public void SetDescription(string desc, string extra, float effectValue, string end, bool percentFactor) { description = name + " Lv " + level + "\n"; if (desc != null) { description += desc + "\n"; } if (extra != null) { description += extra + "\n"; } if (!percentFactor) { description += " " + effectValue + " " + end; } //converts effectValue since it's a percentFactor to the modified value in percent if (percentFactor) { int percent = Mathf.RoundToInt(((effectValue - 1) * 100)); description += " " + percent + " " + end; } description += "\n\n" + "Cooldown : " + coolDown.GetMaxTimerInSeconds() + " sec"; description += " Mana Cost : " + mpCost; }
public void CalculateMult() { mult = 1 + (level * 0.07f); SetCostMP(); SetDescription(); description += "\n" + "Active Time : " + duration.GetMaxTimerInSeconds() + " sec"; }