internal static string FormatNextOccurrences(TimerSchedule schedule, int count, DateTime?now = null, string functionShortName = null)
            if (schedule == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("schedule");

            // If we've got a timer name, format it
            if (functionShortName != null)
                functionShortName = $"'{functionShortName}' ";

            bool isUtc = TimeZoneInfo.Local.HasSameRules(TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
            IEnumerable <DateTime> nextOccurrences = schedule.GetNextOccurrences(count, now);
            StringBuilder          builder         = new StringBuilder();

            builder.AppendLine($"The next {count} occurrences of the {functionShortName}schedule ({schedule}) will be:");
            foreach (DateTime occurrence in nextOccurrences)
                if (isUtc)
                    TimeSpan offset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(occurrence);
                    builder.AppendLine($"{occurrence.ToString(DateTimeFormat)} ({occurrence.ToUniversalTime().ToString(DateTimeFormat)})");

        public void Create_ConstantSchedule_CreatesExpectedSchedule()
            TimerTriggerAttribute attribute    = new TimerTriggerAttribute("00:00:15");
            INameResolver         nameResolver = new TestNameResolver();
            ConstantSchedule      schedule     = (ConstantSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver, _logger);

            var log = _loggerProvider.GetAllLogMessages().Single();

            Assert.Equal("UseMonitor changed to false based on schedule frequency.", log.FormattedMessage);
            Assert.Equal(LogLevel.Debug, log.Level);

            DateTime now            = new DateTime(2015, 5, 22, 9, 45, 00);
            DateTime nextOccurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);

            Assert.Equal(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15), nextOccurrence - now);

            // For schedules occuring on an interval greater than a minute, we expect
            // UseMonitor to be defaulted to true
            attribute = new TimerTriggerAttribute("01:00:00");
            schedule  = (ConstantSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver, _logger);

            // verify that if UseMonitor is set explicitly, it is not overridden
            attribute            = new TimerTriggerAttribute("01:00:00");
            attribute.UseMonitor = false;
            schedule             = (ConstantSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver, _logger);
        internal static string FormatNextOccurrences(TimerSchedule schedule, int count, DateTime?now = null)
            if (schedule == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("schedule");

            bool isUtc = TimeZoneInfo.Local.HasSameRules(TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
            IEnumerable <DateTime> nextOccurrences = schedule.GetNextOccurrences(count, now);
            StringBuilder          builder         = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DateTime occurrence in nextOccurrences)
                if (isUtc)
                    TimeSpan offset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(occurrence);
                    builder.AppendLine($"{occurrence.ToString(DateTimeFormat)} ({occurrence.ToUniversalTime().ToString(DateTimeFormat)})");

Exemple #4
        public void Create_ConstantSchedule_CreatesExpectedSchedule()
            TimerTriggerAttribute attribute    = new TimerTriggerAttribute("00:00:15");
            INameResolver         nameResolver = new TestNameResolver();
            ConstantSchedule      schedule     = (ConstantSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver);


            DateTime now            = new DateTime(2015, 5, 22, 9, 45, 00);
            DateTime nextOccurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);

            Assert.Equal(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15), nextOccurrence - now);

            // For schedules occuring on an interval greater than a minute, we expect
            // UseMonitor to be defaulted to true
            attribute = new TimerTriggerAttribute("01:00:00");
            schedule  = (ConstantSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver);

            // verify that if UseMonitor is set explicitly, it is not overridden
            attribute            = new TimerTriggerAttribute("01:00:00");
            attribute.UseMonitor = false;
            schedule             = (ConstantSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver);
Exemple #5
        public void Create_InvalidSchedule()
            TimerTriggerAttribute attribute = new TimerTriggerAttribute("invalid");
            ArgumentException     ex        = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, new TestNameResolver());

            Assert.Equal("The schedule expression 'invalid' was not recognized as a valid cron expression or timespan string.", ex.Message);
Exemple #6
 public TimerListener(TimerTriggerAttribute attribute, TimerSchedule schedule, string timerName, TimersOptions options, ITriggeredFunctionExecutor executor, ILogger logger, ScheduleMonitor scheduleMonitor)
     _attribute = attribute;
     _timerName = timerName;
     _options   = options;
     _executor  = executor;
     _logger    = logger;
     _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
     _schedule       = schedule;
     ScheduleMonitor = _attribute.UseMonitor ? scheduleMonitor : null;
        public TimerListener(TimerTriggerAttribute attribute, string timerName, TimersConfiguration config, ITriggeredFunctionExecutor executor)
            _attribute = attribute;
            _timerName = timerName;
            _config = config;
            _executor = executor;
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _schedule = _attribute.Schedule;
            _scheduleMonitor = _config.ScheduleMonitor;
Exemple #8
 public TimerListener(TimerTriggerAttribute attribute, string timerName, TimersConfiguration config, ITriggeredFunctionExecutor executor, TraceWriter trace)
     _attribute = attribute;
     _timerName = timerName;
     _config    = config;
     _executor  = executor;
     _trace     = trace;
     _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
     _schedule       = _attribute.Schedule;
     ScheduleMonitor = _attribute.UseMonitor ? _config.ScheduleMonitor : null;
        public override void Setup()
            TimerSchedule = Substitute.For <TimerSchedule>();
            CommonService = Substitute.For <ICommonService>();
            Logger        = Substitute.For <ILogger <IPersonalLearningRecordService> >();
            PersonalLearningRecordService = Substitute.For <IPersonalLearningRecordService>();

            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(c => c.AddMaps(typeof(Startup).Assembly));

            Mapper = new AutoMapper.Mapper(mapperConfig);
            LearningEventsFunction = new Functions.LearnerVerificationAndLearningEvents(CommonService, PersonalLearningRecordService);
        public override void Setup()
            TimerSchedule  = Substitute.For <TimerSchedule>();
            CommonService  = Substitute.For <ICommonService>();
            Logger         = Substitute.For <ILogger <ILearnerService> >();
            LearnerService = Substitute.For <ILearnerService>();

            var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(c => c.AddMaps(typeof(Startup).Assembly));

            Mapper = new AutoMapper.Mapper(mapperConfig);
            LearnerGenderFunction = new Functions.LearnerGender(CommonService, LearnerService);
        public TimerTriggerBinding(ParameterInfo parameter, TimerTriggerAttribute attribute, TimerSchedule schedule, TimersConfiguration config, TraceWriter trace)
            _attribute       = attribute;
            _schedule        = schedule;
            _parameter       = parameter;
            _config          = config;
            _trace           = trace;
            _bindingContract = CreateBindingDataContract();

            MethodInfo methodInfo = (MethodInfo)parameter.Member;

            _timerName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, methodInfo.Name);
        public TimerTriggerBinding(ParameterInfo parameter, TimerTriggerAttribute attribute, TimerSchedule schedule, TimersOptions options, ILogger logger, ScheduleMonitor scheduleMonitor)
            _attribute       = attribute;
            _schedule        = schedule;
            _parameter       = parameter;
            _options         = options;
            _logger          = logger;
            _scheduleMonitor = scheduleMonitor;
            _bindingContract = CreateBindingDataContract();

            MethodInfo methodInfo = (MethodInfo)parameter.Member;

            _timerName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, methodInfo.Name);
Exemple #13
        public void Create_CustomSchedule_CreatesExpectedSchedule()
            TimerTriggerAttribute attribute    = new TimerTriggerAttribute(typeof(CustomSchedule));
            INameResolver         nameResolver = new TestNameResolver();
            CustomSchedule        schedule     = (CustomSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver);


            // verify that if UseMonitor is set explicitly, it is not overridden
            attribute            = new TimerTriggerAttribute(typeof(CustomSchedule));
            attribute.UseMonitor = false;
            schedule             = (CustomSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver);
Exemple #14
        public void Create_UsesNameResolver()
            TimerTriggerAttribute attribute    = new TimerTriggerAttribute("%test_schedule%");
            TestNameResolver      nameResolver = new TestNameResolver();

            nameResolver.Values.Add("test_schedule", "*/15 * * * * *");
            CronSchedule schedule = (CronSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver);


            DateTime now            = new DateTime(2015, 5, 22, 9, 45, 00);
            DateTime nextOccurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);

            Assert.Equal(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15), nextOccurrence - now);
        public void ShouldDisableScheduleMonitor_ReturnsExpectedValue(string schedule, string nowTimestamp, bool expected)
            DateTime now;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nowTimestamp))
                now = DateTime.Parse(nowTimestamp);
                now = DateTime.Now;

            CronSchedule.TryCreate(schedule, out CronSchedule cronSchedule);

            Assert.Equal(expected, TimerSchedule.ShouldDisableScheduleMonitor(cronSchedule, now));
        internal static string FormatNextOccurrences(TimerSchedule schedule, int count, DateTime?now = null)
            if (schedule == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("schedule");

            IEnumerable <DateTime> nextOccurrences = schedule.GetNextOccurrences(count, now);
            StringBuilder          builder         = new StringBuilder();

            builder.AppendLine(string.Format("The next {0} occurrences of the schedule will be:", count));
            foreach (DateTime occurrence in nextOccurrences)

        private void VerifyConstantSchedule(string expression, TimeSpan expectedInterval)
            Assert.True(TimeSpan.TryParse(expression, out TimeSpan timeSpan));
            Assert.Equal(timeSpan, expectedInterval);

            TimerTriggerAttribute attribute    = new TimerTriggerAttribute(expression);
            INameResolver         nameResolver = new TestNameResolver();
            ConstantSchedule      schedule     = (ConstantSchedule)TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver, _logger);

            DateTime now         = new DateTime(2015, 5, 22, 9, 45, 00);
            var      occurrences = schedule.GetNextOccurrences(5, now);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var delta = occurrences.ElementAt(i + 1) - occurrences.ElementAt(i);
                Assert.Equal(expectedInterval, delta);
        public void GetNextInterval_NextWithinDST_ReturnsExpectedValue(TimerSchedule schedule, TimeSpan expectedInterval)
            // This only works with a DST-supported time zone, so throw a nice exception
            if (!TimeZoneInfo.Local.SupportsDaylightSavingTime)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This test will only pass if the time zone supports DST.");

            // Running at 1:59 AM, i.e. one minute before the DST switch at 2 AM on 3/11 (Pacific Standard Time)
            // Note: this test uses Local time, so if you're running in a timezone where
            // DST doesn't transition the test might not be valid.
            var now = new DateTime(2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);

            var next = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);

            var interval = TimerListener.GetNextTimerInterval(next, now, schedule.AdjustForDST);

            Assert.Equal(expectedInterval, interval);
        private void CreateTestListener(string expression, bool useMonitor = true, Action functionAction = null)
            _attribute            = new TimerTriggerAttribute(expression);
            _schedule             = TimerSchedule.Create(_attribute, new TestNameResolver());
            _attribute.UseMonitor = useMonitor;
            _options             = new TimersOptions();
            _mockScheduleMonitor = new Mock <ScheduleMonitor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            _mockTriggerExecutor = new Mock <ITriggeredFunctionExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            FunctionResult result = new FunctionResult(true);

            _mockTriggerExecutor.Setup(p => p.TryExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <TriggeredFunctionData>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Callback <TriggeredFunctionData, CancellationToken>((mockFunctionData, mockToken) =>
                _triggeredFunctionData = mockFunctionData;
            _logger   = new TestLogger(null);
            _listener = new TimerListener(_attribute, _schedule, _testTimerName, _options, _mockTriggerExecutor.Object, _logger, _mockScheduleMonitor.Object);
        public void GetNextInterval_NextAfterDST_ReturnsExpectedValue(TimerSchedule schedule, TimeSpan expectedInterval)
            // This only works with a DST-supported time zone, so throw a nice exception
            if (!TimeZoneInfo.Local.SupportsDaylightSavingTime)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This test will only pass if the time zone supports DST.");

            // Running on the Friday before the DST switch at 2 AM on 3/11 (Pacific Standard Time)
            // Note: this test uses Local time, so if you're running in a timezone where
            // DST doesn't transition the test might not be valid.
            // The input schedules will run after DST changes. For some (Cron), they will subtract
            // an hour to account for the shift. For others (Constant), they will not.
            var now = new DateTime(2018, 3, 9, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);

            var next     = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);
            var interval = TimerListener.GetNextTimerInterval(next, now, schedule.AdjustForDST);

            // One week is normally 168 hours, but it's 167 hours across DST
            Assert.Equal(interval, expectedInterval);
        public async Task BindAsync_ReturnsExpectedTriggerData()
            ParameterInfo parameter  = GetType().GetMethod("TestTimerJob").GetParameters()[0];
            MethodInfo    methodInfo = (MethodInfo)parameter.Member;
            string        timerName  = string.Format("{0}.{1}", methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, methodInfo.Name);

            Mock <ScheduleMonitor> mockScheduleMonitor = new Mock <ScheduleMonitor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            ScheduleStatus         status = new ScheduleStatus();

            mockScheduleMonitor.Setup(p => p.GetStatusAsync(timerName)).ReturnsAsync(status);

            TimerTriggerAttribute attribute    = parameter.GetCustomAttribute <TimerTriggerAttribute>();
            INameResolver         nameResolver = new TestNameResolver();
            TimerSchedule         schedule     = TimerSchedule.Create(attribute, nameResolver);
            TimersConfiguration   config       = new TimersConfiguration();

            config.ScheduleMonitor = mockScheduleMonitor.Object;

            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();

            loggerFactory.AddProvider(new TestLoggerProvider());

            TimerTriggerBinding binding = new TimerTriggerBinding(parameter, attribute, schedule, config, loggerFactory.CreateLogger("Test"));

            // when we bind to a non-TimerInfo (e.g. in a Dashboard invocation) a new
            // TimerInfo is created, with the ScheduleStatus populated
            FunctionBindingContext functionContext = new FunctionBindingContext(Guid.NewGuid(), CancellationToken.None);
            ValueBindingContext    context         = new ValueBindingContext(functionContext, CancellationToken.None);
            TriggerData            triggerData     = (TriggerData)(await binding.BindAsync(string.Empty, context));
            TimerInfo timerInfo = (TimerInfo)(await triggerData.ValueProvider.GetValueAsync());

            Assert.Same(status, timerInfo.ScheduleStatus);

            // when we pass in a TimerInfo that is used
            TimerInfo expected = new TimerInfo(schedule, status);

            triggerData = (TriggerData)(await binding.BindAsync(expected, context));
            timerInfo   = (TimerInfo)(await triggerData.ValueProvider.GetValueAsync());
            Assert.Same(expected, timerInfo);
        private void CreateTestListener(string expression, bool useMonitor = true)
            _attribute            = new TimerTriggerAttribute(expression);
            _schedule             = TimerSchedule.Create(_attribute, new TestNameResolver());
            _attribute.UseMonitor = useMonitor;
            _config = new TimersConfiguration();
            _mockScheduleMonitor    = new Mock <ScheduleMonitor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            _config.ScheduleMonitor = _mockScheduleMonitor.Object;
            _mockTriggerExecutor    = new Mock <ITriggeredFunctionExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            FunctionResult result = new FunctionResult(true);

            _mockTriggerExecutor.Setup(p => p.TryExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <TriggeredFunctionData>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Callback <TriggeredFunctionData, CancellationToken>((mockFunctionData, mockToken) =>
                _triggeredFunctionData = mockFunctionData;
            JobHostConfiguration hostConfig = new JobHostConfiguration();

            hostConfig.HostId = "testhostid";
            _listener         = new TimerListener(_attribute, _schedule, _testTimerName, _config, _mockTriggerExecutor.Object, new TestTraceWriter());
Exemple #23
        public Task <ITriggerBinding> TryCreateAsync(TriggerBindingProviderContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            ParameterInfo         parameter             = context.Parameter;
            TimerTriggerAttribute timerTriggerAttribute = parameter.GetCustomAttribute <TimerTriggerAttribute>(inherit: false);

            if (timerTriggerAttribute == null)
                return(Task.FromResult <ITriggerBinding>(null));

            if (parameter.ParameterType != typeof(TimerInfo))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't bind TimerTriggerAttribute to type '{0}'.", parameter.ParameterType));

            TimerSchedule schedule = TimerSchedule.Create(timerTriggerAttribute, _nameResolver, _logger);

            return(Task.FromResult <ITriggerBinding>(new TimerTriggerBinding(parameter, timerTriggerAttribute, schedule, _options, _logger, _scheduleMonitor)));
Exemple #24
        public async Task <ResponseData <ApplianceDTO> > SetupThink([FromBody] ApplianceDTO appliance)
                var response = new ResponseData <ApplianceDTO>();
                var things   = await TelitApi.ThingList();

                bool isMatching              = false;
                bool hasSerialNumber         = false;
                Telit.ThingList.Result thing = new Telit.ThingList.Result();
                if (things != null && things.things != null && things.things.success && things.things.@params != null && [email protected] != null && [email protected]() > 0)
                    foreach (var item in [email protected])
                        if (item.key == appliance.SerialNumber)
                            hasSerialNumber = true;
                            if (item.loc != null && item.loc.addr != null)
                                isMatching = await calculateAddressAsync(appliance.Street1.Trim(), appliance.City.Trim(), _stateService.GetStateById(appliance.StateId.Value).Name, appliance.ZipCode.Trim(),, item.loc.lng);

                                thing = item;

                if (!hasSerialNumber)
                    response.Message = ResponseMessage.SerialNumberInCorrect;
                    response.Status  = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString();

                if (isMatching)
                    var isSerialNumberExist = _applianceService.GetApplianceBySerialNumber(appliance.SerialNumber);

                    var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(thing.key);

                    bool thingIsOn                 = false;
                    bool thingIsConnected          = false;
                    bool thingCellular             = false;
                    bool thingPower                = false;
                    bool thingWifi                 = false;
                    bool thingWifiInternet         = false;
                    int? thingTrustLevel           = null;
                    Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params();
                    string applianceEnvironment    = string.Empty;

                    if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null)
                        _params = thingFind.Things.@params;

                    if (_params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.env != null && _params.alarms.env.state >= 0 && _params.alarms.env.state < 16)
                        applianceEnvironment = Convert.ToString(_params.alarms.env.state, 2).PadLeft(4, '0');
                        var array = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) ? applianceEnvironment.ToArray() : new char[] { };
                        thingIsOn         = Convert.ToBoolean(_params.alarms.on.state);
                        thingIsConnected  = _params.connected;
                        thingCellular     = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[2].ToString())) : false;
                        thingPower        = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false;
                        thingWifi         = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false;
                        thingWifiInternet = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false;
                        thingTrustLevel   = != null ? (int?) : null;

                    if (isSerialNumberExist == null)
                        var app = _applianceService.Insert(new Appliance()
                            AccountId       = appliance.AccountId,
                            Cellular        = thingCellular,
                            IsConnected     = thingIsConnected,
                            City            = appliance.City,
                            DeviceName      = _params != null && _params.attrs != null && != null ? : string.Empty,
                            OsVersion       = "",
                            GeoFenceEnabled = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false,
                            Lat             = _params.loc != null ? : 0,
                            Lon             = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0,
                            SerialNumber    = appliance.SerialNumber,
                            Power           = thingPower,
                            StateId         = appliance.StateId,
                            Street1         = appliance.Street1,
                            Street2         = appliance.Street2,
                            TimerEnabled    = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false,
                            TriggerMile     = Convert.ToDecimal(_appSettings.TriggerMiles),
                            Wifi            = thingWifi,
                            WiFiInternet    = thingWifiInternet,
                            ZipCode         = appliance.ZipCode,
                            TrustLevel      = thingTrustLevel != null ? thingTrustLevel : 0,
                            IsOn            = thingIsOn
                        if (app != null)
                            var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.Insert(new AccountAppliance()
                                AccountId      = app.AccountId,
                                AirGapVersion  = "",
                                ApplianceId    = app.Id,
                                IsQRCodeScaned = false,
                                IsVerified     = false

                            appliance.Id = app.Id;

                            if (_params.attrs != null && _params.attrs.timerSchedule != null)
                                var    timerScheduleDTO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(_params.attrs.timerSchedule.value);
                                char[] weekDayArray     = timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays.ToCharArray();
                                char[] weekEndArray     = timerScheduleDTO.Weekends.ToCharArray();
                                string valueWeekDay     = string.Empty;
                                string valueWeekEnd     = string.Empty;

                                for (int i = 0; i < weekDayArray.Length; i++)
                                    if (weekDayArray[i] == '1')
                                        valueWeekDay += i + 1 + ",";

                                for (int i = 0; i < weekEndArray.Length; i++)
                                    if (weekEndArray[i] == '1')
                                        valueWeekEnd += i + 1 + ",";

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay))
                                    var timerScheduleOfWeekDays = new TimerSchedule()
                                        TimerTypeId  = Configuration.Weekdays,
                                        ApplianceId  = app.Id,
                                        ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd))
                                    var timerScheduleOfWeekEnd = new TimerSchedule()
                                        TimerTypeId  = Configuration.Weekends,
                                        ApplianceId  = app.Id,
                                        ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty

                        if (isSerialNumberExist.AccountId == null)
                            isSerialNumberExist.AccountId       = appliance.AccountId;
                            isSerialNumberExist.Street1         = appliance.Street1;
                            isSerialNumberExist.Street2         = appliance.Street2;
                            isSerialNumberExist.City            = appliance.City;
                            isSerialNumberExist.StateId         = appliance.StateId;
                            isSerialNumberExist.ZipCode         = appliance.ZipCode;
                            isSerialNumberExist.Lat             = _params.loc != null ? : 0;
                            isSerialNumberExist.Lon             = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0;
                            isSerialNumberExist.Cellular        = thingCellular;
                            isSerialNumberExist.IsConnected     = thingIsConnected;
                            isSerialNumberExist.DeviceName      = _params != null && _params.attrs != null && != null ? : string.Empty;
                            isSerialNumberExist.OsVersion       = "";
                            isSerialNumberExist.GeoFenceEnabled = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false;
                            isSerialNumberExist.Power           = thingPower;
                            isSerialNumberExist.TimerEnabled    = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false;
                            isSerialNumberExist.Wifi            = thingWifi;
                            isSerialNumberExist.WiFiInternet    = thingWifiInternet;
                            isSerialNumberExist.ZipCode         = appliance.ZipCode;
                            isSerialNumberExist.TrustLevel      = thingTrustLevel != null ? thingTrustLevel : 0;
                            isSerialNumberExist.IsOn            = thingIsOn;
                            isSerialNumberExist.TriggerMile     = Convert.ToDecimal(_appSettings.TriggerMiles);
                            var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.Insert(new AccountAppliance()
                                AccountId      = appliance.AccountId,
                                AirGapVersion  = "",
                                ApplianceId    = isSerialNumberExist.Id,
                                IsQRCodeScaned = false,
                                IsVerified     = false
                            appliance.Id = isSerialNumberExist.Id;

                            if (_params.attrs != null && _params.attrs.timerSchedule != null)
                                var    timerScheduleDTO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(_params.attrs.timerSchedule.value);
                                char[] weekDayArray     = timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays.ToCharArray();
                                char[] weekEndArray     = timerScheduleDTO.Weekends.ToCharArray();
                                string valueWeekDay     = string.Empty;
                                string valueWeekEnd     = string.Empty;

                                for (int i = 0; i < weekDayArray.Length; i++)
                                    if (weekDayArray[i] == '1')
                                        valueWeekDay += i + 1 + ",";

                                for (int i = 0; i < weekEndArray.Length; i++)
                                    if (weekEndArray[i] == '1')
                                        valueWeekEnd += i + 1 + ",";

                                var timerSchedule = _timerScheduleService.GetTimerScheduleByApplianceId(appliance.Id);
                                if (timerSchedule != null && timerSchedule.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (var item in timerSchedule)
                                        if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekdays)
                                            item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty;

                                        if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekends)
                                            item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay))
                                        var timerScheduleOfWeekDays = new TimerSchedule()
                                            TimerTypeId  = Configuration.Weekdays,
                                            ApplianceId  = isSerialNumberExist.Id,
                                            ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd))
                                        var timerScheduleOfWeekEnd = new TimerSchedule()
                                            TimerTypeId  = Configuration.Weekends,
                                            ApplianceId  = isSerialNumberExist.Id,
                                            ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty

                            response.Status  = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString();
                            response.Message = ResponseMessage.SerialNumberIsExist;

                appliance.IsMatching      = isMatching;
                appliance.HasSerialNumber = hasSerialNumber;
                response.Data             = appliance;
                response.Status           = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                var response = new ResponseData <ApplianceDTO>();
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                response.Status  = ResponseStatus.Error.ToString();
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override async Task <bool> IsPastDueAsync(string timerName, DateTime now, TimerSchedule schedule)
            StatusEntry status = GetStatus(timerName);
            DateTime    recordedNextOccurrence;

            if (status == null)
                // If we've never recorded a status for this timer, write an initial
                // status entry. This ensures that for a new timer, we've captured a
                // status log for the next occurrence even though no occurrence has happened yet
                // (ensuring we don't miss an occurrence)
                DateTime nextOccurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);
                await UpdateAsync(timerName, default(DateTime), nextOccurrence);

                recordedNextOccurrence = nextOccurrence;
                // ensure that the schedule hasn't been updated since the last
                // time we checked, and if it has, update the status file
                DateTime expectedNextOccurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(status.Last);
                if (status.Next != expectedNextOccurrence)
                    await UpdateAsync(timerName, status.Last, expectedNextOccurrence);
                recordedNextOccurrence = status.Next;

            // if now is after the last next occurrence we recorded, we know we've missed
            // at least one schedule instance
            return(now > recordedNextOccurrence);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the <see cref="TimeSpan"/> duration that the specified timer is past due.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timerName">The name of the timer.</param>
        /// <param name="now">The current time.</param>
        /// <param name="schedule">The <see cref="TimerSchedule"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The duration the timer is past due.</returns>
        protected async Task<TimeSpan> GetPastDueDuration(string timerName, DateTime now, TimerSchedule schedule)
            StatusEntry status = GetStatus(timerName);
            DateTime recordedNextOccurrence;
            if (status == null)
                // If we've never recorded a status for this timer, write an initial
                // status entry. This ensures that for a new timer, we've captured a
                // status log for the next occurrence even though no occurrence has happened yet
                // (ensuring we don't miss an occurrence)
                DateTime nextOccurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);
                await UpdateAsync(timerName, default(DateTime), nextOccurrence);
                recordedNextOccurrence = nextOccurrence;
                // ensure that the schedule hasn't been updated since the last
                // time we checked, and if it has, update the status file
                DateTime expectedNextOccurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(status.Last);
                if (status.Next != expectedNextOccurrence)
                    await UpdateAsync(timerName, status.Last, expectedNextOccurrence);
                recordedNextOccurrence = status.Next;

            if (now > recordedNextOccurrence)
                // if now is after the last next occurrence we recorded, we know we've missed
                // at least one schedule instance and we are past due
                return now - recordedNextOccurrence;
                // not past due
                return TimeSpan.Zero;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the schedule is currently past due.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// On startup, all schedules are checked to see if they are past due. Any
 /// timers that are past due will be executed immediately by default. Subclasses can
 /// change this behavior by inspecting the current time and schedule to determine
 /// whether it should be considered past due.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="timerName">The name of the timer to check</param>
 /// <param name="now">The time to check</param>
 /// <param name="schedule">The <see cref="TimerSchedule"/></param>
 /// <returns>True if the schedule is past due, false otherwise.</returns>
 public abstract Task<bool> IsPastDueAsync(string timerName, DateTime now, TimerSchedule schedule);
 public static void NextOccurrences(ILogger logger, string functionName, TimerSchedule schedule, string occurrences) =>
 _nextOccurrences(logger, functionName, schedule, Environment.NewLine + occurrences, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instances
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schedule">The timer trigger schedule.</param>
 public TimerInfo(TimerSchedule schedule)
     Schedule = schedule;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schedule">The timer trigger schedule.</param>
 /// <param name="status">The current schedule status.</param>
 /// <param name="isPastDue">True if the schedule is past due, false otherwise.</param>
 public TimerInfo(TimerSchedule schedule, ScheduleStatus status, bool isPastDue = false)
     Schedule       = schedule;
     ScheduleStatus = status;
     IsPastDue      = isPastDue;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instances
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schedule">The timer trigger schedule.</param>
 public TimerInfo(TimerSchedule schedule)
     Schedule = schedule;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the schedule is currently past due.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timerName">The name of the timer to check</param>
 /// <param name="now">The time to check</param>
 /// <param name="schedule">The <see cref="TimerSchedule"/></param>
 /// <returns>True if the schedule is past due, false otherwise.</returns>
 public abstract Task <bool> IsPastDueAsync(string timerName, DateTime now, TimerSchedule schedule);
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateStatusFromTelit([FromBody] RequestTelit request)
                Event _event    = null;
                var   appliance = _applianceService.GetApplianceBySerialNumber(request.thing);
                if (appliance == null)
                    return(Json(new { success = true, message = ResponseMessage.SerialNumberInCorrect }));

                if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.TurnOn)
                    if (appliance != null)
                        var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(request.thing);

                        Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params();
                        bool isMatching = false;
                        if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null)
                            _params = thingFind.Things.@params;
                            if (_params.loc != null)
                                isMatching = DistanceBetweenPlaces(appliance.Lat.Value, appliance.Lon.Value,, _params.loc.lng) <= Convert.ToDouble(_appSettings.Miles) ? true : false;
                                if (!isMatching)
                                    appliance.StateId = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null && _stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state) != null ? (long?)_stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state).Id : null;
                                    appliance.Street1 = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.streetNumber + " " + _params.loc.addr.street : string.Empty;
                                    appliance.Street2 = string.Empty;
                                    appliance.Lat     = _params.loc != null ? : 0;
                                    appliance.Lon     = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0;
                                    appliance.City    = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? : string.Empty;
                                    appliance.ZipCode = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.zipCode : string.Empty;

                        appliance.IsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(request.value));
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(request.value) == Configuration.Off)
                            appliance.TimerEnabled    = true;
                            appliance.GeoFenceEnabled = true;

                        if (Convert.ToInt32(request.value) == (Int32)AlarmStatus.OffScheduleTimer || Convert.ToInt32(request.value) == (Int32)AlarmStatus.OnScheduleTimer)
                            request.msg = ResponseMessage.ScheduleTimerChange;

                        _event = new Event()
                            ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id),
                            EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ConnectionChange,
                            EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ConnectionChange,
                            Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Message     = request.msg

                else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.Name)
                    if (appliance != null)
                        appliance.DeviceName = request.value;
                else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.Env)
                    var applianceEnvironment = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(request.value), 2).PadLeft(4, '0');
                    var array = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) ? applianceEnvironment.ToArray() : new char[] { };
                    if (appliance != null)
                        bool isPowerStatusChange        = appliance.Power != (array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false) ? true : false;
                        bool isWifiStatusChange         = appliance.Wifi != (array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false) ? true : false;
                        bool isWiFiInternetStatusChange = appliance.WiFiInternet != (array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false) ? true : false;
                        appliance.Cellular     = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[2].ToString())) : false;
                        appliance.Power        = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false;
                        appliance.Wifi         = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false;
                        appliance.WiFiInternet = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false;

                        var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(request.thing);

                        Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params();
                        bool isMatching = false;
                        if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null)
                            _params = thingFind.Things.@params;
                            if (_params.loc != null)
                                isMatching = DistanceBetweenPlaces(appliance.Lat.Value, appliance.Lon.Value,, _params.loc.lng) <= Convert.ToDouble(_appSettings.Miles) ? true : false;
                                if (!isMatching)
                                    appliance.StateId = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null && _stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state) != null ? (long?)_stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state).Id : null;
                                    appliance.Street1 = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.streetNumber + " " + _params.loc.addr.street : string.Empty;
                                    appliance.Street2 = string.Empty;
                                    appliance.Lat     = _params.loc != null ? : 0;
                                    appliance.Lon     = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0;
                                    appliance.City    = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? : string.Empty;
                                    appliance.ZipCode = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.zipCode : string.Empty;

                        var lAccount = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountByApplianceId(appliance.Id, true);

                        if (isPowerStatusChange)
                            _event = new Event()
                                ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id),
                                EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.HomePowerLoss,
                                EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ManualConnectedStatusChange,
                                Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                Message     = appliance.DeviceName + "(" + appliance.SerialNumber.Substring(appliance.SerialNumber.Length - 4) + ")" + ": " + Constant.ResponseMessage.HomePower + " " + (array.Length == 4 && Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) ? Configuration.TurnOn.ToUpper() : Configuration.TurnOff.ToUpper())

                            var insEvent = _eventService.Insert(_event);

                            if (lAccount != null && lAccount.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var item in lAccount)
                                    var notificationPreference = _notificationPreferenceService.GetNotificationPreferenceByAccountId(item.Id.Value);
                                    if (notificationPreference.Any(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.HomePowerLoss && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id))
                                        var temp = notificationPreference.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.HomePowerLoss && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id);

                                        var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountIdAndApplianceId(temp.AccountId, temp.ApplianceId);
                                        if (accountAppliance.PhoneType == Configuration.Android)
                                            var pushGcmotification = new AndroidGcmPushNotification(_appSettings);
                                            pushGcmotification.InitPushNotification(accountAppliance.DeviceToken, insEvent.Message);
                                            var applePush = new ApplePushNotificationService(_appSettings);
                                            applePush.PushMessage(insEvent.Message, accountAppliance.DeviceToken, 0, null).Wait();

                                        var notification = new Notification()
                                            AccountId   = accountAppliance.AccountId,
                                            ApplianceId = accountAppliance.ApplianceId,
                                            EventId     = insEvent.Id,
                                            Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow


                        if (isWifiStatusChange)
                            _event = new Event()
                                ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id),
                                EventTypeId = request.msg != null && request.msg == Constant.EventType.StatusChangeFromGeoFence.ToString() ? Constant.EventType.StatusChangeFromGeoFence : Constant.EventType.NetWorkStatusChange,
                                EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.Wifi,
                                Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                Message     = appliance.DeviceName + "(" + appliance.SerialNumber.Substring(appliance.SerialNumber.Length - 4) + ")" + ": " + Constant.ResponseMessage.Wifi + " " + (array.Length == 4 && Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) ? Configuration.TurnOn.ToUpper() : Configuration.TurnOff.ToUpper())

                            var insEvent = _eventService.Insert(_event);

                            if (lAccount != null && lAccount.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var item in lAccount)
                                    var notificationPreference = _notificationPreferenceService.GetNotificationPreferenceByAccountId(item.Id.Value);
                                    if (notificationPreference.Any(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.NetWorkStatusChange && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id))
                                        var temp             = notificationPreference.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.NetWorkStatusChange && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id);
                                        var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountIdAndApplianceId(temp.AccountId, temp.ApplianceId);
                                        if (accountAppliance.PhoneType == Configuration.Android)
                                            var pushGcmotification = new AndroidGcmPushNotification(_appSettings);
                                            pushGcmotification.InitPushNotification(accountAppliance.DeviceToken, insEvent.Message);
                                            var applePush = new ApplePushNotificationService(_appSettings);
                                            applePush.PushMessage(insEvent.Message, accountAppliance.DeviceToken, 0, null).Wait();

                                        var notification = new Notification()
                                            AccountId   = accountAppliance.AccountId,
                                            ApplianceId = accountAppliance.ApplianceId,
                                            EventId     = insEvent.Id,
                                            Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow


                        if (isWiFiInternetStatusChange)
                            _event = new Event()
                                ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id),
                                EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ISPOutage,
                                EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ISPOutage,
                                Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                Message     = appliance.DeviceName + "(" + appliance.SerialNumber.Substring(appliance.SerialNumber.Length - 4) + ")" + ": " + Constant.ResponseMessage.ISPOutage + " " + (array.Length == 4 && Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) ? Configuration.Connected : Configuration.Disconnected)

                            var insEvent = _eventService.Insert(_event);

                            if (lAccount != null && lAccount.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var item in lAccount)
                                    var notificationPreference = _notificationPreferenceService.GetNotificationPreferenceByAccountId(item.Id.Value);
                                    if (notificationPreference.Any(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.ISPOutage && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id))
                                        var temp             = notificationPreference.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.ISPOutage && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id);
                                        var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountIdAndApplianceId(temp.AccountId, temp.ApplianceId);
                                        if (accountAppliance.PhoneType == Configuration.Android)
                                            var pushGcmotification = new AndroidGcmPushNotification(_appSettings);
                                            pushGcmotification.InitPushNotification(accountAppliance.DeviceToken, insEvent.Message);
                                            var applePush = new ApplePushNotificationService(_appSettings);
                                            applePush.PushMessage(insEvent.Message, accountAppliance.DeviceToken, 0, null).Wait();

                                        var notification = new Notification()
                                            AccountId   = accountAppliance.AccountId,
                                            ApplianceId = accountAppliance.ApplianceId,
                                            EventId     = insEvent.Id,
                                            Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow

                else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.Trust.ToLower())
                    if (appliance != null)
                        bool isStatusChange = appliance.TrustLevel != null && appliance.TrustLevel.Value.ToString() != request.value ? true : false;
                        _event = new Event()
                            ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id),
                            EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.TrustLevelChange,
                            EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.TrustLevel,
                            Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Message     = Constant.ResponseMessage.TrustLevel + " " + request.value

                        appliance.TrustLevel = Convert.ToInt16(request.value);
                else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.TimmerState)
                    if (appliance != null)
                        appliance.TimerEnabled = Convert.ToInt16(request.value) != Configuration.TimerDisable ? true : false;
                else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.TimerSchedule)
                    var    timerScheduleDTO      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(request.value);
                    var    timerScheduleOldValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(request.prev);
                    char[] weekDayArray          = timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays.ToCharArray();
                    char[] weekEndArray          = timerScheduleDTO.Weekends.ToCharArray();
                    string valueWeekDay          = string.Empty;
                    string valueWeekEnd          = string.Empty;

                    for (int i = 0; i < weekDayArray.Length; i++)
                        if (weekDayArray[i] == '1')
                            valueWeekDay += i + 1 + ",";

                    for (int i = 0; i < weekEndArray.Length; i++)
                        if (weekEndArray[i] == '1')
                            valueWeekEnd += i + 1 + ",";

                    var timerSchedule = _timerScheduleService.GetTimerScheduleByApplianceId(appliance.Id);
                    if (timerSchedule != null && timerSchedule.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var item in timerSchedule)
                            if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekdays)
                                item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty;

                            if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekends)
                                item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty;

                        _event = new Event()
                            ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id),
                            EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ScheduleTimerChange,
                            EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ScheduleTimerChange,
                            Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Message     = "from Weekdays: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekends + " to Weekdays: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekends

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay))
                            var timerScheduleOfWeekDays = new TimerSchedule()
                                TimerTypeId  = Configuration.Weekdays,
                                ApplianceId  = appliance.Id,
                                ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd))
                            var timerScheduleOfWeekEnd = new TimerSchedule()
                                TimerTypeId  = Configuration.Weekends,
                                ApplianceId  = appliance.Id,
                                ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty

                        _event = new Event()
                            ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id),
                            EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ScheduleTimerChange,
                            EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ScheduleTimerChange,
                            Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Message     = "from Weekdays: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekends + " to Weekdays: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekends

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { success = false, message = ex.Message }));
            return(Json(new { success = true, message = request.msg }));
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override async Task<bool> IsPastDueAsync(string timerName, DateTime now, TimerSchedule schedule)
     TimeSpan pastDueDuration = await GetPastDueDuration(timerName, now, schedule);
     return pastDueDuration != TimeSpan.Zero;
 public static void ScheduleAndTimeZone(ILogger logger, string functionName, TimerSchedule schedule, string timeZone) =>
 _scheduleAndTimeZone(logger, functionName, schedule, timeZone, null);