Exemple #1
            public static OMinimize Minimize(Tinker.Xyz xyz
                                             , Tinker.Xyz.Atom.Format xyz_atoms_format
                                             , Tinker.Prm prm
                                             , string tempbase
                                             , string copytemp                    // = null
                                             , string param
                                             , IList <Tinker.Xyz.Atom> atomsToFix // = null
                                             , bool pause                         // = false
                                             , params string[] keys
                string minimizepath = Tinker.Run.GetProgramPath("minimize");

                           , xyz
                           , xyz_atoms_format
                           , prm
                           , tempbase
                           , copytemp
                           , param
                           , atomsToFix
                           , pause
                           , keys
Exemple #2
            public static ONewton Newton(string tinkerpath
                                         , Tinker.Xyz xyz
                                         , Tinker.Xyz.Atom.Format xyz_atoms_format
                                         , Tinker.Prm prm
                                         , string tempbase
                                         , string copytemp                    // = null
                                         , string param
                                                                              //, string precondition               // = "A"  // Precondition via Auto/None/Diag/Block/SSOR/ICCG [A] :  A
                                                                              //, double gradCriterion              // = 0.01 // Enter RMS Gradient per Atom Criterion [0.01] : 0.001
                                         , IList <Tinker.Xyz.Atom> atomsToFix // = null
                                         , bool pause                         // = false
                                         , params string[] keys
                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && atomsToFix != null)
                    Dictionary <int, Tinker.Xyz.Atom> xyzatoms = xyz.atoms.ToIdDictionary();
                    foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                        HDebug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(atom, xyzatoms[atom.Id]));
                Tinker.Xyz minxyz;
                string[]   minlog;
                using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, copytemp))

                    if (tinkerpath == null)
                        string resbase = "HTLib2.Bioinfo.HTLib2.Bioinfo.External.Tinker.Resources.tinker_6_2_06.";
                        HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + "newton.exe", "newton.exe");
                        tinkerpath = "newton.exe";
                    xyz.ToFile("prot.xyz", false);
                    List <string> keylines = new List <string>(keys);
                    if (atomsToFix != null)
                        foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                            Vector coord          = atom.Coord;
                            double force_constant = 10000; // force constant in kcal/Å2 for the harmonic restraint potential
                            string keyline        = string.Format("RESTRAIN-POSITION     {0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}", atom.Id, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], force_constant);
                    HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.key", keylines);
                    // Precondition via Auto/None/Diag/Block/SSOR/ICCG [A] :  A
                    // Enter RMS Gradient per Atom Criterion [0.01] : 0.001
                    //bool pause = false;
                    string command = tinkerpath;
                    command += string.Format("  prot.xyz  prot.prm");
                    command += string.Format("  -k  prot.key");
                    command += string.Format("  {0}", param);
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole("newton.bat", pause
                                                   , "time /t  >> prot.log"
                                                   , command //+" >> prot.log"
                                                   , "time /t  >> prot.log"
                    HDebug.Assert(HFile.Exists("prot.xyz_3") == false);
                    minxyz = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile("prot.xyz_2", false, xyz_atoms_format);
                    minlog = HFile.ReadAllLines("prot.log");

                return(new ONewton
                    minxyz = minxyz,
                    minlog = minlog
Exemple #3
            public static OMinimize Minimize(string minimizepath
                                             , Tinker.Xyz xyz
                                             , Tinker.Xyz.Atom.Format xyz_atoms_format
                                             , Tinker.Prm prm
                                             , string tempbase
                                             , string copytemp                    // = null
                                             , string param
                                             , IList <Tinker.Xyz.Atom> atomsToFix // = null
                                             , bool pause                         // = false
                                             , params string[] keys
                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && atomsToFix != null)
                    Dictionary <int, Tinker.Xyz.Atom> xyzatoms = xyz.atoms.ToIdDictionary();
                    foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                        HDebug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(atom, xyzatoms[atom.Id]));
                Tinker.Xyz minxyz;
                string[]   minlog;
                using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, copytemp))
                    xyz.ToFile("prot.xyz", false);
                    List <string> keylines = new List <string>();
                    //if(grdmin != null)
                    //    string keyline = string.Format("GRDMIN                {0}", grdmin.Value);
                    //    keylines.Add(keyline);
                    if (atomsToFix != null)
                        foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                            Vector coord          = atom.Coord;
                            double force_constant = 10000; // force constant in kcal/Å2 for the harmonic restraint potential
                            string keyline        = string.Format("RESTRAIN-POSITION     {0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}", atom.Id, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], force_constant);
                    if (keys != null)
                    HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.key", keylines);
                    // Enter RMS Gradient per Atom Criterion [0.01] :
                    string command = minimizepath;
                    command += "  prot.xyz  prot.prm";
                    command += "  -k  prot.key  <  param.txt";

                    HFile.WriteAllLines("param.txt", param.HSplit());

                    //command += string.Format("  >> prot.log");
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole("minimize.bat", pause
                                                   , "time /t >> prot.log"
                                                   , command
                                                   , "time /t >> prot.log"
                    HDebug.Assert(HFile.Exists("prot.xyz_3") == false);
                    minxyz = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile("prot.xyz_2", false, xyz.atoms_format);
                    minlog = HFile.ReadAllLines("prot.log");

                return(new OMinimize
                    minxyz = minxyz,
                    minlog = minlog