; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Cloud] = 0; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Task] = 4; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Texture] = 2; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Asset] = 3; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.Transfer] = 5; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.State] = 5; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.AvatarInfo] = 6; MapCatsToPriority[(int) ThrottleOutPacketType.OutBand] = 7; // Default the retransmission timeout to one second RTO = m_defaultRTO; // Initialize this to a sane value to prevent early disconnects TickLastPacketReceived = Environment.TickCount & Int32.MaxValue; }
public LLUDPServer( IPAddress listenIP, ref uint port, int proxyPortOffsetParm, bool allow_alternate_port, IConfigSource configSource, AgentCircuitManager circuitManager) : base(listenIP, (int)port) { #region Environment.TickCount Measurement // Measure the resolution of Environment.TickCount TickCountResolution = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int start = Environment.TickCount; int now = start; while (now == start) now = Environment.TickCount; TickCountResolution += (float)(now - start) * 0.2f; } m_log.Info("[LLUDPSERVER]: Average Environment.TickCount resolution: " + TickCountResolution + "ms"); TickCountResolution = (float)Math.Ceiling(TickCountResolution); #endregion Environment.TickCount Measurement m_circuitManager = circuitManager; int sceneThrottleBps = 0; bool usePools = false; IConfig config = configSource.Configs["ClientStack.LindenUDP"]; if (config != null) { m_asyncPacketHandling = config.GetBoolean("async_packet_handling", true); m_recvBufferSize = config.GetInt("client_socket_rcvbuf_size", 0); sceneThrottleBps = config.GetInt("scene_throttle_max_bps", 0); PrimUpdatesPerCallback = config.GetInt("PrimUpdatesPerCallback", 100); TextureSendLimit = config.GetInt("TextureSendLimit", 20); m_defaultRTO = config.GetInt("DefaultRTO", 0); m_maxRTO = config.GetInt("MaxRTO", 0); m_disableFacelights = config.GetBoolean("DisableFacelights", false); m_ackTimeout = 1000 * config.GetInt("AckTimeout", 60); m_pausedAckTimeout = 1000 * config.GetInt("PausedAckTimeout", 300); } else { PrimUpdatesPerCallback = 100; TextureSendLimit = 20; m_ackTimeout = 1000 * 60; // 1 minute m_pausedAckTimeout = 1000 * 300; // 5 minutes } // FIXME: This actually only needs to be done once since the PacketPool is shared across all servers. // However, there is no harm in temporarily doing it multiple times. IConfig packetConfig = configSource.Configs["PacketPool"]; if (packetConfig != null) { PacketPool.Instance.RecyclePackets = packetConfig.GetBoolean("RecyclePackets", true); PacketPool.Instance.RecycleDataBlocks = packetConfig.GetBoolean("RecycleDataBlocks", true); usePools = packetConfig.GetBoolean("RecycleBaseUDPPackets", usePools); } #region BinaryStats config = configSource.Configs["Statistics.Binary"]; m_shouldCollectStats = false; if (config != null) { m_shouldCollectStats = config.GetBoolean("Enabled", false); binStatsMaxFilesize = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(config.GetInt("packet_headers_period_seconds", 300)); binStatsDir = config.GetString("stats_dir", "."); m_aggregatedBWStats = config.GetBoolean("aggregatedBWStats", false); } #endregion BinaryStats m_throttle = new TokenBucket(null, sceneThrottleBps); ThrottleRates = new ThrottleRates(configSource); if (usePools) EnablePools(); }
public void ThrottleMode_must_allow_oversized_packets_through_by_loaning() { var bucket = new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 20); var bucket1 = bucket.TryConsumeTokens(0L, 30); bucket1.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, 0L, 20)); bucket1.Item2.ShouldBeFalse(); var bucket2 = bucket1.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond, 110); bucket2.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond, -40)); bucket2.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); var bucket3 = bucket2.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond * 2, 20); bucket3.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond, -40)); bucket3.Item2.ShouldBeFalse(); var bucket4 = bucket3.Item1.TryConsumeTokens(HalfSecond * 3,20); bucket4.Item1.ShouldBe(new TokenBucket(100, 100, HalfSecond * 3, 40)); bucket4.Item2.ShouldBeTrue(); }
public void Initialise(uint port, IConfigSource configSource, AgentCircuitManager circuitManager) { IConfig networkConfig = configSource.Configs["Network"]; IPAddress internalIP = IPAddress.Any; if (networkConfig != null) IPAddress.TryParse(networkConfig.GetString("internal_ip", ""), out internalIP); InitThreadPool(15); base.Initialise(internalIP, (int)port); #region Environment.TickCount Measurement // Measure the resolution of Environment.TickCount TickCountResolution = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int start = Environment.TickCount; int now = start; while (now == start) now = Environment.TickCount; TickCountResolution += (now - start)*0.2f; } //MainConsole.Instance.Info("[LLUDPSERVER]: Average Environment.TickCount resolution: " + TickCountResolution + "ms"); TickCountResolution = (float) Math.Ceiling(TickCountResolution); #endregion Environment.TickCount Measurement m_circuitManager = circuitManager; int sceneThrottleBps = 0; IConfig config = configSource.Configs["ClientStack.LindenUDP"]; if (config != null) { m_asyncPacketHandling = config.GetBoolean("async_packet_handling", false); m_recvBufferSize = config.GetInt("client_socket_rcvbuf_size", 0); sceneThrottleBps = config.GetInt("scene_throttle_max_bps", 0); PrimUpdatesPerCallback = config.GetInt("PrimUpdatesPerCallback", 60); AvatarUpdatesPerCallBack = config.GetInt("AvatarUpdatesPerCallback", 80); TextureSendLimit = config.GetInt("TextureSendLimit", 25); m_defaultRTO = config.GetInt("DefaultRTO", 1000); m_maxRTO = config.GetInt("MaxRTO", 20000); ClientTimeOut = config.GetInt("ClientTimeOut", 120); } else { PrimUpdatesPerCallback = 60; AvatarUpdatesPerCallBack = 80; TextureSendLimit = 25; ClientTimeOut = 120; } #region BinaryStats config = configSource.Configs["Statistics.Binary"]; m_shouldCollectStats = false; if (config != null) { if (config.Contains("enabled") && config.GetBoolean("enabled")) { if (config.Contains("collect_packet_headers")) m_shouldCollectStats = config.GetBoolean("collect_packet_headers"); if (config.Contains("packet_headers_period_seconds")) { binStatsMaxFilesize = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(config.GetInt("region_stats_period_seconds")); } if (config.Contains("stats_dir")) { binStatsDir = config.GetString("stats_dir"); } } else { m_shouldCollectStats = false; } } #endregion BinaryStats if (sceneThrottleBps != 0) m_throttle = new TokenBucket(null, sceneThrottleBps, 0); m_throttleRates = new ThrottleRates(configSource); }