Exemple #1
        public ActionResult StaffSubjectView(string arm)
            //List<Level> theLevels = work.LevelRepository.Get().ToList();
            //List<SelectListItem> theItem = new List<SelectListItem>();
            //theItem.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "None", Value = "" });

            //foreach (var level in theLevels)
            //    theItem.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = level.LevelName + ":" + level.Type, Value = level.LevelName + ":" + level.Type });

            //ViewData["arm"] = theItem;

            int userId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
            List <PrimarySchoolStaff> theStaff     = work.PrimarySchoolStaffRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == userId).ToList();
            PrimarySchoolStaff        theRealStaff = theStaff[0];
            List <List <TimeTable> >  theTimeTable = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.DisplayTimeTableCustomisedForStaff(theRealStaff.PersonID);

            ViewBag.TimeTable = theTimeTable;
            ViewBag.Name      = theRealStaff.LastName + " " + theRealStaff.FirstName;
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Create(TimeTable model)
            List <Level>          theLevels = work.LevelRepository.Get().ToList();
            List <SelectListItem> theItem   = new List <SelectListItem>();

            theItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "None", Value = ""
            foreach (var level in theLevels)
                theItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = level.LevelName + ":" + level.Type, Value = level.LevelName + ":" + level.Type
            ViewData["Level"] = theItem;

            List <Subject>        theSubject      = work.SubjectRepository.Get().ToList();
            List <SelectListItem> theSubjectsItem = new List <SelectListItem>();

            theSubjectsItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "None", Value = ""
            foreach (var sub in theSubject)
                theSubjectsItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = sub.Name, Value = sub.Name
            ViewData["Subject"] = theSubjectsItem;

            List <PrimarySchoolStaff> staff        = work.PrimarySchoolStaffRepository.Get().OrderBy(a => a.LastName).ToList();
            List <SelectListItem>     theStaffItem = new List <SelectListItem>();

            theStaffItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "None", Value = ""
            foreach (var s in staff)
                theStaffItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = s.LastName + " " + s.Middle + " " + s.FirstName, Value = s.LastName + " " + s.Middle + " " + s.FirstName
            ViewData["Staff"] = theStaffItem;
                string v = model.Subject + ";" + model.Class + ";" + model.StratTimeHour + ";" + model.StratTimeMinute + ";" + model.Teacher + ";" + model.Day;

                string theReturnedValue        = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.CheckDaySlotAvialability(v);
                string theReturnedValueSubject = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.CheckSubjectSlotAvialability(v);
                string theReturnedValueStaff   = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.CheckStaffSlotAvialability(v);
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theReturnedValue)))
                    // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Create a Class Subjects First for Class " + theStudent.PresentLevel);
                    // return View(theReg);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", theReturnedValue);


                int start  = Convert.ToInt32(model.StratTimeHour);
                int finish = Convert.ToInt32(model.EndTimeHour);

                if (finish < start)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Start Time of a Subject must be greater than its finish time!");


                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theReturnedValueSubject)))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", theReturnedValueSubject);


                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theReturnedValueStaff)))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", theReturnedValueStaff);

                //var theValue = $('#Subject').val() + ";" + $('#Class').val() + ";" + $('#StratTimeHour').val() + ";" + $('#StratTimeMinute').val() + ";" + $('#Teacher').val() + ";" + $('#Day').val();
                TeachingSubject ts = new TeachingSubject();
                ts.SubjectName = model.Subject;

                TeachingDay td = new TeachingDay();
                td.StratTimeHour   = model.StratTimeHour;
                td.StratTimeMinute = model.StratTimeMinute;
                td.EndTimeHour     = model.EndTimeHour;
                td.EndTimeMinute   = model.EndTimeMinute;

                if (model.Day == "SUNDAY")
                    td.theDay = Day.SUNDAY;

                if (model.Day == "MONDAY")
                    td.theDay = Day.MONDAY;

                if (model.Day == "TUESDAY")
                    td.theDay = Day.TUESDAY;

                if (model.Day == "WEDNESDAY")
                    td.theDay = Day.WEDNESDAY;

                if (model.Day == "THURSDAY")
                    td.theDay = Day.THURSDAY;

                if (model.Day == "FRIDAY")
                    td.theDay = Day.FRIDAY;

                if (model.Day == "SATURDAY")
                    td.theDay = Day.SATURDAY;

                TeachingClass tc = new TeachingClass();
                tc.ClassName = model.Class;

                List <TeachingSubject> tss = new List <TeachingSubject>();

                td.TeachingSubject = tss;

                List <TeachingDay> tdd = new List <TeachingDay>();
                tc.TheTeachingDay = tdd;;

                List <TeachingClass> tt = new List <TeachingClass>();
                Teacher t = new Teacher();
                //  work.PrimarySchoolStaffRepository.ge
                t.TeacherName = model.Teacher;

                string[] theTeacher = model.Teacher.Split(' ');
                string   firstName  = theTeacher[2];
                string   lastName   = theTeacher[0];
                List <PrimarySchoolStaff> priStaff = work.PrimarySchoolStaffRepository.Get(a => a.LastName.Equals(lastName) && a.FirstName.Equals(firstName)).ToList();
                t.ThePersonID      = priStaff[0].PersonID;
                t.TheTeachingClass = tt;

                // td.theDay =  model.Day;
                // TODO: Add insert logic here

                //  return RedirectToAction("Index");
Exemple #3
        public ActionResult Index(string arm, string studentID)
            if (User.IsInRole("Parent"))
                Int32 theUser = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                List <PrimarySchoolStudent> thSchoolStudents;
                //  string userid = User.Identity.Name;
                List <Parent> theP          = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theUser).ToList();
                Parent        theRealParent = theP[0];
                int           idParent      = theRealParent.ParentID;
                thSchoolStudents = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.ParentID == idParent).ToList();
                List <SelectListItem> theItem1 = new List <SelectListItem>();
                foreach (var s in thSchoolStudents)
                    theItem1.Add(new SelectListItem()
                        Text = s.LastName + " " + s.FirstName, Value = s.PersonID.ToString()
                    ViewData["Students"] = theItem1;
            List <Level>          theLevels = work.LevelRepository.Get().ToList();
            List <SelectListItem> theItem   = new List <SelectListItem>();

            theItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "None", Value = ""

            foreach (var level in theLevels)
                theItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = level.LevelName + ":" + level.Type, Value = level.LevelName + ":" + level.Type

            ViewData["arm"] = theItem;

            List <List <TimeTable> > theTimeTable1 = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.DisplayTimeTable(arm);

            ViewBag.TimeTable = theTimeTable1;
            int userId = 0;// Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);

            if (User.IsInRole("Parent"))
                Int32  theUser = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                Parent theP    = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theUser).First();
                if (studentID != null)
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32(studentID);
                    //  userId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                    List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStaff = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.PersonID == id).ToList();
                    if (theStaff.Count() > 0)
                        PrimarySchoolStudent theRealStudent = theStaff[0];
                        string theArm = theRealStudent.LevelType;
                        List <List <TimeTable> > theTimeTable = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.DisplayTimeTable(theArm);
                        ViewBag.TimeTable = theTimeTable;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arm) && User.IsInRole("Student"))
                userId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStaff = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == userId).ToList();
                if (theStaff.Count() > 0)
                    PrimarySchoolStudent theRealStudent = theStaff[0];
                    string theArm = theRealStudent.LevelType;
                    List <List <TimeTable> > theTimeTable = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.DisplayTimeTable(theArm);
                    ViewBag.TimeTable = theTimeTable;
Exemple #4
        public ActionResult StudentTimeTableView(string studentID)
            if (User.IsInRole("Parent"))
                Int32 theUser = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                List <PrimarySchoolStudent> thSchoolStudents;
                //  string userid = User.Identity.Name;
                List <Parent> theP          = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theUser).ToList();
                Parent        theRealParent = theP[0];
                int           idParent      = theRealParent.ParentID;
                thSchoolStudents = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.ParentID == idParent).ToList();
                List <SelectListItem> theItem = new List <SelectListItem>();
                foreach (var s in thSchoolStudents)
                    theItem.Add(new SelectListItem()
                        Text = s.LastName + " " + s.FirstName, Value = s.PersonID.ToString()
                    ViewData["Students"] = theItem;
            int userId = 0;//Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);

            // int userID = 0; //=// Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
            if (User.IsInRole("Parent"))
                // int userID = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                Int32  theUser = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                Parent theP    = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theUser).First();
                if (studentID != null)
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32(studentID);
                    PrimarySchoolStudent theStudents = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.GetByID(id);
                    if (theStudents != null)
                        userId = theStudents.UserID;
                        // work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a=>a.UserID == ids).First();
                        userId = -1;
                    userId = -1;
                //  userID = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
                userId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
            //int userId = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
            List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStaff     = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == userId).ToList();
            List <List <TimeTable> >    theTimeTable = new List <List <TimeTable> >();

            if (theStaff.Count() > 0)
                PrimarySchoolStudent theRealStudent = theStaff[0];
                string theArm = theRealStudent.LevelType;
                theTimeTable = TimeTableCollisionAviodance.DisplayTimeTable(theArm);

            //  ViewBag.TimeTable = theTimeTable;
            // ViewBag.Name = theRealStaff.LastName + " " + theRealStaff.FirstName;
            return(View("Index", theTimeTable));