public Groups Create(int DivisionId, string name, int?ClassroomId, TimeSpans timeSpan)
            //provera da li je ucionica slobodna u to vreme
            if (ClassroomId != null)
                this.CheckIfClassroomIsAvailable(ClassroomId.Value, timeSpan);

            if (timeSpan != null)
            Groups g = new Groups
                DivisionId  = DivisionId,
                Name        = name,
                ClassroomId = ClassroomId,

            if (timeSpan != null)
                g.TimeSpanId = timeSpan.TimeSpanId;

        /// <summary>
        /// Proverava da li je Student slobodan u to vreme.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param Name="StudentId"></param>
        /// <param Name="ts"></param>
        /// <param Name="GroupId">Groupa ciji ce se cas izuzeti pri proveri</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CheckIfAvailable(int StudentId, TimeSpans ts, int?GroupId = null)
            List <int> Groups = _context.GroupsStudents
                                .Where(a => a.StudentId == StudentId &&
                                       (GroupId == null || a.GroupId != GroupId) &&
                                       TimeSpan.DatesOverlap(a.Group.Division.Beginning, a.Group.Division.Ending, ts.StartDate, ts.EndDate)) //provera da li raspodela kojoj grupa pripada i dalje vazi
                                .Select(a => a.GroupId).ToList();

            var GroupsSchedulePom =
                _context.Groups.Where(a => Groups.Contains(a.GroupId)).ToList();
            List <TimeSpans> GroupsSchedule = GroupsSchedulePom.Where(a => a.TimeSpan != null && groupService.IsActive(a.GroupId, ts)).Select(a => a.TimeSpan).ToList();

            List <int> activities =
                _context.StudentsActivities.Where(a => a.StudentId == StudentId && a.Ignore != true).Select(a => a.ActivityId).ToList();
            List <TimeSpans> activitiesSchedule =
                    a => activities.Contains(a.ActivityId) || (a.GroupId != null && a.Cancelling == false && Groups.Contains(a.GroupId.Value)))
                .Select(a => a.TimeSpan)

            List <TimeSpans> schedule = GroupsSchedule.Concat(activitiesSchedule).ToList();

            return(ts == null || schedule.All(timeSpan => !Server.Services.TimeSpan.Overlap(timeSpan, ts)));
        //prebaceno je ovde zbog circular dependancy
        public void UpdateGroup(int GroupId, string name, int?ClassroomId, TimeSpans TimeSpan)
            //provera da li je ucionica slobodna u to vreme, bacice exeption ako nije
            if (ClassroomId != null && TimeSpan != null)
                groupService.CheckIfClassroomIsAvailable(ClassroomId.Value, TimeSpan, GroupId);

            //provera da li su svi Studenti slobodni u to vreme, bacice exeption ako nisu
            var studs = _context.GroupsStudents.Where(a => a.GroupId == GroupId).Select(a => a.StudentId).ToList();

            this.CheckIfAvailable(TimeSpan, studs, GroupId);

            Groups g = _context.Groups.First(a => a.GroupId == GroupId);

            if (name != null)
                g.Name = name;
            if (ClassroomId != null)
                g.ClassroomId = ClassroomId;
            if (TimeSpan != null)
                g.TimeSpan = TimeSpan;

        // provera da li studend moze biti dodan u grupu
        public void TryAddToGroup(int StudentId, int GroupId)
            //proveri da li dolazi do nekonzistentnosti raspodele
            //provera da li Student vec postoji u toj grupi
            var otherStuds =
                _context.GroupsStudents.Where(a => a.GroupId == GroupId).Select(a => a.StudentId).ToList();

            if (otherStuds.Contains(StudentId))
                throw new InconsistentDivisionException("Student već pripada toj grupi.");

            //proverva konzistentnost sa ostalim grupama, bacice exeption ako nije
            groupService.CheckConsistencyWithOtherGroups(GroupId, new List <int>()

            //provera da li je Student slobodan u vreme kada ta grupa ima cas
            TimeSpans GroupTs = _context.Groups.Where(a => a.GroupId == GroupId).Select(a => a.TimeSpan).First();

            if (GroupTs != null && !CheckIfAvailable(StudentId, GroupTs))
                string Name    = GetStudentName(StudentId);
                string message = "Student (" + Name + ") nije slobodan u vreme kada grupa ima cas";
                message += " (" + TimeSpan.ToString(GroupTs) + " ).";
                throw new InconsistentDivisionException(message);
        public void AddActivity(int StudentId, int?GroupId, int?ClassroomId, TimeSpans TimeSpan, string Place,
                                string Title, string content)

            Activities act = new Activities
                GroupId         = GroupId,
                TimeSpanId      = TimeSpan.TimeSpanId,
                ClassroomId     = ClassroomId,
                Place           = Place,
                Title           = Title,
                ActivityContent = content,
                Cancelling      = false,


            StudentsActivities sa = new StudentsActivities
                StudentId  = StudentId,
                ActivityId = act.ActivityId,
                Ignore     = false,
                Alert      = false


Exemple #6
        //pretvara iz timespana ili formata[dayOfWeek, Period, timeStart, timeEnd] u timespan
        public static TimeSpans getTimeSpan(GroupsController.TimeSpanBinding bind)
            if (bind == null)

            TimeSpans ts = new TimeSpans();

            if (bind.Period == 0)
                ts.Period    = bind.Period;
                ts.StartDate = bind.StartDate.Value;
                ts.EndDate   = bind.EndDate.Value;
                //nedelja je 0
                if (bind.Period == 0)
                    bind.Period = 7;

                DateTime mon = DateTime.Now.StartOfWeek();
                ts.StartDate = mon.AddDays(bind.DayOfWeek.Value - 1);
                ts.EndDate   = ts.StartDate;
                ts.StartDate = ts.StartDate.Add(convertHM(bind.TimeStart));
                ts.EndDate   = ts.EndDate.Add(convertHM(bind.TimeEnd));
                ts.Period    = bind.Period;
Exemple #7
        public static bool Overlap(TimeSpans paramA, TimeSpans paramB)
            if (paramA == null || paramB == null)
            //moram da kopiram jer se prenosi po referenci
            TimeSpans a = Copy(paramA);
            TimeSpans b = Copy(paramB);

            if (a.Period == null && b.Period == null)
                return(DatesOverlap(a.StartDate, a.EndDate, b.StartDate, b.EndDate));

            if (a.Period != null && a.Period > 0)
                a.StartDate = a.StartDate.DayOfReferencedWeek(b.StartDate, a.Period.Value);
                a.EndDate   = a.EndDate.DayOfReferencedWeek(b.EndDate, a.Period.Value);

            if (b.Period != null && b.Period > 0)
                b.StartDate = b.StartDate.DayOfReferencedWeek(a.StartDate, b.Period.Value);
                b.EndDate   = b.EndDate.DayOfReferencedWeek(a.EndDate, b.Period.Value);

            return(TimeSpanOverlap(a, b));
Exemple #8
        // moze lepse da se organizuje funkcija
        public static string ToString(TimeSpans ts)
            var ret = "";

            if (ts == null)
            if (ts.Period != 1)
                ret += ts.StartDate.ToStr();
                if (ts.StartDate.Date != ts.EndDate.Date)
                    ret += " - " + ts.EndDate.ToStr();
                    ret += " - " + ts.EndDate.ToString("HH:mm");
                ret += ts.StartDate.DayOfWeek.ToStr() + " ";
                ret += ts.StartDate.ToString("HH:mm");
                ret += " - " + ts.EndDate.ToString("HH:mm");
Exemple #9
        //GroupId je grupa ciji cas treba zanemariti (grupa koja menja ucionicu
        public bool CheckIfAvailable(int ClassroomId, TimeSpans ts, int?GroupId = null)
            List <TimeSpans> groupsSchedule = _context.Groups
                                              .Where(a => a.ClassroomId == ClassroomId &&
                                                     (GroupId == null || a.GroupId != GroupId) && // da ne uzme u obzir trenutni ts grupe, posto se ionako menja
                                                     TimeSpan.DatesOverlap(a.Division.Beginning, a.Division.Ending, ts.StartDate, ts.EndDate) &&
                                                     groupsService.IsActive(a.GroupId, ts))       //provera da li raspodela kojoj grupa pripada i dalje vazi_
                                              .Select(a => a.TimeSpan).ToList();

            List <TimeSpans> activitiesSchedule =
                _context.Activities.Where(a => a.ClassroomId == ClassroomId &&
                .Select(a => a.TimeSpan).ToList();

            List <TimeSpans> schedule = groupsSchedule.Concat(activitiesSchedule).ToList();

            if (schedule.Any(TimeSpan => Services.TimeSpan.Overlap(TimeSpan, ts)))
                string ClassroomNumber = _context.Classrooms.First(a => a.ClassroomId == ClassroomId).Number;
                throw new InconsistentDivisionException("Ucionica (" + ClassroomNumber + ") nije slobodna u to vreme (" + TimeSpan.ToString(ts) + ").");

Exemple #10
        public TimeSpan ShouldReturnMaximumTimeSpan(TimeSpan first, TimeSpan second)
            // when
            var max = TimeSpans.Max(first, second);

            // then
Exemple #11
        public TimeSpan ShouldReturnMinimumTimeSpan(TimeSpan first, TimeSpan second)
            // when
            var min = TimeSpans.Min(first, second);

            // then
Exemple #12
        public TimeSpan ShouldReturnAbsoluteTimeSpan(TimeSpan timespan)
            // when
            var abs = TimeSpans.Abs(timespan);

            // then
Exemple #13
        public void SwitchTimeSpans(TimeSpans span)

            //CurrentViewType = viewType;
        public bool IsActive(int GroupId, TimeSpans tsNow)
            bool canceled = _context.Activities.Any(ac =>
                                                    !ac.StudentsActivities.Any() && // nece ako se ovde direktno ispita
                                                    ac.GroupId == GroupId && ac.Cancelling == true &&
                                                    TimeSpan.TimeSpanOverlap(ac.TimeSpan, tsNow));

Exemple #15
 public static TimeSpans Copy(TimeSpans a)
     return(new TimeSpans
         StartDate = a.StartDate,
         EndDate = a.EndDate,
         Period = a.Period
        public IEnumerable GetSchedule(int assistantID, int weeksFromNow = 0)
            DateTime  now   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7 * weeksFromNow);
            TimeSpans tsNow = new TimeSpans
                StartDate = now.StartOfWeek(),
                EndDate   = now.EndOfWeek()
            List <int> groups = _context.Groups
                                .Where(a => a.AssistantId == assistantID &&
                                       TimeSpan.DatesOverlap(a.Division.Beginning, a.Division.Ending, tsNow.StartDate, tsNow.EndDate)) //provera da li raspodela kojoj grupa pripada i dalje vazi
                                .Select(a => a.GroupId).ToList();

            List <ScheduleDTO> groupsSchedule = _context.Groups.Where(a => groups.Contains(a.GroupId) && TimeSpan.Overlap(a.TimeSpan, tsNow))
                                                .Select(a => new ScheduleDTO
                Day             = ((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate).DayOfWeek,
                StartMinutes    = (int)((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate).TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes,
                DurationMinutes = (int)(((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.EndDate).Subtract(((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate))).TotalMinutes,
                ClassName       = a.Division.Course.Name,
                Abbr            = a.Division.Course.Alias,
                Classroom       = a.Classroom.Number,
                Assistant       = groupService.GetAssistant(a.Assistant),
                Type            = a.Division.DivisionType.Type,
                Color           = groupService.GetNextColor(a.Division.Course.Name),
                IsClass         = true,
                GroupId         = a.GroupId,

            groupsSchedule.ForEach(a => a.Active        = groupService.IsActive(a.GroupId, tsNow));
            groupsSchedule.ForEach(a => a.Notifications = groupService.GetNotifications(a.GroupId, tsNow));

            List <ScheduleDTO> activitiesSchedule =
                _context.Activities.Where(a => ((a.AssistantId == assistantID ||
                                                 (a.GroupId != null && a.Cancelling == false && groups.Contains(a.GroupId.Value)) ||
                                                 (!a.StudentsActivities.Any() && a.GroupId == null)) &&
                                                TimeSpan.Overlap(a.TimeSpan, tsNow)))
                .Select(a => new ScheduleDTO
                Day             = ((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate).DayOfWeek,
                StartMinutes    = (int)((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate).TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes,
                DurationMinutes = (int)(((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.EndDate).Subtract(((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate))).TotalMinutes,
                Active          = true,
                Color           = groupService.GetNextColor(a.Title),
                ActivityTitle   = a.Title,
                ActivityContent = a.ActivityContent,
                IsClass         = false,
                ActivityId      = a.ActivityId,
                Assistant       = groupService.GetAssistant(a.Assistant),
                Classroom       = a.Classroom.Number,
                Place           = a.Place
            List <ScheduleDTO> returnValue = groupsSchedule.Concat(activitiesSchedule).ToList();

Exemple #17
 private int GetPhaseIndex(string phase)
     if (!_indices.ContainsKey(phase))
         _indices.Add(phase, AllPhases.Count);
         TimeSpans.Add(new TimeSpan());
        public IEnumerable GetSchedule(int ClassroomId, int weeksFromNow = 0)
            DateTime  now   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7 * weeksFromNow);
            TimeSpans tsNow = new TimeSpans
                StartDate = now.StartOfWeek(),
                EndDate   = now.EndOfWeek()

            List <int> groups = _context.Groups
                                .Where(a => a.ClassroomId == ClassroomId &&
                                       TimeSpan.DatesOverlap(a.Division.Beginning, a.Division.Ending, tsNow.StartDate,
                                                             tsNow.EndDate)) //provera da li raspodela kojoj grupa pripada i dalje vazi
                                .Select(a => a.GroupId).ToList();

            List <ScheduleDTO> groupsSchedule =
                _context.Groups.Where(a => groups.Contains(a.GroupId) && TimeSpan.Overlap(a.TimeSpan, tsNow))
                .Select(a => new ScheduleDTO
                Day             = a.TimeSpan.StartDate.DayOfWeek,
                StartMinutes    = (int)a.TimeSpan.StartDate.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes,
                DurationMinutes = (int)(a.TimeSpan.EndDate.Subtract(a.TimeSpan.StartDate)).TotalMinutes,
                ClassName       = a.Division.Course.Name + " " + a.Name,
                Abbr            = a.Name + " " + a.Division.Course.Alias,
                Classroom       = a.Classroom.Number,
                Assistant       = this.GetAssistant(a.GroupId),
                Type            = a.Division.DivisionType.Type,
                Active          = this.IsActive(a.GroupId, tsNow),
                Color           = this.GetNextColor(a.Division.Course.Name),
                IsClass         = true,

            List <ScheduleDTO> activitiesSchedule =
                _context.Activities.Where(a => a.ClassroomId == ClassroomId &&
                                          !this.IsStudentActivity(a.ActivityId) && // ne uzima studentove aktivnosti
                                          TimeSpan.Overlap(a.TimeSpan, tsNow))
                .Select(a => new ScheduleDTO
                Day             = a.TimeSpan.StartDate.DayOfWeek,
                StartMinutes    = (int)a.TimeSpan.StartDate.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes,
                DurationMinutes = (int)(a.TimeSpan.EndDate.Subtract(a.TimeSpan.StartDate)).TotalMinutes,
                Active          = true,
                Color           = this.GetNextColor(a.Title),
                ActivityTitle   = a.Title,
                ActivityContent = a.ActivityContent,
                IsClass         = false,

            List <ScheduleDTO> returnValue = groupsSchedule.Concat(activitiesSchedule).ToList();

Exemple #19
        public IActionResult MassGroupEdit([FromBody] MassGroupEditBinding obj)
            //if (!HttpContext.Session.IsAssistant()) return Unauthorized();

            if (obj?.groups == null)
                return(Ok(new { status = "parameter error" }));

                foreach (GroupEditBinding group in obj.groups)
                    if (group.timespan != null)
                        if (group.timespan.Period == null)
                            return(Ok(new { status = "parameter error" }));

                        // nzm zasto ovo nece
                        if (group.timespan.StartDate == null)
                            return(Ok(new { status = "parameter error" }));
                        if (group.timespan.EndDate == null)
                            return(Ok(new { status = "parameter error" }));

                        if (group.timespan.Period.Value != 0 && (group.timespan.TimeStart == null || group.timespan.TimeEnd == null || group.timespan.DayOfWeek == null))
                            return(Ok(new { status = "parameter error" }));

                    //konvertovanje u timeSpan
                    TimeSpans ts = Services.TimeSpan.getTimeSpan(group.timespan);

                    studentService.Update(group.groupID.Value, null, group.classroomID, ts);
                return(Ok(new { status = "uspelo" }));
            catch (InconsistentDivisionException ex)
                return(Ok(new { status = "inconsistent division", message = ex.Message }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Ok(new { status = "neuspelo", message = ex.Message }));
        public void DeleteActivity(int activityId)
            // brisanje TimeSpana
            Activities act = _context.Activities.Include(a => a.TimeSpan).First(a => a.ActivityId == activityId);
            TimeSpans  ts  = act.TimeSpan;

            // brisanje same grupe
            if (ts != null)
        public void RemoveGroup(int groupId)
            // brisanje TimeSpana
            Groups    group = _context.Groups.Include(a => a.TimeSpan).First(a => a.GroupId == groupId);
            TimeSpans ts    = group.TimeSpan;

            // brisanje same grupe
            if (ts != null)
        public List <NotificationDTO> GetNotifications(int GroupId, TimeSpans ts)
            List <NotificationDTO> groupsNotifications = _context.Activities.Where(ac =>
                                                                                   !ac.StudentsActivities.Any() && // nece ako se ovde direktno ispita
                                                                                   ac.GroupId == GroupId &&
                                                                                   TimeSpan.TimeSpanOverlap(ac.TimeSpan, ts))
                                                         .Select(ac => new NotificationDTO
                ActivityId      = ac.ActivityId,
                ActivityContent = ac.ActivityContent,
                Title           = ac.Title,
                ClassroomId     = ac.ClassroomId,
                Place           = ac.Place

        public void AddActivity(int assistantId, int?groupId, int?classroomId, TimeSpans timeSpan, string place,
                                string title, string content)

            Activities act = new Activities
                TimeSpanId      = timeSpan.TimeSpanId,
                ClassroomId     = classroomId,
                Place           = place,
                Title           = title,
                ActivityContent = content,
                GroupId         = groupId,
                Cancelling      = false,
                AssistantId     = assistantId,

Exemple #24
        public void SerializeTimeSpansAsTicksAndStrings()
            var timeSpans = new TimeSpans(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(902312));
            var client    = new ElasticClient();

            var json = client.RequestResponseSerializer.SerializeToString(timeSpans);


            TimeSpans deserialized;

            using (var stream = client.ConnectionSettings.MemoryStreamFactory.Create(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
                deserialized = client.RequestResponseSerializer.Deserialize <TimeSpans>(stream);

Exemple #25
        public void SerializeMaxTimeSpansAsTicksAndStrings()
            var timeSpans = new TimeSpans(TimeSpan.MaxValue);
            var client    = new ElasticClient();

            var json = client.RequestResponseSerializer.SerializeToString(timeSpans);


            TimeSpans deserialized;

            using (var stream = client.ConnectionSettings.MemoryStreamFactory.Create(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
                deserialized = client.RequestResponseSerializer.Deserialize <TimeSpans>(stream);

        public void CancelClass(int groupId, string title, string content, TimeSpans timeSpan)
            if (!IsActive(groupId, timeSpan))
                throw new Exception("Čas je već otkazan.");

            Activities act = new Activities
                Title           = title,
                ActivityContent = content,
                GroupId         = groupId,
                Cancelling      = true,
                TimeSpanId      = timeSpan.TimeSpanId

Exemple #27
        public IEnumerable GetSchedule(int departmentId, int weeksFromNow = 0)
            DateTime  now   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7 * weeksFromNow);
            TimeSpans tsNow = new TimeSpans
                StartDate = now.StartOfWeek(),
                EndDate   = now.EndOfWeek()

            List <int> groups = _context.Groups
                                .Where(g => g.Division.DepartmentId == departmentId &&
                                       TimeSpan.DatesOverlap(g.Division.Beginning, g.Division.Ending, tsNow.StartDate, tsNow.EndDate))
                                .Select(g => g.GroupId).ToList();

            if (groups.Count == 0)

            List <ScheduleDTO> returnValue = _context.Groups.Where(a => groups.Contains(a.GroupId) && TimeSpan.Overlap(a.TimeSpan, tsNow))
                                             .Select(a => new ScheduleDTO
                Day             = ((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate).DayOfWeek,
                StartMinutes    = (int)((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate).TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes,
                DurationMinutes = (int)(((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.EndDate).Subtract(((DateTime)a.TimeSpan.StartDate))).TotalMinutes,
                ClassName       = a.Division.Course.Name + " " + a.Name,
                Abbr            = a.Name + " " + a.Division.Course.Alias,
                Classroom       = a.Classroom.Number,
                Assistant       = groupsService.GetAssistant(a.Assistant),
                Type            = a.Division.DivisionType.Type,
                Color           = groupsService.GetNextColor(a.Division.Course.Name),
                IsClass         = true,
                GroupId         = a.GroupId

            returnValue.ForEach(a => a.Active = groupsService.IsActive(a.GroupId, tsNow));

Exemple #28
        public IActionResult AddActivity([FromBody] AddActivityBinding obj)
            //if (!HttpContext.Session.IsStudent()) return Unauthorized();

            if (obj.timeSpan == null)
                return(Ok(new { status = "parameter error" }));

                //konvertovanje u timeSpan
                TimeSpans ts = Services.TimeSpan.getTimeSpan(obj.timeSpan);

                studentService.AddActivity(HttpContext.User.GetId(), obj.groupID, obj.classroomID, ts,, obj.title, obj.content);
                return(Ok(new { status = "success" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Ok(new { status = "error", message = ex.Message }));
        public bool CheckIfAvailable(TimeSpans ts, List <int> Students, int?GroupId = null)
            if (ts == null)

            var unaveliable = _context.Students
                              .Where(a => Students.Contains(a.StudentId) && !CheckIfAvailable(a.StudentId, ts, GroupId))
                              .Select(a => a.UniMembers.Name + " " + a.UniMembers.Surname).ToList();

            if (unaveliable.Any())
                string exp = unaveliable.Count() > 1
                    ? "Studenti nisu slobodni u vreme kada grupa ima cas"
                    : "Student nije slobodan u vreme kada grupa ima cas";
                exp += " (" + TimeSpan.ToString(ts) + ").\n";
                exp += String.Join("\n", unaveliable);
                throw new InconsistentDivisionException(exp);

        // vraca vreme kAda grupa ima cas u naredne 4 nedelje
        public IEnumerable GetActivityTimes(int groupId)
            TimeSpans groupTs = _context.Groups.Where(a => a.GroupId == groupId).Select(a => a.TimeSpan).First();

            if (groupTs == null)
            int period = groupTs.Period ?? 1;
            List <TimeSpans> returnValue = new List <TimeSpans>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                TimeSpans ts = new TimeSpans
                    StartDate = groupTs.StartDate.DayOfReferencedWeek(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7 * i), period),
                    EndDate   = groupTs.EndDate.DayOfReferencedWeek(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7 * i), period)
