protected override void Start() { base.Start(); Skill.Framework.Audio.PitchListener listener = GetComponent <Skill.Framework.Audio.PitchListener>(); if (listener != null) { listener.RelinkAudios(); } _InTransition = false; _NextState = null; _ScheduleNextStateTW.End(); if (_CurrentState != null) { if (_CurrentState.Clip != null) { _CurrentState.Initialize(false); _CurrentState.StartTime(1, 0); } if (_CurrentState.NextState != null) { float deltaTime = _CurrentState.End - _CurrentState.Begin + 1; if (deltaTime > BufferTime) { _ScheduleNextStateTW.Begin(deltaTime); } else { ScheduleNextState(deltaTime); } } } }
public void Play(Texture movie) { #if SUPPORTMOVIE if (_Fading != null) { _Fading.Alpha = 1.0f; } if (_LastMovie != null) { _LastMovie.Stop(); if (_Audio != null && _LastMovie.audioClip != null) { _Audio.Stop(); _Audio.clip = null; } } if (movie != null && movie is MovieTexture) { MovieTexture movieTexture = (MovieTexture)movie; _LastMovie = movieTexture; movieTexture.Play(); if (_Audio != null && movieTexture.audioClip != null) { _Audio.clip = movieTexture.audioClip; _Audio.Play(); } if (_Fading != null) { _Fading.FadeToZero(true); _MovieTW.Begin(Mathf.Max(movieTexture.duration - _Fading.FadeOutTime, _Fading.FadeOutTime + 0.1f)); } else { _MovieTW.Begin(movieTexture.duration); } _EndTW.End(); _ImgMovie.Texture = movie;// change texture _SavedCutSceneEnable = Global.CutSceneEnable; Global.CutSceneEnable = CutSceneEnable; if (SceneFading != null) { SceneFading.FadeToOne(); } OnBegin(); } else { _ImgMovie.Texture = null; } enabled = true; #endif }
/// <summary> /// Create an instance of TimeLimitAccessKey /// </summary> /// <param name="accessKey">The Unique access key in BehaviorTree.</param> /// <param name="timeInterval">time interval between access to key</param> public TimeLimitAccessKey(string accessKey, float timeInterval) : base(accessKey) { this.TimeInterval = timeInterval; if (this.TimeInterval < 0.1f) { this.TimeInterval = 0.1f; } _Lock = false; _TimeTW.Begin(TimeInterval); }
/// <summary> /// Start /// </summary> protected override void Start() { base.Start(); _LastFrameCount = Time.frameCount; _LastTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (Coroutine) { StartCoroutine(FPSCoroutine()); } else { _UpdateTW.Begin(Frequency); } }
private void ShowNext() { if (_CurrentSplashIndex >= 0 && _Fading != null) { // fadeout _Fading.FadeToOne(); //prepare to change texture after fadeout _NextSplashTW.Begin(_Fading.FadeOutTime + 0.2f); } else { _NextSplashTW.Begin(0.2f); } }
/// <summary> /// Called by weapon when initialize bullet /// </summary> public virtual void StartJourney() { if (LifeTime > 0) { _LifeTimeTW.Begin(LifeTime); } enabled = true; _IsDead = false; if (TrailParticle != null && TrailPosition != null) { _TrailInstance = Skill.Framework.Managers.Cache.Spawn(TrailParticle, TrailPosition.position, TrailPosition.rotation); _TrailLifTime = _TrailInstance.GetComponent <Skill.Framework.Managers.CacheLifeTime>(); if (_TrailLifTime != null) { _TrailLifTime.enabled = false; } _TrailInstance.transform.parent = TrailPosition; _Particle = _TrailInstance.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); _Particle.Clear(true); var emission = _Particle.emission; emission.enabled = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Update /// </summary> protected override void Update() { if (CleanInterval > 0) { if (_CleanTW.IsEnabled) { if (_CleanTW.IsOver) { foreach (var item in Caches) { if (item != null) { item.Clean(); } } _CleanTW.End(); } } else { _CleanTW.Begin(CleanInterval); } } base.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Notify chassis that a wheel is punctured /// </summary> /// <param name="puncturedWheel"> Punctured wheel </param> public virtual void NotifyWheelPuncture(PuncturableWheel puncturedWheel) { _Euler.Target += puncturedWheel.PunctureRotation; //transform.position -= new Vector3(0, wheel.DeadRadius, 0); _UpdateTW.Begin(PunctureSmoothing.SmoothTime + 0.5f); enabled = true; }
private void ScheduleNextState(double deltaTime) { if (_CurrentState != null) { float fdeltaTime = System.Convert.ToSingle(deltaTime); _CurrentState.EndTime(System.Math.Max(0, deltaTime - NextStateFix), 0); _NextState = FindState(_CurrentState.NextState); if (_NextState != null) { _NextStateTW.Begin(fdeltaTime); if (_NextState.Clip != null) { _NextState.Initialize(false); _NextState.StartTime(fdeltaTime, 0); } } } }
public void Reschedule() { _StartTW.Begin(Delay, true); if (this._Renderer != null) { this._Renderer.enabled = false; } enabled = true; }
public void StartRain() { if (_IsRaining) { return; } _IsRaining = true; _RainAudio.Play(); _Fading.FadeToZero(); _Starting = true; _Stopping = false; RainLight.enabled = true; Particle.minEmission = 0; Particle.maxEmission = 0; Particle.gameObject.SetActive(true); Specular.SpecularColor = Specular.DefaultColor; _FadeTW.Begin(_Fading.FadeInTime + 0.1f); }
private void EndMovie() { if (FastEscape) { _EndTW.Begin(0); } else if (_Fading != null) { _EndTW.Begin(_Fading.FadeOutTime + 0.1f); } else { _EndTW.Begin(0.1f); } if (_Fading != null) { _Fading.FadeToOne(); } _MovieTW.End(); }
private void TransitBy(AudioTransition transition) { if (transition.Destination != null) { _ActiveTransition = transition; double deltaTime = 0; bool isPlaying = _CurrentState.IsPlaying; if (isPlaying) { float time = _CurrentState.AudioTime; if (_ActiveTransition.WaitForBreakPoint) { float breakPoint = FindNextBreakPoint(time + _ActiveTransition.FadeOut, _CurrentState.BreakPoints, _CurrentState.End); deltaTime = breakPoint - time; } else { deltaTime = Mathf.Min(_ActiveTransition.FadeOut, _CurrentState.End - time); } } if (_NextState != null) { _NextState.Stop(); } _InTransition = true; _NextState = FindState(transition.Destination); float fdeltaTime = System.Convert.ToSingle(deltaTime); _NextStateTW.Begin(fdeltaTime); if (isPlaying) { _CurrentState.EndTime(deltaTime, _ActiveTransition.FadeOut); } if (_NextState.Clip != null) { _NextState.Initialize(_ActiveTransition.FadeIn > AudioState.MINFADETIME); if (_ActiveTransition.CrossFade) { _UpdateNextStateTW.Begin(Mathf.Max(0, fdeltaTime - _ActiveTransition.FadeIn)); _NextState.StartTime(_UpdateNextStateTW.Length, _ActiveTransition.FadeIn); } else { _NextState.StartTime(deltaTime, _ActiveTransition.FadeIn); } } } }
/// <summary> /// This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active. /// </summary> protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); if (!Continues) { _LifeTimeTW.Begin(LifeTime); float randomScale = Random.Range(MinScale, MaxScale); transform.localScale = new Vector3(randomScale, randomScale, randomScale); } if (Particle != null) { Managers.Cache.Spawn(Particle, transform.position, transform.rotation); } }
protected override void Update() { if (Global.IsGamePaused) { return; } if (_SoundTW.IsEnabledAndOver) { _SoundTW.End(); Global.Instance.PlayOneShot(_Audio, Sounds[Random.Range(0, Sounds.Length)], Skill.Framework.Audio.SoundCategory.FX); } if (_IntervalTW.IsEnabledAndOver) { _ActiveCurve = Curves[Random.Range(0, Curves.Length)]; _CurveTime = 0; _MaxCurveTime = _ActiveCurve[_ActiveCurve.length - 1].time; _SoundTW.Begin(_MaxCurveTime + 1); _PreIntensity = SceneLight.intensity; _PreLightColor = SceneLight.color; Reschedule(); if (LightingParticle != null) { LightingParticle.Emit(1); } } else if (_ActiveCurve != null) { _CurveTime += Time.deltaTime * CurveSpeed; if (_CurveTime >= _MaxCurveTime) { _ActiveCurve = null; SceneLight.intensity = _PreIntensity; SceneLight.color = _PreLightColor; } else { float factor = _ActiveCurve.Evaluate(_CurveTime); SceneLight.intensity = _PreIntensity + (factor * ExtraIntensity); SceneLight.color = Color.Lerp(_PreLightColor, LightColor, factor); } } base.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// The GameObject dies and explosion happened /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The source of the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> An System.EventArgs that contains no event data. </param> protected virtual void Events_Die(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Skill.Framework.Global.RaiseCameraShake(this, Shake, transform.position); if (ExpPrefab != null) // spawn explosion prefab { foreach (var item in ExpPositions) { SpawnExplosionPrefab(item); } } if (DestroyDelay >= 0) { _DestroyTW.Begin(DestroyDelay); enabled = true; } else { enabled = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Update /// </summary> protected override void Update() { if (_IsBreaking) { if (_BreakDelay.IsOver) { Break(); _BreakDelay.End(); _IsBreaking = false; enabled = false; } } else if (Matinee != null && Matinee.IsPlaying) { if (Matinee.PlaybackTime > StartDelay) { if (Input.GetKey(BreakKey)) { if (!_KeyHoldTW.IsEnabled) { _KeyHoldTW.Begin(KeyHoldTime); } else if (_KeyHoldTW.IsEnabledAndOver) { _KeyHoldTW.End(); BreakStart(); _BreakDelay.Begin(Delay); _IsBreaking = true; } } else { _KeyHoldTW.End(); } } } base.Update(); }
public void Fire() { if (BulletPrefab != null && _Clip != null) { _MoveTimeTW.Begin(LifeTime); _BulletDirection = -transform.forward; _BulletStartPosition = transform.position + transform.forward * BulletDistance; if (BulletPrefab != null) { GameObject go = Skill.Framework.Managers.Cache.Spawn(BulletPrefab, _BulletStartPosition, Quaternion.LookRotation(_BulletDirection)); _BulletObject = go.transform; } if (IndicatorPrefab != null) { GameObject go = Skill.Framework.Managers.Cache.Spawn(IndicatorPrefab, transform.position, IndicatorPrefab.transform.rotation); Skill.Framework.Effects.ExplosionIndicator indicator = go.GetComponent <Skill.Framework.Effects.ExplosionIndicator>(); if (indicator != null) { indicator.LifeTime = LifeTime; indicator.Radius = ExplosionRadius; indicator.Show(); } } if (AudioSource != null) { AudioSource.PlayOneShot(_Clip); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Mortar parameters"); } }
private void Reschedule() { _IntervalTW.Begin(Random.Range(Interval * 0.6f, Interval)); }
/// <summary> /// Update /// </summary> protected override void Update() { if (Global.IsGamePaused) { return; } if (_BusyTW.IsEnabledAndOver) { _BusyTW.End(); if (State == WeaponState.Reloading) { OnReloadCompleted(); } else if (State == WeaponState.ChangeProjectile) { OnProjectileChanged(_SelectedProjectileIndex, _SwitchProjectileIndex); _SelectedProjectileIndex = _SwitchProjectileIndex; } State = WeaponState.Ready; } if (State == WeaponState.Ready) { if (_RequestReload && (SelectedProjectile.Ammo > 0 || SelectedProjectile.InfinitClip || SelectedProjectile.InfinitAmmo)) { bool completeReload = SelectedProjectile.ClipAmmo == 0; if (completeReload) { _BusyTW.Begin(SelectedProjectile.CompleteReloadTime); } else { _BusyTW.Begin(SelectedProjectile.ReloadTime); } State = WeaponState.Reloading; _RequestReload = false; OnReload(completeReload); } else if (_RequestBusy > 0) { _BusyTW.Begin(_RequestBusy); State = WeaponState.Busy; _RequestBusy = 0; } else if (_SwitchProjectileIndex != _SelectedProjectileIndex) { _BusyTW.Begin(SelectedProjectile.EquipTime); State = WeaponState.ChangeProjectile; } else if (IsFiring) { if (SelectedProjectile.ClipAmmo < 0) { SelectedProjectile.ClipAmmo = 0; } if (SelectedProjectile.ClipAmmo == 0) { if (AutoReload) { if (!RequestReload()) { PlayEmptySound(); } else { IsFiring = false; } } else { PlayEmptySound(); IsFiring = false; } } else { OnShoot(); if (SelectedProjectile.ClipAmmo == 0) { if (AutoReload) { RequestReload(); _ShootCount = 0; } } else { _BusyTW.Begin(SelectedProjectile.FireInterval); State = WeaponState.Refill; } _ShootCount++; int mode = this.Automatic; if (mode > 0 && _ShootCount >= mode) { if (AutoStopFire) { StopFire(); } IsFiring = false; } } } else if (AutoReload && SelectedProjectile.ClipAmmo == 0) { if (!_RequestReload) { RequestReload(); _ShootCount = 0; } } } base.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// called when the Collider other enters the trigger. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">other Collider</param> /// <returns>True if event handled, otherwise false</returns> protected override bool OnEnter(Collider other) { _DelayTW.Begin(Delay); enabled = true; return(true); }
public override void Show() { this.gameObject.SetActive(true); _InTW.Begin(InDelay); }
private void MoveNext() { _NextSplashTW.End(); // stop previous movie #if SUPPORTMOVIE if (_CurrentSplashIndex >= 0) { if (Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Image is MovieTexture) { MovieTexture movie = (MovieTexture)Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Image; movie.Stop(); if (_Audio != null && movie.audioClip != null) { _Audio.Stop(); _Audio.clip = null; } } } #endif _CurrentSplashIndex++; // go next splash if (_CurrentSplashIndex < Images.Length) // if another splash exist { #if SUPPORTMOVIE if (Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Image is MovieTexture) { MovieTexture movie = (MovieTexture)Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Image; movie.Play(); if (_Audio != null && movie.audioClip != null) { _Audio.clip = movie.audioClip; _Audio.Play(); } if (FullScreenMovies) { SetSize(1.0f, 1.0f, Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Scale); } else { SetSize(Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].WidthPercent, Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].HeightPercent, Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Scale); } if (_Fading != null) { _Fading.FadeToZero(true); _SplashTW.Begin(Mathf.Max(movie.duration - _Fading.FadeOutTime, Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].MaxDuration - _Fading.FadeOutTime, _Fading.FadeOutTime + 0.1f)); } else { _SplashTW.Begin(Mathf.Max(movie.duration - 0.1f, Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].MaxDuration - 0.1f, 0.1f)); } } else { #endif SetSize(Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].WidthPercent, Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].HeightPercent, Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Scale); if (_Fading != null) { _Fading.FadeToZero(true); _SplashTW.Begin(Mathf.Max(Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].MaxDuration - _Fading.FadeOutTime, _Fading.FadeOutTime + 0.1f)); } else { _SplashTW.Begin(Mathf.Max(Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].MaxDuration - 0.1f, 0.1f)); } #if SUPPORTMOVIE } #endif _ImgSplash.Texture = Images[_CurrentSplashIndex].Image;// change texture } else { if (_Fading != null) { _Fading.Alpha = 1.0f; } _ImgSplash.Texture = null; } }
public override void Hide() { _OutTW.Begin(OutDelay); OnOut(); }
/// <summary> /// On Enable /// </summary> protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); _LifeTimeTW.Begin(LifeTime); }
/// <summary> /// Render ListBox /// </summary> protected override void Render() { bool selectionChange = CheckForRemovedSelectedItems(); // we need to check event here because render called inside scroll view and mouse position is in scrollview space Event e = Event.current; if (e != null) { if (e.isMouse && e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0) { Vector2 mousePos = e.mousePosition; Vector2 localMouse = mousePos - _ScrollPosition; Rect ra = RenderAreaShrinksByPadding; if (ra.Contains(localMouse)) { for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { var c = Controls[i]; Rect cRA = c.RenderArea; if (cRA.Contains(mousePos)) { if (SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Single) { if (!_SelectedItems.Contains(c)) { _SingleSelectedCandidateIndex = i; _SingleSelectedCandidateMousePosition = mousePos; _SingleSelectedCandidate = c; _SingleSelectedDeltaTouchMove =; _DoubleClickTW.Begin(DoubleClickInterval, true); } else { if (_DoubleClickTW.IsEnabledButNotOver) { OnSelectedDoubleClick(); } else { _DoubleClickTW.Begin(DoubleClickInterval, true); } } } else if (SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Multiple) { if (_SelectedItems.Contains(c)) { _SelectedItems.Remove(c); } else { _SelectedItems.Add(c); } selectionChange = true; } else //if (SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Extended) { if (e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) { int firstSelectedIndex = i; // find first selected item after this item for (int j = i + 1; j < Controls.Count; j++) { if (_SelectedItems.Contains(Controls[j])) { firstSelectedIndex = j; break; } } if (firstSelectedIndex > i) { _SelectedItems.Clear(); for (int k = i; k <= firstSelectedIndex; k++) { _SelectedItems.Add(Controls[k]); } selectionChange = true; break; } else { int lastSelectedIndex = i; // find last selected item before this item for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (_SelectedItems.Contains(Controls[j])) { lastSelectedIndex = j; break; } } if (lastSelectedIndex < i) { _SelectedItems.Clear(); for (int k = i; k >= lastSelectedIndex; k--) { _SelectedItems.Add(Controls[k]); } selectionChange = true; break; } } } else if (e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Control) { if (_SelectedItems.Contains(c)) { _SelectedItems.Remove(c); } else { _SelectedItems.Add(c); } selectionChange = true; } else { if (!_SelectedItems.Contains(c)) { _SelectedItems.Clear(); _SelectedItems.Add(c); selectionChange = true; } else if (_SelectedItems.Count > 1) { _SelectedItems.Clear(); _SelectedItems.Add(c); selectionChange = true; } } } break; } } } } else if (SelectionMode == UI.SelectionMode.Single) { if (e.isMouse && e.type == EventType.mouseUp && e.button == 0) { if (_SingleSelectedCandidate != null) { if ((Orientation == UI.Orientation.Vertical && Mathf.Abs(e.mousePosition.y - _SingleSelectedCandidateMousePosition.y) < _SingleSelectedCandidate.Height * 0.5f) || (Orientation == UI.Orientation.Horizontal && Mathf.Abs(e.mousePosition.x - _SingleSelectedCandidateMousePosition.x) < _SingleSelectedCandidate.Width * 0.5f)) { _SelectedItems.Clear(); _SelectedItems.Add(_SingleSelectedCandidate); _SelectedIndex = _SingleSelectedCandidateIndex; selectionChange = true; } } _SingleSelectedCandidate = null; } } } if (selectionChange) { Focus(); OnSelectionChanged(); } if (_SelectedItems.Count > 0) { if (SelectedStyle == null) { SelectedStyle =; } Rect boxRA = RenderAreaShrinksByPadding; if (Orientation == UI.Orientation.Vertical) { boxRA.x += 1; boxRA.width -= 2; } else { boxRA.y += 1; boxRA.height -= 2; } foreach (var c in _SelectedItems) { Rect cRA = c.RenderArea; Thickness cMargin = c.Margin; if (Orientation == UI.Orientation.Vertical) { cRA.x = boxRA.x; cRA.width = boxRA.width; cRA.y -= cMargin.Top; cRA.height += cMargin.Vertical; } else { cRA.x -= cMargin.Left; cRA.width += cMargin.Horizontal; cRA.y = boxRA.y; cRA.height = boxRA.height; } GUI.Box(cRA, string.Empty, SelectedStyle); } } base.Render(); }
/// <summary> /// Change pitch for specific time than fallback /// </summary> /// <param name="targetPitch">Target pitch</param> /// <param name="length">lenght of change</param> /// <param name="realtime"> use realtime or gametime?</param> public void Change(float targetPitch, float length, bool realtime = true) { _PrePitch = Pitch; Pitch = targetPitch; _PitchTimeTW.Begin(length, realtime); }