public static async Task Draw()
            SetMenuTitle("Utils", "miscellaneous things~");

            AddBool("Display coords?", ref g_ingameCoords);
            AddBool("Debug controls?", ref g_debugControls);

            int balloon = AddMenuEntry("Spawn balloon");

            int defaultSpawn = AddMenuEntry("Set default spawn");

            if (IsEntryPressed(balloon))
                Vector3 pos = Function.Call <Vector3>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_COORDS, API.PlayerPedId());
                balloonEntity = await Main.CreateVehicle(GenHash("hotAirBalloon01"), pos, 0);

            if (IsEntryPressed(defaultSpawn))
                Vector3 vec = Function.Call <Vector3>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_COORDS, Function.Call <int>(Hash.PLAYER_PED_ID));
                Storage.Set("SpawnLocation", vec);

                Client.SpawnLocation = vec;

                Toast.AddToast("Spawn location set!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            await Task.FromResult(0);
        public static async Task Draw()
            SetMenuTitle("Weapons", "pew pew (but slo mo)");

            int weap   = AddArray("Weapon", ref selectedWeapIdx, weaponNames, weaponNames.Count());
            int ammo   = AddArray("Ammo Type", ref selectedAmmoType, ammoTypes, ammoTypes.Count());
            int remove = AddMenuEntry("Remove Weapons");

            int ped = Function.Call <int>(Hash.PLAYER_PED_ID);

            if (IsEntryPressed(weap))
                await Main.PerformRequest(GenHash(weaponModelNames[selectedWeapIdx]));

                GiveWeapon(ped, weaponNames[selectedWeapIdx], 100, false, 1, false, 0.0f);

                Toast.AddToast($"Gave a {weaponNames[selectedWeapIdx]}!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            if (IsEntryPressed(ammo))
                GiveAmmoOfTypeToPed(ped, ammoTypes[selectedAmmoType], 100);
                Toast.AddToast($"Gave ammo of type {ammoTypes[selectedAmmoType]}!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            if (IsEntryPressed(remove))
                Function.Call(Hash.REMOVE_ALL_PED_WEAPONS, ped, 1, 1);
                Toast.AddToast($"Removed all weapons!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            await Task.FromResult(0);
Exemple #3
        public static async Task SetModel(string name)
            int model  = GenHash(name);
            int player = Function.Call <int>(Hash.PLAYER_ID);

            await Main.PerformRequest(model);

            Function.Call(Hash.SET_PLAYER_MODEL, player, model, false);
            Function.Call((Hash)0x283978A15512B2FE, Function.Call <int>(Hash.PLAYER_PED_ID), true);
            Function.Call(Hash.SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED, model);

            Toast.AddToast($"Switching to {name}!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());
        public static async Task Draw()
            SetMenuTitle($"{SelectedPlayerName} is a player", "and they're connected");

            int tpToPlayer = AddMenuEntry("Teleport to player");
            int tpToVeh    = AddMenuEntry("Teleport to vehicle");

            int     pedId     = Function.Call <int>(Hash.PLAYER_PED_ID);
            int     targetPed = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_PLAYER_PED, SelectedPlayer);
            Vector3 playerPos = Function.Call <Vector3>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_COORDS, pedId, 0);
            Vector3 targetPos = Function.Call <Vector3>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_COORDS, targetPed, 0);
            int     targetVeh = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING, targetPed);

            if (IsEntryPressed(tpToPlayer))
                if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SITTING_IN_ANY_VEHICLE, pedId))
                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS, Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING, pedId), targetPos.X, targetPos.Y, targetPos.Z, 1, 0, 0, 1);
                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS, pedId, targetPos.X, targetPos.Y, targetPos.Z, 1, 0, 0, 1);

                Toast.AddToast($"Teleported to {SelectedPlayerName}!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            if (IsEntryPressed(tpToVeh))
                if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash.DOES_ENTITY_EXIST, targetPed))
                    if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE, targetPed, false))
                        if (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_DOORS_LOCKED_FOR_PLAYER, targetVeh, pedId))
                            int seatNum = 0 + Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS, targetVeh);
                            int passNum = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS, targetVeh);

                            while (seatNum < passNum)
                                if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_SEAT_FREE, targetVeh, seatNum))
                                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS, pedId, targetPos.X, targetPos.Y, targetPos.Z, 1, 0, 0, 1);
                                    Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_PED_TASKS_IMMEDIATELY, pedId);
                                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE, pedId, targetVeh, seatNum);
                                    Function.Call(Hash.NETWORK_SET_IN_SPECTATOR_MODE, 0, targetPed);

                Toast.AddToast($"Teleported to {SelectedPlayerName}'s vehicle!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            await Task.FromResult(0);
Exemple #5
        public static async Task Draw()
            SetMenuTitle("hi!", "this is native menu");

            int list = AddMenuOption("Player Listing", MenuId.MENU_PLAYERLIST);

            AddMenuOption("Player", MenuId.MENU_PLAYER);
            AddMenuOption("Util", MenuId.MENU_MISC);
            AddMenuOption("Timecyc Mods", MenuId.MENU_MODIFIERS);
            AddMenuOption("Weapons", MenuId.MENU_WEAPONS);

            string zero = g_currentTimeMinutes < 10 ? "0" : "";

            AddInt("Time", ref g_currentTimeMinutes, 0, 60, 1, additionalValuePre: $"{g_currentTimeHours}:{zero}");
            AddArray("Weather", ref g_currentWeatherIdx, g_weathers, g_weathers.Count());

            int v = AddArray("Vehicles", ref selectedVehicle, vehicles, vehicles.Count());

            int w;

            if (spawned != -1)
                w = AddMenuEntryMultiline("Warp in to vehicle", "Press enter to");
                w = 0;

            var pedId = Function.Call <int>(Hash.PLAYER_PED_ID);

            if (IsEntryPressed(list))
                // sadly, not yet
                //Menus.PlayerList.Players = (int[])API.GetActivePlayers();

                List <int> players = new List <int>();

                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash.NETWORK_IS_PLAYER_CONNECTED, i))

                Menus.PlayerList.Players = players.ToArray();

            if (IsEntryPressed(v))
                var coors   = Function.Call <Vector3>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_COORDS, pedId);
                var forward = Function.Call <Vector3>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_FORWARD_VECTOR, pedId);
                var head = Function.Call <float>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_HEADING, pedId);
                var veh  = vehicles[selectedVehicle];
                var hash = GenHash(veh);

                await CreateVehicle(hash, coors + (forward * 3), head);

                Toast.AddToast($"Spawned a {veh}!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            if (IsEntryPressed(w))
                Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE, pedId, spawned, -1);

            await Task.FromResult(0);
Exemple #6
        public static async Task Draw()
            if (firstOpen)
                totalMods = mods1.Count() + mods2.Count() + mods3.Count() + mods4.Count();

                firstOpen = false;

            SetMenuTitle("Timecycle Modifiers", $"there's {totalMods} of them");

            AddArray("File", ref fileIdx, new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" }, 4);

            if (fileIdx != prevFileIdx)
                selectedMod = 0;
                prevFileIdx = fileIdx;

            var selectedMods = mods1;

            switch (fileIdx)
            case 0:
                selectedMods = mods1;

            case 1:
                selectedMods = mods2;

            case 2:
                selectedMods = mods3;

            case 3:
                selectedMods = mods4;

            // lazy and slow...
            AddArray("Modifier", ref selectedMod, selectedMods, selectedMods.Count());

            AddFloat("Strength", ref strength, 0, 1, 0.1f);

            int clear = AddMenuEntry("Clear modifiers");

            if (strength != 0.0f)
                // this doesn't need to be looped.
                Function.Call(Hash.SET_TIMECYCLE_MODIFIER, selectedMods[selectedMod]);
                Function.Call(Hash.SET_TIMECYCLE_MODIFIER_STRENGTH, strength);

            if (IsEntryPressed(clear))
                strength = 0.0f;


                Toast.AddToast("Cleared modifiers!", 3000, 0.25f + (0.3f / 2), GetCurrentActiveY());

            await Task.FromResult(0);