Exemple #1
 public void AddTimer(Timer timer, int callId, int actorId)
     lock (_lock)
         TimerInfo record = new TimerInfo { Timer = timer, CallId = callId, Actor = actorId };
         _timersByCallId[callId] = record;
Exemple #2
        private void OnAddCommand()
            var info = new TimerInfo
                               Name = String.Format("Timer {0}", _timers.Count)

            _timers.Add(new TimerViewModel(info));
Exemple #3
        //  Add a timeout to expire in timeout_ milliseconds. After the
        //  expiration timer_event on sink_ object will be called with
        //  argument set to id_.
        public void AddTimer(long timeout, IPollEvents sink, int id)
            long expiration = Clock.NowMs() + timeout;
            TimerInfo info = new TimerInfo(sink, id);

            if (!m_timers.ContainsKey(expiration))
                m_timers.Add(expiration, new List<TimerInfo>());

        public Task<ITriggerData> BindAsync(object value, ValueBindingContext context)
            TimerInfo timerInfo = value as TimerInfo;
            if (timerInfo == null)
                timerInfo = new TimerInfo(_attribute.Schedule);

            IValueProvider valueProvider = new ValueProvider(timerInfo);
            IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> bindingData = CreateBindingData();

            return Task.FromResult<ITriggerData>(new TriggerData(valueProvider, bindingData));
        public async Task<ITriggerData> BindAsync(object value, ValueBindingContext context)
            TimerInfo timerInfo = value as TimerInfo;
            if (timerInfo == null)
                ScheduleStatus status = null;
                if (_attribute.UseMonitor && _config.ScheduleMonitor != null)
                    status = await _config.ScheduleMonitor.GetStatusAsync(_timerName);
                timerInfo = new TimerInfo(_attribute.Schedule, status);

            IValueProvider valueProvider = new ValueProvider(timerInfo);
            IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> bindingData = CreateBindingData();

            return new TriggerData(valueProvider, bindingData);
        public void SetUp()
            _containerMock = Substitute.For<IContainer>();
            Program.Container = _containerMock;

            _textWriterMock = Substitute.For<TextWriter>();
            var timerSchedule = Substitute.For<TimerSchedule>();
            _timerInfoMock = Substitute.For<TimerInfo>(timerSchedule);
            _sitemapGeneratorServiceMock = Substitute.For<ISitemapGeneratorService>();


            _expectedJobResult = new RegenerateSitemapsJobResult
                TimeElapsedInMilliseconds = 1000,
                NumberOfSitemapsGenerated = 20
Exemple #7
        public void SetTimerEvent(uint m_localID, UUID m_itemID, double sec)
            if (sec == 0) // Disabling timer
                UnSetTimerEvents(m_localID, m_itemID);

            // Add to timer
            TimerInfo ts = new TimerInfo();
            ts.localID = m_localID;
            ts.itemID = m_itemID;
            ts.interval = Convert.ToInt64(sec * 10000000); // How many 100 nanoseconds (ticks) should we wait
            //       2193386136332921 ticks
            //       219338613 seconds

            //ts.next = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds(ts.interval);
            ts.next = DateTime.Now.Ticks + ts.interval;

            string key = MakeTimerKey(m_localID, m_itemID);
            // Adds if timer doesn't exist, otherwise replaces with new timer
            Timers[key] = ts;
        internal async Task InvokeJobFunction(DateTime lastOccurrence, bool isPastDue)
            CancellationToken token = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;

            TimerInfo timerInfo = new TimerInfo(_attribute.Schedule);
            timerInfo.IsPastDue = isPastDue;

            TriggeredFunctionData input = new TriggeredFunctionData
                // TODO: how to set this properly?
                ParentId = null,
                TriggerValue = timerInfo
            FunctionResult result = await _executor.TryExecuteAsync(input, token);
            if (!result.Succeeded)

            if (_attribute.UseMonitor)
                DateTime nextOccurrence = _schedule.GetNextOccurrence(lastOccurrence);
                await _scheduleMonitor.UpdateAsync(_timerName, lastOccurrence, nextOccurrence);
Exemple #9
 public static void RunKeepAlive([TimerTrigger("0 */1 * * * *")] TimerInfo timer, ExecutionContext ctx, ILogger log)
     TraceExecution(ctx, log);
        internal async Task InvokeJobFunction(DateTime lastOccurrence, bool isPastDue = false)
            CancellationToken token = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;
            TimerInfo timerInfo = new TimerInfo(_attribute.Schedule, _scheduleStatus, isPastDue);
            TriggeredFunctionData input = new TriggeredFunctionData
                TriggerValue = timerInfo

                FunctionResult result = await _executor.TryExecuteAsync(input, token);
                if (!result.Succeeded)
                // We don't want any function errors to stop the execution
                // schedule. Errors will be logged to Dashboard already.

            if (ScheduleMonitor != null)
                _scheduleStatus = new ScheduleStatus
                    Last = lastOccurrence,
                    Next = _schedule.GetNextOccurrence(lastOccurrence)
                await ScheduleMonitor.UpdateStatusAsync(_timerName, _scheduleStatus);
 public static Task TimerTrigger(TimerInfo timerInfo)
     return Task.FromResult(0);
 public async static Task GetBusData([TimerTrigger("*/15 * * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
     var m = new BusDataManager(log);
     await m.ProcessBusData();
        public static void Run([TimerTrigger("*/30 * * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
                $"DBCheckTimerTrigger - iniciando execução em: {DateTime.Now}");

            var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount
            var logTable = storageAccount

            if (logTable.CreateIfNotExistsAsync().Result)
                log.LogInformation("Criando a tabela de log...");

            var hosts = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Sites")
                        .Split("|", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            foreach (string host in hosts)
                    $"Verificando a disponibilidade do host {host}");

                var dadosLog = new LogEntity("MonitoramentoSites",
                dadosLog.Site = host;

                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri(host);

                        // Envio da requisicao a fim de determinar se
                        // o site esta no ar
                        HttpResponseMessage response =

                        dadosLog.Status = (int)response.StatusCode + " " +
                        if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                            dadosLog.DescricaoErro = response.ReasonPhrase;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        dadosLog.Status        = "Exception";
                        dadosLog.DescricaoErro = ex.Message;

                string jsonResultado =

                if (dadosLog.DescricaoErro == null)

                var    insertOperation  = TableOperation.Insert(dadosLog);
                var    resultInsert     = logTable.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation).Result;
                string jsonResultInsert = JsonSerializer.Serialize(resultInsert);


                $"ChecagemTimerTrigger - concluindo execução em: {DateTime.Now}");
Exemple #14
        public void CreateFromData(uint localID, UUID itemID, UUID objectID,
                                   Object[] data)
            int idx = 0;

            while (idx < data.Length)
                TimerInfo ts = new TimerInfo();

                ts.localID = localID;
                ts.itemID = itemID;
                ts.interval = (long)data[idx];
                ts.next = DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)data[idx+1];
                idx += 2;

                lock (TimerListLock)
                    Timers.Add(MakeTimerKey(localID, itemID), ts);
Exemple #15
 public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */5 * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
     log.LogInformation($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
Exemple #16
 //  Add a timeout to expire in timeout_ milliseconds. After the
 //  expiration timer_event on sink_ object will be called with
 //  argument set to id_.
 public void AddTimer(long timeout, IPollEvents sink, int id)
     long expiration = Clock.NowMs () + timeout;
     TimerInfo info = new TimerInfo(sink, id);
     m_timers.Add(expiration, info);
 /// <summary>
 /// ɾ����ʱ���¼�
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 public void RemoveTimerEvent(TimerInfo info)
     if (objects.Contains(info) && info != null) {
         info.delete = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// ������ʱ���¼�
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info"></param>
 public void ResumeTimerEvent(TimerInfo info)
     if (objects.Contains(info) && info != null) {
         info.delete = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// ��Ӽ�ʱ���¼�
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="o"></param>
 public void AddTimerEvent(TimerInfo info)
     if (!objects.Contains(info)) {
 /// <summary>
 /// ֹͣ��ʱ���¼�
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info"></param>
 public void StopTimerEvent(TimerInfo info)
     if (objects.Contains(info) && info != null) {
         info.stop = true;
Exemple #21
        public static async Task Run([TimerTrigger("0 30 */2 * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log)
            PostsToProcessQueueAdapter postsToProcessQueueAdapter = new PostsToProcessQueueAdapter();


            PostToGetQueueAdapter postToGetQueueAdapter = new PostToGetQueueAdapter();


            PostsTableAdapter postsTableAdapter = new PostsTableAdapter();


            using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
                string apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TumblrApiKey"];

                    CloudQueueMessage message = await postToGetQueueAdapter.GetNextMessage();

                    if (message == null)

                    PostToGet postToGet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PostToGet>(message.AsString);
                    string    url       = "https://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/" + postToGet.Blogname + "/posts?id=" + postToGet.Id + "&api_key=" + apiKey;
                    log.Info("Making request to: " + url);
                    HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);

                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        TumblrResponse <BlogPosts> tumblrResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <TumblrResponse <BlogPosts> >();

                        BlogPosts blogPosts = tumblrResponse.Response;

                        if (blogPosts.Posts != null && blogPosts.Posts.Count > 0)
                        await postToGetQueueAdapter.DeleteMessage(message);

                        log.Info("Successfully fetched " + postToGet.Blogname + "/" + postToGet.Id + " and queued for processing");
                        log.Error("Error getting post " + postToGet.Blogname + "/" + postToGet.Id + ": " + response.ReasonPhrase);
                        if (response.ReasonPhrase.IndexOf("limit exceeded", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                            log.Error("Limit exceeded, exiting");
                        else if (response.ReasonPhrase.IndexOf("not found", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                            log.Error("Not found, deleting message, marking post as Not Found");
                            postsTableAdapter.MarkPostNotFound(postToGet.Blogname, postToGet.Id);
                            await postToGetQueueAdapter.DeleteMessage(message);
                } while (true);
        private IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> CreateBindingData(TimerInfo timerInfo)
            Dictionary<string, object> bindingData = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            bindingData.Add("TimerTrigger", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());

            return bindingData;
        TimerInfo CreateRepairDockTimerInfo(Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.RepairingDock dock)
            if (dock.State == Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.RepairingDockState.Locked) { return null; }
            var timer = new TimerInfo(dock.Id) {
                Type = TimerType.Repair,
                IsTitleEnabled = true,

            if (dock.Ship != null) {
                timer.TimerTitle = string.Format("{0} Lv.{1}",
            if (dock.CompleteTime.HasValue) {
                timer.CompleteDate = dock.CompleteTime.Value.LocalDateTime;
            return timer;
Exemple #24
        // This function will get triggered/executed when a new message is written
        // on an Azure Queue called queue.

        /* public static void ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("queue")] string message, TextWriter log)
         * {
         *   log.WriteLine(message);
         * }*/

        public static void DownloadStatsFile([TimerTrigger("0 * * * * *", RunOnStartup = true)] TimerInfo timerInfo, TextWriter log)
            log.WriteLine("Stats Downloader has started.");
        /// <summary>
        /// 送信キューに加える
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        void EnqueTimer(TimerInfo info, bool resetTimer = true)
            if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); }

            // タイマを停止
            if (resetTimer) {

            // キューに追加
            lock (lockObj_) {
                // 同じのあったら消す
                var item = timerQueue_.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Tag == info.Tag && x.Type == info.Type);
                if (item != null) {

                // 追加

            // タイマを再開
            if (resetTimer) {
Exemple #26
 private static int Add(TimerInfo info)
     lock (Timers)
         var id = GenerateId();
         Timers.Add(id, info);
         return id;
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public void OnStopTimer(TimerInfo info)
 public async Task Run([TimerTrigger("0 30 21 * * *")] TimerInfo timer)
     await report.ExecuteAsync();
 public static void QueueTimer(string timerName, TimerCallback callback, object state, int dueTime, int period)
     Trace("QueueTimer : " + timerName + " , dueTime = " + dueTime.ToString() + " , period=" + period.ToString());
     Hashtable syncedTimersHash = Hashtable.Synchronized( TimersHash );
         throw new System.ArgumentException("The timer + " + timerName + " already queued");
     TimerInfo ti = new TimerInfo(timerName, state, callback, period);
     Timer timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(TimerProc), ti, dueTime, period);
     syncedTimersHash[timerName] = timer;
Exemple #30
        public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc( Interp interp, TclObject[] argv )
            int i;
              Notifier notifier = (Notifier)interp.getNotifier();
              Object info;

              if ( assocData == null )
            * Create the "after" information associated for this
            * interpreter, if it doesn't already exist.

            assocData = (AfterAssocData)interp.getAssocData( "tclAfter" );
            if ( assocData == null )
              assocData = new AfterAssocData( this );
              interp.setAssocData( "tclAfter", assocData );

              if ( argv.Length < 2 )
            throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 1, argv, "option ?arg arg ...?" );

              * First lets see if the command was passed a number as the first argument.

              bool isNumber = false;
              int ms = 0;

              if ( argv[1].InternalRep is TclInteger )
            ms = TclInteger.get( interp, argv[1] );
            isNumber = true;
            string s = argv[1].ToString();
            if ( ( s.Length > 0 ) && ( System.Char.IsDigit( s[0] ) ) )
              ms = TclInteger.get( interp, argv[1] );
              isNumber = true;

              if ( isNumber )
            if ( ms < 0 )
              ms = 0;
            if ( argv.Length == 2 )
              * Sleep for at least the given milliseconds and return.

              long endTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks / 10000 + ms;
              while ( true )
              System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( ms );
              return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
            catch ( System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException e )
              * We got interrupted. Sleep again if we havn't slept
              * long enough yet.

              long sysTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks / 10000;
              if ( sysTime >= endTime )
                return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
              ms = (int)( endTime - sysTime );

            TclObject cmd = getCmdObject( argv );

            TimerInfo timerInfo = new TimerInfo( this, notifier, ms );
            timerInfo.interp = interp;
            timerInfo.command = cmd;
            timerInfo.id = assocData.lastAfterId;

            assocData.handlers.Add( timerInfo );

            interp.setResult( "after#" + timerInfo.id );

            return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;

              * If it's not a number it must be a subcommand.

              int index;

            index = TclIndex.get( interp, argv[1], validOpts, "option", 0 );
              catch ( TclException e )
            throw new TclException( interp, "bad argument \"" + argv[1] + "\": must be cancel, idle, info, or a number" );

              switch ( index )

            case OPT_CANCEL:
              if ( argv.Length < 3 )
            throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 2, argv, "id|command" );

              TclObject arg = getCmdObject( argv );

              * Search the timer/idle handler by id or by command.

              info = null;
              for ( i = 0; i < assocData.handlers.Count; i++ )
            Object obj = assocData.handlers[i];
            if ( obj is TimerInfo )
              TclObject cmd = ( (TimerInfo)obj ).command;

              if ( ( cmd == arg ) || cmd.ToString().Equals( arg.ToString() ) )
                info = obj;
              TclObject cmd = ( (IdleInfo)obj ).command;

              if ( ( cmd == arg ) || cmd.ToString().Equals( arg.ToString() ) )
                info = obj;
              if ( info == null )

            info = getAfterEvent( arg.ToString() );

              * Cancel the handler.

              if ( info != null )
            if ( info is TimerInfo )
              ( (TimerInfo)info ).cancel();
              ( (TimerInfo)info ).command.release();
              ( (IdleInfo)info ).cancel();
              ( (IdleInfo)info ).command.release();

            SupportClass.VectorRemoveElement( assocData.handlers, info );

            case OPT_IDLE:
              if ( argv.Length < 3 )
            throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 2, argv, "script script ..." );

              TclObject cmd2 = getCmdObject( argv );

              IdleInfo idleInfo = new IdleInfo( this, notifier );
              idleInfo.interp = interp;
              idleInfo.command = cmd2;
              idleInfo.id = assocData.lastAfterId;

              assocData.handlers.Add( idleInfo );

              interp.setResult( "after#" + idleInfo.id );

            case OPT_INFO:
              if ( argv.Length == 2 )
            * No id is given. Return a list of current after id's.

            TclObject list = TclList.newInstance();
            for ( i = 0; i < assocData.handlers.Count; i++ )
              int id;
              Object obj = assocData.handlers[i];
              if ( obj is TimerInfo )
                id = ( (TimerInfo)obj ).id;
                id = ( (IdleInfo)obj ).id;
              TclList.append( interp, list, TclString.newInstance( "after#" + id ) );
            interp.setResult( list );
            return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
              if ( argv.Length != 3 )
            throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 2, argv, "?id?" );

              * Return command and type of the given after id.

              info = getAfterEvent( argv[2].ToString() );
              if ( info == null )

            throw new TclException( interp, "event \"" + argv[2] + "\" doesn't exist" );
              TclObject list2 = TclList.newInstance();
              TclList.append( interp, list2, ( ( info is TimerInfo ) ? ( (TimerInfo)info ).command : ( (IdleInfo)info ).command ) );
              TclList.append( interp, list2, TclString.newInstance( ( info is TimerInfo ) ? "timer" : "idle" ) );

              interp.setResult( list2 );
              return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
        private IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> CreateBindingData(TimerInfo timerInfo)
            Dictionary<string, object> bindingData = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            bindingData.Add("TimerTrigger", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());

            // TODO: figure out if there is any binding data we need

            return bindingData;
        TimerInfo CreateExpeditionTimerInfo(Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.Fleet fleet)
            if (fleet.Id == 1) { return null; }
            TimerInfo timer = new TimerInfo(

            var expedition = fleet.Expedition;
            if (expedition != null && expedition.Mission != null) {
                timer.TimerTitle = expedition.Mission.Title;
                timer.IsTitleEnabled = true;
                if (expedition.ReturnTime.HasValue) {
                    timer.CompleteDate = expedition.ReturnTime.Value.LocalDateTime;
            return timer;
 // use a timer trigger that will be invoked every 20 seconds to signal the end of the test
 // 20 seconds should give enough time for the receive call to complete as the TryTimeout being used is 10 seconds.
 public static void Run([TimerTrigger("*/20 * * * * *")] TimerInfo timer)
 TimerInfo CreateShipbuildingTiemrInfo(Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.BuildingDock dock)
     if (dock.State == Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.BuildingDockState.Locked) { return null; }
     TimerInfo timer = new TimerInfo(dock.Id) {
         Type = TimerType.Shipbuilding,
         IsTitleEnabled = true
     if (dock.Ship != null) {
         timer.TimerTitle = string.Format("{0} {1}",
     if (dock.CompleteTime.HasValue) {
         timer.CompleteDate = dock.CompleteTime.Value.LocalDateTime;
     return timer;
Exemple #35
        void Host_eventPluginChannelCommandReceived(string name, string channel, string command, string[] parameters)
            // !timer add "Tea Timer" 1h10m10s
            if (command == "timer")
                if (parameters.Length > 0)
                    switch (parameters[0])
                        case "add":
                            if (parameters.Length >= 3)
                                    string timerName = parameters[1].Trim(new char[] { '"' });
                                    string timeString = parameters[2];

                                    string[] hourBits = timeString.Split('h');
                                    string minuteString = hourBits.Length == 1 ? hourBits[0] : hourBits[1];

                                    string[] minuteBits = minuteString.Split('m');
                                    string secondString = minuteBits.Length == 1 ? minuteBits[0] : minuteBits[1];

                                    string[] secondBits = secondString.Split('s');

                                    string sHour = hourBits.Length == 1 ? null : hourBits[0];
                                    string sMinute = minuteBits.Length == 1 ? null : minuteBits[0];
                                    string sSecond = secondBits.Length == 1 ? null : secondBits[0];

                                    DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

                                    if (sHour != null)
                                        endTime = endTime.AddHours(Convert.ToInt32(sHour));
                                    if (sMinute != null)
                                        endTime = endTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToInt32(sMinute));
                                    if (sSecond != null)
                                        endTime = endTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(sSecond));

                                    TimerInfo newTimer = new TimerInfo();
                                    newTimer.Channel = channel;
                                    newTimer.Username = name;
                                    newTimer.Name = timerName;
                                    newTimer.EndTime = endTime;
                                    newTimer.Expired = false;

                                    xLogger.Logger.WriteLine(String.Format("Now: {0}, Expiry: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), endTime.ToLongTimeString()));


                                    Host.PluginResponse(channel, String.Format("Your timer \"{0}\" with a duration of{1}{2}{3} has been added!", timerName,
                                        (sHour != null ? String.Format(" {0} hours", sHour) : ""),
                                        (sMinute != null ? String.Format(" {0} minutes", sMinute) : ""),
                                        (sSecond != null ? String.Format(" {0} seconds", sSecond) : "")));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Host.PluginResponse(channel, String.Format("Error while adding timer: {0}", ex.Message));

	// Create a timer.
	public static IntPtr CreateTimer(int interval)
					// Create the timer information block.
					TimerInfo info = new TimerInfo();

					// Allocate a new timer identifier.
					if(timers == null)
						timers = new ArrayList();
					int timerId = 0;
					while(timerId < timers.Count &&
						  timers[timerId] != null)
					if(timerId >= timers.Count)
						timers[timerId] = info;

					// Initialize the timer information block.
					info.timerId = timerId;
					info.timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(Timeout),
										   info, interval, -1);

					// Return the timer identifier, and make sure
					// that it will never be zero.
					return new IntPtr(timerId + 1);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public void OnCreateTimer(TimerInfo info)
     // TODO: figure out how to graph timers when we have no "timer id" at this point...