Exemple #1
        private void Navigate(int attempts = ScreenCapturePanel.DEFAULT_CAPTURE_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS)
            // this is needed for a weird case where this panel has never been made visible before and
            // the capture timer is asking for capture, without being made visible the WebView will start but
            // never completes, so we conditionally make this visible to allow the WebView to render which
            // will unblock its navigation.
            Action doNavigate = () =>
                this.logger.Verbose("Navigating to {0} for {1}", this.Location.Text, this.Config.PrettyName);

            if (!hasBeenVisible && !this.IsVisible)
                this.logger.Info("Panel {0} is being asked to navigate, but it is not visible, forcing visibility", this.Config.PrettyName);
                if (this.requestFocus(this))
                    this.hasBeenVisible = true;
                    TimerUtility.RunDelayedAction(() =>

                        // now we navigate as usual, navigate completion will acquire its own focus request.
                    }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
                else if (attempts > 0)
                    this.logger.Warn($"Tried to force visibility for Panel {this.Config.PrettyName} but another panel is visible, {attempts} retry attempts remaining...");
                    TimerUtility.RunDelayedAction(() => this.Navigate(attempts - 1), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
                    this.logger.Warn($"Tried to force visibility for Panel {this.Config.PrettyName} but another panel is visible, aborting...");
                    this.CleanupCaptureRun(success: false);
Exemple #2
        private void Viewport_NavigationCompletedImpl(int attempts = ScreenCapturePanel.DEFAULT_CAPTURE_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS)
            this.logger.Verbose($"running delayed capture with settle time of {this.appConfig.DefaultPageSettleDelay}...");

            // we introduce an artificial delay before processing the capture.
            // this is DUMB!, there's no definitive way to know if the page has "settled".
            TimerUtility.RunDelayedAction(() =>
                // note: removed && this.IsVisible() check here, maybe that is necessary?
                if (this.requestFocus(this))
                    // delay one more tick so we give the control time to render
                    TimerUtility.RunSafeDelayedAction(() =>
                                                      (error) =>
                        // HandleScreenCapture should be safe.  no-op
                        if (this.IsCaptureInProgress)
                            this.CleanupCaptureRun(success: false);
                else if (attempts > 0)
                    this.logger.Warn($"Panel {this.Config.PrettyName} attempting to perform screen capture, but another panel already is visible, will retry {attempts} attempts...");

                    // TODO: randomize the retry time?
                    this.Viewport_NavigationCompletedImpl(attempts - 1);
                    // could not get focus or we ran out of attempts
                    this.logger.Error($"Panel {this.Config.PrettyName} failed to get focus after {ScreenCapturePanel.DEFAULT_CAPTURE_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS} attempts");
                    this.CleanupCaptureRun(success: false);
            }, this.appConfig.DefaultPageSettleDelay);
Exemple #3
 private void Viewport_NewWindowRequested(object sender, WebViewControlNewWindowRequestedEventArgs e)
     this.logger.Info($"New window requested... for {e.Uri}, navigating to location in the current view");
     TimerUtility.RunDelayedAction(() => this.SafeViewport.Navigate(e.Uri), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));