public void ResendTuple(Tuple t)//Resends the Tuple t saying it is a resending
     while (RepFreeze)
     foreach (TimerTuple t3 in TimerAck.ToArray())
         if (t3 != null && t3.AckT.Id.Equals(t.Id))
             Console.WriteLine("Resending tuple: " + t.toString());
             SendTuple(t, true);//true states its resending
 /// <summary>
 /// AddTupleToReceiveAck inserts tuple in ToReceiveAck.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">Tuple that will receive ack</param>
 public void AddTupleToReceiveAck(Tuple t, bool resend)//Add tuple to receive ack
     if (!RepInfo.Semantics.Equals("at-most-once"))
         if (!resend)
             TimerMethod temptimer  = new TimerMethod(ResendTuple);//Starts timer to resend tuple t with timeout defined as a constant at the top of this file
             Timer       stateTimer = new Timer(temptimer.ResendTupleMethod, t, TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT);
             TimerTuple  temp       = new TimerTuple(t, stateTimer);
 public void receivedAck(Tuple t, bool notRep)//Remove tuple that needed to receive ack from the list
     if (!RepInfo.Semantics.Equals("at-most-once"))
         foreach (Tuple t2 in ToReceiveAck.ToArray())
             if (t2 != null && t.Id.Equals(t2.Id))
                 removeRepTuple(t);//removes if exists the replica of a a tuple processed
                 foreach (TimerTuple t3 in TimerAck.ToArray())
                     if (t3 != null && t.Id.Equals(t3.AckT.Id))
                         Console.WriteLine("receivedAck: " + t.toString());
                 if (notRep)
                     foreach (string url in RepInfo.SiblingsUrls.ToArray())//removes replicated receive acks from siblings
                         if (url != null && !url.Equals(RepInfo.MyUrl))
                                 OperatorServices obj = (OperatorServices)Activator.GetObject(typeof(OperatorServices), url);
                                 obj.receivedAck(t, false);
                                 Console.WriteLine("Removed ack of tuple: " + t.toString() + " from sibling: " + url);
                             catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException e)
                             {//if the replica that should received ack is dead no problem
                 return;//We only want to remove 1
         Console.WriteLine("receivedAck: Error while removing tuple after being acked: " + t.toString());